Actor to Trump: Die In a Grease Fire

Which explains why liberals hate him so much.


That's why many conservatives don't like him.

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Which ones? All conservatives are going to vote for Trump, the only ones opposing him are the establishment Republicans who are secretly pushing for a Clinton victory. And they are NOT conservative.
Very few true cons will vote for Trump. Many mainstream GOP will vote against him. The sensible GOP is not going to let tard thinking like yours direct the party.
Oh STFU! You have no idea how conservatives will vote.

we know that dumb Donald is losing every demographic except for uneducated white males.
Uneducated white males? Who's uneducated? I have news for you, college does not mean education. I graduated from high school and then went into the Army. My GT score was 129, which put me in the top 5% of every unit I served in. I'm more intelligent than most people who wasted 4 years of their life in college smoking dope, getting drunk at frat parties, and barely passing their classes. They aren't educated and I'm not uneducated. Or white.
Which explains why liberals hate him so much.


That's why many conservatives don't like him.

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Which ones? All conservatives are going to vote for Trump, the only ones opposing him are the establishment Republicans who are secretly pushing for a Clinton victory. And they are NOT conservative.
Very few true cons will vote for Trump. Many mainstream GOP will vote against him. The sensible GOP is not going to let tard thinking like yours direct the party.
Oh STFU! You have no idea how conservatives will vote.
Of course I do. It has been all over the news. Mainstream GOP hate Trump. You know it, I know it.
Ok, you're dumbing down the conversation, so I'm just going to let you go now. Bye.
Another example of love and tolerance from a black libtard:

(BREITBART) — Actor Don Cheadle unloaded on Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump in a day-long Twitter tirade on Saturday, calling him a “POS” and suggesting that people of his “ilk” are responsible for conditions in violence-plagued cities like Chicago.

The 51-year-old House of Lies actor kicked off a series of Twitter posts by responding to a tweet in which Trump suggested that the ongoing gun violence in Chicago would prompt more African-American voters to cast their ballots for him in November.

Read more at Don Cheadle tells Trump: ‘Die in a grease fire’
Well, the negro is entitled to express his desire. Mine is that the negro stretches a rope beneath a large and magnificent old oak.
Another example of love and tolerance from a black libtard:

(BREITBART) — Actor Don Cheadle unloaded on Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump in a day-long Twitter tirade on Saturday, calling him a “POS” and suggesting that people of his “ilk” are responsible for conditions in violence-plagued cities like Chicago.

The 51-year-old House of Lies actor kicked off a series of Twitter posts by responding to a tweet in which Trump suggested that the ongoing gun violence in Chicago would prompt more African-American voters to cast their ballots for him in November.

Read more at Don Cheadle tells Trump: ‘Die in a grease fire’
Well, the negro is entitled to express his desire. Mine is that the negro stretches a rope beneath a large and magnificent old oak.
Go away, neo nazi boy. You're dumbing down the conversation too.
Another example of love and tolerance from a black libtard:

(BREITBART) — Actor Don Cheadle unloaded on Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump in a day-long Twitter tirade on Saturday, calling him a “POS” and suggesting that people of his “ilk” are responsible for conditions in violence-plagued cities like Chicago.

The 51-year-old House of Lies actor kicked off a series of Twitter posts by responding to a tweet in which Trump suggested that the ongoing gun violence in Chicago would prompt more African-American voters to cast their ballots for him in November.

Read more at Don Cheadle tells Trump: ‘Die in a grease fire’
Well, the negro is entitled to express his desire. Mine is that the negro stretches a rope beneath a large and magnificent old oak.
Go away, neo nazi boy. You're dumbing down the conversation too.
By what rationale is rope stretching dumber than incineration?
That's why many conservatives don't like him.

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Which ones? All conservatives are going to vote for Trump, the only ones opposing him are the establishment Republicans who are secretly pushing for a Clinton victory. And they are NOT conservative.
Very few true cons will vote for Trump. Many mainstream GOP will vote against him. The sensible GOP is not going to let tard thinking like yours direct the party.
Oh STFU! You have no idea how conservatives will vote.

we know that dumb Donald is losing every demographic except for uneducated white males.
Uneducated white males? Who's uneducated? I have news for you, college does not mean education. I graduated from high school and then went into the Army. My GT score was 129, which put me in the top 5% of every unit I served in. I'm more intelligent than most people who wasted 4 years of their life in college smoking dope, getting drunk at frat parties, and barely passing their classes. They aren't educated and I'm not uneducated. Or white.
Dude, if the shoe doesn't fit.....try on another pair, Jezzzzzus. Calm the fuck down, so your educated, what do you want? A gift certificate to Walmart or a front page story in the New York Times? chill out
Wow! You sure are a drama queen. The "whole world right now" is terrorized by Trump. That is so stupid.

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It isn't stupid at all. I live outside the US and have for many years. I travel extensively. I read the newspapers and watch the news of international media outlets. I know how the rest of the world responds to Trump. Only Putin, a fascist dictator who imagines if Trump is US president Putin will be able to manipulate him, and the dictator of North Korea like Trump. What does that tell you?

That you are a drama queen, the fact you throw around "terrorized", it is inflammatory rhetoric and isn't accurate. My son lives overseas and no one he has spoken to is "terrorized" by Trump. So you are wrong, the "whole world" is not "terrorized" by Trump. You are a drama queen.
He apparently doesn't keep up with European news.

No, he just doesn't spin it the way you do.

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'create and maintain a state of extreme fear and distress in (someone)'

In order to get the kind of results this poll illustrates, people around the world are obviously very afraid of the damage Trump could do world wide.

Donald Trump Gets Rock-Bottom Ratings in International Survey

From the article:

>> A new multi-nation survey finds that confidence in Donald Trump’s ability to manage foreign policy should he become U.S. president is rock-bottom in a host of countries in Europe and Asia.

In seven of 15 countries outside of the U.S. polled by Pew Research Center, Trump’s ratings are in the single digits. Large majorities in 11 of the countries have little or no confidence in the prospective Republican presidential nominee ability to manage international affairs. That includes 92 percent of Swedes, 89 percent of Germans and 82 percent of Japanese. <<​

(This is the same asshat who's getting his clock cleaned in black support even by a blatantly candid ex-Klan racist, actually pulling in one percent or even zero percent in some polls).

How in the friggety fuck do you poll zero percent of anybody? Hard work, that's how. He's apparently trying to thrown the game by the biggest ---- sorry, YUUGEST margin ever.

Speaking of that single-digit international level of respect, here are Rump's own words (the "best words" remember) from a few weeks ago:

>> "" I don't know anything about him other than he will respect me. He doesn't respect our president. And if it is Russia -- which it's probably not, nobody knows who it is -- but if it is Russia, it's really bad for a different reason, because it shows how little respect they have for our country, when they would hack into a major party and get everything. But it would be interesting to see -- I will tell you this -- Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 e-mails that are missing. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press." <<​

Get that? In one sentence "it's probably not Russia" -- in the next sentence, not only IS it Russia but he "hopes" they can hack some more --- the same act he just described as "how little respect they have for our country" in the previous sentence..... next sentence, he wants them to do just that. First sentence, bad. Second sentence, good. Same thing.

Got that? "The sky is probably blue, and I hope it's green". The Orange Crash speaks two versions of mutually exclusive bullshit back-to-back and his sheeple stare blankly and go "yes... Master.... may.... we.... have.... another.... contradiction..."

Tangent from this to develop in the next post..
That's why many conservatives don't like him.

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Which ones? All conservatives are going to vote for Trump, the only ones opposing him are the establishment Republicans who are secretly pushing for a Clinton victory. And they are NOT conservative.
Very few true cons will vote for Trump. Many mainstream GOP will vote against him. The sensible GOP is not going to let tard thinking like yours direct the party.
Oh STFU! You have no idea how conservatives will vote.

we know that dumb Donald is losing every demographic except for uneducated white males.
Uneducated white males? Who's uneducated? I have news for you, college does not mean education. I graduated from high school and then went into the Army. My GT score was 129, which put me in the top 5% of every unit I served in. I'm more intelligent than most people who wasted 4 years of their life in college smoking dope, getting drunk at frat parties, and barely passing their classes. They aren't educated and I'm not uneducated. Or white.
And now we know why you are an illiterate idiot about American culture and history. You use terms like Nazi and fascist and marxist not knowing what they mean.

You get made because the actor made an unPC comment about your unPC hero, who makes unPC comments all the time.

You are inconsistent, simply illiterate.
From the same press conference above:

(Rump July 27, link above)
>> I never met Putin, I don't know who Putin is. He said one nice thing about me. He said I'm a genius. I said thank you very much to the newspaper and that was the end of it. I never met Putin. <<

Rump, debate November 10:
"“I got to know him [Putin] very well because we were both on ‘60 Minutes,’ we were stablemates, and we did very well that night.”

Sound familiar? Compare:

Rump, February 28:
>> I don't know anything about David Duke. okay? I don't know anything about what you're even talking about with white supremacy or white supremacists. So, I don't know.
"I don't know, did he endorse me or what's going on, because, you know, I know nothing about David Duke. .... honestly, I don't know David Duke. I don't believe I have ever met him. I'm pretty sure I didn't meet him. And I just don't know anything about him." <<

Rump, sixteen years prior, on potential involvement with the Reform Party:

>> "... "Well, you've got David Duke just joined — a big racist, a problem. I mean, this is not exactly the people you want in your party,"
"So the Reform Party now includes a Klansman, Mr. Duke, a Neo-Nazi, Mr. Buchanan, and a Communist, Ms. Fulani. This is not company I wish to keep." <<
"What you want apples? I'm an apple, definitely not an orange; how 'bout you, you want oranges? I'm an orange, definitely not an apple."

What a blatant whore.

Gotta wonder how many times people need to be played like a three-dollar banjo before they break down and change their own strings.

Doublethink: the practice of holding two contradictory beliefs while simultaneously believing both of them.
To the OP topic directly:

What's the difference between:

"Die in a grease fire"​


"Just beat the crap out of 'em, will ya?"
"You have to take out their families"
"I would bring back waterboarding, and I'd bring back a hell of a lot worse than waterboarding."

Another example of love and tolerance from a black libtard:
What does his race have to do with it?

You wingnuts are obsessed with race.
Because a number of BLACK entertainers who have done NOTHING to help those of their OWN race keep saying Trump's a racist.

Are entertainers required to do public works?

A lot of White entertainers also recognize that accused rapist Donald Trump is a racist, too.
Which ones? All conservatives are going to vote for Trump, the only ones opposing him are the establishment Republicans who are secretly pushing for a Clinton victory. And they are NOT conservative.
Very few true cons will vote for Trump. Many mainstream GOP will vote against him. The sensible GOP is not going to let tard thinking like yours direct the party.
Oh STFU! You have no idea how conservatives will vote.

we know that dumb Donald is losing every demographic except for uneducated white males.
Uneducated white males? Who's uneducated? I have news for you, college does not mean education. I graduated from high school and then went into the Army. My GT score was 129, which put me in the top 5% of every unit I served in. I'm more intelligent than most people who wasted 4 years of their life in college smoking dope, getting drunk at frat parties, and barely passing their classes. They aren't educated and I'm not uneducated. Or white.
Dude, if the shoe doesn't fit.....try on another pair, Jezzzzzus. Calm the fuck down, so your educated, what do you want? A gift certificate to Walmart or a front page story in the New York Times? chill out
It's your stupid stereotypes that are being called into question. The Left lies in absolutely every claim they make, including characterizing those who didn't go to college as "uneducated".

Would you really like to hear some of the astoundingly stupid things that come out of the pie holes of the college educated?
Which ones? All conservatives are going to vote for Trump, the only ones opposing him are the establishment Republicans who are secretly pushing for a Clinton victory. And they are NOT conservative.
Very few true cons will vote for Trump. Many mainstream GOP will vote against him. The sensible GOP is not going to let tard thinking like yours direct the party.
Oh STFU! You have no idea how conservatives will vote.

we know that dumb Donald is losing every demographic except for uneducated white males.
Uneducated white males? Who's uneducated? I have news for you, college does not mean education. I graduated from high school and then went into the Army. My GT score was 129, which put me in the top 5% of every unit I served in. I'm more intelligent than most people who wasted 4 years of their life in college smoking dope, getting drunk at frat parties, and barely passing their classes. They aren't educated and I'm not uneducated. Or white.
And now we know why you are an illiterate idiot about American culture and history. You use terms like Nazi and fascist and marxist not knowing what they mean.

You get made because the actor made an unPC comment about your unPC hero, who makes unPC comments all the time.

You are inconsistent, simply illiterate.
She says, "We've gotta hold on to what we've got.

It doesn't make a difference if we make it or not.

We've got each other and that's a lot.

For love we'll give it a shot."
Another example of love and tolerance from a black libtard:

(BREITBART) — Actor Don Cheadle unloaded on Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump in a day-long Twitter tirade on Saturday, calling him a “POS” and suggesting that people of his “ilk” are responsible for conditions in violence-plagued cities like Chicago.

The 51-year-old House of Lies actor kicked off a series of Twitter posts by responding to a tweet in which Trump suggested that the ongoing gun violence in Chicago would prompt more African-American voters to cast their ballots for him in November.

Read more at Don Cheadle tells Trump: ‘Die in a grease fire’
I wonder if people would chortle in glee at Trump dying in a grease fire like he did over Dwyayne Wade's cousin being murdered.

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