Adam Schiff's Jig is Up! Woo Hippity Hoo!

Trumpers seem a little...."triggered" by the guy who let the cat out of the bag...

what a surprise.

Too bad though.

The cat IS out of the bag and punishing the WB isn't going to change warm and fuzzy as it may make these disgusting Trump sycophants feel...
I repeat
That Tucker Carlson guy is one of the American television's biggest political propagandist hacks. He has no credibility and is one of the last people for referring anyone else to being a hack. His specialty is brainwashing and scamming dupes, suckers, and lemmings.

Evidence ?

Or do those around you swallow you load without thinking about what it is that they are sucking on ?

This whole Ukraine bullshit is starting to look like the Russia Collusion bullshit.

If it looks like bullshit, smells like bullshit and sounds like bullshit.....guess what ?
Whistle blower protections = protection from retribution.

Whistle blower protections =/= identity protection

I don't know how many times you have to tell these stupid fucking demonrats on this forum that "whistle blower protections" have NOTHING to do with anonymity.

For that matter, this guy doesn't even fit the definition of a whistle blower anyway. So NONE of this "protection" applies to him anyway. Being a legal "whistle blower" is a very specific legal term with very specific requirements. Just "snitching" is not a whistle blower.

Twice is too many
A million will never be enough
Yes you do get to be anonymous as a WB, to protect you from retaliation and intimidation and the IG under LAW can not reveal the WB with few exceptions, like a court order from a judge in a criminal proceeding.
NOWHERE in the statute does it state that a whistleblower identity is to remain hidden. NOWHERE

Get educated ffs. Really sucks ballz that idiots like you get to cancel my vote with your uninformed vote.
The law states the IG can not reveal them if the WB chooses to stay anonymous, with very few exceptions.
Whistleblower protection in the United States - Wikipedia

Office of Inspector General
Section 7 of the Inspector General Act states that “[t]he Inspector General shall not, after receipt of a complaint or information from an employee, disclose the identity of the employee without the consent of the employee, unless the Inspector General determines such disclosure is unavoidable during the course of the investigation.”

You only quoted a law stating the IG is not allowed to disclose it. But that's it. GMU is right. NOWHERE does it say the whistle blower's identity has to remain hidden.

Ok. Is DT Junior the IG? Is anyone else other than the IG the IG? Then that law does not pertain to them.

Thanks for playing.

A true whistleblower tells the IG
Then neither tells anyone else
That's how a true whistleblower remains anonymous
There is no whistleblower in this story.
One may as well try to look for the humor in this embarrassing mess.

I flipped back and forth last night during halftime between Fox and MSNBC.

Fox: "They have nothing!" MSNBC: "They have everything!"

Alternate universes. Try to laugh.
Trumpers seem a little...."triggered" by the guy who let the cat out of the bag...

what a surprise.

Too bad though.

The cat IS out of the bag and punishing the WB isn't going to change warm and fuzzy as it may make these disgusting Trump sycophants feel...
I repeat

Stop repeating lies then, geesh!
Trumpers seem a little...."triggered" by the guy who let the cat out of the bag...

what a surprise.

Too bad though.

The cat IS out of the bag and punishing the WB isn't going to change warm and fuzzy as it may make these disgusting Trump sycophants feel...
I repeat

Stop repeating lies then, geesh!
What "lie" are you talking about?
Trumpers seem a little...."triggered" by the guy who let the cat out of the bag...

what a surprise.

Too bad though.

The cat IS out of the bag and punishing the WB isn't going to change warm and fuzzy as it may make these disgusting Trump sycophants feel...
I repeat

Stop repeating lies then, geesh!
What "lie" are you talking about?

Could literally be anything that you've ever posted
this investigation has gone on longer than Game Of Thrones, and Trump has come out leaner, meaner, and stronger!
Schiff elevated leaking and lying into an art form. he should be locked up in jail!
Trumpers seem a little...."triggered" by the guy who let the cat out of the bag...

what a surprise.

Too bad though.

The cat IS out of the bag and punishing the WB isn't going to change warm and fuzzy as it may make these disgusting Trump sycophants feel...
I repeat

Stop repeating lies then, geesh!
What "lie" are you talking about?

Whatever you posted then reposted by quoting yourself, silly.
Yes you do get to be anonymous as a WB, to protect you from retaliation and intimidation and the IG under LAW can not reveal the WB with few exceptions, like a court order from a judge in a criminal proceeding.
NOWHERE in the statute does it state that a whistleblower identity is to remain hidden. NOWHERE

Get educated ffs. Really sucks ballz that idiots like you get to cancel my vote with your uninformed vote.
The law states the IG can not reveal them if the WB chooses to stay anonymous, with very few exceptions.
Whistleblower protection in the United States - Wikipedia

Office of Inspector General
Section 7 of the Inspector General Act states that “[t]he Inspector General shall not, after receipt of a complaint or information from an employee, disclose the identity of the employee without the consent of the employee, unless the Inspector General determines such disclosure is unavoidable during the course of the investigation.”
Can you read???

It applies specifically to ONE PERSON.
Yes, they only list the inspector general(s), but that is because the ICIG is the ONLY person/people that can know who the whistleblower is for certain, other than the Whistleblower him or her self...

Do you think the whistle blower protection given if reporting it thru the proper channels, the ICIG, was created and given to them for only the ICIG to keep their identity secret, but every single other person in the government can expose the whistleblower?

That it would be A-OK for others to rat the WB out, and only the IG couldn't?

I think your and the heads of others, are screwed on crooked, if you actually believe that.....? :D Mainly because I think it would defeat the whole purpose of the new whistleblower protections given under Obama....? They were put in there to encourage more whistleblowers to come forward within the gvt when they see wrong doing to W B vs dropping classified info, in to the press or wikileaks....


Is Trump's and other congress critters request for the media to out the whistleblower, retaliation? Is Trump breaking the whistle blower law or the spirit of the protection from superiors...?

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