ABC Trump 32% carson 22% finonia 5%

You just did, as the first libtard troll post in the thread... AS USUAL.

You people are pathetic.

You're either ignorant or a deceiving hypocrite,

Why So Many People Think Obama Is the Antichrist
So you TROLL the thread and claim TRUMP-CARSON are the anti Christ, and then site some crap about OBAMA to back it up?

Are you fucking retarded?

The actual retard is someone that believe Trump can win a National Election...

You do realize that Trump will not carry States like California, Florida, New York, Illinois, or even Texas, and losing all those States will mean certain defeat...

Think he can win the nomination, but in the General think despite the seeming chaos against Clinton democrats are gonna overlook all of that and vote for her regardless just so a Republican doesn't win.

I am not sure if Trump will win the nomination, but if he does there is no way he will win a National Election...

As for Clinton the question is still out there if she can even win the party nomination, and it is possible Sanders steals it from her like Obama did in 2008...

Polls at this point in the early part of the nomination cycle are pointless because in 2007 McCain was polling low and won his party nomination, and Romney was not doing well in 2011 and again won the party nomination...

So as Rubio and Bush poll low right now they have a chance running past Carson, Trump, and the Tea Party Canadian Darlin' Cruz...

My bet is on Bush...
rubio/bush, the amnesty pigs are the ones who cant win nationally.
I am not sure if Trump will win the nomination, but if he does there is no way he will win a National Election...

My bet is on Bush...
Seriously... what planet are you from?

Poll: Trump beats Hillary Clinton 38%-36%

OMG, the polls tell so much, and if Polls mattered this early then why didn't Rudy or Bachmann win the party nomination in 2008 or 2012?

I swear someone that wrote how retarded someone can be make a great case of why they should look in the mirror, and I am betting you will be clueless on this!!!

Polls are pointless at this point of the Nomination Cycle because they change daily, weekly and monthly, and the new flavor of the day will be someone else come January, but of course you will disagree...

the polls havent been changing daily and if bush the pig had been leading for so long and by so much the media and establishment pigs would be declaring the race over.
You're either ignorant or a deceiving hypocrite,

Why So Many People Think Obama Is the Antichrist
So you TROLL the thread and claim TRUMP-CARSON are the anti Christ, and then site some crap about OBAMA to back it up?

Are you fucking retarded?

The actual retard is someone that believe Trump can win a National Election...

You do realize that Trump will not carry States like California, Florida, New York, Illinois, or even Texas, and losing all those States will mean certain defeat...

Think he can win the nomination, but in the General think despite the seeming chaos against Clinton democrats are gonna overlook all of that and vote for her regardless just so a Republican doesn't win.

I am not sure if Trump will win the nomination, but if he does there is no way he will win a National Election...

As for Clinton the question is still out there if she can even win the party nomination, and it is possible Sanders steals it from her like Obama did in 2008...

Polls at this point in the early part of the nomination cycle are pointless because in 2007 McCain was polling low and won his party nomination, and Romney was not doing well in 2011 and again won the party nomination...

So as Rubio and Bush poll low right now they have a chance running past Carson, Trump, and the Tea Party Canadian Darlin' Cruz...

My bet is on Bush...
rubio/bush, the amnesty pigs are the ones who cant win nationally.

Yeah, very intelligent response on your part...

If you really think Trump can win a National Election then you are fooling yourself... It remind me of all those that wanted Palin to run while not understanding the only voting blocks that Palin appeals to is the Tea Party MILF'ers and the wives of those idiots...

The fact is a National Election take more than appealing to the radical element of a political party and is not like running for a Senate or House Seat...

You have to win the Electoral College and if you really believe Trump can win in States like California or Texas then you are more delusional than I first expected...

So as you hang your hopes on a side show freak that bankrupts his companies the reality is polls at this point mean nothing, and come January there will be a new flavor of the month in the GOP...
I am not sure if Trump will win the nomination, but if he does there is no way he will win a National Election...

My bet is on Bush...
Seriously... what planet are you from?

Poll: Trump beats Hillary Clinton 38%-36%

OMG, the polls tell so much, and if Polls mattered this early then why didn't Rudy or Bachmann win the party nomination in 2008 or 2012?

I swear someone that wrote how retarded someone can be make a great case of why they should look in the mirror, and I am betting you will be clueless on this!!!

Polls are pointless at this point of the Nomination Cycle because they change daily, weekly and monthly, and the new flavor of the day will be someone else come January, but of course you will disagree...

the polls havent been changing daily and if bush the pig had been leading for so long and by so much the media and establishment pigs would be declaring the race over.

Again, polls are meaningless at this point...

I swear it must be hard for those like you to understand that, but I will try again...

Go back and look at 2007 polls and see where McCain was polling at this time, and do the same thing for 2011 and see where Romney was polling, and discover how it turn out for the GOP...

I know reality is not your friend and you prefer polls and when it does not turn out in your favor you then will claim you never expected that said person to win the nomination...

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