Abortion laws

Lol, in new york more babies are aborted than are born. That makes you happy?

Her kind of evil takes a satanic pleasure in it. Human life has always been Satan's greatest hate. Children are innocent and sinless and hated by him all the more for it. And so Christianity has always opposed abortion. Always.

Paganism was never opposed to abortion, though some of the "virtuous pagans" such as Hippocrates were as individuals. Hippocrates whose oath today has been butchered after 2000 years by removing the line" I will never procure a woman an abortion". It laid the foundation for medical ethics in the Western World and so had to be mutilated by anti-western liberals.
The Christian church took a stand against abortion and infanticide from its inception. Justyn Martyr's loud denunciations to the Roman Senate on the matter came less than 100 years after Jesus was crucified. In one of the earliest Christian works, the Didache, we find "You shall not slay the child by abortion." It was already an old tradition when that was written less than 100 years after the birth of Jesus.

St John Chrysostom really nailed it when he wrote this condemnation of the men who push women to immorality and abortion: "You do not let a harlot remain only a harlot, but make her a murderess as well." And today feminists consider allowing themselves to be used by men as objects of pleasure without commitment to be liberation and killing their babies to be some kind of moral sacrament. Apparently that's an old old problem judging from St Chrysostom's position on it.

Abortion is one of the few sins for which the Catholic Church imposes Latae sententiae ...automatic excommunication. Even if nobody knows you procured or assisted an abortion the result is excommunication. Seems like electing abortionists would be assisting abortion.

"Can. 1397 A person who commits a homicide or who kidnaps, detains, mutilates, or gravely wounds a person by force or fraud is to be punished with the privations and prohibitions mentioned in can. 1336 according to the gravity of the delict. Homicide against the persons mentioned in can. 1370, however, is to be punished by the penalties established there.

Can. 1398 A person who procures a completed abortion incurs a latae sententiae excommunication."

Abortion is so heinous that even homicide and kidnapping aren't considered crimes of the same gravity. It is straight from Satan. And yes you see people on this board giddy over it. People who will destroy anyone who opposes it.
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Yeah...it’s usually best to not answer Penelope. I see signs of dementia there. She must have been notoriously vicious and hateful in her youth but today it’s just sad ramblings about the pleasures of vacuuming babies into trash cans. No real philosophy beyond that.

Aka stupid as a stump.

It's common knowledge and she looks ignorant spewing her nonsense

They are known for lying but yes you are right...dumb as a stump. Usually they try to find some pretense to hang the lie on. This one just embarrassed herself.
Has to be dementia or maybe a stroke victim.
Of course either of those make fine Democrats. And couple either with an empty soul and you get this obsessive rambling about how good killing babies is.

Just another hater. RWNJ's make me sick. When you RWNJ's force your opinions on all.
Lol, coming from the party that wants to put men in girls locker rooms.

And in women's shelters...and the Girl Scouts...and dorm rooms. Nothing has damaged women so badly as feminism. The predators are setting the laws for the prey.
I actually didn't think this was getting serious.

I always make fun of liberals about it... But seriously , WTF?

Two states passed abortion amendments to their constitutions. What does that mean? - CNN


These will end up at SCOTUS and I think we on the anti-abortion side will be very disappointed at the results.

I don't think so because they have not passed a law that uses said amendment to actually ban anything.

Anyone suing over this would lack standing because no "harm" has occurred.

It is similar to the relation between the Prohibition Amendment and the Volstead Act.

The Amendment gave congress the power to pass the Volstead Act, which is what bootleggers actually violated.

Here, there is the amendment, with no corresponding State Law to implement it.

Yeah...it’s usually best to not answer Penelope. I see signs of dementia there. She must have been notoriously vicious and hateful in her youth but today it’s just sad ramblings about the pleasures of vacuuming babies into trash cans. No real philosophy beyond that.

Aka stupid as a stump.

It's common knowledge and she looks ignorant spewing her nonsense

They are known for lying but yes you are right...dumb as a stump. Usually they try to find some pretense to hang the lie on. This one just embarrassed herself.
Has to be dementia or maybe a stroke victim.
Of course either of those make fine Democrats. And couple either with an empty soul and you get this obsessive rambling about how good killing babies is.

Just another hater. RWNJ's make me sick. When you RWNJ's force your opinions on all.
Lol, coming from the party that wants to put men in girls locker rooms.

So much hatred.
Yeah...it’s usually best to not answer Penelope. I see signs of dementia there. She must have been notoriously vicious and hateful in her youth but today it’s just sad ramblings about the pleasures of vacuuming babies into trash cans. No real philosophy beyond that.

Aka stupid as a stump.

It's common knowledge and she looks ignorant spewing her nonsense

They are known for lying but yes you are right...dumb as a stump. Usually they try to find some pretense to hang the lie on. This one just embarrassed herself.
Has to be dementia or maybe a stroke victim.
Of course either of those make fine Democrats. And couple either with an empty soul and you get this obsessive rambling about how good killing babies is.

Just another hater. RWNJ's make me sick. When you RWNJ's force your opinions on all.
Lol, coming from the party that wants to put men in girls locker rooms.

So much hatred.
Yes, i know putting grown men in locker rooms with innocent little girls is very hateful.
Aka stupid as a stump.

It's common knowledge and she looks ignorant spewing her nonsense

They are known for lying but yes you are right...dumb as a stump. Usually they try to find some pretense to hang the lie on. This one just embarrassed herself.
Has to be dementia or maybe a stroke victim.
Of course either of those make fine Democrats. And couple either with an empty soul and you get this obsessive rambling about how good killing babies is.

Just another hater. RWNJ's make me sick. When you RWNJ's force your opinions on all.
Lol, coming from the party that wants to put men in girls locker rooms.

So much hatred.
Yes, i know putting grown men in locker rooms with innocent little girls is very hateful.

Oh are they putting grown men in locker room with little girls. I highly doubt that.
I believe this is what as known as 'testing the waters'...


They've already been tested. The loss of Republican held seats in red states clearly showed the results of those tests.

I can't think of a more apropos issue that will ensure the loss of more seats in red states to Democrats than the stories of women dying from back alley abortions, or dr's and women being prosecuted for it.

But by all means test those waters.
I believe this is what as known as 'testing the waters'...


They've already been tested. The loss of Republican held seats in red states clearly showed the results of those tests.

I can't think of a more apropos issue that will ensure the loss of more seats in red states to Democrats than the stories of women dying from back alley abortions, or dr's and women being prosecuted for it.

But by all means test those waters.

Isn't it a shame you can't vote out Supreme Court Justices.
I believe this is what as known as 'testing the waters'...


They've already been tested. The loss of Republican held seats in red states clearly showed the results of those tests.

I can't think of a more apropos issue that will ensure the loss of more seats in red states to Democrats than the stories of women dying from back alley abortions, or dr's and women being prosecuted for it.

But by all means test those waters.

Uh oh. It’s the back to the back ally abortions already.
I have to say I think as little of women slaughtering babies in back allys as I do them doing it in clinics.
I believe this is what as known as 'testing the waters'...


They've already been tested. The loss of Republican held seats in red states clearly showed the results of those tests.

I can't think of a more apropos issue that will ensure the loss of more seats in red states to Democrats than the stories of women dying from back alley abortions, or dr's and women being prosecuted for it.

But by all means test those waters.

Uh oh. It’s the back to the back ally abortions already.
I have to say I think as little of women slaughtering babies in back allys as I do them doing it in clinics.

What is it to you if a female you do not even know has an abortion? what business is that of yours?? I want to know.
I believe this is what as known as 'testing the waters'...


They've already been tested. The loss of Republican held seats in red states clearly showed the results of those tests.

I can't think of a more apropos issue that will ensure the loss of more seats in red states to Democrats than the stories of women dying from back alley abortions, or dr's and women being prosecuted for it.

But by all means test those waters.

Uh oh. It’s the back to the back ally abortions already.
I have to say I think as little of women slaughtering babies in back allys as I do them doing it in clinics.

What is it to you if a female you do not even know has an abortion? what business is that of yours?? I want to know.

I'd try to help any human from being murdered
I believe this is what as known as 'testing the waters'...


They've already been tested. The loss of Republican held seats in red states clearly showed the results of those tests.

I can't think of a more apropos issue that will ensure the loss of more seats in red states to Democrats than the stories of women dying from back alley abortions, or dr's and women being prosecuted for it.

But by all means test those waters.

Uh oh. It’s the back to the back ally abortions already.
I have to say I think as little of women slaughtering babies in back allys as I do them doing it in clinics.

What is it to you if a female you do not even know has an abortion? what business is that of yours?? I want to know.

I'd try to help any human from being murdered

Why not go to Yemen then. You do not give a rip about the asylum seekers do you? You only care about pro birth, after that who cares.
What is it to you if a female you do not even know has an abortion? what business is that of yours?? I want to know.

Relax..there is a baby being slaughtered somewhere as we speak. Go take a hot bath and enjoy the thought.
Why not go to Yemen then. You do not give a rip about the asylum seekers do you? You only care about pro birth, after that who cares.

Once again...Yemeni foreigners over American babies. You cant help yourself can you? Even when trying to ;lie on a chat board your hatred trips you up.
I believe this is what as known as 'testing the waters'...


They've already been tested. The loss of Republican held seats in red states clearly showed the results of those tests.

I can't think of a more apropos issue that will ensure the loss of more seats in red states to Democrats than the stories of women dying from back alley abortions, or dr's and women being prosecuted for it.

But by all means test those waters.

Uh oh. It’s the back to the back ally abortions already.
I have to say I think as little of women slaughtering babies in back allys as I do them doing it in clinics.

What is it to you if a female you do not even know has an abortion? what business is that of yours?? I want to know.

I'd try to help any human from being murdered

Why not go to Yemen then. You do not give a rip about the asylum seekers do you? You only care about pro birth, after that who cares.

Yemen? You stupid bitch you're all over the map

I don't know what happened in your miserable existence to make you such a hateful bitch but seek help for it
They've already been tested. The loss of Republican held seats in red states clearly showed the results of those tests.

I can't think of a more apropos issue that will ensure the loss of more seats in red states to Democrats than the stories of women dying from back alley abortions, or dr's and women being prosecuted for it.

But by all means test those waters.

Uh oh. It’s the back to the back ally abortions already.
I have to say I think as little of women slaughtering babies in back allys as I do them doing it in clinics.

What is it to you if a female you do not even know has an abortion? what business is that of yours?? I want to know.

I'd try to help any human from being murdered

Why not go to Yemen then. You do not give a rip about the asylum seekers do you? You only care about pro birth, after that who cares.

Yemen? You stupid bitch you're all over the map

I don't know what happened in your miserable existence to make you such a hateful bitch but seek help for it

Its what her father did to her. And the problem with Democrats is that they embrace the resulting pathology instead of seeking to stop the future repetition of these despicable events.
Uh oh. It’s the back to the back ally abortions already.
I have to say I think as little of women slaughtering babies in back allys as I do them doing it in clinics.

What is it to you if a female you do not even know has an abortion? what business is that of yours?? I want to know.

I'd try to help any human from being murdered

Why not go to Yemen then. You do not give a rip about the asylum seekers do you? You only care about pro birth, after that who cares.

Yemen? You stupid bitch you're all over the map

I don't know what happened in your miserable existence to make you such a hateful bitch but seek help for it

Its what her father did to her. And the problem with Democrats is that they embrace the resulting pathology instead of seeking to stop the future repetition of these despicable events.

Pardon me Penelope ...that should have been "daddy" and not "father"...correct?

They've already been tested. The loss of Republican held seats in red states clearly showed the results of those tests.

I can't think of a more apropos issue that will ensure the loss of more seats in red states to Democrats than the stories of women dying from back alley abortions, or dr's and women being prosecuted for it.

But by all means test those waters.

Uh oh. It’s the back to the back ally abortions already.
I have to say I think as little of women slaughtering babies in back allys as I do them doing it in clinics.

What is it to you if a female you do not even know has an abortion? what business is that of yours?? I want to know.

I'd try to help any human from being murdered

Why not go to Yemen then. You do not give a rip about the asylum seekers do you? You only care about pro birth, after that who cares.

Yemen? You stupid bitch you're all over the map

I don't know what happened in your miserable existence to make you such a hateful bitch but seek help for it

I'd try to help any human from being murdered

As long as they are in the womb?
What is it to you if a female you do not even know has an abortion? what business is that of yours?? I want to know.

I'd try to help any human from being murdered

Why not go to Yemen then. You do not give a rip about the asylum seekers do you? You only care about pro birth, after that who cares.

Yemen? You stupid bitch you're all over the map

I don't know what happened in your miserable existence to make you such a hateful bitch but seek help for it

Its what her father did to her. And the problem with Democrats is that they embrace the resulting pathology instead of seeking to stop the future repetition of these despicable events.

Pardon me Penelope ...that should have been "daddy" and not "father"...correct?


Gee I don't know, you wrote that. I called my Dad, DAD. (not daddy and not father)

Why do you want to know what I called my Dad??

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