A Young Woman Stoned for Adultery

Mertex-------I do not buy into the silly sophistry of your priest------I do reality-----your comment about jewish scriptures is jibberish and you are very vulgar. Your priest and or catetchism whore do not get to define that which jewish scriptural writings are or are not---------no one actually knows who matthew was------and luke never met

The "reality" is that you know nothing and are very proud to display it. I don't waste my time trying to educate someone who enjoys their ignorant state.....;)

you seem unable to face the simple fact that Luke never met Jesus----- and had he--
he would not be able to understand a single word Jesus said----I understand your POV----you carry the family legacy of the shit who lived off LIBELS----like the
blood in matzoh church crap, the excuse your kith and kin used to slaughter
hundreds of thousands. You cannot address the FACT that the shit of your
church STILL INSIST that jews could not execute people -----but then throw crap like "stone the adultress" into your "bible" You are really dim----the key to your
stupidity is right there on the pages of the NT ------read it sometime. It is a very interesting book if you understand what you are actually reading BTW----if jews could stone people------HOW COME SANHEDRIN REFUSED TO ISSUE AN ORDER TO STONE JESUS------SINCE DA JOOOOS HATED HIM SO MUCH----
good point-----a story in the NICEA COUNCIL compiled book aka the NT that is not
at all consistent with jurisprudence or custom of the jews of Judea/Israel during the
putative life-time of Jesus-------gets NO CIGAR.


Sorry I wasted time trying to educate someone so uninformed acting like she knows anything about anything........:rolleyes:

Doesn't give any links......she must have made up all that crap she spews......

I know where you learned your crap-------I attended sunday school with a protestant friend-----as a child----at least a dozen times-----later in life I worked with one ex-priest ----and one----ex student priest ------they "KNEW" so much ----just like you do. They were not silly guys----they actually thought they knew
good point-----a story in the NICEA COUNCIL compiled book aka the NT that is not
at all consistent with jurisprudence or custom of the jews of Judea/Israel during the
putative life-time of Jesus-------gets NO CIGAR.


Sorry I wasted time trying to educate someone so uninformed acting like she knows anything about anything........:rolleyes:

Doesn't give any links......she must have made up all that crap she spews......

Well, just post for the Peanut Gallery on issues like these instead of playing "I Touched You Last!!!" with ignorant nut jobs and astroturfers who have to rewrite history in order to invent nonsense and a fantasy "Metro-sexual Hippy Communist Jesus" who, just by pure coincidence, of course, would fit in perfectly with modern PCness, and then go around pretending to school Da Evul Xians on The 'Real' Jesus, using half-baked gibberish.

The ridiculous stuff on the Council of Nicea and what it allegedly did is particularly funny; I guess we can discuss that, since it seems to be a key event they need to distort.
God cares? After living through both my mom and dad's deaths from cancer, And seeing people die in random and horrible accidents, God does NOT care in the slightest. Islam presumes to know the mind of God, and these other Muslim idiots presume to know what rules (sharia law) "Allah" wants, and strap on bombs to kill infidels to get into heaven, drink the purple kool-aid. Enough!

You seem to think that because people die, that God must not care. Death has been part of life since the beginning......everyone dies....and while it is sad and painful to see a loved one die, death is not the end for believers, just the beginning. Accidents are caused by people mostly through carelessness or bad behavior, if God were to interfere in each and every case in everyone's life, we'd be no more than puppets and you'd be complaining about that.

And, don't compare the true God, Jesus, to the god the muslims pay homage to. That's blasphemy. Jesus doesn't ask his followers to commit crimes in order to prove loyalty.....but just like in Islam, we also have Christians who follow their own concept of what God wants, and they commit crimes and behave un-Godly thinking they are doing it for God. But, you can't blame their actions on the rest of us. You need clarification, but it doesn't seem you care to have it. Sad.
If we could just get rid of those damn Christians...all would be wonderful....right lil' joey?

Christians strike again...US Special Forces storm hotel in Mali following jihadi hostage crisis

why can't you stay on the subject?

You see, here's the thing. During the Cold War, our argument with the Middle East wasn't about "religion". We were all worried about all these secularist, socialist strongmen like Nasser and Assad and Qaddafi and Arafat who were happy to throw in with the USSR.

Then Reagan and the CIA and the Mossad had the wacky idea that we needed to encourage religious fervor to beat the bad old commies before they taught girls how to read or something.

Even Hamas was encouraged by the Mossad to counter the influence of the largely secular Arafat.

How Israel Helped to Spawn Hamas

"Hamas, to my great regret, is Israel's creation," says Mr. Cohen, a Tunisian-born Jew who worked in Gaza for more than two decades. Responsible for religious affairs in the region until 1994, Mr. Cohen watched the Islamist movement take shape, muscle aside secular Palestinian rivals and then morph into what is today Hamas, a militant group that is sworn to Israel's destruction.

Instead of trying to curb Gaza's Islamists from the outset, says Mr. Cohen, Israel for years tolerated and, in some cases, encouraged them as a counterweight to the secular nationalists of the Palestine Liberation Organization and its dominant faction, Yasser Arafat's Fatah. Israel cooperated with a crippled, half-blind cleric named Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, even as he was laying the foundations for what would become Hamas. Sheikh Yassin continues to inspire militants today; during the recent war in Gaza, Hamas fighters confronted Israeli troops with "Yassins," primitive rocket-propelled grenades named in honor of the cleric.
Joe...guy... When are you going to learn there is little difference between D's and Rs, especially with foreign affairs???...but you partisan types must keep the fairy tale alive.
Mertex-------I do not buy into the silly sophistry of your priest------I do reality-----your comment about jewish scriptures is jibberish and you are very vulgar. Your priest and or catetchism whore do not get to define that which jewish scriptural writings are or are not---------no one actually knows who matthew was------and luke never met

The "reality" is that you know nothing and are very proud to display it. I don't waste my time trying to educate someone who enjoys their ignorant state.....;)

you seem unable to face the simple fact that Luke never met Jesus----- and had he--
he would not be able to understand a single word Jesus said----

You are delusional. First of all, I have never even mentioned Luke other than to say that the writers of the NT lived and were around during the time of Jesus.

You really have no proof that Luke never met Jesus. Luke may not have been one of the original 12 disciples, but his writings are based on reliable sources (mostly Paul). He was a close companion of Paul (Saul) who was actually an enemy of Jesus until his encounter with Jesus on the way to Damascus. Jesus sent out 72 disciples to preach his word.....and Luke could very well have been among them. And the point I was making was that they all lived during the time of Jesus unlike your source which didn't come about until 325 AD, so quit making up shit and then acting as if I said it.

I understand your POV----you carry the family legacy of the shit who lived off LIBELS----like the
blood in matzoh church crap, the excuse your kith and kin used to slaughter
hundreds of thousands. You cannot address the FACT that the shit of your
church STILL INSIST that jews could not execute people -----but then throw crap like "stone the adultress" into your "bible" You are really dim----the key to your
stupidity is right there on the pages of the NT ------read it sometime. It is a very interesting book if you understand what you are actually reading BTW----if jews could stone people------HOW COME SANHEDRIN REFUSED TO ISSUE AN ORDER TO STONE JESUS------SINCE DA JOOOOS HATED HIM SO MUCH----

Your understanding is blinded by your hatred for Christians and you have bought into the maniacal writings of others full of hate like you. You have proven that you are no authority on the subject of Christianity, so quit pretending that you are.
Mertex-------I do not buy into the silly sophistry of your priest------I do reality-----your comment about jewish scriptures is jibberish and you are very vulgar. Your priest and or catetchism whore do not get to define that which jewish scriptural writings are or are not---------no one actually knows who matthew was------and luke never met

The "reality" is that you know nothing and are very proud to display it. I don't waste my time trying to educate someone who enjoys their ignorant state.....;)

you seem unable to face the simple fact that Luke never met Jesus----- and had he--
he would not be able to understand a single word Jesus said----

You are delusional. First of all, I have never even mentioned Luke other than to say that the writers of the NT lived and were around during the time of Jesus.

You really have no proof that Luke never met Jesus. Luke may not have been one of the original 12 disciples, but his writings are based on reliable sources (mostly Paul). He was a close companion of Paul (Saul) who was actually an enemy of Jesus until his encounter with Jesus on the way to Damascus. Jesus sent out 72 disciples to preach his word.....and Luke could very well have been among them. And the point I was making was that they all lived during the time of Jesus unlike your source which didn't come about until 325 AD, so quit making up shit and then acting as if I said it.

I understand your POV----you carry the family legacy of the shit who lived off LIBELS----like the
blood in matzoh church crap, the excuse your kith and kin used to slaughter
hundreds of thousands. You cannot address the FACT that the shit of your
church STILL INSIST that jews could not execute people -----but then throw crap like "stone the adultress" into your "bible" You are really dim----the key to your
stupidity is right there on the pages of the NT ------read it sometime. It is a very interesting book if you understand what you are actually reading BTW----if jews could stone people------HOW COME SANHEDRIN REFUSED TO ISSUE AN ORDER TO STONE JESUS------SINCE DA JOOOOS HATED HIM SO MUCH----

Your understanding is blinded by your hatred for Christians and you have bought into the maniacal writings of others full of hate like you. You have proven that you are no authority on the subject of Christianity, so quit pretending that you are.

Your conclusion is entirely wrong-----my entire education in Christianity came from
Christians when I was a very young child. My own family ---and relatives
never mentioned Christians------I was a teenager before I had any idea that adolf hitler was born a catholic. I never attended ANY religious education other than Christian------well-----it was actually a bit of sunday school and
holidays with Christians------so it was not really an "education" ------but it was all I
did have. What makes you think that reading the bible is a matter of hatred?
----way back when I was a kid I did not have big access to BOOKS------other
than rare trips to the little town public library and stuff here and there. -----since
I lived in a very Christian town there were little pocket sized copies of the NT all over the place. My neighbors were more worried about blacks---invading the
town public swimming pond than about me although they were also nurtured on
general Christian anti-Semitism also. I am fascinated-----where do you see hatred? I will give you some insight into "hatred" -----if you wish to be honest
and candid------tell me what a "Pharisee" is. What sort of role did they have in
"Judea/Israel" of 2000 years ago and in the life of Jesus. I have introduced you
to a very interesting -------food for thought topic. ----the topic----"what does 'pharisee' mean to you?" It's kinda like asking a white southern Baptist cracker
"what does 'N^##er' mean to you"? ----for the record----I served in the US navy so I came to know lots of white southern Baptist crackers.
Mertex-------I do not buy into the silly sophistry of your priest------I do reality-----your comment about jewish scriptures is jibberish and you are very vulgar. Your priest and or catetchism whore do not get to define that which jewish scriptural writings are or are not---------no one actually knows who matthew was------and luke never met

The "reality" is that you know nothing and are very proud to display it. I don't waste my time trying to educate someone who enjoys their ignorant state.....;)

you seem unable to face the simple fact that Luke never met Jesus----- and had he--
he would not be able to understand a single word Jesus said----

You are delusional. First of all, I have never even mentioned Luke other than to say that the writers of the NT lived and were around during the time of Jesus.

You really have no proof that Luke never met Jesus. Luke may not have been one of the original 12 disciples, but his writings are based on reliable sources (mostly Paul). He was a close companion of Paul (Saul) who was actually an enemy of Jesus until his encounter with Jesus on the way to Damascus. Jesus sent out 72 disciples to preach his word.....and Luke could very well have been among them. And the point I was making was that they all lived during the time of Jesus unlike your source which didn't come about until 325 AD, so quit making up shit and then acting as if I said it.

I understand your POV----you carry the family legacy of the shit who lived off LIBELS----like the
blood in matzoh church crap, the excuse your kith and kin used to slaughter
hundreds of thousands. You cannot address the FACT that the shit of your
church STILL INSIST that jews could not execute people -----but then throw crap like "stone the adultress" into your "bible" You are really dim----the key to your
stupidity is right there on the pages of the NT ------read it sometime. It is a very interesting book if you understand what you are actually reading BTW----if jews could stone people------HOW COME SANHEDRIN REFUSED TO ISSUE AN ORDER TO STONE JESUS------SINCE DA JOOOOS HATED HIM SO MUCH----

Your understanding is blinded by your hatred for Christians and you have bought into the maniacal writings of others full of hate like you. You have proven that you are no authority on the subject of Christianity, so quit pretending that you are.

Your conclusion is entirely wrong-----my entire education in Christianity came from
Christians when I was a very young child. My own family ---and relatives
never mentioned Christians------I was a teenager before I had any idea that adolf hitler was born a catholic. I never attended ANY religious education other than Christian------well-----it was actually a bit of sunday school and
holidays with Christians------so it was not really an "education" ------but it was all I
did have. What makes you think that reading the bible is a matter of hatred?
----way back when I was a kid I did not have big access to BOOKS------other
than rare trips to the little town public library and stuff here and there. -----since
I lived in a very Christian town there were little pocket sized copies of the NT all over the place. My neighbors were more worried about blacks---invading the
town public swimming pond than about me although they were also nurtured on
general Christian anti-Semitism also. I am fascinated-----where do you see hatred? I will give you some insight into "hatred" -----if you wish to be honest
and candid------tell me what a "Pharisee" is. What sort of role did they have in
"Judea/Israel" of 2000 years ago and in the life of Jesus. I have introduced you
to a very interesting -------food for thought topic. ----the topic----"what does 'pharisee' mean to you?" It's kinda like asking a white southern Baptist cracker
"what does 'N^##er' mean to you"? ----for the record----I served in the US navy so I came to know lots of white southern Baptist crackers.

Your reference to Jews for one thing, spells out "hatred". As for your education coming from Christians....there are many who call themselves Christian and know very little about Christianity....in other words, they don't practice true Christianity, they pick and choose specific scriptures in the Bible to back up some of their deep seated racism/hatred. Your use of demeaning words to refer to Jews implies some form of hatred toward them. People don't generally use insulting names for people or groups of people unless they dislike them so much to the point that they get some satisfaction in using derogatory names for them....much like they have done for blacks, hispanics and others, like "white southern baptist crackers".

Your comment "it was actually a bit of sunday school and holidays with Christians------so it was not really an "education" ------but it was all Idid have." doesn't sound like it was enough to give you a complete understanding of Christianity. It's a life-long process, and one never quits learning. The Bible is not an easy book to read and understand...so just reading the NT without using commentaries or some other form of guidance as to what certain phrases mean may cause the wrong interpretation. Yet the message is simple....believe that Jesus is the Son of God, make Him Lord of your life, and you become a Believer.

I don't know what your fascination with the Pharisees is.....but to answer your question, the Pharisees were supposed to be the "godly" people during the time of Jesus, who thought they knew everything there was to know about God, more than they actually did. They had added their own interpretations to God's Word until it had become unbearable for the Israelite to follow God's commands. Jesus called them "vipers/snakes" because they were mostly interested in their own gain than they were in following God. They were hypocrites, and we still have many today that act just like the Pharisees.

Here's what Jesus said of them....and as a Believer, I have no reason to doubt what he said.
13 But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in.

14 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye devour widows' houses, and for a pretence make long prayer: therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation.

15 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.

Bible Gateway passage: Matthew 23 - King James Version
Last edited:
Mertex-------I do not buy into the silly sophistry of your priest------I do reality-----your comment about jewish scriptures is jibberish and you are very vulgar. Your priest and or catetchism whore do not get to define that which jewish scriptural writings are or are not---------no one actually knows who matthew was------and luke never met

The "reality" is that you know nothing and are very proud to display it. I don't waste my time trying to educate someone who enjoys their ignorant state.....;)

you seem unable to face the simple fact that Luke never met Jesus----- and had he--
he would not be able to understand a single word Jesus said----

You are delusional. First of all, I have never even mentioned Luke other than to say that the writers of the NT lived and were around during the time of Jesus.

You really have no proof that Luke never met Jesus. Luke may not have been one of the original 12 disciples, but his writings are based on reliable sources (mostly Paul). He was a close companion of Paul (Saul) who was actually an enemy of Jesus until his encounter with Jesus on the way to Damascus. Jesus sent out 72 disciples to preach his word.....and Luke could very well have been among them. And the point I was making was that they all lived during the time of Jesus unlike your source which didn't come about until 325 AD, so quit making up shit and then acting as if I said it.

I understand your POV----you carry the family legacy of the shit who lived off LIBELS----like the
blood in matzoh church crap, the excuse your kith and kin used to slaughter
hundreds of thousands. You cannot address the FACT that the shit of your
church STILL INSIST that jews could not execute people -----but then throw crap like "stone the adultress" into your "bible" You are really dim----the key to your
stupidity is right there on the pages of the NT ------read it sometime. It is a very interesting book if you understand what you are actually reading BTW----if jews could stone people------HOW COME SANHEDRIN REFUSED TO ISSUE AN ORDER TO STONE JESUS------SINCE DA JOOOOS HATED HIM SO MUCH----

Your understanding is blinded by your hatred for Christians and you have bought into the maniacal writings of others full of hate like you. You have proven that you are no authority on the subject of Christianity, so quit pretending that you are.

Your conclusion is entirely wrong-----my entire education in Christianity came from
Christians when I was a very young child. My own family ---and relatives
never mentioned Christians------I was a teenager before I had any idea that adolf hitler was born a catholic. I never attended ANY religious education other than Christian------well-----it was actually a bit of sunday school and
holidays with Christians------so it was not really an "education" ------but it was all I
did have. What makes you think that reading the bible is a matter of hatred?
----way back when I was a kid I did not have big access to BOOKS------other
than rare trips to the little town public library and stuff here and there. -----since
I lived in a very Christian town there were little pocket sized copies of the NT all over the place. My neighbors were more worried about blacks---invading the
town public swimming pond than about me although they were also nurtured on
general Christian anti-Semitism also. I am fascinated-----where do you see hatred? I will give you some insight into "hatred" -----if you wish to be honest
and candid------tell me what a "Pharisee" is. What sort of role did they have in
"Judea/Israel" of 2000 years ago and in the life of Jesus. I have introduced you
to a very interesting -------food for thought topic. ----the topic----"what does 'pharisee' mean to you?" It's kinda like asking a white southern Baptist cracker
"what does 'N^##er' mean to you"? ----for the record----I served in the US navy so I came to know lots of white southern Baptist crackers.

Your reference to Jews for one thing, spells out "hatred". As for your education coming from Christians....there are many who call themselves Christian and know very little about Christianity....in other words, they don't practice true Christianity, they pick and choose specific scriptures in the Bible to back up some of their deep seated racism/hatred. Your use of demeaning words to refer to Jews implies some form of hatred toward them. People don't generally use insulting names for people or groups of people unless they dislike them so much to the point that they get some satisfaction in using derogatory names for them....much like they have done for blacks, hispanics and others, like "white southern baptist crackers".

Your comment "it was actually a bit of sunday school and holidays with Christians------so it was not really an "education" ------but it was all Idid have." doesn't sound like it was enough to give you a complete understanding of Christianity. It's a life-long process, and one never quits learning. The Bible is not an easy book to read and understand...so just reading the NT without using commentaries or some other form of guidance as to what certain phrases mean may cause the wrong interpretation. Yet the message is simple....believe that Jesus is the Son of God, make Him Lord of your life, and you become a Believer.

I don't know what your fascination with the Pharisees is.....but to answer your question, the Pharisees were supposed to be the "godly" people during the time of Jesus, who thought they knew everything there was to know about God, more than they actually did. They had added their own interpretations to God's Word until it had become unbearable for the Israelite to follow God's commands. Jesus called them "vipers/snakes" because they were mostly interested in their own gain than they were in following God. They were hypocrites, and we still have many today that act just like the Pharisees.

Here's what Jesus said of them....and as a Believer, I have no reason to doubt what he said.
13 But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in.

14 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye devour widows' houses, and for a pretence make long prayer: therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation.

15 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.

Bible Gateway passage: Matthew 23 - King James Version

your told me what you "believe" which is nothing more than the standard
Christian interpretation. I am lucky----I had no real "formal education" in
religion. Although I did go to "sunday school" a bit with a Christian playmate.
and did grow up in a very Christian town. My education understanding of
religion was not PREJUDICED by the formal stuff. I learned by lots of reading
As far as understanding that which is in the NT-----the person who cannot under-stand it is YOU. Without knowing what was actually going on in Judea/Israel
at that time-----and without knowing basic Judaism and having at least a minimal
grasp of the language jesus actually spoke-----you cannot know much at all.
You know nothing about Pharisees. or the idioms that the NT attributes to
jesus Tell me the truth-------is it your impression that the "money changers'
were Pharisees? The "high priest" that seems to prosecute Jesus in the NT---
was named CAIAPHAS was he a Pharisee? Did Pharisees advocate the
EXECUTION of women caught in adultery? How about HEROD ---was he a
"Pharisee? You really are not likely to know------you might find out by googling
The Jews didn't steal anything. Why don't you learn something before you go around making yourself sound foolish?

sorry, do you have another word for it.

1900- No Jews in Palestine. They didn't own the land, the Arabs did.

1948- Jews own half the land they've been systematically stealing.

1967- they steal the rest of the land. But now they are figuring out they can't hold it, so they are giving the shittier land back.
The Jews didn't steal anything. Why don't you learn something before you go around making yourself sound foolish?

sorry, do you have another word for it.

1900- No Jews in Palestine. They didn't own the land, the Arabs did.

1948- Jews own half the land they've been systematically stealing.

1967- they steal the rest of the land. But now they are figuring out they can't hold it, so they are giving the shittier land back.

They didn't steal the land. The land was parceled by the people who were in control at the time and a portion was given to Israel. They preemptively attacked (to prevent an attack on them) and won more land. The spoils of war. Still NOT stealing. Palestinians continue to fight and bombard them, so they are pushing them out. Can you blame them? I'm sure if Mexico was lobbing bombs into the United States, you would demand the government take action.

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