Abortion laws

Uh oh. It’s the back to the back ally abortions already.
I have to say I think as little of women slaughtering babies in back allys as I do them doing it in clinics.

What is it to you if a female you do not even know has an abortion? what business is that of yours?? I want to know.

I'd try to help any human from being murdered

Why not go to Yemen then. You do not give a rip about the asylum seekers do you? You only care about pro birth, after that who cares.

Yemen? You stupid bitch you're all over the map

I don't know what happened in your miserable existence to make you such a hateful bitch but seek help for it

I'd try to help any human from being murdered

As long as they are in the womb?

If abortion is restricted maybe you could torture small animals or something to get some relief. You will survive (so long as the government checks keep coming to feed you.)
Uh oh. It’s the back to the back ally abortions already.
I have to say I think as little of women slaughtering babies in back allys as I do them doing it in clinics.

What is it to you if a female you do not even know has an abortion? what business is that of yours?? I want to know.

I'd try to help any human from being murdered

Why not go to Yemen then. You do not give a rip about the asylum seekers do you? You only care about pro birth, after that who cares.

Yemen? You stupid bitch you're all over the map

I don't know what happened in your miserable existence to make you such a hateful bitch but seek help for it

I'd try to help any human from being murdered

As long as they are in the womb?

It's why I'm anti abortion and work with pro life groups to convince teen mothers not to abort and consider adoption.

We've saved a number of babies...aww now you have a sad...ghoul
I believe this is what as known as 'testing the waters'...


They've already been tested. The loss of Republican held seats in red states clearly showed the results of those tests.

I can't think of a more apropos issue that will ensure the loss of more seats in red states to Democrats than the stories of women dying from back alley abortions, or dr's and women being prosecuted for it.

But by all means test those waters.

Uh oh. It’s the back to the back ally abortions already.
I have to say I think as little of women slaughtering babies in back allys as I do them doing it in clinics.

What is it to you if a female you do not even know has an abortion? what business is that of yours?? I want to know.

I agree they better not even try, if they do I will vote for an illegal Mexican in 2020

I'm ambiguous on abortion. I would never get one myself (had three opportunities) but it just doesn't sit right with me. I'm big on birth control and adoption. However, I'm not going to stand in the way of another woman who wants one.
I'm ambiguous on abortion. I would never get one myself (had three opportunities) but it just doesn't sit right with me. I'm big on birth control and adoption. However, I'm not going to stand in the way of another woman who wants one.

Strange that the availability of birth control seems to have tracked with abortion rather than making it unnecessary...and strange that there is a waiting list for adoptions while abortions remain a huge profitable business.
Is there some way to reconcile this do you think?
I'm ambiguous on abortion. I would never get one myself (had three opportunities) but it just doesn't sit right with me. I'm big on birth control and adoption. However, I'm not going to stand in the way of another woman who wants one.

Democrats in 1860: "hey if you dont like slavery then dont own a slave"
I'm ambiguous on abortion. I would never get one myself (had three opportunities) but it just doesn't sit right with me. I'm big on birth control and adoption. However, I'm not going to stand in the way of another woman who wants one.

Strange that the availability of birth control seems to have tracked with abortion rather than making it unnecessary...and strange that there is a waiting list for adoptions while abortions remain a huge profitable business.
Is there some way to reconcile this do you think?
I don't know about paradox but I would state that the results are not relevant here. The abortion debate is not over the best way to limit unwanted pregnancies or reduce overall abortions - it is centered around personal rights and government powers/responsibility.
I'm ambiguous on abortion. I would never get one myself (had three opportunities) but it just doesn't sit right with me. I'm big on birth control and adoption. However, I'm not going to stand in the way of another woman who wants one.

Strange that the availability of birth control seems to have tracked with abortion rather than making it unnecessary...and strange that there is a waiting list for adoptions while abortions remain a huge profitable business.
Is there some way to reconcile this do you think?
I don't know about paradox but I would state that the results are not relevant here. The abortion debate is not over the best way to limit unwanted pregnancies or reduce overall abortions - it is centered around personal rights and government powers/responsibility.

If it were the Supreme Court would not have overturned the laws of 48 sovereign states.
But I refuse to fall into liberal legalism. Government is one thing. I was speaking of the cultural genocide which leads to an epidemic of abortions. And mass murders. Every new trick they try makes things worse.
Our problems are not political.
I'm ambiguous on abortion. I would never get one myself (had three opportunities) but it just doesn't sit right with me. I'm big on birth control and adoption. However, I'm not going to stand in the way of another woman who wants one.

Strange that the availability of birth control seems to have tracked with abortion rather than making it unnecessary...and strange that there is a waiting list for adoptions while abortions remain a huge profitable business.
Is there some way to reconcile this do you think?
I don't know about paradox but I would state that the results are not relevant here. The abortion debate is not over the best way to limit unwanted pregnancies or reduce overall abortions - it is centered around personal rights and government powers/responsibility.

If it were the Supreme Court would not have overturned the laws of 48 sovereign states.
But I refuse to fall into liberal legalism. Government is one thing. I was speaking of the cultural genocide which leads to an epidemic of abortions. And mass murders. Every new trick they try makes things worse.
Our problems are not political.
Your first point does not make sense. That is exactly why the SCOTUS ruled on it - because it was a government power/rights question. SCOTUS does not rule on outcomes.

As to the second statement - I don't track how the availability of birth control has any moral relation to abortions. Are you stating that birth control should not be readily available because it does not reduce abortions? The two are not morally connected in my mind - BC is moral or amoral or immoral regardless of its impact on abortion rates. I would agree with cultural degradation being the source of both rising though. We have become a society where feelings and pleasure are more important than action and consequence. I would see a rise in the use of both of those 'products' as a symptom of that though and not a driving factor.
I actually didn't think this was getting serious.

I always make fun of liberals about it... But seriously , WTF?

Two states passed abortion amendments to their constitutions. What does that mean? - CNN


I think Mississippi is also sending one upwards. What you will see is the pro-abortionists being very very selective in what they choose to challenge in court. They know whats coming at the Supreme Court and will no longer be able to willy-nilly sue every time a baby lives.
Finally the people may be able to govern themselves on this again as the Constitution requires.
According to the anti-choices women will no longer be able to govern themselves on this.
Just another hater. RWNJ's make me sick. When you RWNJ's force your opinions on all.

I suppose you are following the other liberals on here and trying to co-opt right wing speech patterns. Youve seen them...they love to throw around "snowflake" and "white knight"..both of which are defined as liberals.
And then that SJW term...must drive you crazy...but hey lookeee you got your own!
Got any "lifelong Republicans" to quote?

Its always the men who want to control women. Wear a condom and get the male shot, I hear its in the works. I actually think you are "nut jobs", always thinking of other people and what you can do to make their life better in your opinion. What a hoot.

You silly demented old unattractive failure. An all male Supreme Court gave an all male NARAL the right for their all male owned abortion clinics to make huge profits.
Then you thought you would gain control by no-fault divorce and an end to slut shaming. So men took advantage of you again because thats what men do.But you ended up a single mom working at Walgreens instead of a hero of equality.
You are an embarrassment to women. And the abuse you suffered all your life is not my fault nor their fault. Nor any baby's fault. Blame yourself instead.
Your baby killing obsession is not your only vice...how about the damage done to young women with the help of your simple minded, sub 80 IQ, support of those who encourage women to spread their legs without the remotest possibility of commitment. Got to feed the abortion mills...right?

c'mon...tell me how cool and trendy and original you felt when you first said "takes two to tango!"
How many fetus’ and unwanted children have you adopted or implanted?
According to the anti-choices women will no longer be able to govern themselves on this.

Your biggest fear is women having a say in this. Every pro life movement is led by women and the number of women working in CWFA far far outnumbers the number of women working for abortion. Phyllis Schlafys female run Eagle Forum single handedly defeated the Equal Rights Amendment and held abortion at bay so long as women were allowed a say on it.
The only way you beat women on abortion was when you took their right to vote on it away and turned it over to men.
How many fetus’ and unwanted children have you adopted or implanted?

How many rapists have you imprisoned in your guest room?
Answer the question.

LOL. Arent you used to playing the set parts...the old non sequiturs that always worked. Sorry but I dont play the roles liberals assign me.

are you implying that people who oppose rape must imprison rapists themselves?
I actually didn't think this was getting serious.

I always make fun of liberals about it... But seriously , WTF?

Two states passed abortion amendments to their constitutions. What does that mean? - CNN


I think Mississippi is also sending one upwards. What you will see is the pro-abortionists being very very selective in what they choose to challenge in court. They know whats coming at the Supreme Court and will no longer be able to willy-nilly sue every time a baby lives.
Finally the people may be able to govern themselves on this again as the Constitution requires.

Takes away the rights of the minority. Talk about mob rule.

What "rights"?
I think Mississippi is also sending one upwards. What you will see is the pro-abortionists being very very selective in what they choose to challenge in court. They know whats coming at the Supreme Court and will no longer be able to willy-nilly sue every time a baby lives.
Finally the people may be able to govern themselves on this again as the Constitution requires.

Takes away the rights of the minority. Talk about mob rule.
View attachment 227582

the people have their freedoms taken away, the minority.
Finally the people may be able to govern themselves on this again as the Constitution requires.

Knowgood you concern about abortion is telling. The white get more abortions, are you being racist??

An African American woman is 5 times more likely to get an abortion

https://www-theatlantic-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.theatlantic.com/amp/article/380251/?amp_js_v=a2&amp_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQECAFYAQ==#referrer=https://www.google.com&amp_tf=From %1$s&ampshare=https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2014/09/abortions-racial-gap/380251/

You might want to read the report. The rich ladies still have D & C's and they do not get reported. Keep reporting outdated and incomplete data though.

Among women from the 39 areas for which race was reported for 2006, white women (including both Hispanic and non-Hispanic white women) accounted for the largest percentage (55.8%) of abortions; black women accounted for 36.4% and women of other racial groups for 7.8% (Table 10). Black women had higher abortion rates and ratios than white women and women of other races (Table 10). Among the 29 reporting areas that provided data every year during 1997--2006, the percentage of abortions by race changed little; abortions by women in the "other" racial category increased, but the percentage remained low (5.8%--7.7%) (Table 11). Among women from all racial groups, abortion rates and ratios generally declined during 1997--2006, but the abortion rate was higher in 2006 than in 2005; for black women, the abortion ratio was lower in 2006 than in 2005, whereas for white women and women in the "other" racial category, this measure was relatively stable during 2005--2006
Abortion Surveillance --- United States, 2006

Try reading your link again, with your glasses on. The part you ignored is in red text!

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