According to "Social Justice" does this apply to Bruce Willis..$100m/Tom Cruise..$200m

You sure are making up a lot of things. The fact remains that Walmart employees are making so little they collect welfare while the Waltons make billions. Clearly these employees are good enough that the Waltons are making billions so they should be paid enough that they aren't on welfare. I don't want my tax dollars going into the pockets of the Waltons. This is just growing government dependence.

And these actors and actresses along with sports stars are among the 1% that don't pay their fair share, why do we need to give these people breaks?

Again those people aren't choosing to pay those below them so little that they are collecting welfare.
WTF, because of their demands on set and off set, they leave little for the people that work below them. What is wrong with giving those on the sets more money? They are the people that are getting stuck with the low wages, not the actors and actresses that make demands of others.

Ask the person who is deciding how much to pay everyone.

Like the actors and actresses that demand their salaries.

No not at all. They can only demand as much as somebody will pay them. I would pay them very little but it seems they must make people a lot of money so they choose to pay them lots.
And these actors and actresses along with sports stars are among the 1% that don't pay their fair share, why do we need to give these people breaks?

Again those people aren't choosing to pay those below them so little that they are collecting welfare.
WTF, because of their demands on set and off set, they leave little for the people that work below them. What is wrong with giving those on the sets more money? They are the people that are getting stuck with the low wages, not the actors and actresses that make demands of others.

Ask the person who is deciding how much to pay everyone.

Like the actors and actresses that demand their salaries.

No not at all. They can only demand as much as somebody will pay them. I would pay them very little but it seems they must make people a lot of money so they choose to pay them lots.
And businesses choose to pay CEOs what they want.

Full circle.
Is it not possible for a CEO being a unique person in a corporate environment is like a movie star or athlete i.e. top of the pile so why are they targets for "Social Justice League" but movie stars/athletes aren't?
Movie and sports stars are not often required to commit malicious, evil burn in hell, monster type deeds the way CEO's are. Movie and sports stars are paid for their talents and not their willingness to rob, cheat, steal, rape and pillage the way CEO's do.

Your tar brushing a lot of people. A lot of government people lik eto do the same to the privae sector because they want to portray Government as being Benevolent while he CEOs in private industry are there to rob and steal. In reality both privae industry and government are comprised of people who are capable
of those things. Recently our government has been trying to deflect from their own failure as well by blaming others, its basic human nature.

form these stats i found, 77% of all Ceos in the US make 500K or less many making much less than that. As it is, we need business in America and the corporate structure is necessary at some levels. No entirely, but business diversiy is a good thing, The government works hard to make us all the same, that is their nature because they dont understand how the real world works, many of them have lived in academia for much of their lives.

CEO Statistics Statistic Brain
Again those people aren't choosing to pay those below them so little that they are collecting welfare.
WTF, because of their demands on set and off set, they leave little for the people that work below them. What is wrong with giving those on the sets more money? They are the people that are getting stuck with the low wages, not the actors and actresses that make demands of others.

Ask the person who is deciding how much to pay everyone.

Like the actors and actresses that demand their salaries.

No not at all. They can only demand as much as somebody will pay them. I would pay them very little but it seems they must make people a lot of money so they choose to pay them lots.
And businesses choose to pay CEOs what they want.

Full circle.

Yes but ceos choose the pay of those below them. If an actor is making a lot of money and someone else on the set is making much less that is a ceo decision. Actors and sports people aren't making those decisions. They are just getting paid what someone is willing to pay them. I'm amazed you can't figure out the difference.
Is it not possible for a CEO being a unique person in a corporate environment is like a movie star or athlete i.e. top of the pile so why are they targets for "Social Justice League" but movie stars/athletes aren't?
Movie and sports stars are not often required to commit malicious, evil burn in hell, monster type deeds the way CEO's are. Movie and sports stars are paid for their talents and not their willingness to rob, cheat, steal, rape and pillage the way CEO's do.

Your tar brushing a lot of people. A lot of government people lik eto do the same to the privae sector because they want to portray Government as being Benevolent while he CEOs in private industry are there to rob and steal. In reality both privae industry and government are comprised of people who are capable
of those things. Recently our government has been trying to deflect from their own failure as well by blaming others, its basic human nature.

form these stats i found, 77% of all Ceos in the US make 500K or less many making much less than that. As it is, we need business in America and the corporate structure is necessary at some levels. No entirely, but business diversiy is a good thing, The government works hard to make us all the same, that is their nature because they dont understand how the real world works, many of them have lived in academia for much of their lives.

CEO Statistics Statistic Brain
Most of what you write I agree with. I just don't think you can compare celebrities from the sports or movie industries to corporate CEO's. Both have the ability to hold influence and impact over the masses, but celebrities do not have the raw power of CEO's who can easily be in positions of enormous power over health, safety, life and death. They also have the power to do great good and many of them do.
WTF, because of their demands on set and off set, they leave little for the people that work below them. What is wrong with giving those on the sets more money? They are the people that are getting stuck with the low wages, not the actors and actresses that make demands of others.

Ask the person who is deciding how much to pay everyone.

Like the actors and actresses that demand their salaries.

No not at all. They can only demand as much as somebody will pay them. I would pay them very little but it seems they must make people a lot of money so they choose to pay them lots.
And businesses choose to pay CEOs what they want.

Full circle.

Yes but ceos choose the pay of those below them. If an actor is making a lot of money and someone else on the set is making much less that is a ceo decision. Actors and sports people aren't making those decisions. They are just getting paid what someone is willing to pay them. I'm amazed you can't figure out the difference.
Isn't that the job description. If they don't determine pay, who does?
Is it not possible for a CEO being a unique person in a corporate environment is like a movie star or athlete i.e. top of the pile so why are they targets for "Social Justice League" but movie stars/athletes aren't?
Movie and sports stars are not often required to commit malicious, evil burn in hell, monster type deeds the way CEO's are. Movie and sports stars are paid for their talents and not their willingness to rob, cheat, steal, rape and pillage the way CEO's do.

Wow.. you're very angry... and ignorant.
How many days of "work" do the above movie stars and athletes put in per year?
Do these movie stars and athletes work 52 weeks 40 hours per week as the "Social Justice League" illustrates?
(e.g., chief financial officers) received compensation in the amount of ten million dollars per year while the least well off (e.g., average workers) were paid a salary of $14,000, and in another the most well off received compensation in the amount of three million dollars per year while the least off were paid a salary of $30,000, the second arrangement would be to the greatest advantage of the least advantaged and thus the most just.
idol worship. we sit idol watching other pretend to save or destroy the world when we sit letting the world be destroyed by the idols taking our lives for visual dreams we worship. the fake american dream.
Ask the person who is deciding how much to pay everyone.

Like the actors and actresses that demand their salaries.

No not at all. They can only demand as much as somebody will pay them. I would pay them very little but it seems they must make people a lot of money so they choose to pay them lots.
And businesses choose to pay CEOs what they want.

Full circle.

Yes but ceos choose the pay of those below them. If an actor is making a lot of money and someone else on the set is making much less that is a ceo decision. Actors and sports people aren't making those decisions. They are just getting paid what someone is willing to pay them. I'm amazed you can't figure out the difference.
Isn't that the job description. If they don't determine pay, who does?
the idiots that are being judged by ceos and not judging them back appropriately not too mention paying any price to see stars that would do it for a song. we have no self control or self worth for that matter. any fat assed bitch that has some one iggy a stupid rhyme about how hot or how much the ig makes. wow what a bad jokewe've become. can I be cool too some day?

I'm happy to teach you.

It all comes down to negotiation, and learning to leverage facts in your favor. Start by doing some basic research on sights like,,, and similar alternatives. This research will help you discover what the going market range is for the kind of job you do. Now, these sites won't give you simple answers. You might not be able to find your exact job title. But do some looking around at comparable job titles and titles that have comparable duties.

After you've explored the ranges that these sites, you can come up with your own estimated range for your mob. More importantly, you can estimate your own median for your job, in your particular area. Based on this information, you can now compare how much money you make against this range and median.

How do you feel? Are you happy with where you fall? Are you satisfied with your pay? Do you feel like you're being paid your going market rate? Or are you feeling underpaid?

Having determined the range and median for your job, you can start to address your market rate. One of the best tools for this purpose is your most recent evaluation. Did your job evaluate you as an average employee? If so, he should be paying you at least the median. Did he evaluate your work as superior? If so, you should be getting paid at least the median, if not higher. (Do remember to take particulars into account. Smaller companies will not be able to pay as much sometimes.)

You now have to decide how you want to start leveraging the facts in your favor. You have a few basic options available to you: 1) Approach your boss now and request a raise. 2) Wait until your next evaluation to request a raise. 3) Being interviewing with other employers and obtain a job offer based on your newly assessed worth and desired salary. 4) Seek other employment opportunities and leverage a better offer in hopes of soliciting a better counter offer from your current employer.

Whichever route you choose, you need to be prepared to negotiate. There is, in fact, alot of good information that can be found with a simple google search. But the basic principles are as follows -

1) Be armed with research regarding market rates.
2) Learn how to interview to sell yourself, and not to merely get yourself accepted. By the time a job offer comes, you want them to be in love with you. This will give you power and leverage to negotiate a higher wage. If they've merely selected you as the best option available, then you have less leverage. If they're slap-happy thrilled to have been lucky enough for you to come their way, they're going to be willing to really go an extra mile to land you.
3) Be prepared to explain your value. This is best done when centering your arguments on cold figures. Even a McDonalds drive-thru employee can explain their job productivity in favorable numbers. If you're average transaction time is 10 seconds faster than the store's average, that's improved value that you bring over others.
4) When given an offer, do not accept it immediately, even if it's more than what you planned to ask for. Ask for time to think about it, even if it's a low level job. There is a substantial likelihood that they are purposely low-balling you to see if they can manage to land you at a bargain price.
5) Negotiate to get the wage you want, explaining your value with hard numbers. If you have interviewed with other companies well, you may have multiple offers. Don't be afraid to pick the company that seems most attractive and let them know that you have other offers pending. By demonstrating that you are in demand, they will be prepared to fight for you if you have interviewed well and made them fall in love with you.
Nobody has ever suggested that salaries be evenly distributed

Only that those making millions pay adequate taxes on those millions

Both Tom Cruise and Bruce Willis support higher tax rates on millionaires
Nobody has ever suggested that salaries be evenly distributed

Only that those making millions pay adequate taxes on those millions

Both Tom Cruise and Bruce Willis support higher tax rates on millionaires
So if they support it then why don't they donate to the Federal government RIGHT NOW??
How do I make a contribution to the U.S. government?

Citizens who wish to make a general donation to the U.S. government may send contributions to a specific account called "Gifts to the United States." This account was established in 1843 to accept gifts, such as bequests, from individuals wishing to express their patriotism to the United States. Money deposited into this account is for general use by the federal government and can be available for budget needs. These contributions are considered an unconditional gift to the government. Financial gifts can be made by check or money order payable to the United States Treasury and mailed to the address below.

Gifts to the United States
U.S. Department of the Treasury
Credit Accounting Branch
3700 East-West Highway, Room 622D
Hyattsville, MD 20782

Gifts to the United States Government Questions and Answers Financial Management Service
Report Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers 6.2 Billion In Public Assistance - Forbes

“It found that a single Walmart Supercenter cost taxpayers between $904,542 and $1.75 million per year, or between $3,015 and $5,815 on average for each of 300 workers.”

No they don't Brain.......they don't own those people......they pay a wage for a job....that is all they owe those people...anything more and it is a do you come up with that vision of the world.....?

I'd rather the employer care for them than the taxpayer. Waltons are getting richer and government getting bigger.

I'd rather people not screw up their lives and then bitch about Walmart......the taxpayer needs to stop voting for policitians that encourage kids to have kids......but that is tough because they make up too many voters in the democrat party.....

I prefer that too, but I also prefer the Waltons don't use government subsidized workers to get rich. Clearly the Waltons make a lot off these people.

Hmmmm....apparently the government makes even more off of the Waltons and how much they not only pay in taxes, but the jobs they provide and the taxes their employees pay because they have jobs at Walmart, and the goods they supply to the government wards of the state due to low prices....

All in all....I think we are making out like bandits with how much the government takes from Walmart.....
Nobody has ever suggested that salaries be evenly distributed

Only that those making millions pay adequate taxes on those millions

Both Tom Cruise and Bruce Willis support higher tax rates on millionaires
No they don't , because they use accounts to pay as little as legally possible. Nothing stops them from giving more than legally owed. Yet, they don't.
Nobody has ever suggested that salaries be evenly distributed

Only that those making millions pay adequate taxes on those millions

Both Tom Cruise and Bruce Willis support higher tax rates on millionaires

10% on everyone....10% of 1 million is more than 10% of 60 thousand.....that is more than adequate taxes on their money.....
Report Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers 6.2 Billion In Public Assistance - Forbes

“It found that a single Walmart Supercenter cost taxpayers between $904,542 and $1.75 million per year, or between $3,015 and $5,815 on average for each of 300 workers.”

Please document your source OK?

Walmart Income tax expense: $7.98 billion
Companies paying the most in income taxes
3,275 supercenters, Time to close Wal-Mart stores Analysts think so

$7.98 billion divided by 3,275 equals: $2,436,641 per super center.
Hmmm... so It appears that the Supercenter PAID $686,641 more in taxes then the $1.75 million you calculated!
PLUS ignorant uninformed people LIKE YOU don't comprehend that ALL EMPLOYERS MATCH the EMPLOYEES Social Security and Medicare payments!
SO given the AVERAGE employee of walmart
Average worker $9.40 per hour or $20,000 per year.
Assistant store manager $47,000 per year
Walmart Salaries Glassdoor

Assuming 10 assistant managers of your 300 workers that means:
Assist. Managers $ 47,000 times 10 equals $470,000
Regular workers @ $20,000 times 290 equals $5,670,080 in wages
Total wages $6,140,080 !
TIMES 6.2% Walmart share of Social security and 1.45% Medicare or total of 7.6% IN ADDITION to wages $469,716 paid additional by WALMART!
Add that to the $686,641more in income taxes you come up with over $1,156,357 per SUPER CENTER you didn't COUNT!

SEE you guys always seem to forget the Employers' contribution of an additional 7.6%
1) Provide YOUR sources as I've done
2) Explain how come Walmart Supercenter store pays $1.2 million above your calculation???

Was that so difficult??
PLus who RUNS Americans for Tax Fairness:
Mary Kusler, Director of Government Relations, National Education Association UNION!
Kim Fellner, Associate Director, Working America

Kim Fellner is associate director of Working America, the community affiliate of the AFL-CIO. Starting out at SEIU in the distant 1970s, she worked at the Screen Actors Guild and directed the National Writers Union, before helping to found and direct the National Organizers Alliance.

Frank Clemente, Executive Director

Frank helped found Americans for Tax Fairness in 2012. Previously he was Campaign Manager for the Strengthen Social Security Campaign, a coalition of 320 organizations. Prior to that he managed a health care campaign for the Communications Workers of America in support of the Affordable Care Act.

He was Issue Campaigns Director at the Change to Win Labor Federation and Director of Public Citizen’s Congress Watch, a national consumer watchdog organization. Frank also has been senior policy advisor to the U.S. House Committee on Government Operations and Issues Director for Jesse Jackson’s 1988 presidential campaign. Frank edited Keep Hope Alive: Jesse Jackson’s 1988 Presidential Campaign.


Jay Davis, Digital Director

Jay oversees and executes ATF’s digital strategy, and he coordinates the coalition’s digital efforts.

Prior to ATF, he was a part of Obama for America 2012’s digital team, where he managed the part of the email program that supported the campaign’s field efforts and drafted fundraising and other emails. He previously directed the digital efforts of Equality California, the largest LGBT organization in the state, and he was a consultant at Spitfire Strategies, where he advised numerous advocacy organizations on their digital, media and coalition strategies to advance their policy goals.

Jay holds a Bachelor’s degree from Pomona College and a Master’s degree from San Francisco State University. He lives in Washington, D.C. with his German shepherd.


Harry Gural, Communications Director

Harry is in charge of communications strategy and relationships with the print and broadcast press.

Before joining ATF, he was the communications director for the House Financial Services Committee and for Congressman Barney Frank.

Harry also worked for more than 14 years in documentary television, spending most of his career at public television station WGBH in Boston. He holds a bachelor’s degree from Wesleyan University and a master’s degree from the Harvard Kennedy School of Government.

Notice anything in common with these people???
ALL Democrats first, Labor union and Obama campaign workers are the common characteristics!

I would love to see their salaries compared to their average office worker ...and do they pay women the same as men for the same work...that seems to be a big problem with democrats...even the democrats in the White House....
Report Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers 6.2 Billion In Public Assistance - Forbes

“It found that a single Walmart Supercenter cost taxpayers between $904,542 and $1.75 million per year, or between $3,015 and $5,815 on average for each of 300 workers.”

No they don't Brain.......they don't own those people......they pay a wage for a job....that is all they owe those people...anything more and it is a do you come up with that vision of the world.....?

I'd rather the employer care for them than the taxpayer. Waltons are getting richer and government getting bigger.

I'd rather people not screw up their lives and then bitch about Walmart......the taxpayer needs to stop voting for policitians that encourage kids to have kids......but that is tough because they make up too many voters in the democrat party.....

I prefer that too, but I also prefer the Waltons don't use government subsidized workers to get rich. Clearly the Waltons make a lot off these people.

Hmmmm....apparently the government makes even more off of the Waltons and how much they not only pay in taxes, but the jobs they provide and the taxes their employees pay because they have jobs at Walmart, and the goods they supply to the government wards of the state due to low prices....

All in all....I think we are making out like bandits with how much the government takes from Walmart.....

So you must be for big government. Why is it ok for tax dollars to be used to subsidize Walmart workers while the Waltons make billions? If a company actually pays well their employees aren't subsisized and they still pay taxes.
and do they pay women the same as men for the same work...that seems to be a big problem with democrats...even the democrats in the White House....

I always hate when the Democrats talk about that nonsense. Overall, women do get paid the same as men for equal work. The main difference in the so called gender gap is due to different fields of work. When men and women are performing equal roles, any differences in compensation are attributable to performance and negotiation. Or, the lack thereof, that is.
Is it not possible for a CEO being a unique person in a corporate environment is like a movie star or athlete i.e. top of the pile so why are they targets for "Social Justice League" but movie stars/athletes aren't?
Movie and sports stars are not often required to commit malicious, evil burn in hell, monster type deeds the way CEO's are. Movie and sports stars are paid for their talents and not their willingness to rob, cheat, steal, rape and pillage the way CEO's do.

Describes the Democrats pretty damn good.
Report Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers 6.2 Billion In Public Assistance - Forbes

“It found that a single Walmart Supercenter cost taxpayers between $904,542 and $1.75 million per year, or between $3,015 and $5,815 on average for each of 300 workers.”

No they don't Brain.......they don't own those people......they pay a wage for a job....that is all they owe those people...anything more and it is a do you come up with that vision of the world.....?

I'd rather the employer care for them than the taxpayer. Waltons are getting richer and government getting bigger.

I'd rather people not screw up their lives and then bitch about Walmart......the taxpayer needs to stop voting for policitians that encourage kids to have kids......but that is tough because they make up too many voters in the democrat party.....

I prefer that too, but I also prefer the Waltons don't use government subsidized workers to get rich. Clearly the Waltons make a lot off these people.

Hmmmm....apparently the government makes even more off of the Waltons and how much they not only pay in taxes, but the jobs they provide and the taxes their employees pay because they have jobs at Walmart, and the goods they supply to the government wards of the state due to low prices....

All in all....I think we are making out like bandits with how much the government takes from Walmart.....
Actually I didn't calculate the taxes paid by stockholders on Walmart dividends.
" In fact, during fiscal year 2013, we returned $13 billion to shareholders in the form of dividends and share repurchases. "
Walmart increases annual dividend 18 percent to 1.88 per share
A minimum of 15% or another nearly $2 billion in tax revenue..

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