CBS Won't Fact Check - They'll Just DO THEIR JOBS


Diamond Member
Dec 26, 2021

CBS News draws a red line after ABC debate fact-checking drama​

CBS News, hosting vice presidential candidates JD Vance and Tim Walz for the general election campaign’s third debate next week, says it will be up to the politicians — not the moderators — to check the facts of their opponents.


Yeah, that's the way it works.

Instead of running interference like the two assholes from ABC posing as moderators, these people will let Walz figure out what's wrong.

Not that he has a clue.

But, I give CBS credit. They know what a MODERATORS JOB is.

But, I give CBS credit. They know what a MODERATORS JOB is.​

True, that IS the moderators job, just to ask the questions and run the clock. The debate is supposed to remain between the candidates.
But I suspect that to CBS, it is a bit more:
  • By not fact-checking, they hope to cash in on the criticism that ABC got.
  • By not fact-checking, they remove any possibility of criticism for allowing Walz to make any claim he wants. Without fact-checking, Walz can be the most flawed candidate imaginable, say anything he wants, and now it is 100% on Trump's shoulders to defend against it. But what about Trump? Can he say anything? He can try, but now Walz is free to attack in response saying anything and it is again on Trump's shoulders to defend, CBS is free and clear.

CBS News draws a red line after ABC debate fact-checking drama​

CBS News, hosting vice presidential candidates JD Vance and Tim Walz for the general election campaign’s third debate next week, says it will be up to the politicians — not the moderators — to check the facts of their opponents.


Yeah, that's the way it works.

Instead of running interference like the two assholes from ABC posing as moderators, these people will let Walz figure out what's wrong.

Not that he has a clue.

But, I give CBS credit. They know what a MODERATORS JOB is.
That's not doing their jobs, that's caving to RWNJ pressure to let tRump lie his ass off unchallenged.

Shame on CBS. They should no longer be considered a news outlet.

CBS Won't Fact Check - They'll Just DO THEIR JOBS CBS News draws a red line after ABC debate fact-checking drama​

CBS News, hosting vice presidential candidates JD Vance and Tim Walz for the general election campaign’s third debate next week, says it will be up to the politicians — not the moderators — to check the facts of their opponents.


Yeah, that's the way it works.

Instead of running interference like the two assholes from ABC posing as moderators, these people will let Walz figure out what's wrong.

Not that he has a clue.

But, I give CBS credit. They know what a MODERATORS JOB is.
So, without a fact-checking moderator debates with be nothing more than:

"'Fraid so!"
"'Friad not!"

What's the time limit on such a debate anyway? 5 minutes is my limit of viewing.
That's not doing their jobs, that's caving to RWNJ pressure to let tRump lie his ass off unchallenged.


They saw what an unmitigated disasster it was to have two lying uninformed assholes posing as moderators They made it so Harris could continue to get away with her empty suit routine and not have to answer much.

But you've got your head up your ass so you would not know.

That is doing their jobs. Their job is not to fact check. End of discussion. Now crawl back in your crib and suck your thumb while you try to go to sleep.

Moderators shouldn't even be asking the questions. The candidates should be asking each other questions like real debates work.
Essentially Trump supporters don’t like it when people point out that they are lying.

That is how far from reality they’ve strayed. The problem isn’t that they have cast their lot with someone who lies...the problem is that someone is pointing out their long litany of lies.

That's not doing their jobs, that's caving to RWNJ pressure to let tRump lie his ass off unchallenged.

Shame on CBS. They should no longer be considered a news outlet.

So, a debate should have fact checking?

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