Matt Whittaker, New Acting US AG


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Whitaker is a former United States attorney from Iowa. He was appointed as the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Iowa in 2004 by President George W. Bush, according to the Department of Justice.

The Des Moines native is a former college football player who earned his undergraduate, business and law school degrees from the University of Iowa. Whitaker also ran in Iowa for United States Senate in 2014 but lost the Republican primary to Joni Ernst, who later won the seat.

The news that Jeff Sessions had submitted his resignation and was out as US AG had not even been fully reported yet when D-Chucky Schumer wasted no time demanding that Whittaker recuse himself from overseeing the Russian Witch Hunt being run by Mueller and, until then, overseen by Rosenstein.

(Ironic - Rosenstein is both a WITNESS and the man overseeing the Trump investigation - almost impossible to come up with a bigger conflict of interest that that - yet not one single Democrat has demanded that he recuse himself.)

Democrats have wasted no time in branding Whitaker as a 'Trump Loyalist' and a 'Mueller critic' who will most probably 'shut Mueller's investigation down'.

"In August 2017, Matthew Whitaker wrote an op-ed for CNN titled “Mueller’s investigation of Trump is going too far,” in which he argued President Donald Trump was “absolutely correct” when he said the special counsel would be crossing the line if he probed the Trump family’s finances as part of the Russia investigation."

Whitaker correctly pointed out that Mueller has abused the almost limitless border / authority to investigate seemingly anything and everything about the President and his family in the name of 'Russian Collusion' in hopes of finding anything they can use to remove the President from office.

The Democrats also do NOT like Whitaker because of THIS:

"In a 2016 op-ed for USA Today, titled “I would indict Hillary Clinton: Opposing View,” Whitaker said he disagreed with then-FBI Director James Comey’s assessment that “no reasonable prosecutor” would have brought a case against the former secretary of state over her use of personal email. “I disagree. I believe myself to have been a reasonable prosecutor, and when the facts and evidence show a criminal violation has been committed, the individuals involved should not dictate whether the case is prosecuted,” Whitaker wrote."

The US IG made the same observation regarding former FBI Director Comey. In the US IG's report he blasted Comey for 'usurping the power of the Justice Department', violating the 'Separation of Power', by making the declaration that HE would not recommend Hillary be indicted for the crimes HE pointed out she had committed.

Whitaker is a much, MUCH better candidate for US AG, even if temporarily, than Sessions. He is not a blindly-partisan individual driven by an agenda / ideology as are the Conspirators who have been trying to take the President down, and that scares the hell out of Schumer and the Democrats / Conspirators.

Meet Matt Whitaker, the Acting Attorney General and Mueller Critic |
The Des Moines native is a former college football player who earned his undergraduate, business and law school degrees from the University of Iowa. Whitaker also ran in Iowa for United States Senate in 2014 but lost the Republican primary to Joni Ernst, who later won the seat.
I like him already.
Whitaker is a former United States attorney from Iowa. He was appointed as the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Iowa in 2004 by President George W. Bush, according to the Department of Justice.

The Des Moines native is a former college football player who earned his undergraduate, business and law school degrees from the University of Iowa. Whitaker also ran in Iowa for United States Senate in 2014 but lost the Republican primary to Joni Ernst, who later won the seat.

The news that Jeff Sessions had submitted his resignation and was out as US AG had not even been fully reported yet when D-Chucky Schumer wasted no time demanding that Whittaker recuse himself from overseeing the Russian Witch Hunt being run by Mueller and, until then, overseen by Rosenstein.

(Ironic - Rosenstein is both a WITNESS and the man overseeing the Trump investigation - almost impossible to come up with a bigger conflict of interest that that - yet not one single Democrat has demanded that he recuse himself.)

Democrats have wasted no time in branding Whitaker as a 'Trump Loyalist' and a 'Mueller critic' who will most probably 'shut Mueller's investigation down'.

"In August 2017, Matthew Whitaker wrote an op-ed for CNN titled “Mueller’s investigation of Trump is going too far,” in which he argued President Donald Trump was “absolutely correct” when he said the special counsel would be crossing the line if he probed the Trump family’s finances as part of the Russia investigation."

Whitaker correctly pointed out that Mueller has abused the almost limitless border / authority to investigate seemingly anything and everything about the President and his family in the name of 'Russian Collusion' in hopes of finding anything they can use to remove the President from office.

The Democrats also do NOT like Whitaker because of THIS:

"In a 2016 op-ed for USA Today, titled “I would indict Hillary Clinton: Opposing View,” Whitaker said he disagreed with then-FBI Director James Comey’s assessment that “no reasonable prosecutor” would have brought a case against the former secretary of state over her use of personal email. “I disagree. I believe myself to have been a reasonable prosecutor, and when the facts and evidence show a criminal violation has been committed, the individuals involved should not dictate whether the case is prosecuted,” Whitaker wrote."

The US IG made the same observation regarding former FBI Director Comey. In the US IG's report he blasted Comey for 'usurping the power of the Justice Department', violating the 'Separation of Power', by making the declaration that HE would not recommend Hillary be indicted for the crimes HE pointed out she had committed.

Whitaker is a much, MUCH better candidate for US AG, even if temporarily, than Sessions. He is not a blindly-partisan individual driven by an agenda / ideology as are the Conspirators who have been trying to take the President down, and that scares the hell out of Schumer and the Democrats / Conspirators.

Meet Matt Whitaker, the Acting Attorney General and Mueller Critic |

He is a scam artist and wrote those opeds just for Trump. I wonder what he says about Trump's unsecure cell phone,
Trump's acting attorney general was part of firm US accused of vast scam

we have nothing but a crime family in the Admin. Can't wait till the Dems clean it up.

World Patent Marketing
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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World Patent Marketing was a fraudulent business based in Florida that deceived inventors into thinking that the company had successfully commercialized other inventions.[1][2] The company was established in 2014 by Scott J. Cooper.[2] Members of the advisory board included the 2018 acting United States Attorney General Matthew Whitaker, Republican Congressman Brian Mast, the scientist Ronald Mallett[3] and Omar Rivero the founder of Occupy Democrats.[4] The company was shut down by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in 2017 and in 2018 Cooper was banned from running businesses that promote inventions. Inventors invested a total of $26 million with the company, of which the FTC had only located $2 million of by May 2018.[2]
He is a scam artist and wrote those opeds just for Trump. I wonder what he says about Trump's unsecure cell phone,
Trump's acting attorney general was part of firm US accused of vast scam

We have nothing but a crime family in the Admin. Can't wait till the Dems clean it up.
The great thing about Whitaker is that he is going to take over an investigation without having a massive political bias that will restrict him to seeing only the unproven allegations against Trump but will also be allow him to see and acknowledge the wealth of evidence, testimony, and reports (like the US IG's reports) that have exposed crimes committed by Democrats / Obama Agency Directors / Obama Cabinet Members.

I mean, how far do you have to have your head up Obama's ass to conduct an investigation into illegal Russian collusion without asking / interviewing Barak Obama, who was proven to have known about Russia's interference / hacking / counter-Intelligence ops back in 2014 yet allowed it to continue for 2 years without doing anything about it?

How biased do you have to be to claim Trump Jr meeting with a Russian Lawyer for a 7-minute meeting where no information was exchanged is 'Illegal Collusion' but collaborating with and paying foreign spies (who are working for the FBI) and Russians for their help to win the Presidential election - buying a Russian-authored propaganda-filled report that was illegally used against the GOP candidate by Obama's FBI Director and CIA Director - is somehow NOT illegal?

He is a scam artist and wrote those opeds just for Trump. I wonder what he says about Trump's unsecure cell phone,
Trump's acting attorney general was part of firm US accused of vast scam

We have nothing but a crime family in the Admin. Can't wait till the Dems clean it up.
The great thing about Whitaker is that he is going to take over an investigation without having a massive political bias that will restrict him to seeing only the unproven allegations against Trump but will also be allow him to see and acknowledge the wealth of evidence, testimony, and reports (like the US IG's reports) that have exposed crimes committed by Democrats / Obama Agency Directors / Obama Cabinet Members.

I mean, how far do you have to have your head up Obama's ass to conduct an investigation into illegal Russian collusion without asking / interviewing Barak Obama, who was proven to have known about Russia's interference / hacking / counter-Intelligence ops back in 2014 yet allowed it to continue for 2 years without doing anything about it?

How biased do you have to be to claim Trump Jr meeting with a Russian Lawyer for a 7-minute meeting where no information was exchanged is 'Illegal Collusion' but collaborating with and paying foreign spies (who are working for the FBI) and Russians for their help to win the Presidential election - buying a Russian-authored propaganda-filled report that was illegally used against the GOP candidate by Obama's FBI Director and CIA Director - is somehow NOT illegal?


He is bias for Trump. What does this have to do with Obama? I think Trump and his family conspired with Russia, and Trump and his family are major white collar criminals along with the Kushner's, and lets not forget obstruction of justice against Trump.
What does this have to do with Obama?

The FACT that Barry was caught on a hot mic telling Putin puppet Medvedev to pass on to Putin that he would be more flexible after he won re-election … and 2 years alter after winning re-election:

The FACT that evidence shows President Obama learned of Russia's interference, attempts to hack US politicians, attempts to hack our energy grid, etc in 2014 and did nothing to stop it, allowed it to continue for 2 years...

The FACT that evidence shows Obama, Mueller, Hillary, and Holder hid Russian crimes associated with their attempts to acquire Uranium One until after they had handed over 20% of the US supply of uranium to the Russians...

The FACT that Obama violated our promise to the Ukraine to help defend their sovereign borders yet refuses to do anything to help them when Putin massed troops on their border and invaded / annexed Crimea.

The fact that he knew Russia was attempting to hack US politicians, knew about Hillary's illegal server, did not force her to shut it down, and thus facilitated Russia's hack of her personal server and stealing TOP SECRET data Hillary had illegally in her possession....

...and more for starters.

There's a large part of the REAL illegal collusion with Russians the Democrats are completely refusing to acknowledge.
What does this have to do with Obama?

The FACT that Barry was caught on a hot mic telling Putin puppet Medvedev to pass on to Putin that he would be more flexible after he won re-election … and 2 years alter after winning re-election:

The FACT that evidence shows President Obama learned of Russia's interference, attempts to hack US politicians, attempts to hack our energy grid, etc in 2014 and did nothing to stop it, allowed it to continue for 2 years...

The FACT that evidence shows Obama, Mueller, Hillary, and Holder hid Russian crimes associated with their attempts to acquire Uranium One until after they had handed over 20% of the US supply of uranium to the Russians...

The FACT that Obama violated our promise to the Ukraine to help defend their sovereign borders yet refuses to do anything to help them when Putin massed troops on their border and invaded / annexed Crimea.

The fact that he knew Russia was attempting to hack US politicians, knew about Hillary's illegal server, did not force her to shut it down, and thus facilitated Russia's hack of her personal server and stealing TOP SECRET data Hillary had illegally in her possession....

...and more for starters.

There's a large part of the REAL illegal collusion with Russians the Democrats are completely refusing to acknowledge.

What is it you do not know about giving me space. LOL, also he was Potus at that time. Trump conspired to get elected. LOL , you guys crack me up. Uranium One again, LOL. Make sure you didn't miss any of Obama's admin.

Obama Asks Medvedev for 'Space' on Missile Defense
Whitaker is a former United States attorney from Iowa. He was appointed as the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Iowa in 2004 by President George W. Bush, according to the Department of Justice.

The Des Moines native is a former college football player who earned his undergraduate, business and law school degrees from the University of Iowa. Whitaker also ran in Iowa for United States Senate in 2014 but lost the Republican primary to Joni Ernst, who later won the seat.

The news that Jeff Sessions had submitted his resignation and was out as US AG had not even been fully reported yet when D-Chucky Schumer wasted no time demanding that Whittaker recuse himself from overseeing the Russian Witch Hunt being run by Mueller and, until then, overseen by Rosenstein.

(Ironic - Rosenstein is both a WITNESS and the man overseeing the Trump investigation - almost impossible to come up with a bigger conflict of interest that that - yet not one single Democrat has demanded that he recuse himself.)

Democrats have wasted no time in branding Whitaker as a 'Trump Loyalist' and a 'Mueller critic' who will most probably 'shut Mueller's investigation down'.

"In August 2017, Matthew Whitaker wrote an op-ed for CNN titled “Mueller’s investigation of Trump is going too far,” in which he argued President Donald Trump was “absolutely correct” when he said the special counsel would be crossing the line if he probed the Trump family’s finances as part of the Russia investigation."

Whitaker correctly pointed out that Mueller has abused the almost limitless border / authority to investigate seemingly anything and everything about the President and his family in the name of 'Russian Collusion' in hopes of finding anything they can use to remove the President from office.

The Democrats also do NOT like Whitaker because of THIS:

"In a 2016 op-ed for USA Today, titled “I would indict Hillary Clinton: Opposing View,” Whitaker said he disagreed with then-FBI Director James Comey’s assessment that “no reasonable prosecutor” would have brought a case against the former secretary of state over her use of personal email. “I disagree. I believe myself to have been a reasonable prosecutor, and when the facts and evidence show a criminal violation has been committed, the individuals involved should not dictate whether the case is prosecuted,” Whitaker wrote."

The US IG made the same observation regarding former FBI Director Comey. In the US IG's report he blasted Comey for 'usurping the power of the Justice Department', violating the 'Separation of Power', by making the declaration that HE would not recommend Hillary be indicted for the crimes HE pointed out she had committed.

Whitaker is a much, MUCH better candidate for US AG, even if temporarily, than Sessions. He is not a blindly-partisan individual driven by an agenda / ideology as are the Conspirators who have been trying to take the President down, and that scares the hell out of Schumer and the Democrats / Conspirators.

Meet Matt Whitaker, the Acting Attorney General and Mueller Critic |

He is a scam artist and wrote those opeds just for Trump. I wonder what he says about Trump's unsecure cell phone,
Trump's acting attorney general was part of firm US accused of vast scam

we have nothing but a crime family in the Admin. Can't wait till the Dems clean it up.

World Patent Marketing
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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World Patent Marketing was a fraudulent business based in Florida that deceived inventors into thinking that the company had successfully commercialized other inventions.[1][2] The company was established in 2014 by Scott J. Cooper.[2] Members of the advisory board included the 2018 acting United States Attorney General Matthew Whitaker, Republican Congressman Brian Mast, the scientist Ronald Mallett[3] and Omar Rivero the founder of Occupy Democrats.[4] The company was shut down by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in 2017 and in 2018 Cooper was banned from running businesses that promote inventions. Inventors invested a total of $26 million with the company, of which the FTC had only located $2 million of by May 2018.[2]

What business of yours is it that citizen Trump has a personal cell phone?
Whitaker is a former United States attorney from Iowa. He was appointed as the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Iowa in 2004 by President George W. Bush, according to the Department of Justice.

The Des Moines native is a former college football player who earned his undergraduate, business and law school degrees from the University of Iowa. Whitaker also ran in Iowa for United States Senate in 2014 but lost the Republican primary to Joni Ernst, who later won the seat.

The news that Jeff Sessions had submitted his resignation and was out as US AG had not even been fully reported yet when D-Chucky Schumer wasted no time demanding that Whittaker recuse himself from overseeing the Russian Witch Hunt being run by Mueller and, until then, overseen by Rosenstein.

(Ironic - Rosenstein is both a WITNESS and the man overseeing the Trump investigation - almost impossible to come up with a bigger conflict of interest that that - yet not one single Democrat has demanded that he recuse himself.)

Democrats have wasted no time in branding Whitaker as a 'Trump Loyalist' and a 'Mueller critic' who will most probably 'shut Mueller's investigation down'.

"In August 2017, Matthew Whitaker wrote an op-ed for CNN titled “Mueller’s investigation of Trump is going too far,” in which he argued President Donald Trump was “absolutely correct” when he said the special counsel would be crossing the line if he probed the Trump family’s finances as part of the Russia investigation."

Whitaker correctly pointed out that Mueller has abused the almost limitless border / authority to investigate seemingly anything and everything about the President and his family in the name of 'Russian Collusion' in hopes of finding anything they can use to remove the President from office.

The Democrats also do NOT like Whitaker because of THIS:

"In a 2016 op-ed for USA Today, titled “I would indict Hillary Clinton: Opposing View,” Whitaker said he disagreed with then-FBI Director James Comey’s assessment that “no reasonable prosecutor” would have brought a case against the former secretary of state over her use of personal email. “I disagree. I believe myself to have been a reasonable prosecutor, and when the facts and evidence show a criminal violation has been committed, the individuals involved should not dictate whether the case is prosecuted,” Whitaker wrote."

The US IG made the same observation regarding former FBI Director Comey. In the US IG's report he blasted Comey for 'usurping the power of the Justice Department', violating the 'Separation of Power', by making the declaration that HE would not recommend Hillary be indicted for the crimes HE pointed out she had committed.

Whitaker is a much, MUCH better candidate for US AG, even if temporarily, than Sessions. He is not a blindly-partisan individual driven by an agenda / ideology as are the Conspirators who have been trying to take the President down, and that scares the hell out of Schumer and the Democrats / Conspirators.

Meet Matt Whitaker, the Acting Attorney General and Mueller Critic |

He is a scam artist and wrote those opeds just for Trump. I wonder what he says about Trump's unsecure cell phone,
Trump's acting attorney general was part of firm US accused of vast scam

we have nothing but a crime family in the Admin. Can't wait till the Dems clean it up.

World Patent Marketing
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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World Patent Marketing was a fraudulent business based in Florida that deceived inventors into thinking that the company had successfully commercialized other inventions.[1][2] The company was established in 2014 by Scott J. Cooper.[2] Members of the advisory board included the 2018 acting United States Attorney General Matthew Whitaker, Republican Congressman Brian Mast, the scientist Ronald Mallett[3] and Omar Rivero the founder of Occupy Democrats.[4] The company was shut down by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in 2017 and in 2018 Cooper was banned from running businesses that promote inventions. Inventors invested a total of $26 million with the company, of which the FTC had only located $2 million of by May 2018.[2]

What business of yours is it that citizen Trump has a personal cell phone?

Unsecured, which means everyone can eavesdrop.
The Des Moines native is a former college football player who earned his undergraduate, business and law school degrees from the University of Iowa. Whitaker also ran in Iowa for United States Senate in 2014 but lost the Republican primary to Joni Ernst, who later won the seat.
I like him already.

Sounds like the guy will get involved as Sessions wasn't.

My kinda guy.
Whitaker is a former United States attorney from Iowa. He was appointed as the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Iowa in 2004 by President George W. Bush, according to the Department of Justice.

The Des Moines native is a former college football player who earned his undergraduate, business and law school degrees from the University of Iowa. Whitaker also ran in Iowa for United States Senate in 2014 but lost the Republican primary to Joni Ernst, who later won the seat.

The news that Jeff Sessions had submitted his resignation and was out as US AG had not even been fully reported yet when D-Chucky Schumer wasted no time demanding that Whittaker recuse himself from overseeing the Russian Witch Hunt being run by Mueller and, until then, overseen by Rosenstein.

(Ironic - Rosenstein is both a WITNESS and the man overseeing the Trump investigation - almost impossible to come up with a bigger conflict of interest that that - yet not one single Democrat has demanded that he recuse himself.)

Democrats have wasted no time in branding Whitaker as a 'Trump Loyalist' and a 'Mueller critic' who will most probably 'shut Mueller's investigation down'.

"In August 2017, Matthew Whitaker wrote an op-ed for CNN titled “Mueller’s investigation of Trump is going too far,” in which he argued President Donald Trump was “absolutely correct” when he said the special counsel would be crossing the line if he probed the Trump family’s finances as part of the Russia investigation."

Whitaker correctly pointed out that Mueller has abused the almost limitless border / authority to investigate seemingly anything and everything about the President and his family in the name of 'Russian Collusion' in hopes of finding anything they can use to remove the President from office.

The Democrats also do NOT like Whitaker because of THIS:

"In a 2016 op-ed for USA Today, titled “I would indict Hillary Clinton: Opposing View,” Whitaker said he disagreed with then-FBI Director James Comey’s assessment that “no reasonable prosecutor” would have brought a case against the former secretary of state over her use of personal email. “I disagree. I believe myself to have been a reasonable prosecutor, and when the facts and evidence show a criminal violation has been committed, the individuals involved should not dictate whether the case is prosecuted,” Whitaker wrote."

The US IG made the same observation regarding former FBI Director Comey. In the US IG's report he blasted Comey for 'usurping the power of the Justice Department', violating the 'Separation of Power', by making the declaration that HE would not recommend Hillary be indicted for the crimes HE pointed out she had committed.

Whitaker is a much, MUCH better candidate for US AG, even if temporarily, than Sessions. He is not a blindly-partisan individual driven by an agenda / ideology as are the Conspirators who have been trying to take the President down, and that scares the hell out of Schumer and the Democrats / Conspirators.

Meet Matt Whitaker, the Acting Attorney General and Mueller Critic |

He is a scam artist and wrote those opeds just for Trump. I wonder what he says about Trump's unsecure cell phone,
Trump's acting attorney general was part of firm US accused of vast scam

we have nothing but a crime family in the Admin. Can't wait till the Dems clean it up.

World Patent Marketing
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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World Patent Marketing was a fraudulent business based in Florida that deceived inventors into thinking that the company had successfully commercialized other inventions.[1][2] The company was established in 2014 by Scott J. Cooper.[2] Members of the advisory board included the 2018 acting United States Attorney General Matthew Whitaker, Republican Congressman Brian Mast, the scientist Ronald Mallett[3] and Omar Rivero the founder of Occupy Democrats.[4] The company was shut down by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in 2017 and in 2018 Cooper was banned from running businesses that promote inventions. Inventors invested a total of $26 million with the company, of which the FTC had only located $2 million of by May 2018.[2]

I am so surprised you don’t approve of his choice.

Who should have chosen and why, specifically?
Whitaker is a former United States attorney from Iowa. He was appointed as the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Iowa in 2004 by President George W. Bush, according to the Department of Justice.

The Des Moines native is a former college football player who earned his undergraduate, business and law school degrees from the University of Iowa. Whitaker also ran in Iowa for United States Senate in 2014 but lost the Republican primary to Joni Ernst, who later won the seat.

The news that Jeff Sessions had submitted his resignation and was out as US AG had not even been fully reported yet when D-Chucky Schumer wasted no time demanding that Whittaker recuse himself from overseeing the Russian Witch Hunt being run by Mueller and, until then, overseen by Rosenstein.

(Ironic - Rosenstein is both a WITNESS and the man overseeing the Trump investigation - almost impossible to come up with a bigger conflict of interest that that - yet not one single Democrat has demanded that he recuse himself.)

Democrats have wasted no time in branding Whitaker as a 'Trump Loyalist' and a 'Mueller critic' who will most probably 'shut Mueller's investigation down'.

"In August 2017, Matthew Whitaker wrote an op-ed for CNN titled “Mueller’s investigation of Trump is going too far,” in which he argued President Donald Trump was “absolutely correct” when he said the special counsel would be crossing the line if he probed the Trump family’s finances as part of the Russia investigation."

Whitaker correctly pointed out that Mueller has abused the almost limitless border / authority to investigate seemingly anything and everything about the President and his family in the name of 'Russian Collusion' in hopes of finding anything they can use to remove the President from office.

The Democrats also do NOT like Whitaker because of THIS:

"In a 2016 op-ed for USA Today, titled “I would indict Hillary Clinton: Opposing View,” Whitaker said he disagreed with then-FBI Director James Comey’s assessment that “no reasonable prosecutor” would have brought a case against the former secretary of state over her use of personal email. “I disagree. I believe myself to have been a reasonable prosecutor, and when the facts and evidence show a criminal violation has been committed, the individuals involved should not dictate whether the case is prosecuted,” Whitaker wrote."

The US IG made the same observation regarding former FBI Director Comey. In the US IG's report he blasted Comey for 'usurping the power of the Justice Department', violating the 'Separation of Power', by making the declaration that HE would not recommend Hillary be indicted for the crimes HE pointed out she had committed.

Whitaker is a much, MUCH better candidate for US AG, even if temporarily, than Sessions. He is not a blindly-partisan individual driven by an agenda / ideology as are the Conspirators who have been trying to take the President down, and that scares the hell out of Schumer and the Democrats / Conspirators.

Meet Matt Whitaker, the Acting Attorney General and Mueller Critic |

He is a scam artist and wrote those opeds just for Trump. I wonder what he says about Trump's unsecure cell phone,
Trump's acting attorney general was part of firm US accused of vast scam

we have nothing but a crime family in the Admin. Can't wait till the Dems clean it up.

World Patent Marketing
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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World Patent Marketing was a fraudulent business based in Florida that deceived inventors into thinking that the company had successfully commercialized other inventions.[1][2] The company was established in 2014 by Scott J. Cooper.[2] Members of the advisory board included the 2018 acting United States Attorney General Matthew Whitaker, Republican Congressman Brian Mast, the scientist Ronald Mallett[3] and Omar Rivero the founder of Occupy Democrats.[4] The company was shut down by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in 2017 and in 2018 Cooper was banned from running businesses that promote inventions. Inventors invested a total of $26 million with the company, of which the FTC had only located $2 million of by May 2018.[2]

What business of yours is it that citizen Trump has a personal cell phone?

Unsecured, which means everyone can eavesdrop.

Again, if he uses it for personal business and a secure phone for Presidential business, what business is it of yours, or anyone else's?
Whitaker is a former United States attorney from Iowa. He was appointed as the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Iowa in 2004 by President George W. Bush, according to the Department of Justice.

The Des Moines native is a former college football player who earned his undergraduate, business and law school degrees from the University of Iowa. Whitaker also ran in Iowa for United States Senate in 2014 but lost the Republican primary to Joni Ernst, who later won the seat.

The news that Jeff Sessions had submitted his resignation and was out as US AG had not even been fully reported yet when D-Chucky Schumer wasted no time demanding that Whittaker recuse himself from overseeing the Russian Witch Hunt being run by Mueller and, until then, overseen by Rosenstein.

(Ironic - Rosenstein is both a WITNESS and the man overseeing the Trump investigation - almost impossible to come up with a bigger conflict of interest that that - yet not one single Democrat has demanded that he recuse himself.)

Democrats have wasted no time in branding Whitaker as a 'Trump Loyalist' and a 'Mueller critic' who will most probably 'shut Mueller's investigation down'.

"In August 2017, Matthew Whitaker wrote an op-ed for CNN titled “Mueller’s investigation of Trump is going too far,” in which he argued President Donald Trump was “absolutely correct” when he said the special counsel would be crossing the line if he probed the Trump family’s finances as part of the Russia investigation."

Whitaker correctly pointed out that Mueller has abused the almost limitless border / authority to investigate seemingly anything and everything about the President and his family in the name of 'Russian Collusion' in hopes of finding anything they can use to remove the President from office.

The Democrats also do NOT like Whitaker because of THIS:

"In a 2016 op-ed for USA Today, titled “I would indict Hillary Clinton: Opposing View,” Whitaker said he disagreed with then-FBI Director James Comey’s assessment that “no reasonable prosecutor” would have brought a case against the former secretary of state over her use of personal email. “I disagree. I believe myself to have been a reasonable prosecutor, and when the facts and evidence show a criminal violation has been committed, the individuals involved should not dictate whether the case is prosecuted,” Whitaker wrote."

The US IG made the same observation regarding former FBI Director Comey. In the US IG's report he blasted Comey for 'usurping the power of the Justice Department', violating the 'Separation of Power', by making the declaration that HE would not recommend Hillary be indicted for the crimes HE pointed out she had committed.

Whitaker is a much, MUCH better candidate for US AG, even if temporarily, than Sessions. He is not a blindly-partisan individual driven by an agenda / ideology as are the Conspirators who have been trying to take the President down, and that scares the hell out of Schumer and the Democrats / Conspirators.

Meet Matt Whitaker, the Acting Attorney General and Mueller Critic |

He is a scam artist and wrote those opeds just for Trump. I wonder what he says about Trump's unsecure cell phone,
Trump's acting attorney general was part of firm US accused of vast scam

we have nothing but a crime family in the Admin. Can't wait till the Dems clean it up.

World Patent Marketing
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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World Patent Marketing was a fraudulent business based in Florida that deceived inventors into thinking that the company had successfully commercialized other inventions.[1][2] The company was established in 2014 by Scott J. Cooper.[2] Members of the advisory board included the 2018 acting United States Attorney General Matthew Whitaker, Republican Congressman Brian Mast, the scientist Ronald Mallett[3] and Omar Rivero the founder of Occupy Democrats.[4] The company was shut down by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in 2017 and in 2018 Cooper was banned from running businesses that promote inventions. Inventors invested a total of $26 million with the company, of which the FTC had only located $2 million of by May 2018.[2]

What business of yours is it that citizen Trump has a personal cell phone?

Unsecured, which means everyone can eavesdrop.

Again, if he uses it for personal business and a secure phone for Presidential business, what business is it of yours, or anyone else's?
"personal business" , he is not suppose to be involved in "personal" business. LOL.
Whitaker is a former United States attorney from Iowa. He was appointed as the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Iowa in 2004 by President George W. Bush, according to the Department of Justice.

The Des Moines native is a former college football player who earned his undergraduate, business and law school degrees from the University of Iowa. Whitaker also ran in Iowa for United States Senate in 2014 but lost the Republican primary to Joni Ernst, who later won the seat.

The news that Jeff Sessions had submitted his resignation and was out as US AG had not even been fully reported yet when D-Chucky Schumer wasted no time demanding that Whittaker recuse himself from overseeing the Russian Witch Hunt being run by Mueller and, until then, overseen by Rosenstein.

(Ironic - Rosenstein is both a WITNESS and the man overseeing the Trump investigation - almost impossible to come up with a bigger conflict of interest that that - yet not one single Democrat has demanded that he recuse himself.)

Democrats have wasted no time in branding Whitaker as a 'Trump Loyalist' and a 'Mueller critic' who will most probably 'shut Mueller's investigation down'.

"In August 2017, Matthew Whitaker wrote an op-ed for CNN titled “Mueller’s investigation of Trump is going too far,” in which he argued President Donald Trump was “absolutely correct” when he said the special counsel would be crossing the line if he probed the Trump family’s finances as part of the Russia investigation."

Whitaker correctly pointed out that Mueller has abused the almost limitless border / authority to investigate seemingly anything and everything about the President and his family in the name of 'Russian Collusion' in hopes of finding anything they can use to remove the President from office.

The Democrats also do NOT like Whitaker because of THIS:

"In a 2016 op-ed for USA Today, titled “I would indict Hillary Clinton: Opposing View,” Whitaker said he disagreed with then-FBI Director James Comey’s assessment that “no reasonable prosecutor” would have brought a case against the former secretary of state over her use of personal email. “I disagree. I believe myself to have been a reasonable prosecutor, and when the facts and evidence show a criminal violation has been committed, the individuals involved should not dictate whether the case is prosecuted,” Whitaker wrote."

The US IG made the same observation regarding former FBI Director Comey. In the US IG's report he blasted Comey for 'usurping the power of the Justice Department', violating the 'Separation of Power', by making the declaration that HE would not recommend Hillary be indicted for the crimes HE pointed out she had committed.

Whitaker is a much, MUCH better candidate for US AG, even if temporarily, than Sessions. He is not a blindly-partisan individual driven by an agenda / ideology as are the Conspirators who have been trying to take the President down, and that scares the hell out of Schumer and the Democrats / Conspirators.

Meet Matt Whitaker, the Acting Attorney General and Mueller Critic |

He is a scam artist and wrote those opeds just for Trump. I wonder what he says about Trump's unsecure cell phone,
Trump's acting attorney general was part of firm US accused of vast scam

we have nothing but a crime family in the Admin. Can't wait till the Dems clean it up.

World Patent Marketing
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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World Patent Marketing was a fraudulent business based in Florida that deceived inventors into thinking that the company had successfully commercialized other inventions.[1][2] The company was established in 2014 by Scott J. Cooper.[2] Members of the advisory board included the 2018 acting United States Attorney General Matthew Whitaker, Republican Congressman Brian Mast, the scientist Ronald Mallett[3] and Omar Rivero the founder of Occupy Democrats.[4] The company was shut down by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in 2017 and in 2018 Cooper was banned from running businesses that promote inventions. Inventors invested a total of $26 million with the company, of which the FTC had only located $2 million of by May 2018.[2]

What business of yours is it that citizen Trump has a personal cell phone?

Unsecured, which means everyone can eavesdrop.

Again, if he uses it for personal business and a secure phone for Presidential business, what business is it of yours, or anyone else's?
"personal business" , he is not suppose to be involved in "personal" business. LOL.

Who should Trump have named as AG that you would have approved?
Whitaker is a former United States attorney from Iowa. He was appointed as the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Iowa in 2004 by President George W. Bush, according to the Department of Justice.

The Des Moines native is a former college football player who earned his undergraduate, business and law school degrees from the University of Iowa. Whitaker also ran in Iowa for United States Senate in 2014 but lost the Republican primary to Joni Ernst, who later won the seat.

The news that Jeff Sessions had submitted his resignation and was out as US AG had not even been fully reported yet when D-Chucky Schumer wasted no time demanding that Whittaker recuse himself from overseeing the Russian Witch Hunt being run by Mueller and, until then, overseen by Rosenstein.

(Ironic - Rosenstein is both a WITNESS and the man overseeing the Trump investigation - almost impossible to come up with a bigger conflict of interest that that - yet not one single Democrat has demanded that he recuse himself.)

Democrats have wasted no time in branding Whitaker as a 'Trump Loyalist' and a 'Mueller critic' who will most probably 'shut Mueller's investigation down'.

"In August 2017, Matthew Whitaker wrote an op-ed for CNN titled “Mueller’s investigation of Trump is going too far,” in which he argued President Donald Trump was “absolutely correct” when he said the special counsel would be crossing the line if he probed the Trump family’s finances as part of the Russia investigation."

Whitaker correctly pointed out that Mueller has abused the almost limitless border / authority to investigate seemingly anything and everything about the President and his family in the name of 'Russian Collusion' in hopes of finding anything they can use to remove the President from office.

The Democrats also do NOT like Whitaker because of THIS:

"In a 2016 op-ed for USA Today, titled “I would indict Hillary Clinton: Opposing View,” Whitaker said he disagreed with then-FBI Director James Comey’s assessment that “no reasonable prosecutor” would have brought a case against the former secretary of state over her use of personal email. “I disagree. I believe myself to have been a reasonable prosecutor, and when the facts and evidence show a criminal violation has been committed, the individuals involved should not dictate whether the case is prosecuted,” Whitaker wrote."

The US IG made the same observation regarding former FBI Director Comey. In the US IG's report he blasted Comey for 'usurping the power of the Justice Department', violating the 'Separation of Power', by making the declaration that HE would not recommend Hillary be indicted for the crimes HE pointed out she had committed.

Whitaker is a much, MUCH better candidate for US AG, even if temporarily, than Sessions. He is not a blindly-partisan individual driven by an agenda / ideology as are the Conspirators who have been trying to take the President down, and that scares the hell out of Schumer and the Democrats / Conspirators.

Meet Matt Whitaker, the Acting Attorney General and Mueller Critic |

He is a scam artist and wrote those opeds just for Trump. I wonder what he says about Trump's unsecure cell phone,
Trump's acting attorney general was part of firm US accused of vast scam

we have nothing but a crime family in the Admin. Can't wait till the Dems clean it up.

World Patent Marketing
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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World Patent Marketing was a fraudulent business based in Florida that deceived inventors into thinking that the company had successfully commercialized other inventions.[1][2] The company was established in 2014 by Scott J. Cooper.[2] Members of the advisory board included the 2018 acting United States Attorney General Matthew Whitaker, Republican Congressman Brian Mast, the scientist Ronald Mallett[3] and Omar Rivero the founder of Occupy Democrats.[4] The company was shut down by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in 2017 and in 2018 Cooper was banned from running businesses that promote inventions. Inventors invested a total of $26 million with the company, of which the FTC had only located $2 million of by May 2018.[2]

I am so surprised you don’t approve of his choice.

Who should have chosen and why, specifically?

Go figure, he brought the swamp to the white house.
Whitaker is a former United States attorney from Iowa. He was appointed as the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Iowa in 2004 by President George W. Bush, according to the Department of Justice.

The Des Moines native is a former college football player who earned his undergraduate, business and law school degrees from the University of Iowa. Whitaker also ran in Iowa for United States Senate in 2014 but lost the Republican primary to Joni Ernst, who later won the seat.

The news that Jeff Sessions had submitted his resignation and was out as US AG had not even been fully reported yet when D-Chucky Schumer wasted no time demanding that Whittaker recuse himself from overseeing the Russian Witch Hunt being run by Mueller and, until then, overseen by Rosenstein.

(Ironic - Rosenstein is both a WITNESS and the man overseeing the Trump investigation - almost impossible to come up with a bigger conflict of interest that that - yet not one single Democrat has demanded that he recuse himself.)

Democrats have wasted no time in branding Whitaker as a 'Trump Loyalist' and a 'Mueller critic' who will most probably 'shut Mueller's investigation down'.

"In August 2017, Matthew Whitaker wrote an op-ed for CNN titled “Mueller’s investigation of Trump is going too far,” in which he argued President Donald Trump was “absolutely correct” when he said the special counsel would be crossing the line if he probed the Trump family’s finances as part of the Russia investigation."

Whitaker correctly pointed out that Mueller has abused the almost limitless border / authority to investigate seemingly anything and everything about the President and his family in the name of 'Russian Collusion' in hopes of finding anything they can use to remove the President from office.

The Democrats also do NOT like Whitaker because of THIS:

"In a 2016 op-ed for USA Today, titled “I would indict Hillary Clinton: Opposing View,” Whitaker said he disagreed with then-FBI Director James Comey’s assessment that “no reasonable prosecutor” would have brought a case against the former secretary of state over her use of personal email. “I disagree. I believe myself to have been a reasonable prosecutor, and when the facts and evidence show a criminal violation has been committed, the individuals involved should not dictate whether the case is prosecuted,” Whitaker wrote."

The US IG made the same observation regarding former FBI Director Comey. In the US IG's report he blasted Comey for 'usurping the power of the Justice Department', violating the 'Separation of Power', by making the declaration that HE would not recommend Hillary be indicted for the crimes HE pointed out she had committed.

Whitaker is a much, MUCH better candidate for US AG, even if temporarily, than Sessions. He is not a blindly-partisan individual driven by an agenda / ideology as are the Conspirators who have been trying to take the President down, and that scares the hell out of Schumer and the Democrats / Conspirators.

Meet Matt Whitaker, the Acting Attorney General and Mueller Critic |

He is a scam artist and wrote those opeds just for Trump. I wonder what he says about Trump's unsecure cell phone,
Trump's acting attorney general was part of firm US accused of vast scam

we have nothing but a crime family in the Admin. Can't wait till the Dems clean it up.

World Patent Marketing
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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World Patent Marketing was a fraudulent business based in Florida that deceived inventors into thinking that the company had successfully commercialized other inventions.[1][2] The company was established in 2014 by Scott J. Cooper.[2] Members of the advisory board included the 2018 acting United States Attorney General Matthew Whitaker, Republican Congressman Brian Mast, the scientist Ronald Mallett[3] and Omar Rivero the founder of Occupy Democrats.[4] The company was shut down by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in 2017 and in 2018 Cooper was banned from running businesses that promote inventions. Inventors invested a total of $26 million with the company, of which the FTC had only located $2 million of by May 2018.[2]

I am so surprised you don’t approve of his choice.

Who should have chosen and why, specifically?

Go figure, he brought the swamp to the white house.

Who should he have appointed and why?
It’s easier to just sit back and criticize, I know.

Fact is, REGARDLESS of who Trump picked, you would say it was a bad choice.

You know it and I know it.

Orange Man Bad
It’s easier to just sit back and criticize, I know.

Fact is, REGARDLESS of who Trump picked, you would say it was a bad choice.

You know it and I know it.

Orange Man Bad

Don't hold your breath. All she can do is complain. She has no answer.

Sucks to be her.

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