Adios, Global Warming


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2018
Science Matters

Adios, Global Warming​

May 8 by Ron Clutz


The post below updates the UAH record of air temperatures over land and ocean. But as an overview consider how recent rapid cooling has now completely overcome the warming from the last 3 El Ninos (1998, 2010 and 2016). The UAH record shows that the effects of the last one are now gone as of April 2021. (UAH baseline is now 1991-2020).


For reference I added an overlay of CO2 annual concentrations as measured at Moana Loa. While temperatures fluctuated up and down ending flat, CO2 went up steadily by ~55 ppm, a 15% increase.

Furthermore, going back to previous warmings prior to the satellite record shows that the entire rise of 0.8C since 1947 is due to oceanic, not human activity.



Now watch how the chart is a flypaper to the prejudiced warmist/alarmist who will refuse to read the rest of the long article, thus making a fool of themselves.

The El-Nino based warming is always short term and mostly erased the next few years by cooling drops afterwards.



The world started its long cooldown when El-Nino's became a lot more common and deeper in intensity, it is a sign of a cooling world.
Science Matters

Adios, Global Warming​

May 8 by Ron Clutz


The post below updates the UAH record of air temperatures over land and ocean. But as an overview consider how recent rapid cooling has now completely overcome the warming from the last 3 El Ninos (1998, 2010 and 2016). The UAH record shows that the effects of the last one are now gone as of April 2021. (UAH baseline is now 1991-2020).

View attachment 523179
For reference I added an overlay of CO2 annual concentrations as measured at Moana Loa. While temperatures fluctuated up and down ending flat, CO2 went up steadily by ~55 ppm, a 15% increase.

Furthermore, going back to previous warmings prior to the satellite record shows that the entire rise of 0.8C since 1947 is due to oceanic, not human activity.



Now watch how the chart is a flypaper to the prejudiced warmist/alarmist who will refuse to read the rest of the long article, thus making a fool of themselves.

The El-Nino based warming is always short term and mostly erased the next few years by cooling drops afterwards.

View attachment 523185


The world started its long cooldown when El-Nino's became a lot more common and deeper in intensity, it is a sign of a cooling world.
From Science Matters. There are articles on there used to tell us how climate agreements don't work that show the temperature continuing to increase after each agreement. That's the direct opposite of what this link shows. They also have articles that they use to blame el nino event for climate change that show the temperature going up during the event and not coming back down afterwards. Again, the direct opposite of your link. All in the same science denying rag.

Source is crap, author is a whack-job, post dismissed.
Watts Up With That?

Does The Climate-Science Industry Purposely Ignore A Simple Aspect of Strong El Niño Events That Causes Long-Term Global Warming?​

January 2019

Bob Tisdale


It was a little more than 10 years ago that I published my first blog posts on the obvious upward steps in the sea surface temperatures of a large portion of the global oceans…upward steps that are caused by El Niño events…upward steps that lead to sunlight-fueled, naturally occurring global warming.

There is a very simple explanation for those El Niño-caused upward shifts that also make themselves known in the sea surface temperature data for much larger portion of the global oceans than I first presented a decade ago…the upward steps that are blatantly obvious in the satellite-era (starts November 1981) of sea surface temperature data for the South Atlantic, Indian and West Pacific Oceans, as shown in Figure 1, which together cover about 52% of the surfaces of the global oceans.,629

Figure 1

NOTE: The upward steps are not a peculiarity of the sea surface temperature dataset (NOAA’s Reynolds OI.v2) presented in Figure 1. They are also plainly visible in the graphs for the same region using the UKMO HADISST dataset (graph here) and using NOAA’s “Pause-Buster” ERSST.v5 dataset (graph here). Of course, Tom Karl’s “Pause Buster” sea surface temperature data show the most warming. [End note.]



More evidence that CO2 isn't a climate driver......
This falls in line with a long running decrease in CO2 warm forcing effect:

From No Tricks Zone

An Update On The Gradually Declining Climate Sensitivity

The graph shown in Scafetta et al. (2017) ends in 2014, which means that papers published in the last 3 years are not included. Also, there were several other published climate sensitivity papers from the last decade that were excluded from the analysis, possibly because they did not include and/or specify TCR and/or ECS estimates in isolation, but instead just used a generic doubled-CO2 climate sensitivity value (shown in purple here).

Below is a new, updated graph that (1) includes some of the previously unidentified papers and (2) adds the 10 – 12 climate sensitivity papers published in the last 3 years. Notice, again, that the trend found in published papers has continued downwards, gradually heading towards zero. The reference list for the over 20 additional papers used for the updated analysis is also included below.




130+ Papers Find Extremely Low CO2 Climate Sensitivity

(a) Quantified Low Climate Sensitivity to Doubled CO2

Science Matters

Adios, Global Warming​

May 8 by Ron Clutz


The post below updates the UAH record of air temperatures over land and ocean. But as an overview consider how recent rapid cooling has now completely overcome the warming from the last 3 El Ninos (1998, 2010 and 2016). The UAH record shows that the effects of the last one are now gone as of April 2021. (UAH baseline is now 1991-2020).

View attachment 523179
For reference I added an overlay of CO2 annual concentrations as measured at Moana Loa. While temperatures fluctuated up and down ending flat, CO2 went up steadily by ~55 ppm, a 15% increase.

Furthermore, going back to previous warmings prior to the satellite record shows that the entire rise of 0.8C since 1947 is due to oceanic, not human activity.



Now watch how the chart is a flypaper to the prejudiced warmist/alarmist who will refuse to read the rest of the long article, thus making a fool of themselves.

The El-Nino based warming is always short term and mostly erased the next few years by cooling drops afterwards.

View attachment 523185


The world started its long cooldown when El-Nino's became a lot more common and deeper in intensity, it is a sign of a cooling world.
Fucked up bullshit graph. Note that on this UAH graph, the present low of +0.2 is higher than all but one month prior to 1997. And we are in a La Nina. You remain a rather silly liar.


Watts Up With That?

Does The Climate-Science Industry Purposely Ignore A Simple Aspect of Strong El Niño Events That Causes Long-Term Global Warming?​

January 2019

Bob Tisdale


It was a little more than 10 years ago that I published my first blog posts on the obvious upward steps in the sea surface temperatures of a large portion of the global oceans…upward steps that are caused by El Niño events…upward steps that lead to sunlight-fueled, naturally occurring global warming.

There is a very simple explanation for those El Niño-caused upward shifts that also make themselves known in the sea surface temperature data for much larger portion of the global oceans than I first presented a decade ago…the upward steps that are blatantly obvious in the satellite-era (starts November 1981) of sea surface temperature data for the South Atlantic, Indian and West Pacific Oceans, as shown in Figure 1, which together cover about 52% of the surfaces of the global oceans.,629
View attachment 523205

Figure 1

NOTE: The upward steps are not a peculiarity of the sea surface temperature dataset (NOAA’s Reynolds OI.v2) presented in Figure 1. They are also plainly visible in the graphs for the same region using the UKMO HADISST dataset (graph here) and using NOAA’s “Pause-Buster” ERSST.v5 dataset (graph here). Of course, Tom Karl’s “Pause Buster” sea surface temperature data show the most warming. [End note.]



More evidence that CO2 isn't a climate driver......
First you post something that says their is no increase, then you post a graph that says there is. Of course The name El Nino and La Nina existed long before they were adapted by the climate scientists. And the temperatures of the oceans remained pretty much the same for the centuries that those fluctuations were monitored. It is only after the industrial revolution and the ocean temperatures started rising. As we continually added more GHGs to the atmosphere, both the atmosphere and the oceans have warmed.
This falls in line with a long running decrease in CO2 warm forcing effect:

From No Tricks Zone

An Update On The Gradually Declining Climate Sensitivity

The graph shown in Scafetta et al. (2017) ends in 2014, which means that papers published in the last 3 years are not included. Also, there were several other published climate sensitivity papers from the last decade that were excluded from the analysis, possibly because they did not include and/or specify TCR and/or ECS estimates in isolation, but instead just used a generic doubled-CO2 climate sensitivity value (shown in purple here).

Below is a new, updated graph that (1) includes some of the previously unidentified papers and (2) adds the 10 – 12 climate sensitivity papers published in the last 3 years. Notice, again, that the trend found in published papers has continued downwards, gradually heading towards zero. The reference list for the over 20 additional papers used for the updated analysis is also included below.

View attachment 523213



130+ Papers Find Extremely Low CO2 Climate Sensitivity

(a) Quantified Low Climate Sensitivity to Doubled CO2

Very interesting. Now, given what we are seeing now, and have seen in the last five years, whatever the number for the sensitivity is, the fires, floods, and storms seem to indicate that even at a low sensitivity, we are going to see major impacts, almost all negative, on the human population from that sensitivity.
First you post something that says their is no increase, then you post a graph that says there is. Of course The name El Nino and La Nina existed long before they were adapted by the climate scientists. And the temperatures of the oceans remained pretty much the same for the centuries that those fluctuations were monitored. It is only after the industrial revolution and the ocean temperatures started rising. As we continually added more GHGs to the atmosphere, both the atmosphere and the oceans have warmed.

You are a poor reader since the first chart is AIR temperature only, while Bob's chart is OCEAN temperature.

You never addressed the fact that warming is nearly all due to El-Nino's since the late 1980's, CO2 not causing any of it.

30 to go
Very interesting. Now, given what we are seeing now, and have seen in the last five years, whatever the number for the sensitivity is, the fires, floods, and storms seem to indicate that even at a low sensitivity, we are going to see major impacts, almost all negative, on the human population from that sensitivity.

Sensitivity numbers are for CO2 effect, which has been getting smaller for almost 20 years now while the IPCC doesn't change at all...... :auiqs.jpg:

No increase in wildfires (increase in media sensationalism) no increase in Tropical storm activity (increased media sensationalism) no increase in major Tornadoes (increase in media sensationalism) no increase in Drought (increased media sensationalism)

You have no idea what sensitivity is about, for sure it has nothing to do with weather.....:cuckoo:

29 to go
Great, great stuff 2021. Nobody buys that Spencer shit anymore except the deep matrix dwellers......the handful who follow that site! :2up:

Oh........and absolutely nobody is moved by the vids of the California wildfires anymore. People know that is the only shithole place burning to the ground every few months. Its a big yawn for most these days. In fact, most people look at that now the same way they look at the dolts who buy oceanfront beach houses on the ocean only to see it train wrecked in a hurricane. Nobody cares. The attitude being, "Hey......if you are going to live in a home in California where it is a furnace 4 months a year, youre an asshole!":funnyface::funnyface::funnyface:
No increase in wildfires (increase in media sensationalism) no increase in Tropical storm activity (increased media sensationalism) no increase in major Tornadoes (increase in media sensationalism) no increase in Drought (increased media sensationalism)

You have no idea what sensitivity is about, for sure it has nothing to do with weather.....:cuckoo:

29 to go
What a liar you are;


From Science Matters. There are articles on there used to tell us how climate agreements don't work that show the temperature continuing to increase after each agreement. That's the direct opposite of what this link shows. They also have articles that they use to blame el nino event for climate change that show the temperature going up during the event and not coming back down afterwards. Again, the direct opposite of your link. All in the same science denying rag.

Source is crap, author is a whack-job, post dismissed.
its sad that no scientist living or dead has ever proved climate change is man made

NASA doesn't agree with you as the SATELLITE data shows a DECLINE since 2003 up to 2015:

Building a Long-Term Record of Fire


Updated Satellite chart that covers the years 2000-2020




Australian data doesn't agree with you:


Canadian data doesn't agree with you:


Time Magazine with science database sources doesn't agree with you


A quote from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC):

A recent analysis using the Global Fire Emissions Database v.4 (GFED4s) that includes small fires concluded that the net reduction in land area burnt globally during 1998–2015 was –24.3 ± 8.8% (–1.35 ± 0.49% yr–1) (Andela et al. 2017)



They are lying?
Science Matters

Adios, Global Warming​

May 8 by Ron Clutz


The post below updates the UAH record of air temperatures over land and ocean. But as an overview consider how recent rapid cooling has now completely overcome the warming from the last 3 El Ninos (1998, 2010 and 2016). The UAH record shows that the effects of the last one are now gone as of April 2021. (UAH baseline is now 1991-2020).

View attachment 523179
For reference I added an overlay of CO2 annual concentrations as measured at Moana Loa. While temperatures fluctuated up and down ending flat, CO2 went up steadily by ~55 ppm, a 15% increase.

Furthermore, going back to previous warmings prior to the satellite record shows that the entire rise of 0.8C since 1947 is due to oceanic, not human activity.



Now watch how the chart is a flypaper to the prejudiced warmist/alarmist who will refuse to read the rest of the long article, thus making a fool of themselves.

The El-Nino based warming is always short term and mostly erased the next few years by cooling drops afterwards.

View attachment 523185


The world started its long cooldown when El-Nino's became a lot more common and deeper in intensity, it is a sign of a cooling world.
And the ENSO recharge rate has fallen by 60%... Ocean heating to depth has been significantly reduced.

Anyone want to guess why??

Dr. David Hathaway noted in 2010-2012 that the suns surface was cooling slightly. This cooling causes the suns output to cool. The wavelength of the suns output shifted. The region of downwelling solar radiation which warms the oceans to depth (500-700 meters) is a very narrow band 0.2um - 0.6um. The cooling of the surface of the sun took the energy from this band and it moved to 1.8um - 4.6um, a region that can not penetrate the skin of the oceans and where evaporation defeats the energy. Simply put, the wavelength of the energy was made larger and this larger wave can not penetrate the oceans surface.

The large El Niño's are due to energy being pushed from the ocean to the atmosphere which is cooling. Our ENSO energy buffer is now gone. Cooling is now all that is left that can happen.

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