ABC News.. Zimmerman is guilty before proven innocent!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Watching ABC News video of Zimmerman was interesting but it was the reporter that was so EVIDENTLY biased it was sickening!

Attacked Zimmerman's lawyer after he explained logically that all of this would come out in litigation... BUT the reporter ALREADY knows Zimmerman is the bad guy!

It is true that the elder Zimmerman is a retired US Magistrate judge and his mother was a court clerk but of course they are bad people just as their son is !

Where by the way is the Depart. of Justice going after the Black Panthers for putting a bounty on Zimmerman? Why is Zimmerman's life in danger?

AGAIN we have the MSM like ABC News already trying and finding Zimmerman guilty just as the Duke LaCrosse Team... the cops with Brawley and others that these white MSM guilt ridden biased people report!

Thank goodness there are still a few sources of information that is honest!!!
Had Zimmerman not followed the kid, had Zimmerman not confronted the kid, the kid would be alive today. The kid was not packing, Zimmerman was. The least Zimmerman is guilty of is manslaughter.

Meister, another one on the wrong board!
If the witness testifies to the kid going for the gun, Zimmerman walks. Pretty simple..........this will be a reasonable doubt gig. Who kows really..............

What I cant still believe is this goofball president amping up the racial tensions. And we already know the fraud already has preconceived notions on anything involving race. People forget the sumer of 2009...........thats when this goofball showed his hand.............

Had Zimmerman not followed the kid, had Zimmerman not confronted the kid, the kid would be alive today. The kid was not packing, Zimmerman was. The least Zimmerman is guilty of is manslaughter.

Meister, another one on the wrong board!

Zimmerman had every righto to folow Martin, EVERY RIGHT, legal and moral.

The question people should be asking themselves is 'Why did Martin turn back on Zimmerman as he went back to his truck and punch him down and then procede to beat the man?'

THAT is the problem, NOT someone who was doing nothing illegal and as he had the right to do.

Man, some people just swallow everything the MSM shovels out there, swallowed whole without nary even a chew to ease it down.
Had Zimmerman not followed the kid, had Zimmerman not confronted the kid, the kid would be alive today. The kid was not packing, Zimmerman was. The least Zimmerman is guilty of is manslaughter.

Meister, another one on the wrong board!

Zimmerman had every righto to folow Martin, EVERY RIGHT, legal and moral.

The question people should be asking themselves is 'Why did Martin turn back on Zimmerman as he went back to his truck and punch him down and then procede to beat the man?'

THAT is the problem, NOT someone who was doing nothing illegal and as he had the right to do.

Man, some people just swallow everything the MSM shovels out there, swallowed whole without nary even a chew to ease it down.

I totally agree. This case is being tried in the media and facts aren't important. The lynch mobs could care less about evidence and aren't interested in waiting for the investigation to be completed.

Meanwhile, the Black Panthers make death threats and nary a word from Obama to ask people to calm down and not judge prematurely. I guess that is reserved for Muslim suspects, like the Fort Hood shooter.
If you take the media so-called reporting as gospel vs. trusting the system, trusting local authority, law enforcement, etc. we as a nation are doomed
Had Zimmerman not followed the kid, had Zimmerman not confronted the kid, the kid would be alive today. The kid was not packing, Zimmerman was. The least Zimmerman is guilty of is manslaughter.

Meister, another one on the wrong board!

Zimmerman had every righto to folow Martin, EVERY RIGHT, legal and moral.

"The funeral director who handled the body of Trayvon Martin in preparation for his burial has said that the young man showed no signs of the physical struggle alleged by George Zimmerman, who claims he shot the teenager in self defense."

I see the marches continue and the signs are more inflammatory than ever. Check out the pic of a little boy with a sign saying, "Please don't shoot, I'm only 4." Does this poor little boy really believe his life is at risk? Shame on anyone who instills fear in children like this and puts them out there when they can't possibly comprehend how people are being used for political purposes.

Since the only voices people will listen to are of a certain race right now, Obama should come out as the voice of reason and try to calm people down. He was part of the force that got people to this insane level and he knows he could influence them with reason, but is choosing not to do so. I think this is helping him somehow, so no way will he try to stop it. Or maybe he is incapable of rational thinking himself. Perhaps he shares the same hatred that Sharpton and Jackson display.

It would be a sad day if the authorities gave in to the angry mobs rather than proceed according to the law. That is clearly the demand of these groups- forget the investigation and arrest Zimmerman or else!

Protesters who are supposedly protesting needless violence might well be the instigators of more senseless violence if they don't get their way. That is where we are heading and seems not a one of them has the capacity to understand how hypocritical they are being. Our justice system is not about an eye for an eye.

I'm afraid it's coming down to two choices. Either arrest Zimmerman to appease the lynch mobs or face the consequences of more violence and possibly the deaths of more innocents.
It will not end with the arrest of Zimmerman. If he is not convicted at the trial, we can expect violence like we've never seen before. And while the Florida law is being sharly criticized, it seems people want the hate crime laws expanded to ensure it can be used in almost any case. If GZ did utter the words some believe, that does not prove a hate crime unless it can be established that GZ watched TM because of color instead of acting suspiciously. At least in the article, they did call Zimmerman Hispanic, rather than white or white Hispanic. A tiny step toward more fair reporting.
Had Zimmerman not followed the kid, had Zimmerman not confronted the kid, the kid would be alive today. The kid was not packing, Zimmerman was. The least Zimmerman is guilty of is manslaughter.

Those are the facts. It's on audio that the police told this trigger-happy jerk to stand down. He's a fucking Neighborhood WATCH guy, not a Neighborhood SHOOTER guy, not a Neighborhood COP.

But I see these rightie buttheads want to ignore the police video of Zimmerman looking cleaner than an altar boy after this so called violent attack.
Had Zimmerman not followed the kid, had Zimmerman not confronted the kid, the kid would be alive today. The kid was not packing, Zimmerman was. The least Zimmerman is guilty of is manslaughter.

Meister, another one on the wrong board!

Zimmerman had every righto to folow Martin, EVERY RIGHT, legal and moral.

So next time you're in traffic and a cop behind you flips on his strobe, and you don't think you've done anything wrong, you just keep driving and ignore him, OK? LOL
George Zimmerman is one-half Jewish on his father the judges side , and that's the side that will never be convicted in a Florida court of law

Oh man.

He's got my ethnic background almost to a "T".

My pop was cuban/puerto rican..and my mom is irish/german..and the germans were following the jewish religion.

Had Zimmerman not followed the kid, had Zimmerman not confronted the kid, the kid would be alive today. The kid was not packing, Zimmerman was. The least Zimmerman is guilty of is manslaughter.

Those are the facts. It's on audio that the police told this trigger-happy jerk to stand down. He's a fucking Neighborhood WATCH guy, not a Neighborhood SHOOTER guy, not a Neighborhood COP.

But I see these rightie buttheads want to ignore the police video of Zimmerman looking cleaner than an altar boy after this so called violent attack.

Some of us are tired of this political football and just don't give a fuck.
Zimmerman could use the Chase Your Victim defense. It's entirely based on the stand your ground law, except mobile! A segway would be handy.
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George Zimmerman is one-half Jewish on his father the judges side , and that's the side that will never be convicted in a Florida court of law

So you hate Jews? Is that what you're trying to tell us?

You're biggest fucking bigot on this forum.

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