Adam Schiff's Jig is Up! Woo Hippity Hoo!

How can a Democrat hack be a whistleblower, pray tell? Because Adam Schiff keeps his name a secret for over a year before he strikes like the snake that he is? :lmao:
B, how would you feel if you were working in government for ten, fifteen years and the current administration was Democrats and one of them was doing something illegal, but when you reported them under the whistleblower act, you were completely laughed out of town and discredited because you are a conservative?
Would that seem fair to you?
Only conservatives have a say in what is right or wrong now? All others will be ignored or worse?
the left also brought us kavanaugh. that turned out to simply be a lie to protect what they felt important. i didn't see a lot of sympathy for the other side from them nor what they were doing to otherwise innocent people.

when these types of games end it will be much easier to take them seriously. otherwise, how do i know this is simply not *another* kavanaugh?

What, precisely, was found to be a lie? Uncorroborated doesn't equal disproven.

Yes it does.
An uncorroborated statement or claim is not supported by any evidence or information .

No, it doesn’t. Iceberg couldn’t point out the lie he claimed existed in regards to Kavanaugh. Can you?

Calls for Kavanaugh’s Impeachment Come Amid New Misconduct Allegations

hold on , they're making one up right now -
One may as well try to look for the humor in this embarrassing mess.

I flipped back and forth last night during halftime between Fox and MSNBC.

Fox: "They have nothing!" MSNBC: "They have everything!"

Alternate universes. Try to laugh.
well thats the way it is in many threads here.....the righties and lefties will watch the same show and it seems after their comments that they were watching 2 different shows....
Not really. One seeks to absorb facts and other seeks to cover facts with faked feelings.
yea really....when it comes to politics,people see what they want to see...
Yeah, except the guy didn't just go to the IG, did he? No one, outside the IG, has any obligation to keep the guys name quiet. Nothing in the law can tie the hand of reporters if they know his name.

Y'all have sure made excuses for outting the guy, because you know what you've done. You know what you've sentenced him to and you're glad of it, but you'll hide from taking any responsibility for it at the same time.
Bullies. Nothing but bullies.


ABC is a bully, or was it NBC, that originally outed this fellow?

A few other of 'news agencies' outed this poor fellow also.

Do your homework, stop acting uneducated.
November 7, 2019 at 10:41 p.m. EST
Tweets on Wednesday by Donald Trump Jr. capped more than a month of efforts by President Trump’s allies to surface the supposed name of a whistleblower whose complaint about a July 25 phone call led to the House’s impeachment inquiry.

Most news organizations, including The Washington Post, have withheld the name of the whistleblower, whose complaint about Trump’s call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has been largely confirmed by diplomats and others with firsthand knowledge as well as by a reconstructed transcript released by the White House. The whistleblower’s name has been kept confidential by U.S. officials, in line with federal law designed to prevent retaliation.

But the supposed name of the whistleblower has been circulating in conservative corners of social media since at least Oct. 3, culminating in Trump Jr.’s Wednesday morning retweet of a Breitbart News article that named an individual. During one 24-hour period last week, the CIA officer’s name was mentioned in more than 150,000 tweets.
Riddle me this............What is the 6th Amendment and the Confrontation clause..............any more questions.
The Sixth Amendment guarantees the rights of criminal defendants....has Trump been charged with a crime?

you do understand that impeachment is not a criminal trial right??

The whole impeachment process is in the constitution too.....

The supreme court has ruled that due process rights extend to congressional investigations. Due try to keep up. It all started with congresscritters telling witnesses they had no 5th amendment right against self incrimination.

Y'all have sure made excuses for outting the guy, because you know what you've done. You know what you've sentenced him to and you're glad of it, but you'll hide from taking any responsibility for it at the same time.
Bullies. Nothing but bullies.


ABC is a bully, or was it NBC, that originally outed this fellow?

A few other of 'news agencies' outed this poor fellow also.

Do your homework, stop acting uneducated.
November 7, 2019 at 10:41 p.m. EST
Tweets on Wednesday by Donald Trump Jr. capped more than a month of efforts by President Trump’s allies to surface the supposed name of a whistleblower whose complaint about a July 25 phone call led to the House’s impeachment inquiry.

Most news organizations, including The Washington Post, have withheld the name of the whistleblower, whose complaint about Trump’s call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has been largely confirmed by diplomats and others with firsthand knowledge as well as by a reconstructed transcript released by the White House. The whistleblower’s name has been kept confidential by U.S. officials, in line with federal law designed to prevent retaliation.

But the supposed name of the whistleblower has been circulating in conservative corners of social media since at least Oct. 3, culminating in Trump Jr.’s Wednesday morning retweet of a Breitbart News article that named an individual. During one 24-hour period last week, the CIA officer’s name was mentioned in more than 150,000 tweets.
Riddle me this............What is the 6th Amendment and the Confrontation clause..............any more questions.
The Sixth Amendment guarantees the rights of criminal defendants....has Trump been charged with a crime?

you do understand that impeachment is not a criminal trial right??

The whole impeachment process is in the constitution too.....

The supreme court has ruled that due process rights extend to congressional investigations. Due try to keep up. It all started with congresscritters telling witnesses they had no 5th amendment right against self incrimination.


Congress isn't a criminal court - no crimes need to be committed for impeachment --

what a bitch, huh.
Discussions of whistle lowers are not relevant unless there really is a whistle blower. Falsely claiming to be a whistle blower as part of a political strategy does not make a person into a whistle blower.
The House majority currently is in full metal jacket mode, gunning for President Trump's removal without so much as a trace of corruption, since the president is getting pretty good counsel from his certified public accountants, juris doctor type lawyers and of course, the indefatigueable Rudy.
Whistle blower protections = protection from retribution.

Whistle blower protections =/= identity protection

I don't know how many times you have to tell these stupid fucking demonrats on this forum that "whistle blower protections" have NOTHING to do with anonymity.

For that matter, this guy doesn't even fit the definition of a whistle blower anyway. So NONE of this "protection" applies to him anyway. Being a legal "whistle blower" is a very specific legal term with very specific requirements. Just "snitching" is not a whistle blower.
Well, some of us see him as a hero. Hope he's not harrassed.
Heroes are not found among those who embellish lies before moving onto higher class lies to be used as propaganda, dear lady. :rolleyes:
You seem to have missed an important question. Can you answer it without a prefab bumper sticker talking point? Can you answer it one lady to another, honestly?

B, how would you feel if you were working in government for ten, fifteen years and the current administration was Democrats and one of them was doing something illegal, but when you reported them under the whistleblower act, you were completely laughed out of town and discredited because you are a conservative?
Would that seem fair to you?
Only conservatives have a say in what is right or wrong now? All others will be ignored or worse?
Crying wolf for 3 years makes people ignore crying wolf yet again. It is now clear that the so called whistleblower is a Dem Hack and thus a BIASED WITNESS..............Never even heard the call............but heard from someone who heard someone who heard someone ................Garbage............

DOJ investigated the complaint and FOUND NO WRONG DOING............these guys there who investigate these matters have been there for decades also.....

Why do you ignore their opinion and only recognize the one that makes Trump the Villain........hmmm.

Your argument and question works both ways.

ABC is a bully, or was it NBC, that originally outed this fellow?

A few other of 'news agencies' outed this poor fellow also.

Do your homework, stop acting uneducated.
November 7, 2019 at 10:41 p.m. EST
Tweets on Wednesday by Donald Trump Jr. capped more than a month of efforts by President Trump’s allies to surface the supposed name of a whistleblower whose complaint about a July 25 phone call led to the House’s impeachment inquiry.

Most news organizations, including The Washington Post, have withheld the name of the whistleblower, whose complaint about Trump’s call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has been largely confirmed by diplomats and others with firsthand knowledge as well as by a reconstructed transcript released by the White House. The whistleblower’s name has been kept confidential by U.S. officials, in line with federal law designed to prevent retaliation.

But the supposed name of the whistleblower has been circulating in conservative corners of social media since at least Oct. 3, culminating in Trump Jr.’s Wednesday morning retweet of a Breitbart News article that named an individual. During one 24-hour period last week, the CIA officer’s name was mentioned in more than 150,000 tweets.
Riddle me this............What is the 6th Amendment and the Confrontation clause..............any more questions.
The Sixth Amendment guarantees the rights of criminal defendants....has Trump been charged with a crime?

you do understand that impeachment is not a criminal trial right??

The whole impeachment process is in the constitution too.....

The supreme court has ruled that due process rights extend to congressional investigations. Due try to keep up. It all started with congresscritters telling witnesses they had no 5th amendment right against self incrimination.


Congress isn't a criminal court - no crimes need to be committed for impeachment --

what a bitch, huh.
And yet another liberal admits this is Political Attack and not an investigation of a crime...........We already knew does the is DOA IN THE SENATE.
Riddle me this............What is the 6th Amendment and the Confrontation clause..............any more questions.
Aaaaannnndddd.....if no other argument seems to be working, try hiding behind the Constitution.
Annnnnnnd.,.........your side needs to learn how to use it...........

What does the 6th say................hmmmmm..............

Congress isn't a real court room..........and is currently a laughing stock of the are too blind to see it..........

This is a setup after years of attempts.........and here you go with your panties in a wad that no one is buying your BS.

It is DOA at the Senate...........plans are to dismiss as soon as it shows up.
Well, it's great to know that the Republican Senate has already made up its mind, in a strictly partisan move, without so much as considering any evidence. That's what I like, open minds.
They don't see jack squat in the phone call................and it is known the whistle blower is a Dem wack job anyways...........

Schiff got caught already helping plot it.............For a set up attempt........the Dem party really sucks at it.

And ok.............away from your
For about the billionth time, Schiff did not get "caught" helping to plot it or set it up. OMG. The whistleblower went to the committee staff because the whistleblower works in Washington for Washington and so he knows who would end up with this baby in the end. So he asked and they told him where to file it, which was not with them.
Schiff was not there. Schiff probably got told as an interesting fyi that it might be coming. The rest is pure made up baloney.

Still waiting on you to show where the ICIG or the intel committee, for that matter, has jurisdiction over presidential diplomatic phone calls.

Aaaaannnndddd.....if no other argument seems to be working, try hiding behind the Constitution.
Annnnnnnd.,.........your side needs to learn how to use it...........

What does the 6th say................hmmmmm..............

Congress isn't a real court room..........and is currently a laughing stock of the are too blind to see it..........

This is a setup after years of attempts.........and here you go with your panties in a wad that no one is buying your BS.

It is DOA at the Senate...........plans are to dismiss as soon as it shows up.
Well, it's great to know that the Republican Senate has already made up its mind, in a strictly partisan move, without so much as considering any evidence. That's what I like, open minds.
They don't see jack squat in the phone call................and it is known the whistle blower is a Dem wack job anyways...........

Schiff got caught already helping plot it.............For a set up attempt........the Dem party really sucks at it.

And ok.............away from your
For about the billionth time, Schiff did not get "caught" helping to plot it or set it up. OMG. The whistleblower went to the committee staff because the whistleblower works in Washington for Washington and so he knows who would end up with this baby in the end. So he asked and they told him where to file it, which was not with them.
Schiff was not there. Schiff probably got told as an interesting fyi that it might be coming. The rest is pure made up baloney.

Still waiting on you to show where the ICIG or the intel committee, for that matter, has jurisdiction over presidential diplomatic phone calls.


Traditionally, officials from the US national security council (NSC) brief the president before a call with a foreign leader. Then the briefers sit in the Oval Office with the president while he speaks on the phone with the foreign leader. "At least two members of the NSC are usually present,"

There will also be officials sitting in a secure room in another part of the White House, listening to the president's call and taking notes. Their notes are known as a "memorandum of telephone conversation", and like many things in Washington it has an abbreviation: "memcon".

The president's calls with foreign leaders are also transcribed by computers. Afterwards, as former White House officials explain, the human note takers compare their impressions with an electronic version of the call. The notes from the officials and from the computerised transcriptions are combined into one document. This transcript may not be perfect, but it is done as carefully as time and resources allow.

still waiting for you to stfu -
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How can a Democrat hack be a whistleblower, pray tell? Because Adam Schiff keeps his name a secret for over a year before he strikes like the snake that he is? :lmao:
B, how would you feel if you were working in government for ten, fifteen years and the current administration was Democrats and one of them was doing something illegal, but when you reported them under the whistleblower act, you were completely laughed out of town and discredited because you are a conservative?
Would that seem fair to you?
Only conservatives have a say in what is right or wrong now? All others will be ignored or worse?
the left also brought us kavanaugh. that turned out to simply be a lie to protect what they felt important. i didn't see a lot of sympathy for the other side from them nor what they were doing to otherwise innocent people.

when these types of games end it will be much easier to take them seriously. otherwise, how do i know this is simply not *another* kavanaugh?

What, precisely, was found to be a lie? Uncorroborated doesn't equal disproven.
Oh pu leez

So no proof? Why am I not surprised.

Opinion | Why the FBI’s apparent failure to fully investigate Kavanaugh cannot be ignored

Somebody's opinion stinks as bad as their butt, Kavanaugh had been investigated 5-6 times and not even a whiff of impropriety. Few people have been more thoroughly investigated over the years.

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ABC is a bully, or was it NBC, that originally outed this fellow?

A few other of 'news agencies' outed this poor fellow also.

Do your homework, stop acting uneducated.
November 7, 2019 at 10:41 p.m. EST
Tweets on Wednesday by Donald Trump Jr. capped more than a month of efforts by President Trump’s allies to surface the supposed name of a whistleblower whose complaint about a July 25 phone call led to the House’s impeachment inquiry.

Most news organizations, including The Washington Post, have withheld the name of the whistleblower, whose complaint about Trump’s call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has been largely confirmed by diplomats and others with firsthand knowledge as well as by a reconstructed transcript released by the White House. The whistleblower’s name has been kept confidential by U.S. officials, in line with federal law designed to prevent retaliation.

But the supposed name of the whistleblower has been circulating in conservative corners of social media since at least Oct. 3, culminating in Trump Jr.’s Wednesday morning retweet of a Breitbart News article that named an individual. During one 24-hour period last week, the CIA officer’s name was mentioned in more than 150,000 tweets.
Riddle me this............What is the 6th Amendment and the Confrontation clause..............any more questions.
The Sixth Amendment guarantees the rights of criminal defendants....has Trump been charged with a crime?

you do understand that impeachment is not a criminal trial right??

The whole impeachment process is in the constitution too.....

The supreme court has ruled that due process rights extend to congressional investigations. Due try to keep up. It all started with congresscritters telling witnesses they had no 5th amendment right against self incrimination.


Congress isn't a criminal court - no crimes need to be committed for impeachment --

what a bitch, huh.

Well child, you run with that, see how far it gets in the senate.

Annnnnnnd.,.........your side needs to learn how to use it...........

What does the 6th say................hmmmmm..............

Congress isn't a real court room..........and is currently a laughing stock of the are too blind to see it..........

This is a setup after years of attempts.........and here you go with your panties in a wad that no one is buying your BS.

It is DOA at the Senate...........plans are to dismiss as soon as it shows up.
Well, it's great to know that the Republican Senate has already made up its mind, in a strictly partisan move, without so much as considering any evidence. That's what I like, open minds.
They don't see jack squat in the phone call................and it is known the whistle blower is a Dem wack job anyways...........

Schiff got caught already helping plot it.............For a set up attempt........the Dem party really sucks at it.

And ok.............away from your
For about the billionth time, Schiff did not get "caught" helping to plot it or set it up. OMG. The whistleblower went to the committee staff because the whistleblower works in Washington for Washington and so he knows who would end up with this baby in the end. So he asked and they told him where to file it, which was not with them.
Schiff was not there. Schiff probably got told as an interesting fyi that it might be coming. The rest is pure made up baloney.

Still waiting on you to show where the ICIG or the intel committee, for that matter, has jurisdiction over presidential diplomatic phone calls.


Traditionally, officials from the US national security council (NSC) brief the president before a call with a foreign leader. Then the briefers sit in the Oval Office with the president while he speaks on the phone with the foreign leader. "At least two members of the NSC are usually present,"

There will also be officials sitting in a secure room in another part of the White House, listening to the president's call and taking notes. Their notes are known as a "memorandum of telephone conversation", and like many things in Washington it has an abbreviation: "memcon".

The president's calls with foreign leaders are also transcribed by computers. Afterwards, as former White House officials explain, the human note takers compare their impressions with an electronic version of the call. The notes from the officials and from the computerised transcriptions are combined into one document. This transcript may not be perfect, but it is done as carefully as time and resources allow.

still waiting for you to stfu -

Well child, this so called WB hadn't worked in the WH since 2017. If someone leaked the contents of the call to him, without him having a NEED TO KNOW, they violated the espionage act. There's your fucking crime.

Something you need to consider before being a whistle blower. Your identity is not protected. You don't get to make accusations from behind a curtain.

It's all irrelevant because he doesn't meet the statues set forth to be a whistle blower anyway. They don't apply to the president. They don't apply to private conversations between the president and foreign leaders. That's why they are classified. Trump has a right to privacy without some 3rd party coming in and saying they think they might have heard something from someone else.
Yes you do get to be anonymous as a WB, to protect you from retaliation and intimidation and the IG under LAW can not reveal the WB with few exceptions, like a court order from a judge in a criminal proceeding.
NOWHERE in the statute does it state that a whistleblower identity is to remain hidden. NOWHERE

Get educated ffs. Really sucks ballz that idiots like you get to cancel my vote with your uninformed vote.
The law states the IG can not reveal them if the WB chooses to stay anonymous, with very few exceptions.
Whistleblower protection in the United States - Wikipedia

Office of Inspector General
Section 7 of the Inspector General Act states that “[t]he Inspector General shall not, after receipt of a complaint or information from an employee, disclose the identity of the employee without the consent of the employee, unless the Inspector General determines such disclosure is unavoidable during the course of the investigation.”
Can you read???

It applies specifically to ONE PERSON.
Trumpers seem a little...."triggered" by the guy who let the cat out of the bag...

what a surprise.

Too bad though.

The cat IS out of the bag and punishing the WB isn't going to change warm and fuzzy as it may make these disgusting Trump sycophants feel...
I am really anxious to see what that person's reply is going to be.....but I have my suspicions it will be something like "Trump won, deal with it libtards"

What person's reply to what? I'm interested but not following...

Mebelle claimed that ABC or CBS outed the whistleblower, which is not true..and you have presented evidence of such....

Just curious to see what that person's reply will be …..

ABC is a bully, or was it NBC, that originally outed this fellow?
A few other of 'news agencies' outed this poor fellow also.
Do your homework, stop acting uneducated.

I questioned 'who was the bully'?

Real Clear Politics published the WB name.


So, Real Clear Politics is the original 'bully'.

Actually, the NY Times is the original 'bully' , but I can't link the NYT cause it has a paywall.
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Trumpers seem a little...."triggered" by the guy who let the cat out of the bag...

what a surprise.

Too bad though.

The cat IS out of the bag and punishing the WB isn't going to change warm and fuzzy as it may make these disgusting Trump sycophants feel...

Only because he's being given credibility by the left. If he were laughed at by the left like he is by the right, then we wouldn't give a shit.
I don't know how many times you have to tell these stupid fucking demonrats on this forum that "whistle blower protections" have NOTHING to do with anonymity.

For that matter, this guy doesn't even fit the definition of a whistle blower anyway. So NONE of this "protection" applies to him anyway. Being a legal "whistle blower" is a very specific legal term with very specific requirements. Just "snitching" is not a whistle blower.
How do you protect the WB from intimidation and retaliation, without anonymity silly one...?

How do you encourage WB to come forward without anonymity?

How many of the other 17 WB complaints the IG processed this past year do you know the names of?

YOU are repeating a lie, the right wing is twisting and turning and spinning and pushing to cover for Trump' s retaliation towards the WB.... for his evil.

Something you need to consider before being a whistle blower. Your identity is not protected. You don't get to make accusations from behind a curtain.

It's all irrelevant because he doesn't meet the statues set forth to be a whistle blower anyway. They don't apply to the president. They don't apply to private conversations between the president and foreign leaders. That's why they are classified. Trump has a right to privacy without some 3rd party coming in and saying they think they might have heard something from someone else.
Yes you do get to be anonymous as a WB, to protect you from retaliation and intimidation and the IG under LAW can not reveal the WB with few exceptions, like a court order from a judge in a criminal proceeding.
NOWHERE in the statute does it state that a whistleblower identity is to remain hidden. NOWHERE

Get educated ffs. Really sucks ballz that idiots like you get to cancel my vote with your uninformed vote.
The law states the IG can not reveal them if the WB chooses to stay anonymous, with very few exceptions.

Full stop.

The IG has no authority to gag others.
Whistle blower protections = protection from retribution.

Whistle blower protections =/= identity protection
yea, all those upset at how this would affect future whistle blowers, well i didn't see a one for the former CBS employee fired for helping out a story that was uncovered.

this is why i don't go for the emotional play anymore. its a 1 way sucker bet.
The purpose for the WB program for Government employees filing a complaint with the IG and A protection is to encourage WB to come forward within the Intel agency's IG, and not with reporters.

I know of no WB protection law other than the 1st Amendment... for reporters....

The reporter being fired by her or his company is outside of the whistle blower law for gvt employees. That gives gvt employee protection IF THEY do it by the RULES.

Progressives never can do the compare and contrast thing.
Whistle blower protections = protection from retribution.

Whistle blower protections =/= identity protection
How can a Democrat hack be a whistleblower, pray tell? Because Adam Schiff keeps his name a secret for over a year before he strikes like the snake that he is? :lmao:
B, how would you feel if you were working in government for ten, fifteen years and the current administration was Democrats and one of them was doing something illegal, but when you reported them under the whistleblower act, you were completely laughed out of town and discredited because you are a conservative?
Would that seem fair to you?
Only conservatives have a say in what is right or wrong now? All others will be ignored or worse?

Is B a political hack with a political agenda
Cause that is what this one is
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