According to "Social Justice" does this apply to Bruce Willis..$100m/Tom Cruise..$200m

When did Republicans become for government dependence? By paying so little this is what Walmart is creating. And I'm pretty sure how all these government dependant Walmart employees are going to vote. Welfare is bad unless it is making someone like the Waltons rich right? This is why we have big government. Neither party has any interest in it being smaller. Why should Walmart pay enough when we can just increase government and taxpayers can pay the bill.
Is it not possible for a CEO being a unique person in a corporate environment is like a movie star or athlete i.e. top of the pile so why are they targets for "Social Justice League" but movie stars/athletes aren't?
Movie and sports stars are not often required to commit malicious, evil burn in hell, monster type deeds the way CEO's are. Movie and sports stars are paid for their talents and not their willingness to rob, cheat, steal, rape and pillage the way CEO's do.

Which CEO who has been convicted or robbing, cheating, stealing, raping or pillaging didn't suffer a legal penalty?
When did Republicans become for government dependence? By paying so little this is what Walmart is creating. And I'm pretty sure how all these government dependant Walmart employees are going to vote. Welfare is bad unless it is making someone like the Waltons rich right? This is why we have big government. Neither party has any interest in it being smaller. Why should Walmart pay enough when we can just increase government and taxpayers can pay the bill.
The problem is the government took over the responsibility for these people and as a result these people are NOT independent or responsible enough!
It started with a "good" compassionate idea and turned into resentful people i.e. welfare people that hate the fact they are dependent!
You ask ANY of welfare people and MOST will say they wish they could make it on their own!
BUT it's not the government's responsibility nor the employer!
The idea of being independent is alien now to most people!
That's the fact and the truly on'y way out of this mess is reducing the dependency on the government hand outs.
A good start is what this legislation wanted to do:
“It’s a sad day in the people’s House when the leadership brings to the floor one of the most heartless bills I have ever seen,” said Representative James McGovern, Democrat of Massachusetts. “It’s terrible policy trapped in a terrible process.”

The measure has little chance of advancing in the Senate, and Senator Debbie Stabenow, Democrat of Michigan and the chairwoman of the Senate Agriculture Committee, called it “a monumental waste of time.”

The bill, written under the direction of the House majority leader, Eric Cantor, Republican of Virginia, would cut $40 billion from the food stamp program over the next 10 years.
It would also require adults between 18 and 50 without minor children to find a job or to enroll in a work-training program in order to receive benefits.

It would also limit the time those recipients could get benefits to three months.
Currently, states can extend food stamp benefits past three months for able-bodied people who are working or preparing for work as part of a job-training program.

“This bill makes getting Americans back to work a priority again for our nation’s welfare programs,” House Speaker John A. Boehner said.

The bill would also restrict people enrolled in other social welfare programs from automatically becoming eligible for food stamps.

In addition, the legislation would allow states to require food stamp recipients to be tested for drugs and to stop lottery winners from getting benefits. The Senate farm bill also contains a restriction on lottery winners.

Critics of the measure said the cuts would fall disproportionately on children.

NO cuts on children. Cuts on adults WITH NO CHILDREN to find a job!
Cuts on how long you get benefits to 3 months!
If you are on another welfare program...can't get food stamps!
Must be drug tested...geez... how bad is that if you aren't using drugs with the welfare check!
And you can't be on welfare if you win the lottery! NO KIDDING!!!
When did Republicans become for government dependence? By paying so little this is what Walmart is creating. And I'm pretty sure how all these government dependant Walmart employees are going to vote. Welfare is bad unless it is making someone like the Waltons rich right? This is why we have big government. Neither party has any interest in it being smaller. Why should Walmart pay enough when we can just increase government and taxpayers can pay the bill.
The problem is the government took over the responsibility for these people and as a result these people are NOT independent or responsible enough!
It started with a "good" compassionate idea and turned into resentful people i.e. welfare people that hate the fact they are dependent!
You ask ANY of welfare people and MOST will say they wish they could make it on their own!
BUT it's not the government's responsibility nor the employer!
The idea of being independent is alien now to most people!
That's the fact and the truly on'y way out of this mess is reducing the dependency on the government hand outs.
A good start is what this legislation wanted to do:
“It’s a sad day in the people’s House when the leadership brings to the floor one of the most heartless bills I have ever seen,” said Representative James McGovern, Democrat of Massachusetts. “It’s terrible policy trapped in a terrible process.”

The measure has little chance of advancing in the Senate, and Senator Debbie Stabenow, Democrat of Michigan and the chairwoman of the Senate Agriculture Committee, called it “a monumental waste of time.”

The bill, written under the direction of the House majority leader, Eric Cantor, Republican of Virginia, would cut $40 billion from the food stamp program over the next 10 years.
It would also require adults between 18 and 50 without minor children to find a job or to enroll in a work-training program in order to receive benefits.

It would also limit the time those recipients could get benefits to three months.
Currently, states can extend food stamp benefits past three months for able-bodied people who are working or preparing for work as part of a job-training program.

“This bill makes getting Americans back to work a priority again for our nation’s welfare programs,” House Speaker John A. Boehner said.

The bill would also restrict people enrolled in other social welfare programs from automatically becoming eligible for food stamps.

In addition, the legislation would allow states to require food stamp recipients to be tested for drugs and to stop lottery winners from getting benefits. The Senate farm bill also contains a restriction on lottery winners.

Critics of the measure said the cuts would fall disproportionately on children.

NO cuts on children. Cuts on adults WITH NO CHILDREN to find a job!
Cuts on how long you get benefits to 3 months!
If you are on another welfare program...can't get food stamps!
Must be drug tested...geez... how bad is that if you aren't using drugs with the welfare check!
And you can't be on welfare if you win the lottery! NO KIDDING!!!

Sounds like something that will promote more adults having children that probably shouldn't.

How are people supposed to be independant when the largest employer in the country pays employees so little they are on welfare while making billions? Sorry but government is growing because of the greedy rich. You guys can say these people are unskilled, but they are still making the Waltons billions. If they can make the Waltons billions then they should be paid enough that they aren't on welfare. The Waltons should not be getting subsidized by the tax payer!
When did Republicans become for government dependence? By paying so little this is what Walmart is creating. And I'm pretty sure how all these government dependant Walmart employees are going to vote. Welfare is bad unless it is making someone like the Waltons rich right? This is why we have big government. Neither party has any interest in it being smaller. Why should Walmart pay enough when we can just increase government and taxpayers can pay the bill.
The problem is the government took over the responsibility for these people and as a result these people are NOT independent or responsible enough!
It started with a "good" compassionate idea and turned into resentful people i.e. welfare people that hate the fact they are dependent!
You ask ANY of welfare people and MOST will say they wish they could make it on their own!
BUT it's not the government's responsibility nor the employer!
The idea of being independent is alien now to most people!
That's the fact and the truly on'y way out of this mess is reducing the dependency on the government hand outs.
A good start is what this legislation wanted to do:
“It’s a sad day in the people’s House when the leadership brings to the floor one of the most heartless bills I have ever seen,” said Representative James McGovern, Democrat of Massachusetts. “It’s terrible policy trapped in a terrible process.”

The measure has little chance of advancing in the Senate, and Senator Debbie Stabenow, Democrat of Michigan and the chairwoman of the Senate Agriculture Committee, called it “a monumental waste of time.”

The bill, written under the direction of the House majority leader, Eric Cantor, Republican of Virginia, would cut $40 billion from the food stamp program over the next 10 years.
It would also require adults between 18 and 50 without minor children to find a job or to enroll in a work-training program in order to receive benefits.

It would also limit the time those recipients could get benefits to three months.
Currently, states can extend food stamp benefits past three months for able-bodied people who are working or preparing for work as part of a job-training program.

“This bill makes getting Americans back to work a priority again for our nation’s welfare programs,” House Speaker John A. Boehner said.

The bill would also restrict people enrolled in other social welfare programs from automatically becoming eligible for food stamps.

In addition, the legislation would allow states to require food stamp recipients to be tested for drugs and to stop lottery winners from getting benefits. The Senate farm bill also contains a restriction on lottery winners.

Critics of the measure said the cuts would fall disproportionately on children.

NO cuts on children. Cuts on adults WITH NO CHILDREN to find a job!
Cuts on how long you get benefits to 3 months!
If you are on another welfare program...can't get food stamps!
Must be drug tested...geez... how bad is that if you aren't using drugs with the welfare check!
And you can't be on welfare if you win the lottery! NO KIDDING!!!

Sounds like something that will promote more adults having children that probably shouldn't.

How are people supposed to be independant when the largest employer in the country pays employees so little they are on welfare while making billions? Sorry but government is growing because of the greedy rich. You guys can say these people are unskilled, but they are still making the Waltons billions. If they can make the Waltons billions then they should be paid enough that they aren't on welfare. The Waltons should not be getting subsidized by the tax payer!

OK... Let's cut something else then our wonderful patron the federal government spends tax dollars on!

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