Abortion Law in Texas

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023

So this white chick, who is already a mother, gets knocked up again. But this time the baby is sick. The baby probably will not survive to term (or so goes the narrative) and it is putting the health/life of the mother at risk (or so we are told.

I am not buying this bullshit. Even if everything is 100% true, this is clearly a test case for pro-abortion groups. Hell, she is receiving legal representation from such a group. They sued for an “emergency abortion”. At first, it was granted. But now the Texas Supreme Court has stayed the lower court’s ruling. Moreover, it all may now be moot as I have heard a report that this woman left Texas tonight to get her “emergency abortion” in another state.

I can hear the headlines now: “Pregnant Woman Flees Tyrannical Texas For Her Life!!” I note that this is a hand picked litigant. She is white and fairly attractive. She is not the typical baby killer named LaQuanDaSheeWanda Muhammad Jones. Nope, she is white and appears just like us other white bread mofos.

Here is what happened. A pro-kill abortion group put out the feelers to Ob-GYNs to be on the lookout for a pregnant woman who wants to abort for medical reasons. The idea is to get the perfect party for a test case. They probably made it clear that they wanted a pretty white woman. Obviously, the white pregnant woman will also need to be down with cause. I would not be at all surprised to learn she has some leftist activism in her background.

So the narrative gets to be that this poor pregnant woman was forced to leave Texas in order to save her life. In reality, most people in her alleged circumstances would have just gone to another state for an abortion in the first place, instead of risking her life delaying the procedure to litigate the issue in court. DeRp!! Plus, if you look at this woman it appears that she and her hubby most likely can afford to drive to another state to have this 20 minute procedure.

This case is pure fabrication for the purpose of ginning up another leftist narrative for the media to hype about abortion and the evil white men who want to force women to become breeders. DeRp!!

So this white chick, who is already a mother, gets knocked up again. But this time the baby is sick. The baby probably will not survive to term (or so goes the narrative) and it is putting the health/life of the mother at risk (or so we are told.

I am not buying this bullshit. Even if everything is 100% true, this is clearly a test case for pro-abortion groups. Hell, she is receiving legal representation from such a group. They sued for an “emergency abortion”. At first, it was granted. But now the Texas Supreme Court has stayed the lower court’s ruling. Moreover, it all may now be moot as I have heard a report that this woman left Texas tonight to get her “emergency abortion” in another state.

I can hear the headlines now: “Pregnant Woman Flees Tyrannical Texas For Her Life!!” I note that this is a hand picked litigant. She is white and fairly attractive. She is not the typical baby killer named LaQuanDaSheeWanda Muhammad Jones. Nope, she is white and appears just like us other white bread mofos.

Here is what happened. A pro-kill abortion group put out the feelers to Ob-GYNs to be on the lookout for a pregnant woman who wants to abort for medical reasons. The idea is to get the perfect party for a test case. They probably made it clear that they wanted a pretty white woman. Obviously, the white pregnant woman will also need to be down with cause. I would not be at all surprised to learn she has some leftist activism in her background.

So the narrative gets to be that this poor pregnant woman was forced to leave Texas in order to save her life. In reality, most people in her alleged circumstances would have just gone to another state for an abortion in the first place, instead of risking her life delaying the procedure to litigate the issue in court. DeRp!! Plus, if you look at this woman it appears that she and her hubby most likely can afford to drive to another state to have this 20 minute procedure.

This case is pure fabrication for the purpose of ginning up another leftist narrative for the media to hype about abortion and the evil white men who want to force women to become breeders. DeRp!!
“Abortion Law in Texas…”

… is reprehensible, wrong, authoritarian, cruel, and dystopian.

The right’s war on women continues.

So this white chick, who is already a mother, gets knocked up again. But this time the baby is sick. The baby probably will not survive to term (or so goes the narrative) and it is putting the health/life of the mother at risk (or so we are told.

I am not buying this bullshit. Even if everything is 100% true, this is clearly a test case for pro-abortion groups. Hell, she is receiving legal representation from such a group. They sued for an “emergency abortion”. At first, it was granted. But now the Texas Supreme Court has stayed the lower court’s ruling. Moreover, it all may now be moot as I have heard a report that this woman left Texas tonight to get her “emergency abortion” in another state.

I can hear the headlines now: “Pregnant Woman Flees Tyrannical Texas For Her Life!!” I note that this is a hand picked litigant. She is white and fairly attractive. She is not the typical baby killer named LaQuanDaSheeWanda Muhammad Jones. Nope, she is white and appears just like us other white bread mofos.

Here is what happened. A pro-kill abortion group put out the feelers to Ob-GYNs to be on the lookout for a pregnant woman who wants to abort for medical reasons. The idea is to get the perfect party for a test case. They probably made it clear that they wanted a pretty white woman. Obviously, the white pregnant woman will also need to be down with cause. I would not be at all surprised to learn she has some leftist activism in her background.

So the narrative gets to be that this poor pregnant woman was forced to leave Texas in order to save her life. In reality, most people in her alleged circumstances would have just gone to another state for an abortion in the first place, instead of risking her life delaying the procedure to litigate the issue in court. DeRp!! Plus, if you look at this woman it appears that she and her hubby most likely can afford to drive to another state to have this 20 minute procedure.

This case is pure fabrication for the purpose of ginning up another leftist narrative for the media to hype about abortion and the evil white men who want to force women to become breeders. DeRp!!
She did have to leave the state to protect her health because of the Texas law. Which part of that is fabricated?
Lord Long Rod,
It has come to my attention that your rod is far to long.
It makes other men unhappy when the see your lengthy dong.
There's a solution to this problem, and it's one I can do
because I have a bright sharp scalpel and the skill to use it too.
More people should just mind their own business instead of trying to force others to bend to their will
Great advice. Unfortunately, it is just in one ear and out the other for Democrats. They lack anything between their ears, you know.
Medically unqualified politicians and judges deciding this woman’s life and we’ll being
I do not have a problem with this chick getting her baby-murder freak on because it sounds like she may really need it. My peeve is that the left most likely set this media presentation up so they could say, "Look at this, white Republican women!! The GOP want to mUrDeR you!!!!".
Lord Long Rod,
It has come to my attention that your rod is far to long.
It makes other men unhappy when the see your lengthy dong.
There's a solution to this problem, and it's one I can do
because I have a bright sharp scalpel and the skill to use it too.
My Rod will beat the unholy shit out of you itself if you try to act like some kind of cuck hero!

You ever see someone get the shit beat out of them with a dong, boy?

So this white chick, who is already a mother, gets knocked up again. But this time the baby is sick. The baby probably will not survive to term (or so goes the narrative) and it is putting the health/life of the mother at risk (or so we are told.

I am not buying this bullshit. Even if everything is 100% true, this is clearly a test case for pro-abortion groups. Hell, she is receiving legal representation from such a group. They sued for an “emergency abortion”. At first, it was granted. But now the Texas Supreme Court has stayed the lower court’s ruling. Moreover, it all may now be moot as I have heard a report that this woman left Texas tonight to get her “emergency abortion” in another state.

I can hear the headlines now: “Pregnant Woman Flees Tyrannical Texas For Her Life!!” I note that this is a hand picked litigant. She is white and fairly attractive. She is not the typical baby killer named LaQuanDaSheeWanda Muhammad Jones. Nope, she is white and appears just like us other white bread mofos.

Here is what happened. A pro-kill abortion group put out the feelers to Ob-GYNs to be on the lookout for a pregnant woman who wants to abort for medical reasons. The idea is to get the perfect party for a test case. They probably made it clear that they wanted a pretty white woman. Obviously, the white pregnant woman will also need to be down with cause. I would not be at all surprised to learn she has some leftist activism in her background.

So the narrative gets to be that this poor pregnant woman was forced to leave Texas in order to save her life. In reality, most people in her alleged circumstances would have just gone to another state for an abortion in the first place, instead of risking her life delaying the procedure to litigate the issue in court. DeRp!! Plus, if you look at this woman it appears that she and her hubby most likely can afford to drive to another state to have this 20 minute procedure.

This case is pure fabrication for the purpose of ginning up another leftist narrative for the media to hype about abortion and the evil white men who want to force women to become breeders. DeRp!!
And to think the Republicans were supposed to be for limited government? Except when it comes to a woman's uterus.

Fuck the Texas Supreme Court! And double-fuck that POS Ken Paxton!
And to think the Republicans were supposed to be for limited government? Except when it comes to a woman's uterus.

Fuck the Texas Supreme Court! And double-fuck that POS Ken Paxton!

it's about the fetus, of which they see as being of equal value to the woman in question.
it's about the fetus, of which they see as being of equal value to the woman in question.
The fetus is dead! You have no right telling other people how to live their lives!

If you disagree, come over to my house and try to tell me what's what under my own roof and see what happens next! I will personally show you just how wrong that action is.
The fetus is dead! You have no right telling other people how to live their lives!

If you disagree, come over to my house and try to tell me what's what under my own roof and see what happens next! I will personally show you just how wrong that action is.

Not before the abortion, dipshit.

Fuck no, you unstable twat.

Oooh internet toughguy.

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