Actor to Trump: Die In a Grease Fire

Don Cheadle has as much right to his opinions as Trump has to his. Why are you attacking Cheadle for expressing his opinions when you don't attack Trump for expressing his?


Wow. Let us know when the trumpster calls for the death of someone you stupid twit.
He has called for torturing people; that's just as bad. And don't call me names. As a mod, you should be above that kind of thing. None of the other mods do it. Shame on you.

He's called for torturing actors?
Or torturing murderous terrorists?
That anyone can defend the vile and inflamatory things Trump says is a indication of their low level of intelligence.
Go right ahead and enumerate...
And do it without adding loads of bullshit.
Another example of love and tolerance from a black libtard:
What does his race have to do with it?

You wingnuts are obsessed with race.
Because a number of BLACK entertainers who have done NOTHING to help those of their OWN race keep saying Trump's a racist.
Bullshit. Verify such a claim with substantive proof.
I love it when morons ask for negative evidence.
Wow. Let us know when the trumpster calls for the death of someone you stupid twit.
He has called for torturing people; that's just as bad. And don't call me names. As a mod, you should be above that kind of thing. None of the other mods do it. Shame on you.

He's called for torturing actors?
Or torturing murderous terrorists?
That anyone can defend the vile and inflamatory things Trump says is a indication of their low level of intelligence.
Go right ahead and enumerate...
And do it without adding loads of bullshit.

Have trouble reading?
Such a stupid statement >>> "umber of BLACK entertainers who have done NOTHING to help those of their OWN race keep saying Trump's a racist."

Absolutely nothing but an opinion; absolutely no evidence; absolutely no brain behind said statement.

However: if the radical far right wants to end PC, why all the pretend angst against the statement?
Another example of love and tolerance from a black libtard:
Don Cheadle has as much right to his opinions as Trump has to his. Why are you attacking Cheadle for expressing his opinions when you don't attack Trump for expressing his?


Wow. Let us know when the trumpster calls for the death of someone you stupid twit.
He has called for torturing people; that's just as bad. And don't call me names. As a mod, you should be above that kind of thing. None of the other mods do it. Shame on you.

He's called for torturing actors?
Or torturing murderous terrorists?
That anyone can defend the vile and inflamatory things Trump says is a indication of their low level of intelligence.
Well waterboarding isn't legally classified as torture because it leaves no permanent marks or damage. It was used very sparingly, like three times after 9/11 and it helped a great deal in one such case. That's all I've heard Trump call for.

Being the devout liberal you are you completely misrepresent the matter to get your hate on and smear your enemies. You exaggerate what was said then malign anyone that would support the false narrative. What a joke.
My my! The haters are lining up. On the left. Now, how did we not see that coming? ROFLMAO!
Wow. Let us know when the trumpster calls for the death of someone you stupid twit.
He has called for torturing people; that's just as bad. And don't call me names. As a mod, you should be above that kind of thing. None of the other mods do it. Shame on you.

Call for the torturing terrorists is bad, calling for the death of an innocent person is not as bad

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Trump is not an 'innocent.' If he were in a position of power, he would torture people who may be innocent. The purpose of torture is to try to ascertain who is guilty and who is innocent. His policies would be to torture potentially innocent people; he has endorced killing family members of people who may be terrorists. How is that any different than Cheadle calling for Trump's death.

Trump, by his vitriol, is terrorizing the whole world right now. People are in fear of him being president of the US, people around the world, b ecause of the terrorfiying things he says and the policies he endorces.

Wow! You sure are a drama queen. The "whole world right now" is terrorized by Trump. That is so stupid.

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It isn't stupid at all. I live outside the US and have for many years. I travel extensively. I read the newspapers and watch the news of international media outlets. I know how the rest of the world responds to Trump. Only Putin, a fascist dictator who imagines if Trump is US president Putin will be able to manipulate him, and the dictator of North Korea like Trump. What does that tell you?

That you are a drama queen, the fact you throw around "terrorized", it is inflammatory rhetoric and isn't accurate. My son lives overseas and no one he has spoken to is "terrorized" by Trump. So you are wrong, the "whole world" is not "terrorized" by Trump. You are a drama queen.
Another example of love and tolerance from a black libtard:

(BREITBART) — Actor Don Cheadle unloaded on Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump in a day-long Twitter tirade on Saturday, calling him a “POS” and suggesting that people of his “ilk” are responsible for conditions in violence-plagued cities like Chicago.

The 51-year-old House of Lies actor kicked off a series of Twitter posts by responding to a tweet in which Trump suggested that the ongoing gun violence in Chicago would prompt more African-American voters to cast their ballots for him in November.

Read more at Don Cheadle tells Trump: ‘Die in a grease fire’
Don Cheadle has as much right to his opinions as Trump has to his. Why are you attacking Cheadle for expressing his opinions when you don't attack Trump for expressing his?


Because we agree with Trump.

My goodness. Lots of name calling in this thread. Is that the best you right wingers can do? You are like your leader: full of name calling. That's what he does best too. You are all emulating your prophet.

You are the one that called Trump a terrorist and you accuse others of name calling? Lol!

BTW: Obama is our current leader. I guess news travels slowly in your part of the world.
Another example of love and tolerance from a black libtard:

(BREITBART) — Actor Don Cheadle unloaded on Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump in a day-long Twitter tirade on Saturday, calling him a “POS” and suggesting that people of his “ilk” are responsible for conditions in violence-plagued cities like Chicago.

The 51-year-old House of Lies actor kicked off a series of Twitter posts by responding to a tweet in which Trump suggested that the ongoing gun violence in Chicago would prompt more African-American voters to cast their ballots for him in November.

Read more at Don Cheadle tells Trump: ‘Die in a grease fire’
Well I think that's just terrible. Really awful.

Why does it have to be grease?
So Trump is the love and tolerance candidate"

And you wonder why 99% of the black vote is going against Donald.
What people fail to comprehend is that Trump is a conservative and we don't vote GOP, regardless of who's on the ticket...why now, this is an issue only God knows. Trump is no better than McCain, Romney, Reagan, Bush, etc....all GOP hate fucks.

Trump is a liberal.
Only when it comes to being divorced multiple times, cheating on his wives and marrying women half his age.

Many of his polices and ideas are liberal, that is why it is so crazy that he is the nominee for the GOP. He has modified his stands to gain voters. The Trumps and the Clinton are good friends, they have been for years.
He has called for torturing people; that's just as bad. And don't call me names. As a mod, you should be above that kind of thing. None of the other mods do it. Shame on you.

Call for the torturing terrorists is bad, calling for the death of an innocent person is not as bad

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Trump is not an 'innocent.' If he were in a position of power, he would torture people who may be innocent. The purpose of torture is to try to ascertain who is guilty and who is innocent. His policies would be to torture potentially innocent people; he has endorced killing family members of people who may be terrorists. How is that any different than Cheadle calling for Trump's death.

Trump, by his vitriol, is terrorizing the whole world right now. People are in fear of him being president of the US, people around the world, b ecause of the terrorfiying things he says and the policies he endorces.

Wow! You sure are a drama queen. The "whole world right now" is terrorized by Trump. That is so stupid.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
It isn't stupid at all. I live outside the US and have for many years. I travel extensively. I read the newspapers and watch the news of international media outlets. I know how the rest of the world responds to Trump. Only Putin, a fascist dictator who imagines if Trump is US president Putin will be able to manipulate him, and the dictator of North Korea like Trump. What does that tell you?
Much of the rest of the world is being eaten alive by islam.

There are more Islamic terrorists and more killed in the name of Islam than in the name of Trump. Esmeralda is just flaming the board.
So Trump is the love and tolerance candidate"

And you wonder why 99% of the black vote is going against Donald.
What people fail to comprehend is that Trump is a conservative and we don't vote GOP, regardless of who's on the ticket...why now, this is an issue only God knows. Trump is no better than McCain, Romney, Reagan, Bush, etc....all GOP hate fucks.

Trump is a liberal.
Only when it comes to being divorced multiple times, cheating on his wives and marrying women half his age.

Many of his polices and ideas are liberal, that is why it is so crazy that he is the nominee for the GOP. He has modified his stands to gain voters. The Trumps and the Clinton are good friends, they have been for years.
You know what his policies are ideas are?

I thought I did, but I didn't.

Finally, I thought I did a second time.

Turns out I didn't.

Then, when I got it a third time,

I was wrong again.

Now, like his base, I just don't think about it.
And some of the racist comments in this thread show why Donald is going to lose 98% of the black vote.

Black voters simply will not submit themselves to such hatred from the far right.
If he did say that (I would wonder why the actual quote wasnt done)...Mr. Cheadle should apologize. That is uncalled for.

And some of the racist comments in this thread show why Donald is going to lose 98% of the black vote.

Black voters simply will not submit themselves to such hatred from the far right.

Blacks were already going to vote for Hillary. They likes it on the plantation.

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