Accent reduction classes are now deemed part of 'Systemic Racism'.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Sure why not, let's attack special classes to help foreigners become more understandable as Racist. The basis for accent reduction is the necessity to be clearly understood in a professional setting. It helps people whose second language is English get a job and be understood by their clients. That is primarily why they SEEK OUT classes for accent reduction. But now the Systemic Racism Warriors are coming to their rescue.

Scholar and novelist Hernan Diaz was born in Argentina, grew up in Sweden, and spent most of his life in the United States. To some degree, he says, he has a foreign accent in every language he speaks. Diaz shares his humble opinion on accent discrimination and “the hospitality at the heart of every language.”

Why does this not match what you claim is the subject?

Looking at accent-reduction classes online, the third hit I got wasn't aimed at Eastern European or South American immigrants. It actually read, "Want to get rid of your New York accent?"
Foreign people I've had the pleasure to meet here in the states work diligently to improve their english language skills.
To call it racist is just more liberal lunacy. ... :cuckoo:
Controlling accents is a matter of discipline I can't imagine why anyone but the OP would want to make it about politics or SJW
Sure why not, let's attack special classes to help foreigners become more understandable as Racist. The basis for accent reduction is the necessity to be clearly understood in a professional setting. It helps people whose second language is English get a job and be understood by their clients. That is primarily why they SEEK OUT classes for accent reduction. But now the Systemic Racism Warriors are coming to their rescue.

I see the need for accent reduction in some cases to advance understanding, but to say that it is somehow systemic racism is absurd. There are at least 24 regional dialects of the English language within the US. This goes to the basic differences and characters of people--not racism. Communication that is understood by all is necessary to civilization as a whole.
Years ago I lived near the Navy base at Pensacola, Fl where they trained aviators and back seaters to fly the F/A-18 Super Hornet jet fighters.
The 2 year training school had cadets from several dozen foreign countries. But all of them first had to attend and pass a several months long intense English language emersion course. Where all the students lived together, and only english was allow to be spoken. Most of them by graduation ended up speaking excellent english.
During the training school several of the aviators lived in an apartment complex down the street from me.
I got to know some of them, and one of their main complains was whenever they flew across the state of Alabama, they all had great difficulty understanding the flight instructions of the Alabama control tower personnel due to their thick heavy southern Alabama accents. ... :cool:
Years ago I lived near the Navy base at Pensacola, Fl where they trained aviators and back seaters to fly the F/A-18 Super Hornet jet fighters.
The 2 year training school had cadets from several dozen foreign countries. But all of them first had to attend and pass a several months long intense English language emersion course. Where all the students lived together, and only english was allow to be spoken. Most of them by graduation ended up speaking excellent english.
During the training school several of the aviators lived in an apartment complex down the street from me.
I got to know some of them, and one of their main complains was whenever they flew across the state of Alabama, they all had great difficulty understanding the flight instructions of the Alabama control tower personnel due to their thick heavy southern Alabama accents. ... :cool:
I spent three weeks at Fort McClellan Alabama back in 1971. It took me two and a half weeks just to understand what the cute girl in the PX was saying. Mush mouth doesn't begin to cover it.
Years ago I lived near the Navy base at Pensacola, Fl where they trained aviators and back seaters to fly the F/A-18 Super Hornet jet fighters.
The 2 year training school had cadets from several dozen foreign countries. But all of them first had to attend and pass a several months long intense English language emersion course. Where all the students lived together, and only english was allow to be spoken. Most of them by graduation ended up speaking excellent english.
During the training school several of the aviators lived in an apartment complex down the street from me.
I got to know some of them, and one of their main complains was whenever they flew across the state of Alabama, they all had great difficulty understanding the flight instructions of the Alabama control tower personnel due to their thick heavy southern Alabama accents. ... :cool:
Exactly! This is PURELY about being able to communicate clearly and understand. ZERO to do with White Supremacy, privilege or Racism. But now the SJW idiots are starting another crusade to joust with Systemic Racism Windmills.
Sure why not, let's attack special classes to help foreigners become more understandable as Racist. The basis for accent reduction is the necessity to be clearly understood in a professional setting. It helps people whose second language is English get a job and be understood by their clients. That is primarily why they SEEK OUT classes for accent reduction. But now the Systemic Racism Warriors are coming to their rescue.

Accent reduction in a second language is usually something sort after by those who work in an area that requires frequent public presentations of some sort public speakers management leaders people who will appear on television or radio that sort of thing. Pronunciation is part of language acquisition of course, but that is somewhat distinct from accent reduction. None of which is inherently racist, of course.
Within reason, accent reduction is not necessary for mutual intelligibility. Everyone has an accent of one sort or another. And again, it is not necessarily racist to offer such services to those who might seek them out.
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