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Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2011
Midwestern U.S.
I am a little confused here: Vaccines or masks don't prevent covid19 spread, they might possibly even cause mutations. If you are masked and vaccinated you still might spread the virus anyway. Now certain groups are worried about "misinformation". I am lost here. Explain how questioning the CDC about this is bad. Since the CDC is the biggest source of misinformation ever. Fool me once, guys. Like that.
I am a little confused here: Vaccines or masks don't prevent covid19 spread, they might possibly even cause mutations. If you are masked and vaccinated you still might spread the virus anyway. Now a certain groups are worried about "misinformation". I am lost here.

The mutations are caused by those who remain unvaccinated and unmasked.
How is that even possible?
The longer the virus exists and the more widespread the virus is, the better the chance that it mutates.

The fewer vaccinated and masked, the more hosts the virus finds, and therefore the longer it lives and the more widespread it becomes.

Not exactly rocket science.
Because science
Vaccines are thought to be the best available solution for controlling the ongoing SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. However, the emergence of vaccine-resistant strains may come too rapidly for current vaccine developments to alleviate the health, economic and social consequences of the pandemic. To quantify and characterize the risk of such a scenario, we created a SIR-derived model with initial stochastic dynamics of the vaccine-resistant strain to study the probability of its emergence and establishment. Using parameters realistically resembling SARS-CoV-2 transmission, we model a wave-like pattern of the pandemic and consider the impact of the rate of vaccination and the strength of non-pharmaceutical intervention measures on the probability of emergence of a resistant strain. As expected, we found that a fast rate of vaccination decreases the probability of emergence of a resistant strain. Counterintuitively, when a relaxation of non-pharmaceutical interventions happened at a time when most individuals of the population have already been vaccinated the probability of emergence of a resistant strain was greatly increased. Consequently, we show that a period of transmission reduction close to the end of the vaccination campaign can substantially reduce the probability of resistant strain establishment. Our results suggest that policymakers and individuals should consider maintaining non-pharmaceutical interventions and transmission-reducing behaviours throughout the entire vaccination period.

Viruses that can mutate, mutate via different variables.

Yes it can mutate with hosts that have the ability to fight off the virus, but the virus can also mutate because of coming in contact with other viruses, find a host that is unclean and/or unsanitary (such as in India), or coming in contact with a vaccine or antidote that doesn't kill the virus, but alters it's make up.

I'm sure there are other variables, but it's not entirely just one.
I am a little confused here: Vaccines or masks don't prevent covid19 spread, they might possibly even cause mutations. If you are masked and vaccinated you still might spread the virus anyway. Now certain groups are worried about "misinformation". I am lost here. Explain how questioning the CDC about this is bad. Since the CDC is the biggest source of misinformation ever. Fool me once, guys. Like that.
I suggest you get educated o the topic... the guy who told you this shit on the internet might not be the best...

Don't be embarrassed, just educate yourself properly
Lets see here: These liberal wankers that didn't want voter ID because it was racist, NOW suddenly want you to have proof of vaccination even though a large number of BLACKS don't want vaccination. Lets take another tact: vaccinated people can still contract and spread Covid anyway, and Covid19 is 99% survivable. Why all this ruckus over what is basicaly something the Human race has dealt with for thousands of years? Covid IS NOT the black death, why this over reaction?
I am a little confused here: Vaccines or masks don't prevent covid19 spread, they might possibly even cause mutations.
I can see why you're confused. You say vaccines don't work, and you say masks don't work.
Starting with those conclusions means you can't even approach reality
Yes...they do.

Therein lies your "confusion" (actually lies)
Actually based on actual existential facts: family members or neighbors got Covid after wearing masks, then vaccinated. HMMMMM. TAA DAH! They just magically got Covid AGAIN after contracting it months after being vaccinated. HMMM. So tell me, what is your take on this Einstein? Perhaps it doesn't work or something?
I am a little confused here: Vaccines or masks don't prevent covid19 spread, they might possibly even cause mutations.

Where is your irrefutable evidence if that ridiculous statement? It has never been documented by the appropriate authorities and us simply your ignorant hate filled opinion. Little wonder you are confused.

If you are masked and vaccinated you still might spread the virus anyway. Now certain groups are worried about "misinformation". I am lost here. Explain how questioning the CDC about this is bad.
Who said it was bad? You did. How many times have you approached them for clarification of anything , bearing in mind you link it with Fauci and you hate him. You're lost alright.

Since the CDC is the biggest source of misinformation ever.

There you go again dickhead. That is your ignorant opinion and nothing else.
You've got some paranoia issues and extreme bias. You cannot make accusations like with nothing but hatred and ignorance as support.
Go away and wake up. You're a dullard .
Actually based on actual existential facts: family members or neighbors got Covid after wearing masks, then vaccinated. HMMMMM. TAA DAH! They just magically got Covid AGAIN after contracting it months after being vaccinated. HMMM. So tell me, what is your take on this Einstein? Perhaps it doesn't work or something?
"Facts" you make up as you go?
It's very possible vaccines actually CAUSE variants. It might be better NOT to get vaccinated, just in case. And since this IS a health care issue, and since its not proven corvid virus is this HUGE threat to health, our health care history is ours and it's completely unconstitutional to force us to divulge it. HIPAA laws. I think democrats already know this.

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