Actress fired after ranting about street closures for NYPD Detective Jason Rivera’s funeral

No one stoped her from exercising her right to use a police officer’s funeral as a cheap opportunity to spout her hate. No one prosecuted her for it. She’s not in jail, is she?

But freedom of speech doesn’t mean freedom from consequences.
Well said Braalian, and I’ll be repeating it at some point during the day, possibly paraphrasing or quoting you tomorrow, and most likely stating it again next week lol
I guess I don’t equate a former President expressing his political views with a slutty wannabe actress that goes by “vinylboobs” disrespecting a fallen police officer during his funeral.

But that’s just me.
So you believe only SOME people have the right to free speech?

The powerful DO have this right, but not the powerless and obscure?

The Founding Fathers would weep at this rape of their ideology.
I think that is an apples and oranges comparison.

In the case of Trump, it's troubling that a communications platform in the modern day "town square" has banned him from it's use.
In the case of this woman, she wasn't being barred from expressing her thoughts. It was her employer fearing the fallout from her comments, that has chosen to disassociate themselves from her.
Thoughtful reply & good points, but what was done to her is deeply troubling, and much more so because she's powerless, unlike Trump.

This is what the Founding Fathers feared; this kind of marginalizing of unpopular speech by the powerless.
Well said Braalian, and I’ll be repeating it at some point during the day, possibly paraphrasing or quoting you tomorrow, and most likely stating it again next week lol
So sad that so many conservatives support the suppression of speech which they find offensive, in this case the de facto suppression via the grotesque consequences of her speaking unpopular words.

But I guess this gives them common ground with Democrats - this love of cancelling those who dare to think or speak differently.

May the Almighty have mercy upon us all.
The Progs are not entirely anti cop now. The election was won, and they are slowly returning to law and order in blue cities. So, if a Prog civilian acolyte goes too far, they are jettisoned now.
Well said Braalian, and I’ll be repeating it at some point during the day, possibly paraphrasing or quoting you tomorrow, and most likely stating it again next week lol

but I must admit I didn’t think it up, it’s a fairly well known saying.
Do you support the suppression of speech?
It is neither illegal or unethical for bosses to have a say in how you conduct yourself that reflects on them employing you. Now I do agree that the provider of internet services and social media have no business censoring legal activity since they are protected by law.
You don't support free speech?
You support her using profanity with the “ F” word and doing their jobs improperly???? It was “ inconvenient “ because some streets were closed? You see NOTHING wrong 😑 with her making this a “ racial” issue with not one negative word about the dirtbag who killed them? You voted for Biden. 😢
So sad that so many conservatives support the suppression of speech which they find offensive, in this case the de facto suppression via the grotesque consequences of her speaking unpopular words.

But I guess this gives them common ground with Democrats - this love of cancelling those who dare to think or speak differently.

May the Almighty have mercy upon us all.
If you’re referencing me specifically Minitrut, you have missed my point. This happens frequently in text mode when it often requires that we elaborate so others understand the intended message.

I never stated that this actress wasn’t free to state whatever opinion she wanted to state. Legally, she could’ve extended her vocalized guesswork about “He was probably a cop doing something wrong in the first place” to include that he deserved to die. She was basically justifying his death to support her aggravated rant about road closures. An expressive type for sure, but an emotional reactive gene could be a good asset to have as an actress lol

As you’ve suggested and I agree, it matters not the level of intellect nor the emotional state of anger- we are all free to express ourselves. We can explode daily out in public if we choose! A man or woman has every right to cuss out some stranger on the street, as long as he doesn’t touch that person and doesn’t resort to a few select words considered hate speech. That’s the legal aspect. As a social behavior it can and “should” still mean just consequences when they’re earned.

She wasn’t doing herself any favors knowing about the possibility she could be connected to her employer, but that’s on her. It would appear that at that moment, she hadn’t thought about employer rights. After all, employers are individuals as well, and if they believe an employee’s publicized statements (that went viral) hurt their image, they have every right to act on it to protect their business name.
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The actress had every right to say what she felt but she faced repercussions from her employer who didn't want to be associated with her stance.

My husband is an attorney, if he tweeted he wouldn't have a police office as a client or wouldn't defend or represent certain groups he'd be fired in a heartbeat. He's a representative of the firm and is expected to conduct himself accordingly
Did the leftist complain when streets were not only shut down, but businesses destroyed, buildings and cars set on fire, hundreds of people were assaulted, and dozens of murders committed, in city after city, month after months, when a lowlife, drug-addled, defiant criminal was killed?
The best karma for her is to need a cop and nobody show
The best karma for her is to need a cop and nobody show
She can always call that mental health hotline some want to replace 911 and speak with a trained social worker. I’m sure they could defuse her attacker without any need for those violent cops.

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