Abbas calls Israel a colonial project unrelated to Judaism

Then why are you guys, Abbas, and Hamas having royal hissyfits?
Shills come and go. What has any of them ever accomplished?

Abbas has come but he hasn’t gone yet
He'll also escape with billions of stolen cash like Arafat did, and another terrorist crook will replace him and do the same or worse.
Which leads back to the never answered question.

Fatah lost the 2006 elections. How did they get back into office in 2007?

Which leads back to your never ending conspiracy theory.
Then why are you guys, Abbas, and Hamas having royal hissyfits?
Shills come and go. What has any of them ever accomplished?

Abbas has come but he hasn’t gone yet
He'll also escape with billions of stolen cash like Arafat did, and another terrorist crook will replace him and do the same or worse.
Which leads back to the never answered question.

Fatah lost the 2006 elections. How did they get back into office in 2007?

Which leads back to your never ending conspiracy theory.
Which leads back to your usual response.
Shills come and go. What has any of them ever accomplished?

Abbas has come but he hasn’t gone yet
He'll also escape with billions of stolen cash like Arafat did, and another terrorist crook will replace him and do the same or worse.
Which leads back to the never answered question.

Fatah lost the 2006 elections. How did they get back into office in 2007?

Which leads back to your never ending conspiracy theory.
Which leads back to your usual response.

Which leads back to your usual cartoons.

I’ll admit to having a bit of fun watching your befuddlement and retreat to the same goofy cartoons.
The State of Israel exists because Muslims (Ottoman Turks) backed the wrong horse (Imperial Germany) in World War I.

The British kicked Muslim ass and conquered Jerusalem and the entire former Ottoman imperial province of Palestine.

A great many former provinces of the old Ottoman Empire were divided-up, disestablished, and absorbed into other old or new countries, in whole or in part.

The former Ottoman province of Palestine was more an administrative creation than anything ethnocentric or representative of a particular 'people'.

Like many of its siblings, the former Ottoman province of Palestine was disestablished, then re-tasked, in order to yield the now-permanent State of Israel.

Re-tasked multiple times... first, as a League of Nations Mandate (1918-1948), then as the new State of Israel (1948).

After seventy years (1948-2018), nobody except a relative handful of Muslim-Arab dense-skulls care enough about it to seriously consider fighting Israel over it.

Muslim-Arabs of the region, outside the boundaries of Eretz Yisrael, know better after several failed attempts.

Egypt is a confused shell of is former self, the Saudis know war is bad for business, Libya is a mess, Iraq is a mess, Syria is in active civil war, and Jordan is far too weak.

The Muslim-Arab countries of the region are in no position to try to force the issue militarily, and will not be for years or decades or generations to come.

There is no Muslim-Arab cavalry coming over the hill to rescue the under-performers content to rot in refugee towns and camps for generations without progress.

It's over... the dissolution of the Ottoman province of Palestine and the establishment and present borders of the State of Israel are a fait accompli.

The slow, methodical, inexorable assimilation of the West Bank continues apace, and nobody cares enough to take military action to stop it.

Once absorbed, the Israelis will turn their attention to Gaza.

Once both have been absorbed, the dream of Eretz Yisrael will be completely realized.

Any Muslim-Arab so-called Palestinian with an ounce of brains will come to this glaringly obvious realization, pack his bags, and move his family out of there.

The Jews have won... the so-called Palestinians have lost... time for the Palestinians to scatter, and build new and happy futures for themselves elsewhere.

As for those silly, simpering types who whine over prohibitions of International Law extant at the time of the founding of the State of Israel, the response is a gleeful "vae victus".
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The State of Israel exists because Muslims (Ottoman Turks) backed the wrong horse (Imperial Germany) in World War I.

The British kicked Muslim ass and conquered Jerusalem and the entire former Ottoman imperial province of Palestine.

A great many former provinces of the old Ottoman Empire were divided-up, disestablished, and absorbed into other old or new countries, in whole or in part.

The former Ottoman province of Palestine was more an administrative creation than anything ethnocentric or representative of a particular 'people'.

Like many of its siblings, the former Ottoman province of Palestine was disestablished, then re-tasked, in order to yield the now-permanent State of Israel.

Re-tasked multiple times... first, as a League of Nations Mandate (1918-1948), then as the new State of Israel (1948).

After seventy years (1948-2018), nobody except a relative handful of Muslim-Arab dense-skulls care enough about it to seriously consider fighting Israel over it.

Muslim-Arabs of the region, outside the boundaries of Eretz Yisrael, know better after several failed attempts.

Egypt is a confused shell of is former self, the Saudis know war is bad for business, Libya is a mess, Iraq is a mess, Syria is in active civil war, and Jordan is far too weak.

The Muslim-Arab countries of the region are in no position to try to force the issue militarily, and will not be for years or decades or generations to come.

There is no Muslim-Arab cavalry coming over the hill to rescue the under-performers content to rot in refugee towns and camps for generations without progress.

It's over... the dissolution of the Ottoman province of Palestine and the establishment and present borders of the State of Israel are a fait accompli.

The slow, methodical, inexorable assimilation of the West Bank continues apace, and nobody cares enough to take military action to stop it.

Once absorbed, the Israelis will turn their attention to Gaza.

Once both have been absorbed, the dream of Eretz Yisrael will be completely realized.

Any Muslim-Arab so-called Palestinian with an ounce of brains will come to this glaringly obvious realization, pack his bags, and move his family out of there.

The Jews have won... the so-called Palestinians have lost... time for the Palestinians to scatter, and build new and happy futures for themselves elsewhere.

As for those silly, simpering types who whine over prohibitions of International Law extant at the time of the founding of the State of Israel, the response is a gleeful "vae victus".
And all illegal. That is what continues to be challenged.
The State of Israel exists because Muslims (Ottoman Turks) backed the wrong horse (Imperial Germany) in World War I.

The British kicked Muslim ass and conquered Jerusalem and the entire former Ottoman imperial province of Palestine.

A great many former provinces of the old Ottoman Empire were divided-up, disestablished, and absorbed into other old or new countries, in whole or in part.

The former Ottoman province of Palestine was more an administrative creation than anything ethnocentric or representative of a particular 'people'.

Like many of its siblings, the former Ottoman province of Palestine was disestablished, then re-tasked, in order to yield the now-permanent State of Israel.

Re-tasked multiple times... first, as a League of Nations Mandate (1918-1948), then as the new State of Israel (1948).

After seventy years (1948-2018), nobody except a relative handful of Muslim-Arab dense-skulls care enough about it to seriously consider fighting Israel over it.

Muslim-Arabs of the region, outside the boundaries of Eretz Yisrael, know better after several failed attempts.

Egypt is a confused shell of is former self, the Saudis know war is bad for business, Libya is a mess, Iraq is a mess, Syria is in active civil war, and Jordan is far too weak.

The Muslim-Arab countries of the region are in no position to try to force the issue militarily, and will not be for years or decades or generations to come.

There is no Muslim-Arab cavalry coming over the hill to rescue the under-performers content to rot in refugee towns and camps for generations without progress.

It's over... the dissolution of the Ottoman province of Palestine and the establishment and present borders of the State of Israel are a fait accompli.

The slow, methodical, inexorable assimilation of the West Bank continues apace, and nobody cares enough to take military action to stop it.

Once absorbed, the Israelis will turn their attention to Gaza.

Once both have been absorbed, the dream of Eretz Yisrael will be completely realized.

Any Muslim-Arab so-called Palestinian with an ounce of brains will come to this glaringly obvious realization, pack his bags, and move his family out of there.

The Jews have won... the so-called Palestinians have lost... time for the Palestinians to scatter, and build new and happy futures for themselves elsewhere.

As for those silly, simpering types who whine over prohibitions of International Law extant at the time of the founding of the State of Israel, the response is a gleeful "vae victus".
And all illegal. That is what continues to be challenged.
All illegal.

"Mister Marshall has made his decision. Now let him enforce it."


Tell that to the Russians, regarding Crimea.

Tell that to the Chinese, regarding Tibet.

Tell that to the North Vietnamese who took over the South.

And on and on and on.

Even if you're right, nobody cares enough to apply the force necessary to enforce it in this instance.

That makes it moot in the Real World.

The State of Israel is a fait accompli, and there isn't a thing-in-the-world that you (or those who think like you) are going to do to change that.

Time for you to find a new hobby, because you're wasting your time with this one.
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"Palestine is a territory administered under mandate

No one has denied that it was administered by Britain. The key word here is TERRITORY, and not COUNTRY or NATION.
Ignoring the fact that the Palestinians are the citizens of that territory that is defined by international borders. So how is that not a country?
A 'territory'?

I thought you said they were a 'country'.


They have no borders.

They are are vacuum or cosmic black hole of unincorporated parcels of land that are only discernible alongside the borders belonging to the surrounding entity.

None of this means diddly-squat in the Real World.
"Palestine is a territory administered under mandate

No one has denied that it was administered by Britain. The key word here is TERRITORY, and not COUNTRY or NATION.
Ignoring the fact that the Palestinians are the citizens of that territory that is defined by international borders. So how is that not a country?
A 'territory'?

I thought you said they were a 'country'.


They have no borders.

They are are vacuum or cosmic black hole of unincorporated parcels of land that are only discernible alongside the borders belonging to the surrounding entity.

None of this means diddly-squat in the Real World.
Do you have links to all that crap?

Of course not. You are just blowing smoke out your ass.
"Palestine is a territory administered under mandate

No one has denied that it was administered by Britain. The key word here is TERRITORY, and not COUNTRY or NATION.
Ignoring the fact that the Palestinians are the citizens of that territory that is defined by international borders. So how is that not a country?
A 'territory'?

I thought you said they were a 'country'.


They have no borders.

They are are vacuum or cosmic black hole of unincorporated parcels of land that are only discernible alongside the borders belonging to the surrounding entity.

None of this means diddly-squat in the Real World.
Do you have links to all that crap?

Of course not. You are just blowing smoke out your ass.
No matter what links anyone gives you all you do is become obnoxious and ill mannered.

The facts are there.

You do not like them, that is your problem and the Muslims who cannot accept their honor being crushed by being defeated in war.

They need to grow up.

So do you.
RE: Abbas calls Israel a colonial project unrelated to Judaism
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

I'm not sure you understand who "Palestinians" re today, in relation to a territory.

Ignoring the fact that the Palestinians are the citizens of that territory that is defined by international borders. So how is that not a country?

[The] fact that the Palestinians are the citizens of that territory.
[D]efined by international borders.​


Palestinians are not now, nor have they been for some 70 years, citizens of the territories (as defined by the Palestine Order in Council of August 1922) to which the Mandate for Palestine (at onetime) applied.

In the past century, there has been a number of transitions pertaining to the lands under discussion:

1918 and Prior: The inhabitants of the lands under discussion are considered citizens of the greater Ottoman Empire;

1918: Ottoman Empire surrenders to the Allied Powers through the Armistice of Mudros. The entire set of lands, described under in the Sykes-Picot Agreement (1916), is placed under the unconditional control of the Enemy Occupied Territory Administration (South). This EOTA status included the lands west of the Jordan River and the Dead Sea; the Vilayet of Beirut and the Independent Sanjuk of Jerusalem (at the tie of the surrender, there was no political subdivision called "Palestine"). (See Middle East Area Map)
Between 1918 and 1920, the inhabitants of the lands under discussion were under the control (with full executive, legislative, and judicial authority) of the Military Government.

1920: The lands transition form the Military Government (as under the EOTA) to a Civil Administration; under the agreement of the Allied Powers that set the framework for the mandate.

1922: The citizens, once under Enemy Occupation, became citizens of the Mandate Government of Palestine; the government being (for all intent and purposes) the administration of Great Britain. Palestine is then defined as being within such boundaries as may be fixed by the Allied Powers. That being established, the lands under discussion were the "territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applies, hereinafter described as Palestine."

1925: The Citizenship Order is essentially unchanged from that established in 1922 by the Mandatory and implemented through the Mandate Authority.

1948: Mid-night 14/15th May, 1948, on the departure of the British High Commissioner, the United Nations Palestine Commission (UNPC) assumes the role of the Government of Palestine; having been fully coordinated. The Provisional Government for the State of Israel Declares Independence; initially under the territorial boundaries (Part II - Boundaries, Section B - Jewish State) established by A/RES/181 (II) (1947). Almost immediately, and before the boundaries could be solidified, the Arab League Forces execute a coordinated attack; crossing their borders and entering the "territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applied." On the cessation of hostilities, and the execution of the four Armistice Agreements, new lines of effective control were established. Among these areas of effective control, both Egypt and Jordan seized territory that were once allotted (but rejected by the Arab Higher Committee) in the Partition as the New Arab State (Part II - Boundaries, Section A - Arab State). The City of Jerusalem was divided (Israeli-Jordanian) and the (Part II - Boundaries, Section C - Jerusalem)

1950: "[E]lections were held for a new Jordanian parliament in which the Palestinian Arabs of the West Bank were equally represented. Thirteen days later, Parliament unanimously approved a motion to unite the two banks of the Jordan River, constitutionally expanding the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in order to safeguard what was left of the Arab territory of Palestine from further Zionist expansion.] Source: Kingdom of Jordan History Site - - Unification of the Two-Banks. Thus, the Arab Palestinians of the West Bank became citizens of Jordan. The citizens of the Gaza Strip remained under an Egyptian Military governorship.

1967: Israel establishes effective control.

1988: Jordan abandons the West Bank into the Hands of Israeli Control. West Bank Palestinians loose Jordanian Citizenship.

You know the rest ⇒

This idea you have that somehow, the boundaries established to facilitate the Mandate, have an impact today on the Arab Palestinians. It s simply not that simple.

Today, the international understanding of the term "Palestine" and what it means is the subject of a five page UN Legal Affairs Memo regarding A/RES/67-19 dated 11 December 2012. What you define as "Palestine" is simply not that simple. I suggest you take the time to read it.

Most Respectfully,
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Jews have been praying, and fasting, and yearning to return to Israel for almost 2000 years.

With 14 million Jews in the world and 6 million living in Israel it seems that praying, fasting and yearning to return to Israel isn't on every Jews agenda.

Should it be the duty of every non Jew to ensure every Jew returns to and lives in Israel?
Isn't a duty for all Muslims to return to Mecca? They fast and pray towards it five times a day, don't they?

For hajj indeed it is!

I am not sure that they pray, as Jews do, with a yearning to return to Mecca. Maybe someone can correct me if I am wrong.
Jews have been praying, and fasting, and yearning to return to Israel for almost 2000 years.

With 14 million Jews in the world and 6 million living in Israel it seems that praying, fasting and yearning to return to Israel isn't on every Jews agenda.

Should it be the duty of every non Jew to ensure every Jew returns to and lives in Israel?
Isn't a duty for all Muslims to return to Mecca? They fast and pray towards it five times a day, don't they?

For hajj indeed it is!

I am not sure that they pray, as Jews do, with a yearning to return to Mecca. Maybe someone can correct me if I am wrong.
What I can say is that if another religion took Mecca and Medina from the Muslims, and they were expelled from those cities, as Jews were not allowed into Jerusalem for about 500 years....

then....maybe....the Muslims would be yearning to return to Mecca and Medina.

The Hashemite clan is from Mecca and Medina, and they were expelled from that area around the time of WWI.

I have not heard it once where they yearn to return or retake their indigenous homeland back from the Saudi clan.
✪ Before Mid-night 14 May, 1948 ⇒ the territory under the Mandate was all a NSGT.
There you go again with the territory under the Mandate.

The Mandates had no territory. The territory is Palestine.

The territory is “ Palestine” but that doesn’t make it a Country
Oh jeese,another unsubstantiated Israeli talking point.

Oh Jesse, another unsubstantiated talking point from the Palestinian who has no answers.
The take-down today of Abbas and the rest of the Palestinian leadership, and calling Hamas terrorists by Trump and Nikki Haley was historic. They basically threw the book at them. My favorite quote was "Jerusalem is off the table".

In other words, eat Shiite.

You might find that Hamas were designated as a terrorist organisation long BEFORE your great orange leader got into office!
RE: Abbas calls Israel a colonial project unrelated to Judaism
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

I'm not sure you understand who "Palestinians" re today, in relation to a territory.

Ignoring the fact that the Palestinians are the citizens of that territory that is defined by international borders. So how is that not a country?

View attachment 173497 [The] fact that the Palestinians are the citizens of that territory.
View attachment 173498 [D]efined by international borders.​


Palestinians are not now, nor have they been for some 70 years, citizens of the territories (as defined by the Palestine Order in Council of August 1922) to which the Mandate for Palestine (at onetime) applied.

In the past century, there has been a number of transitions pertaining to the lands under discussion:

1918 and Prior: The inhabitants of the lands under discussion are considered citizens of the greater Ottoman Empire;

1918: Ottoman Empire surrenders to the Allied Powers through the Armistice of Mudros. The entire set of lands, described under in the Sykes-Picot Agreement (1916), is placed under the unconditional control of the Enemy Occupied Territory Administration (South). This EOTA status included the lands west of the Jordan River and the Dead Sea; the Vilayet of Beirut and the Independent Sanjuk of Jerusalem (at the tie of the surrender, there was no political subdivision called "Palestine"). (See Middle East Area Map)
Between 1918 and 1920, the inhabitants of the lands under discussion were under the control (with full executive, legislative, and judicial authority) of the Military Government.

1920: The lands transition form the Military Government (as under the EOTA) to a Civil Administration; under the agreement of the Allied Powers that set the framework for the mandate.

1922: The citizens, once under Enemy Occupation, became citizens of the Mandate Government of Palestine; the government being (for all intent and purposes) the administration of Great Britain. Palestine is then defined as being within such boundaries as may be fixed by the Allied Powers. That being established, the lands under discussion were the "territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applies, hereinafter described as Palestine."

1925: The Citizenship Order is essentially unchanged from that established in 1922 by the Mandatory and implemented through the Mandate Authority.

1948: Mid-night 14/15th May, 1948, on the departure of the British High Commissioner, the United Nations Palestine Commission (UNPC) assumes the role of the Government of Palestine; having been fully coordinated. The Provisional Government for the State of Israel Declares Independence; initially under the territorial boundaries (Part II - Boundaries, Section B - Jewish State) established by A/RES/181 (II) (1947). Almost immediately, and before the boundaries could be solidified, the Arab League Forces execute a coordinated attack; crossing their borders and entering the "territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applied." On the cessation of hostilities, and the execution of the four Armistice Agreements, new lines of effective control were established. Among these areas of effective control, both Egypt and Jordan seized territory that were once allotted (but rejected by the Arab Higher Committee) in the Partition as the New Arab State (Part II - Boundaries, Section A - Arab State). The City of Jerusalem was divided (Israeli-Jordanian) and the (Part II - Boundaries, Section C - Jerusalem)

1950: "[E]lections were held for a new Jordanian parliament in which the Palestinian Arabs of the West Bank were equally represented. Thirteen days later, Parliament unanimously approved a motion to unite the two banks of the Jordan River, constitutionally expanding the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in order to safeguard what was left of the Arab territory of Palestine from further Zionist expansion.] Source: Kingdom of Jordan History Site - - Unification of the Two-Banks. Thus, the Arab Palestinians of the West Bank became citizens of Jordan. The citizens of the Gaza Strip remained under an Egyptian Military governorship.

1967: Israel establishes effective control.

1988: Jordan abandons the West Bank into the Hands of Israeli Control. West Bank Palestinians loose Jordanian Citizenship.

You know the rest ⇒

This idea you have that somehow, the boundaries established to facilitate the Mandate, have an impact today on the Arab Palestinians. It s simply not that simple.

Today, the international understanding of the term "Palestine" and what it means is the subject of a five page UN Legal Affairs Memo regarding A/RES/67-19 dated 11 December 2012. What you define as "Palestine" is simply not that simple. I suggest you take the time to read it.

Most Respectfully,
For starters, the UN cannot create or dissolve states. How the UN deals with "states" is in the political not legal realm.
"Palestine is a territory administered under mandate

No one has denied that it was administered by Britain. The key word here is TERRITORY, and not COUNTRY or NATION.
Ignoring the fact that the Palestinians are the citizens of that territory that is defined by international borders. So how is that not a country?
Citizens of a territory?! They had British passports! Ha ha ha. Oh my GAWD!
Jews have been praying, and fasting, and yearning to return to Israel for almost 2000 years.

With 14 million Jews in the world and 6 million living in Israel it seems that praying, fasting and yearning to return to Israel isn't on every Jews agenda.

Should it be the duty of every non Jew to ensure every Jew returns to and lives in Israel?
Isn't a duty for all Muslims to return to Mecca? They fast and pray towards it five times a day, don't they?

For hajj indeed it is!

I am not sure that they pray, as Jews do, with a yearning to return to Mecca. Maybe someone can correct me if I am wrong.
Pilgrimage to Mecca is one of the PILLARS of Islam. Therefore mandatory for every good Muslim.

Your ignorance has been corrected.
Jews have been praying, and fasting, and yearning to return to Israel for almost 2000 years.

With 14 million Jews in the world and 6 million living in Israel it seems that praying, fasting and yearning to return to Israel isn't on every Jews agenda.

Should it be the duty of every non Jew to ensure every Jew returns to and lives in Israel?
Isn't a duty for all Muslims to return to Mecca? They fast and pray towards it five times a day, don't they?

For hajj indeed it is!

I am not sure that they pray, as Jews do, with a yearning to return to Mecca. Maybe someone can correct me if I am wrong.
Pilgrimage to Mecca is one of the PILLARS of Islam. Therefore mandatory for every good Muslim.

Your ignorance has been corrected.

Oh wow...

Your comprehension of the English language is great eh roodboy...

There is a HUGE difference between a pilgrimage, hajj, as I mentioned in my earlier comment that you clearly were incapable of reading and understanding, and a yearning to return.

Before you try to be clever, which you clearly are not, try reading AND understanding what has been posted fool.

Your ignorance is noted!

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