Adam Schiff has just introduced a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United and stop unrestricted dark money in our elections

He also knows who will talk it down. Loudly.


Through 2004, all candidates in the general presidential election opted for public funding and reimbursement of their campaign expenses. Then, in 2008, Barack Obama became the first to give up this public funding, so that he could spend more than the limit of $84.1 million (which his opponent, John McCain, adhered to). Obama’s decision in 2008 marked the beginning of the end for the public funding of democracy in the United States, and since 2012 all candidates in the general presidential election have systematically rejected public funding. To repeat: their aim in doing this has been to avoid any constraints on the total amount they can spend.

Of course, it is impossible to know how things would have turned out if Barack Obama had not declined public funding—and thereby broken one of his campaign promises—in 2008.

How Barack Obama Spurred the End of America’s Public Presidential Election Funding System - ProMarket
He's always been a drama queen.

Did he ever reveal his proof that Russian collusion was real?
He didn't have to, Mueller did.

Citizens United was designed specifically to allow Political donations to Be exempt from any requirements that they be disclosed.

For example if you have a politician taking multimillion dollar donations from a company which they In charge of overseeing On a congressional committee, It might The American people left likely to vote for that person If they knew that he was taking those donations. In many cases Large corporate donations are basically Legalized bribery. Citizens United allow those Donations to be Clip done in secret and shielded from public scrutiny.

I am all four companies and people being allowed to make political donations but all donations should be disclosed so that the American people know whose pocket their leaders are in.

That's the thing about free speech you're free to say whatever you want, And if you want to consider spending money for an issue to be speech that's fine. But if I see someone wearing a mask while they're talking I'm going to assume that they're trying to hide their identity to protect themselves from being scrutinized for what they're saying because they know it's wrong. In the lack of disclosure requirements under citizens United is exactly the same thing.

Every penny gave to a political candidate must be disclosed.
He didn't have to, Mueller did.

Will he ever provide proof?

Manafort conspired with Kilimnik to give the Kremlin internal polling data.


Targeted Russian Facebook memes? DURR
Citizens United was designed specifically to allow Political donations to Be exempt from any requirements that they be disclosed.

For example if you have a politician taking multimillion dollar donations from a company which they In charge of overseeing On a congressional committee, It might The American people left likely to vote for that person If they knew that he was taking those donations. In many cases Large corporate donations are basically Legalized bribery. Citizens United allow those Donations to be Clip done in secret and shielded from public scrutiny.

I am all four companies and people being allowed to make political donations but all donations should be disclosed so that the American people know whose pocket their leaders are in.

That's the thing about free speech you're free to say whatever you want, And if you want to consider spending money for an issue to be speech that's fine. But if I see someone wearing a mask while they're talking I'm going to assume that they're trying to hide their identity to protect themselves from being scrutinized for what they're saying because they know it's wrong. In the lack of disclosure requirements under citizens United is exactly the same thing.
Next you'll want to do away anonymous ballots.
Perhaps he already knows how it will go and is using the result for a later purpose?
Later in the decade? He is elected by his district and I doubt this issue will motivate his district, as showing he will initiate bills with absolutely no hope of passage, just to draw attention to himself? Attention whores, pretty big and that district? I doubt it.
Because the Democratic party doesn't get donations from corporations.
Of course they do. Do you remember a major push to overturn the ruling when Nancy ran the place? Me neither.
The same as the Democrats. The Democrats are counting on the Republicans to vote this down. That's why they proposed the amendment, now, instead of when they were in the majority.
No shit. The Republicans will happily oblige as well.
The American people will once again see a clear contrast of who is more serious about “draining the swamp”.
Later in the decade? He is elected by his district and I doubt this issue will motivate his district, as showing he will initiate bills with absolutely no hope of passage, just to draw attention to himself? Attention whores, pretty big and that district? I doubt it.
It’s a good idea.
He only needs to show his willingness to engage on the subject while the Republicans squash it.

The contrast is clear.

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