Abortion Bullshit...

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
The logical facts..

1) a human life begins at conception.

2) if Roe v Wade is overturned it reverts back to the each individual State's jurisdiction.

3) the odds of certain States (liberal utopias) outlawing abortion is nil, zero, not an F'ing chance.

4) The odds of back alley abortions, coat hanger abortions, whatever, is no greater with or without Roe v Wade

The reality..

Democrats only use the issue as a political tool to scare women/men into voting Democrat.
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The logical facts..

1) a human life begins at conception.

2) if Roe v Wade is overturned it reverts back to the each individual State's jurisdiction.

3) the odds of certain States (liberal utopias) outlawing abortion is nil, zero, not an F'ing chance.

4) The odds of back alley abortions, coat hanger abortions, whatever, is no greater with or without Roe v Wade

The reality..

Democrats only use the issue as a political tool to scare women/men into voting Democrat.

Stop making a moral issue into a legislative one and guess what? the problem goes away.

Look, as a Christian....I am anti-abortion. If I were female, I'd never have one. I'd raise my stepdaughter's child(if she were pregnant) if it were an option between that, and her getting an abortion.

However.....legislatively and legally....it should be a private matter between....the person having the abortion, the doctor, the father of the child and God.

I feel exactly the same about gay marriage....I'm against it at the personal/religious level.....but because we live in an allegedly free society.....it should be legalized in the manner of courthouse weddings and on a voluntary basis when it comes to churches....just don't expect me to be a member of a church that allows it.

Bottom line.....sin is sin.....we all sin....God doesn't differentiate like we do....furthermore, we don't have the ability to see what inside another's heart. Let the judging to God....we aren't worthy.
The logical facts..

1) a human life begins at conception.

2) if Roe v Wade is overturned it reverts back to the each individual State's jurisdiction.

3) the odds of certain States (liberal utopias) outlawing abortion is nil, zero, not an F'ing chance.

4) The odds of back alley abortions, coat hanger abortions, whatever, is no greater with or without Roe v Wade

The reality..

Democrats only use the issue as a political tool to scare women/men into voting Democrat.


Jillian = hate filled liberal...that also lacks imagination and logic..:lol:
The logical facts..

1) a human life begins at conception.

2) if Roe v Wade is overturned it reverts back to the each individual State's jurisdiction.

3) the odds of certain States (liberal utopias) outlawing abortion is nil, zero, not an F'ing chance.

4) The odds of back alley abortions, coat hanger abortions, whatever, is no greater with or without Roe v Wade

The reality..

Democrats only use the issue as a political tool to scare women/men into voting Democrat.


Jillian = hate filled liberal...that also lacks imagination and logic..:lol:

i'm not the one who keeps posting hack threads insulting most of the country, creeper...

so you might want to re-evaluate.

and you'd have to matter for me to hate you. hate isn't my thing-- unlike you.
The logical facts..

1) a human life begins at conception.

2) if Roe v Wade is overturned it reverts back to the each individual State's jurisdiction.

3) the odds of certain States (liberal utopias) outlawing abortion is nil, zero, not an F'ing chance.

4) The odds of back alley abortions, coat hanger abortions, whatever, is no greater with or without Roe v Wade

The reality..

Democrats only use the issue as a political tool to scare women/men into voting Democrat.

Another reality is that there is a lot of overlap between those who call themselves "pro-choice" and those who call themselves "pro-life". This means real solutions to abortion are within our easy grasp. There is a lot of low hanging fruit.

For instance, two thirds of Americans are opposed to second trimester abortions, even though half of Americans call themselves pro-life and half call themselves pro-choice. Clearly, there are pro-choicers who are opposed to abortion in the second trimester.

Another example: birth control. Very few Americans are opposed to birth control, including the majority of pro-lifers. And since nearly half of all abortions are the result of a pregnancy brought about by no birth control of any kind being used during the sex act which led to the pregnancy, and even more are caused by the improper use of birth control, then the obvious solution to the problem is getting more people to use birth control properly and consistently. The discussion should then revolve around the means to achieve this goal.

So why can't we achieve these goals?

Because the polarizing extremists dominate and control the conversation. On one side they use rape and incest victims as human shields to distract from the million-plus abortions each year which have nothing to do with rape and incest. On the other side they scream about promiscuity and sin.

As long as we let the nutjobs hijack the rhetoric, no workable solutions to the abortion problem will ever be achieved.

The real problem behind abortion is that fanatics, by definition, have more energy. A fanatic is more likely to vote in a primary, and so politicians feel obligated to pander to them to win the nomination.

It is time to take the conversation back. Clear-headed people outnumber the whackjobs by a wide margin. We need to stop being lazy and start kicking the maniacs in the nuts with some doses of reality and facts.

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Jillian = hate filled liberal...that also lacks imagination and logic..:lol:

i'm not the one who keeps posting hack threads insulting most of the country, creeper...

so you might want to re-evaluate.

and you'd have to matter for me to hate you. hate isn't my thing-- unlike you.

:eusa_eh:.. bullshit... why don't you try responding to the points in the OP rather than the immediate person attack?

So you don't like me personally, big deal, I can live with that...:lol:
Jillian = hate filled liberal...that also lacks imagination and logic..:lol:

i'm not the one who keeps posting hack threads insulting most of the country, creeper...

so you might want to re-evaluate.

and you'd have to matter for me to hate you. hate isn't my thing-- unlike you.

:eusa_eh:.. bullshit... why don't you try responding to the points in the OP rather than the immediate person attack?

So you don't like me personally, big deal, I can live with that...:lol:

no...you're a creeper...

there isn't anything to respond to. *shrug*
Stop making a moral issue into a legislative one and guess what? the problem goes away.

Look, as a Christian....I am anti-abortion. If I were female, I'd never have one. I'd raise my stepdaughter's child(if she were pregnant) if it were an option between that, and her getting an abortion.

However.....legislatively and legally....it should be a private matter between....the person having the abortion, the doctor, the father of the child and God.

I feel exactly the same about gay marriage....I'm against it at the personal/religious level.....but because we live in an allegedly free society.....it should be legalized in the manner of courthouse weddings and on a voluntary basis when it comes to churches....just don't expect me to be a member of a church that allows it.

Bottom line.....sin is sin.....we all sin....God doesn't differentiate like we do....furthermore, we don't have the ability to see what inside another's heart. Let the judging to God....we aren't worthy.

Murder is a moral issue which we have made a legislative one. Should we make it "go away" and leave it as a "private matter" between the murderer and their victim?

That is the logic you are using, and it completely collapses if you believe killing a fetus in the womb is murdering a human being.

If abortion is not the extinguishing of a human life, why are you personally opposed to it?

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Democrats only use the issue as a political tool to scare women/men into voting Democrat.

Actually I find the Republicans are equally if not more guilty
of exploiting the Prolife vote for similar reasons on the opposite side.

The concept of Prochoice is clearly embedded in the Constitutional
idea of religious freedom from govt imposition. It does not depend on voting or elected leaders or even further legislation,
just education to stop bickering over this.

I can name two prominent Republicans who have openly explained the prochoice principle:
Guiliani (in explaining why he had a duty to respect the beliefs of others in making laws)
and Kay Bailey Hutchison who stated this in terms of keeping govt interference out of personal matters
as a "Republican" value.

Also, there is not a SINGLE pro-life advocate you can show me who
DEPENDS on abortion being banned or illegal in order to have their views!

So they, themselves, are proof that Pro-choice does NOT mean supporting or pushing abortion.
They are perfectly able to promote prolife, and all abortions can even be prevented
in a prochoice environment. It is not legally necessary to have prolife legislation to
get rid of abortion.

So abusing the prolife position to get votes is just stringing these people along
out of "fear" of the prochoice agenda; when actually the best work being done
to prevent abortion, especially the Prolife work, is in the private sector without depending on govt legislation.
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There is no coherence to the argument "I believe abortion is wrong but I would not stop others".

If you believe abortion is the extinguishing of a human life, then that argument is akin to saying, "I would not kill my teenaged daughter, but I have no business imposing that moral belief on someone else and stopping them from killing their own teenaged daughters."

Murder is murder. If you believe abortion is the taking of a human life, then you are obligated to stop others from committing that murder just as we all are obligated to stop all murder in our society.

Abortion is either murder, or it isn't. There is no room for waffling with this bogus imposition-of-morals argument.

You can't be "a little bit pregnant" and you can't be a little bit opposed to murder.

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