ABC Moderator Linsey Davis Says Walz Performance ‘Reminded’ Her of Biden Debate Disaster

Ouch. That's got to hurt. Even biased ABC moderator Linsey Davis compares Walz's performance to Joe Biden's debate performance. The left really can't spin that.

ABC News’ Linsey Davis likened Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Walz’s Tuesday night debate performance against JD Vance to Joe Biden’s disastrous debate against Donald Trump

It seems like they're setting Walz up to be the fall guy when Kamala losses in November.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand the Cult chimes in. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
And again!


Ouch. That's got to hurt. Even biased ABC moderator Linsey Davis compares Walz's performance to Joe Biden's debate performance. The left really can't spin that.

ABC News’ Linsey Davis likened Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Walz’s Tuesday night debate performance against JD Vance to Joe Biden’s disastrous debate against Donald Trump

Meh.... Walz wasn't as bad as Biden not by a long shot. To tell you the truth Vance got away with a few things that he wouldn't have if he was up against somebody a little sharper. However the difference in the thinking process was like night and day. Vance has the capability to do multi-level multi-layered analytics. Walz is not dumb by any means but he just couldn't keep up with the speed of Vance's thought process. It was a big mismatch and frankly I think Vance took it easy on him. I'm very very glad he didn't bring up the military record. The military doesn't deserve to be dragged into this.
Well, If I posted Fox News said Vance kicked ass, would you accept it? I posted something from a source that you could believe.
That wasn't my point, retard. If the same newscaster had said that Vance sucked eggs, you would be whining that the evil evil lib media isn't hoo. But, now you proudly use that same source as your reference.

Just like your orange loser when he lost the debate but blamed the media for asking tough questions.

As I retards are predictable. Let me know if you are still confused.
yeah, he did.

The bar for CouchBoi was so low as to be nearly nonexistent.

I didn't know if you were tongue in cheek, but it appears you are being serious.
This hurts your credibility. Neither candidate wiped the floor with the other as you apparently believe so.

In addition, you are spreading a lie, about the 'couch' story. Knowingly spreading the lie, again impacts your credibility here.
I didn't know if you were tongue in cheek, but it appears you are being serious.
This hurts your credibility. Neither candidate wiped the floor with the other as you apparently believe so.

In addition, you are spreading a lie, about the 'couch' story. Knowingly spreading the lie, again impacts your credibility here.
The moment when Tim Walz won the debate:


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