Aaron Osmond, Utah State Senator, Calls For End To Mandatory Education

If kids don't want to be there, they shouldn't have to be there. The idea of mandatory education is ludicrous. It leads to the situation we have now -- our schools becoming warehouses instead of educational facilities. Teachers should not be babysitters. Teachers should be able to dismiss anyone who disrupts his or her classroom. You cannot force people to learn. It's a silly notion.

Okay, so when all the third graders decide they don't want to go to school anymore, we should just send them all home. Got it. You guys are cracking me up. Unfortunately your idiocy is a real thing that we must deal with.

children cannot decide that.. but a PARENT would, legally... and decide to home school.. or teach them a trade.. or whatever...

And YOU call OTHERS idiots??

The world is full of ones who will not or cannot handle the education... the world needs pizza makers and urinal scrubbers and musicians too... and if a parent notices their kid is not handling school but gravitates toward cooking, or notices the kid is a great wood carver, or notices the kid is a great athlete but dumber than a box of rocks, or realizes the kid does nothing but get suspended and expelled and will be a fry cook for life, there is no reason to make standardized education compulsory
Then we'd all have a bright future. I'd like to see rain outlawed on weekends, too.

When it is plain that something isn't working, and our public education system is a debacle, it's time to change it.


Made me spit out my coffee!
Aaron Osmond, Utah State Senator, Calls For End To Mandatory Education

Aaron Osmond, Utah State Senator, Calls For End To Mandatory Education

So, How many cons are going to tell us how great an idea this is? Of course we know that it would only be children of the very poor who would no longer receive an education, but hey, that would be a good thing, right?

You will never hear me saying that there should not be enough education for everybody to learn to read and write and perform simple tasks of arithmatics.

But it is nothing less than snobbish and unreasonable to think and publicly say that EVERY child must have a college education. That idiocy is equivalent to say that every child should and MUST be able to and be allowed to play in the NFL, MLB, NBA or NHL.

Meanwhile jobs for carpenters, plumbers, tailors, painters, mechanics, locksmiths, pipe-fitters, tire-builders, steam-fitters, truck drivers, clerks, miners, lumberjacks, factory workers, etc., etc., go unfilled, because illiterate college graduates think (and I use the word quite liberally) that they are too good to get their hands dirty and do something useful, while they are waiting for the call to become Vice Presidents of companies, in their parents's basement.

The only thing that is more despicable than the soft racism of low expectations is the unrealistic projection of non-existent abilities and qualifications.

I agree that college is not for everybody. I like the system they have in Europe that sets up apprenticeships for those trades. Learn from the masters.

We have great trade programs. They are super. Unfortunately they are in the prisons. It is hard to get in. There is a waiting list. Sometimes a person will be in and out more than once before their name comes up.

Cut out the middleman. Start younger. Community colleges offer trade training, but unfortunately by the time a student gets to the community college age, they are out of the notion to do anything.

Start at around 12 or 13. By that time it's known whether the kid is going to be a student or a troublemaker.
If kids don't want to be there, they shouldn't have to be there. The idea of mandatory education is ludicrous. It leads to the situation we have now -- our schools becoming warehouses instead of educational facilities. Teachers should not be babysitters. Teachers should be able to dismiss anyone who disrupts his or her classroom. You cannot force people to learn. It's a silly notion.

Okay, so when all the third graders decide they don't want to go to school anymore, we should just send them all home. Got it. You guys are cracking me up. Unfortunately your idiocy is a real thing that we must deal with.

children cannot decide that.. but a PARENT would, legally... and decide to home school.. or teach them a trade.. or whatever...

And YOU call OTHERS idiots??

The world is full of ones who will not or cannot handle the education... the world needs pizza makers and urinal scrubbers and musicians too... and if a parent notices their kid is not handling school but gravitates toward cooking, or notices the kid is a great wood carver, or notices the kid is a great athlete but dumber than a box of rocks, or realizes the kid does nothing but get suspended and expelled and will be a fry cook for life, there is no reason to make standardized education compulsory

Im not sure where to begin with this post.
Home schooling still needs to meet state educational guidelines in order to be legit.
Yeah the world needs those things, but a standard education is also needed. These people need to drive or whatever to get to those jobs. That requires reading. Which requires schooling of some sort.

I wouldnt really whine about him calling others idiots after this post of yours.
Osmond is all over the map on the issue of education but remember it's Utah and he is a state senator. Don't let Huffington get your bloomers in a bunch lefties. Osmond also calls for more funding and more local control of primary education.
Okay, so when all the third graders decide they don't want to go to school anymore, we should just send them all home. Got it. You guys are cracking me up. Unfortunately your idiocy is a real thing that we must deal with.

children cannot decide that.. but a PARENT would, legally... and decide to home school.. or teach them a trade.. or whatever...

And YOU call OTHERS idiots??

The world is full of ones who will not or cannot handle the education... the world needs pizza makers and urinal scrubbers and musicians too... and if a parent notices their kid is not handling school but gravitates toward cooking, or notices the kid is a great wood carver, or notices the kid is a great athlete but dumber than a box of rocks, or realizes the kid does nothing but get suspended and expelled and will be a fry cook for life, there is no reason to make standardized education compulsory

Im not sure where to begin with this post.
Home schooling still needs to meet state educational guidelines in order to be legit.
Yeah the world needs those things, but a standard education is also needed. These people need to drive or whatever to get to those jobs. That requires reading. Which requires schooling of some sort.

I wouldnt really whine about him calling others idiots after this post of yours.

Why does the state need to declare any form of schooling "legit"? Parents are ultimately responsible for the kind of education their children get, not the state.
Okay, so when all the third graders decide they don't want to go to school anymore, we should just send them all home. Got it. You guys are cracking me up. Unfortunately your idiocy is a real thing that we must deal with.

children cannot decide that.. but a PARENT would, legally... and decide to home school.. or teach them a trade.. or whatever...

And YOU call OTHERS idiots??

The world is full of ones who will not or cannot handle the education... the world needs pizza makers and urinal scrubbers and musicians too... and if a parent notices their kid is not handling school but gravitates toward cooking, or notices the kid is a great wood carver, or notices the kid is a great athlete but dumber than a box of rocks, or realizes the kid does nothing but get suspended and expelled and will be a fry cook for life, there is no reason to make standardized education compulsory

Im not sure where to begin with this post.
Home schooling still needs to meet state educational guidelines in order to be legit.
Yeah the world needs those things, but a standard education is also needed. These people need to drive or whatever to get to those jobs. That requires reading. Which requires schooling of some sort.

I wouldnt really whine about him calling others idiots after this post of yours.

If the homeschooling chosen MEETS COMPULSORY requirements... say you see your kid is as dumb as TDM or the newbie troll Gardener... you realize they will never learn and have problems above and beyond that.. you know school is not going to help and a home curriculum is not going to help them either.. why the fuck have it compulsory to go with what is NOT working???? There are other paths that can be taken

Our standard education has done what for us?? Do we have more or less sucking off the system??? Of those that do succeed, how many use that nice English, Social Studies, and Metal Shop curriculum??

You sir, are also an idiot... the COMPULSORY STANDARD EDUCATION is NOT always the answer for all persons and all kids... and many will be the lower rung anyway and many could actually benefit from a different system that is NOT in line with the compulsory program
You're going to have the same number of useless drains on society. At least letting them drop out of school frees up money and resources for the kids who truly want to be there and learn.

there is a point here.....if you have a kid in HS and is nothing but a disruption to the kids who want to learn they should be somewhere else besides HS.....maybe send then to a trade school or the Military.....HS sure as hell aint doing them no good.....

And by the end of Jr High, into High School, a truant is born.
Kids NEED education! How are they supposed to become great at anything without a proper education. Having no diploma removes almost all chances of getting even a partially decent job! There are many poor families who have great children who could grow up to make the world a better place. All the parents in the world think they know what their kids want, but they really don't. What happens when a kid grows up, has some amazing ideas, but cant implement them because they have no schooling and get turned away from every opportunity to help? There are a bunch of angry people who will cause more chaos, and we really don't need that at the moment. Now having to pay for school is hard for poor families, but they need to do it for the greater good. A parent who wont send their child to school because they cant afford it is a bad and unfit parent. I'm sorry to say this, but sometimes you have to work twice as hard as you do to give your child a better life. It is extremely sad, but all those people who are poor, are the ones who weren't trying and then got pushed out into the real world, and they couldn't handle it. Now the rich are the ones who found an opportunity, squeezed everything out of it, and live a cushy life, not knowing the problems others have. But they are wrong too. They think that with all that money, they think they're invincible. But if they don't start helping others, they will end up with just as many problems as all the other lower class families. The point is, we all have to work harder, and contribute more, so we can better the future. If you think this doesn't affect you, you are a complete idiot. I'm sure that because you think your needs are far more important than anyone else's, you expect to be okay with being lazy. But news flash, almost everyone else has that same idea as you! We have to help each other to help ourselves. You can't expect that because you insult and protest against the other side, they will submit and be happy. Oh no, they will work just as hard to make you submit. So if you aren't going to do something nice productive, or helpful to everyone, just do nothing at all. But if you want a better life, give back to everyone, work harder. Don't expect that you will be rewarded immediately, theres always going to be those few who don't care about how hard you try. But if you look hard, and never give up, you will find that you will be rewarded. Not always in cash or perks, or promotions, but you will reward yourself with a clean conscience and great self motivation. And people want people who work hard. If you can't get a job, start your own business. But don't be rude and expect nothing to come back at you. Where do you think the idea of karma came from?
Aaron Osmond, Utah State Senator, Calls For End To Mandatory Education

A Republican state senator in Utah is calling for the end of mandatory education in the state.

State Sen. Aaron Osmond (R-South Jordan) wrote on the state Senate blog Friday that mandatory education in the state has forced teachers and schools to take on parenting responsibilities. Prior to the mandate taking effect in 1890, he wrote, education was "an opportunity" and parents were more engaged. He also wrote that teachers were more respected. The Deseret News first reported Osmond's blog post on Tuesday.

Aaron Osmond, Utah State Senator, Calls For End To Mandatory Education

So, How many cons are going to tell us how great an idea this is? Of course we know that it would only be children of the very poor who would no longer receive an education, but hey, that would be a good thing, right?
Why should parents release children to teachers who turn them into misanthropes to satisfy their union obligation? ;)
children cannot decide that.. but a PARENT would, legally... and decide to home school.. or teach them a trade.. or whatever...

And YOU call OTHERS idiots??

The world is full of ones who will not or cannot handle the education... the world needs pizza makers and urinal scrubbers and musicians too... and if a parent notices their kid is not handling school but gravitates toward cooking, or notices the kid is a great wood carver, or notices the kid is a great athlete but dumber than a box of rocks, or realizes the kid does nothing but get suspended and expelled and will be a fry cook for life, there is no reason to make standardized education compulsory

Im not sure where to begin with this post.
Home schooling still needs to meet state educational guidelines in order to be legit.
Yeah the world needs those things, but a standard education is also needed. These people need to drive or whatever to get to those jobs. That requires reading. Which requires schooling of some sort.

I wouldnt really whine about him calling others idiots after this post of yours.

Why does the state need to declare any form of schooling "legit"? Parents are ultimately responsible for the kind of education their children get, not the state.

Well besides having guidelines and standards...of course this explains why you are an idiot.

A more educated society is a better society....education gave you that computer you are using right now.

But by all means run on this platform. You will lose at least 90% of all mothers alone.
What comes after those in the military become out of shape and can't fight anymore. The military is already bad anyways, instead of killing millions of people and spreading terror, we should strengthen our relationships with other countries. But we cant expect them to see it from our point of view. We have to see it from theirs first, and compromise. Neither side of an argument is ever entirely right, so we have to combine our ideas to make an even greater plan, not fight for supremacy. And for those poor kids who don't go to school and don't want to be in the military, what happens to them? They have no education or money, so the best job they could get is a fry cook. Even if they are good at a sport or good looking, that wont last forever. And if they try to keep it that way for too, they are a waste of the worlds resources. They will make others feel bad about themselves and cause more stereotyping. Thousands of Americans die in war, and hundreds of thousands in the places we attack. Those people don't want to die. They have families and lives too. It is depressing that we are okay about it when we hear about a terrorist attack and say, gosh, thats awful, but don't really care. Now the people it happened to are devastated and expect help, but people just don't care. And if something like that happens to you, suddenly its an outrage. And everyone else won't care. It's not a good thing to be depressed by all the things that happen, but we at least need to try and fix them, even if you are poor. So being poor isn't an excuse for not working hard to fix things, neither is being rich. We have to become a united country, and immediately put others in front of ourselves. We can't have egos that take up more space than we do.
Kids NEED education! How are they supposed to become great at anything without a proper education. Having no diploma removes almost all chances of getting even a partially decent job! There are many poor families who have great children who could grow up to make the world a better place. All the parents in the world think they know what their kids want, but they really don't. What happens when a kid grows up, has some amazing ideas, but cant implement them because they have no schooling and get turned away from every opportunity to help? There are a bunch of angry people who will cause more chaos, and we really don't need that at the moment. Now having to pay for school is hard for poor families, but they need to do it for the greater good. A parent who wont send their child to school because they cant afford it is a bad and unfit parent. I'm sorry to say this, but sometimes you have to work twice as hard as you do to give your child a better life. It is extremely sad, but all those people who are poor, are the ones who weren't trying and then got pushed out into the real world, and they couldn't handle it. Now the rich are the ones who found an opportunity, squeezed everything out of it, and live a cushy life, not knowing the problems others have. But they are wrong too. They think that with all that money, they think they're invincible. But if they don't start helping others, they will end up with just as many problems as all the other lower class families. The point is, we all have to work harder, and contribute more, so we can better the future. If you think this doesn't affect you, you are a complete idiot. I'm sure that because you think your needs are far more important than anyone else's, you expect to be okay with being lazy. But news flash, almost everyone else has that same idea as you! We have to help each other to help ourselves. You can't expect that because you insult and protest against the other side, they will submit and be happy. Oh no, they will work just as hard to make you submit. So if you aren't going to do something nice productive, or helpful to everyone, just do nothing at all. But if you want a better life, give back to everyone, work harder. Don't expect that you will be rewarded immediately, theres always going to be those few who don't care about how hard you try. But if you look hard, and never give up, you will find that you will be rewarded. Not always in cash or perks, or promotions, but you will reward yourself with a clean conscience and great self motivation. And people want people who work hard. If you can't get a job, start your own business. But don't be rude and expect nothing to come back at you. Where do you think the idea of karma came from?

This is typical of the big government supporters. If gov't doesnt provide education, no one will be educated. If gov't doesn't mandate health standards, there will be no health. If gov't doesn't provide for poor people, there will be no providing at all.
It is a lie. It is a monstrous lie. Private enterprise provided for all those things for most of our history. And could again. But people have been brain washed to think only gov't can do this stuff.
children cannot decide that.. but a PARENT would, legally... and decide to home school.. or teach them a trade.. or whatever...

And YOU call OTHERS idiots??

The world is full of ones who will not or cannot handle the education... the world needs pizza makers and urinal scrubbers and musicians too... and if a parent notices their kid is not handling school but gravitates toward cooking, or notices the kid is a great wood carver, or notices the kid is a great athlete but dumber than a box of rocks, or realizes the kid does nothing but get suspended and expelled and will be a fry cook for life, there is no reason to make standardized education compulsory

Im not sure where to begin with this post.
Home schooling still needs to meet state educational guidelines in order to be legit.
Yeah the world needs those things, but a standard education is also needed. These people need to drive or whatever to get to those jobs. That requires reading. Which requires schooling of some sort.

I wouldnt really whine about him calling others idiots after this post of yours.

If the homeschooling chosen MEETS COMPULSORY requirements... say you see your kid is as dumb as TDM or the newbie troll Gardener... you realize they will never learn and have problems above and beyond that.. you know school is not going to help and a home curriculum is not going to help them either.. why the fuck have it compulsory to go with what is NOT working???? There are other paths that can be taken

Our standard education has done what for us?? Do we have more or less sucking off the system??? Of those that do succeed, how many use that nice English, Social Studies, and Metal Shop curriculum??

You sir, are also an idiot... the COMPULSORY STANDARD EDUCATION is NOT always the answer for all persons and all kids... and many will be the lower rung anyway and many could actually benefit from a different system that is NOT in line with the compulsory program

Its not compulsory dave...ill just skip over the rest of your drivel.
By all means run on this platform. Im sure its a golden ticket.
What comes after those in the military become out of shape and can't fight anymore. The military is already bad anyways, instead of killing millions of people and spreading terror, we should strengthen our relationships with other countries. But we cant expect them to see it from our point of view. We have to see it from theirs first, and compromise. Neither side of an argument is ever entirely right, so we have to combine our ideas to make an even greater plan, not fight for supremacy. And for those poor kids who don't go to school and don't want to be in the military, what happens to them? They have no education or money, so the best job they could get is a fry cook. Even if they are good at a sport or good looking, that wont last forever. And if they try to keep it that way for too, they are a waste of the worlds resources. They will make others feel bad about themselves and cause more stereotyping. Thousands of Americans die in war, and hundreds of thousands in the places we attack. Those people don't want to die. They have families and lives too. It is depressing that we are okay about it when we hear about a terrorist attack and say, gosh, thats awful, but don't really care. Now the people it happened to are devastated and expect help, but people just don't care. And if something like that happens to you, suddenly its an outrage. And everyone else won't care. It's not a good thing to be depressed by all the things that happen, but we at least need to try and fix them, even if you are poor. So being poor isn't an excuse for not working hard to fix things, neither is being rich. We have to become a united country, and immediately put others in front of ourselves. We can't have egos that take up more space than we do.

When does school start again???? I can't wait.
Im not sure where to begin with this post.
Home schooling still needs to meet state educational guidelines in order to be legit.
Yeah the world needs those things, but a standard education is also needed. These people need to drive or whatever to get to those jobs. That requires reading. Which requires schooling of some sort.

I wouldnt really whine about him calling others idiots after this post of yours.

Why does the state need to declare any form of schooling "legit"? Parents are ultimately responsible for the kind of education their children get, not the state.

Well besides having guidelines and standards...of course this explains why you are an idiot.

A more educated society is a better society....education gave you that computer you are using right now.

But by all means run on this platform. You will lose at least 90% of all mothers alone.

That was almost as incoherent as any post you've made.
You don't need guidelines and standards. We have more guidelines and standards now than ever before and worse results.
We have more college educated people than ever before. And more idiots who cannot read, write, think or reason. I'll bet you're one of them.
This computer is using chips made in Taiwan. Probably yours too. Tell me about it.
Meanwhile, go and convince mothers that a school board knows better than she does what kind of education her child needs.
Im not sure where to begin with this post.
Home schooling still needs to meet state educational guidelines in order to be legit.
Yeah the world needs those things, but a standard education is also needed. These people need to drive or whatever to get to those jobs. That requires reading. Which requires schooling of some sort.

I wouldnt really whine about him calling others idiots after this post of yours.

Why does the state need to declare any form of schooling "legit"? Parents are ultimately responsible for the kind of education their children get, not the state.

Well besides having guidelines and standards...of course this explains why you are an idiot.

A more educated society is a better society....education gave you that computer you are using right now.

But by all means run on this platform. You will lose at least 90% of all mothers alone.

Standardized education did not. perhaps you ought to see where computer leaders went above and taught themselves without school.. and see how many of us in the telecom/IT/SatCom/DataTrans business got there without the standard education...

The only way to LOSE them is by the propaganda and misinformation YOU and your ilk are trying to put forth

1) This does not take away education
2) This gives other choices to problem kids
3) This gives other paths to kids who may excel in one area but lack in several others
4) This empowers the parents and not the system
5) Troublemakers are not forced to go back into the system
Why does the state need to declare any form of schooling "legit"? Parents are ultimately responsible for the kind of education their children get, not the state.

Well besides having guidelines and standards...of course this explains why you are an idiot.

A more educated society is a better society....education gave you that computer you are using right now.

But by all means run on this platform. You will lose at least 90% of all mothers alone.

That was almost as incoherent as any post you've made.
You don't need guidelines and standards. We have more guidelines and standards now than ever before and worse results.
We have more college educated people than ever before. And more idiots who cannot read, write, think or reason. I'll bet you're one of them.
This computer is using chips made in Taiwan. Probably yours too. Tell me about it.
Meanwhile, go and convince mothers that a school board knows better than she does what kind of education her child needs.

Swing and a miss! Keep on tarding up the place rabbi...!
Now granted we do need all those people who do little jobs, but they still need educations to live and pay bills. All those great cooks will need money and diplomas to open a restaurant or work at one and get a decent amount of money. If people just do things on the side, they may make amazing things, but no one will know because they are uneducated and unknown as they have no money. It is very rare one of those people becomes well known or even famous. So if you want to do something like that, go to school, better your knowledge of the thing you wish to do, and there will be many more opportunities for you.
Why does the state need to declare any form of schooling "legit"? Parents are ultimately responsible for the kind of education their children get, not the state.

Well besides having guidelines and standards...of course this explains why you are an idiot.

A more educated society is a better society....education gave you that computer you are using right now.

But by all means run on this platform. You will lose at least 90% of all mothers alone.

Standardized education did not. perhaps you ought to see where computer leaders went above and taught themselves without school.. and see how many of us in the telecom/IT/SatCom/DataTrans business got there without the standard education...

The only way to LOSE them is by the propaganda and misinformation YOU and your ilk are trying to put forth

1) This does not take away education
2) This gives other choices to problem kids
3) This gives other paths to kids who may excel in one area but lack in several others
4) This empowers the parents and not the system
5) Troublemakers are not forced to go back into the system

Misinformation lol.....propaganda lol..oh man I see you are a loon.
Again by all means run on this platform. Majority of mothers disagree with you about education.

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