Abu Khattala Goes On Trial Today testing the effectiveness of trying terrorists in civilian court


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Former President Obama demanded that terrorists, even those caught on the battle field killing / attempting to kill Americans, should be judicially tried in a civilian court, as if a criminal, rather than by the military as an enemy combatant.

The effectiveness and wisdom of that decision will be on trial alongside Abu Khattala starting today.

A Benghazi Trial Starts Today in DC

"The first day of trials for Abu Khattala, the suspected author of the Benghazi, Libya terror attack in 2012, begins Monday in Washington, D.C. He faces an 18-count indictment and stands by his not guilty plea.

Mr. Khattala, the only person to be prosecuted in relation to the attacks, was charged with crimes including murder of an officer of the United States and conspiracy to provide material support to terrorists. Officials said Mr. Khattala, 46, was a local leader of an Islamist extremist militia who sought to carry out the attack because he believed the mission was being used to collect intelligence and he viewed the U.S. actions as illegal. He told a group of others about the mission, which the group breached in a violent attack and set fire to it.

Four Americans died in the Benghazi raid on September 11, 2012, including U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens, U.S. information management officer Sean Smith, and security officers Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty. The Obama administration initially told us that the attack, which occurred just days before the 2012 presidential election, was a spontaneous reaction to an offensive YouTube video. We have since learned that the attack was a very coordinated, long planned effort.

As other outlets have noted, Monday’s trial will test the effectiveness of trying terrorists in civilian court instead of military tribunals.

Khattala’s trial is expected to last weeks."
Former President Obama demanded that terrorists, even those caught on the battle field killing / attempting to kill Americans, should be judicially tried in a civilian court, as if a criminal, rather than by the military as an enemy combatant.

The effectiveness and wisdom of that decision will be on trial alongside Abu Khattala starting today.

A Benghazi Trial Starts Today in DC

"The first day of trials for Abu Khattala, the suspected author of the Benghazi, Libya terror attack in 2012, begins Monday in Washington, D.C. He faces an 18-count indictment and stands by his not guilty plea.

Mr. Khattala, the only person to be prosecuted in relation to the attacks, was charged with crimes including murder of an officer of the United States and conspiracy to provide material support to terrorists. Officials said Mr. Khattala, 46, was a local leader of an Islamist extremist militia who sought to carry out the attack because he believed the mission was being used to collect intelligence and he viewed the U.S. actions as illegal. He told a group of others about the mission, which the group breached in a violent attack and set fire to it.

Four Americans died in the Benghazi raid on September 11, 2012, including U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens, U.S. information management officer Sean Smith, and security officers Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty. The Obama administration initially told us that the attack, which occurred just days before the 2012 presidential election, was a spontaneous reaction to an offensive YouTube video. We have since learned that the attack was a very coordinated, long planned effort.

As other outlets have noted, Monday’s trial will test the effectiveness of trying terrorists in civilian court instead of military tribunals.

Khattala’s trial is expected to last weeks."
Why is he on trial? I thought you rubes said Benghazi was Hillary's doing?
Why is he on trial? I thought you rubes said Benghazi was Hillary's doing?

"Mr. Khattala, the only person to be prosecuted in relation to the attacks, was charged with crimes including murder of an officer of the United States and conspiracy to provide material support to terrorists."

Can't read? Does someone need a picture drawn for them? :p
Why is he on trial? I thought you rubes said Benghazi was Hillary's doing?

"Mr. Khattala, the only person to be prosecuted in relation to the attacks, was charged with crimes including murder of an officer of the United States and conspiracy to provide material support to terrorists."

Can't read? Does someone need a picture drawn for them? :p
But Hillary was responsible, wasn't she? And this guy says he was inspired to attack because of the video. Aren't you conflicted?
But Hillary ...the video.
"Mr. Khattala, the only person to be prosecuted in relation to the attacks, was charged with crimes including murder of an officer of the United States and conspiracy to provide material support to terrorists."

Still can't read? Does someone still need a picture drawn for them? :p
Former President Obama demanded that terrorists, even those caught on the battle field killing / attempting to kill Americans, should be judicially tried in a civilian court, as if a criminal, rather than by the military as an enemy combatant.

The effectiveness and wisdom of that decision will be on trial alongside Abu Khattala starting today.

A Benghazi Trial Starts Today in DC

"The first day of trials for Abu Khattala, the suspected author of the Benghazi, Libya terror attack in 2012, begins Monday in Washington, D.C. He faces an 18-count indictment and stands by his not guilty plea.

Mr. Khattala, the only person to be prosecuted in relation to the attacks, was charged with crimes including murder of an officer of the United States and conspiracy to provide material support to terrorists. Officials said Mr. Khattala, 46, was a local leader of an Islamist extremist militia who sought to carry out the attack because he believed the mission was being used to collect intelligence and he viewed the U.S. actions as illegal. He told a group of others about the mission, which the group breached in a violent attack and set fire to it.

Four Americans died in the Benghazi raid on September 11, 2012, including U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens, U.S. information management officer Sean Smith, and security officers Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty. The Obama administration initially told us that the attack, which occurred just days before the 2012 presidential election, was a spontaneous reaction to an offensive YouTube video. We have since learned that the attack was a very coordinated, long planned effort.

As other outlets have noted, Monday’s trial will test the effectiveness of trying terrorists in civilian court instead of military tribunals.

Khattala’s trial is expected to last weeks."

Isn't he the guy who confirmed that the video did cause the attack?
Isn't he the guy who confirmed that the video did cause the attack?

...so you snowflakes are back to claiming the attack WAS a protest over the video that got out of hand? I wish you would pick one excuse and stick with it. :p
Wait, I thought Benghazi was a spontaneous reaction to an ANTI-MUSLIM youtube video.
View attachment 152556
'It was a protest over a video"
..."It was a terrorist attack"
'It was a protest over a video"
..."It was a terrorist attack"
[URL='https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fryanleask.files.wordpress.com%2F2013%2F08%2Ffish-flip-flop.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fryanleask.wordpress.com%2F2013%2F08%2F07%2Fdealing-with-conflicting-advice-as-a-product-manager%2F&docid=m4g8iDDhPmeohM&tbnid=feBUKuWWFWTYOM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwiA1ZT39tTWAhWKOSYKHcVkBQcQMwgrKAYwBg..i&w=1043&h=850&bih=807&biw=1152&q=fish%20flopping%20around&ved=0ahUKEwiA1ZT39tTWAhWKOSYKHcVkBQcQMwgrKAYwBg&iact=mrc&uact=8']'It was a protest over a video"
[URL='https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fryanleask.files.wordpress.com%2F2013%2F08%2Ffish-flip-flop.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fryanleask.wordpress.com%2F2013%2F08%2F07%2Fdealing-with-conflicting-advice-as-a-product-manager%2F&docid=m4g8iDDhPmeohM&tbnid=feBUKuWWFWTYOM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwiA1ZT39tTWAhWKOSYKHcVkBQcQMwgrKAYwBg..i&w=1043&h=850&bih=807&biw=1152&q=fish%20flopping%20around&ved=0ahUKEwiA1ZT39tTWAhWKOSYKHcVkBQcQMwgrKAYwBg&iact=mrc&uact=8']..."It was a terrorist attack"[/URL][/URL]

Why can't it be both? Which it was.
The trial will be vindication for the Obama admin that the Benghazi attack was about a youtube video.

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