CBS Won't Fact Check - They'll Just DO THEIR JOBS

CBS News draws a red line after ABC debate fact-checking drama​

CBS News, hosting vice presidential candidates JD Vance and Tim Walz for the general election campaign’s third debate next week, says it will be up to the politicians — not the moderators — to check the facts of their opponents.


Yeah, that's the way it works.

Instead of running interference like the two assholes from ABC posing as moderators, these people will let Walz figure out what's wrong.

Not that he has a clue.

But, I give CBS credit. They know what a MODERATORS JOB is.
They are talking out of both sides of their mouths. It's just another lying media trap. They are saying that it is up to the candidates to fact check each other, not the moderators, BUT CBS is fact checking in real time over the TV, just not by the moderators themselves. So, they're just trying to trick everyone. More than likely it will be the same ole same ole, fact checking Vance 10 times and Walz maybe two, no matter how many lies Walz tells.
"Instead of running interference like the two assholes from ABC posing as moderators, to have two lying uninformed assholes posing as moderators"
And yet those 'posing as moderators'....are experienced, award winning, long vetted, prominent journalists. And poster Hikerguy? Well, he's an anonymous opinionizer on a social media site who uses a fake name and hurls vulgar epithets at those highly regarded journalists?

Irony can be entertaining as hell, doncha think?
My avatar is certainly amused.


." Their job is not to fact check.
ps......that is what journalism is. What journalism does.

"...act checking Vance 10 times and Walz maybe two, no matter how many lies Walz tells."
Alternatively, and as it seems occurred in the Harris/Tump debate, who gets the most fact-checks is the bloke who does the most fibbing. Which, to my non-partisan view seems not inappropriate and rightfully part of responsible journalism. No?

Hopefully, candidate Vance.....noticed that key determinant while watching his mentor's performance.
And yet those 'posing as moderators'....are experienced, award winning, long vetted, prominent journalists.
Award in biggest asshole ?

Being a so-called prominent journalist means NOTHING these days.

Fuck off.
And poster Hikerguy? Well, he's an anonymous opinionizer on a social media site who uses a fake name and hurls vulgar epithets at those highly regarded journalists?

Highly regarded ? By who ? You ? Hahahahaha

These two are losers and the whole industry is seen as one step below used car sales
ps......that is what journalism is. What journalism does.

Not in a debate, jackass. That is the job of the opponent. It's always been that way. Ever judged a debate ? You don't judge based on things you think you know.

Alternatively, and as it seems occurred in the Harris/Tump debate, who gets the most fact-checks is the bloke who does the most fibbing. Which, to my non-partisan view seems not inappropriate and rightfully part of responsible journalism. No?

If you watch a debate looking for truth, you are a fool.

Candy Crowley tarnished her career and retired soon after her 2012 fuck up.

If you want journalism, you read a newspaper.

A debate is where the two candidates show what they know.

If they want to lie their asses off, it's up to their opponents to point it out.


These two are losers and the whole industry is seen as one step below used car sales
If that is your personal opinion, admit it.
Don't try to broaden it by claiming it as an accepted fact by the world, or even just this gossipboard.

Cowboy up, Skippy. Own it.

That is the job of the opponent. It's always been that way
........If you want journalism, you read a newspaper.

If Don Trump's & Kamal Harris' campaign managers, and the candidates themselves, didn't want questions from vetted journalists.....then don't agree to be questioned by them. Duh!!

If they wanted ...or if poster HikerGuy wanted...... exam proctors, well then, they should demand such, instead of agreeing to be questioned by experienced professional journalists.

They didn't ask for proctors. They agreed between themselves that it would be vetted journalists....and that's what they got, and did so knowing full well what it is that journalists do.
Should be no surprises there. Duh!

Award in biggest asshole

And that's MAGA. Whining, complaining and Making America great by sulking and using dirty words.
I love this bar!
From the article:

CBS News, hosting vice presidential candidates JD Vance and Tim Walz for the general election campaign’s third debate next week, says it will be up to the politicians — not the moderators — to check the facts of their opponents.


Always been that way.
ABC fucks up and even CBS learns.

Especially since the assholes posing as moderators were wrong in their factchecks.

David Muir can fuck himself.

CBS News draws a red line after ABC debate fact-checking drama​

CBS News, hosting vice presidential candidates JD Vance and Tim Walz for the general election campaign’s third debate next week, says it will be up to the politicians — not the moderators — to check the facts of their opponents.


Yeah, that's the way it works.

Instead of running interference like the two assholes from ABC posing as moderators, these people will let Walz figure out what's wrong.

Not that he has a clue.

But, I give CBS credit. They know what a MODERATORS JOB is.
Only if the ask each candidate the same questions in the same way without prejudice. If Walz gets the 'How much do you love puppies?' questions and Vance gets the "When did you stop beating your wife?' questions or the questions are designed to make Walz look good and make Vance look bad, they're just as dishonest as ABC. They just demonstrate it differently.
Only if the ask each candidate the same questions. If Walz gets the 'How much do you love puppies?' questions and Vance gets the "When did you stop beating your wife?' questions, they're just as dishonest as ABC. They just demonstrate it differently.

Give them a chance.

No WAY they are as bad as the two assholes posing as moderators for ABC. What a disgusting partisan bullshit ambush.

If I were Trump, I would have come off the podium and kicked Muir's dainty ass.
:link::link::link::link::link: to your imagination, you're obviously a very confused little commie..

You want me to relink your post showing a pic of your home YOU posted and telling everyone what town you live in (that you posted)? Yeah right I'm not falling for that dummy.
Give them a chance.

No WAY they are as bad as the two assholes posing as moderators for ABC. What a disgusting partisan bullshit ambush.

If I were Trump, I would have come off the podium and kicked Muir's dainty ass.
I'll give them a chance but I also have watched these things long enough to know the tactics. And if they do a good job I'll say so. I'm not expecting that however.
You want me to relink your post showing a pic of your home YOU posted and telling everyone what town you live in (that you posted)? Yeah right I'm not falling for that dummy.

So tell me commie, what was the name of the town that you imagine I posted?

If you're voting for Kamala, who incorporated her Marxist fathers' economic policy (taxing unrealized gains), then you are more than a commie, you're a Marxist.
That isnt really a thing that is going to happen. But you'll learn to love Kamala as your next President!
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