A Young Woman Stoned for Adultery

Damn joey...

Your question is typical left wing kookery. No said one said bombing is civilized dummy. Why the strawman?

Christians don't bomb people. Corrupt lying pols bomb people...pols that you love and adore...but only if they are D's.

Your are engaging in the "No True Scotsman Fallacy". Of course, those Christians who do unchristian things like wars and concentration camps and genocides, they aren't Christians at all!

No matter how much they say they love Jesus.

So again, how is carpet bombing more civilized than Stoning. Still waiting for you to answer that one.

Christians are not the problem in our world today. It is Muslims who are the problem, and a worldwide problem at that.

Actually Christians never were a problem relative to its enemies' fun activities, certainly not anywhere near the problems pagans and Muslims have been. Much of the gibberish is based on old Protestant anti-Catholic propaganda from the 17th century. Adding up the alleged death tolls attributed to da Evul Xians are absurdities given the populations of Europe when these 'millions' were supposedly murdered; Europe would have a modern population of around 6 or 7 today if even a fraction of the gibberish was true.
I mean it; but not with the phony numbers you present. How many offenses and attacks to Muzzies do on the Israelis? Of course, some of them are gonna die in the crosshairs. The sad; nay, it's not sad. You're just a fucking trained lemming.

the sad thing is you do mean it.

The Zionists kill 2000 Palestinians. No big deal.

We kill half a million Iraqis over weapons that don't exist. No big deal.

Some angry young Muslims in France see this and engage in a terrorist attack "OH MY GOD IT'S A WAR OF CIVILIZATIONS WHAT BARBARIANS WE NEED TO TOTALLY GO TO WAR!!!!"

not that you would ever sign up. Get some brown kid from Chicago to do it.

Palestinians have no interest in peace; I shed not one tear for them (other than the truly actual innocent victims and not your made up ones). We didn't kill half a million Iraqis; you're an idiot. And what is the magic number of terrorist attacks that we must endure before we're allowed to take a hard stand? In you're world, that bull shit is a natural response; talk about nonsense!
Palestinians have no interest in peace; I shed not one tear for them (other than the truly actual innocent victims and not your made up ones). We didn't kill half a million Iraqis; you're an idiot. And what is the magic number of terrorist attacks that we must endure before we're allowed to take a hard stand? In you're world, that bull shit is a natural response; talk about nonsense!

There are no military solutions to Terrorism. Eventually people just get fed up with and give up.

Just ask the British in Ireland.

Why should the Palestinians want "peace". They want the Jews the fuck off their land. And eventually, they'll get it. Half of Young Israelis say they'd immigrate if they could.

As an illogical defense to the modern Barbaric Islam custom of stoning women for (alleged) sex, you've consistently attempted to argue the origin of stoning as a defense for barbaric Islam. You've done it in countless other threads; you've done it immediately in this thread. I don't even indulge your dead on arrival argument other than to say this is what you're doing. You are a hack that is afraid of serious discussion on this matter. And you'll attempt to divert future threads like this in the same manner just like hacks do.
That's why I ignore him. Dishonest as the day is long.
You know, Muslim counties TAX non Muslims?Islam is intolerant of non Muslims? gays, Christians, converts, agnostics. Islam won't tolerate that . Everything in the modern word,these backwards twits forbid and would destroy. That's Islam. Why do American liberals support this bulocks?
Because they are twisted, perverted sucks.
You know, Muslim counties TAX non Muslims?Islam is intolerant of non Muslims? gays, Christians, converts, agnostics. Islam won't tolerate that . Everything in the modern word,these backwards twits forbid and would destroy. That's Islam. Why do American liberals support this bulocks?
Because they are twisted, perverted sucks.
Takes one to know one you homosexual.

As an illogical defense to the modern Barbaric Islam custom of stoning women for (alleged) sex, you've consistently attempted to argue the origin of stoning as a defense for barbaric Islam. You've done it in countless other threads; you've done it immediately in this thread. I don't even indulge your dead on arrival argument other than to say this is what you're doing. You are a hack that is afraid of serious discussion on this matter. And you'll attempt to divert future threads like this in the same manner just like hacks do.
That's why I ignore him. Dishonest as the day is long.

And you're dishonest enough to take the strawman of a convicted pathological liar who just makes it up as he goes?

That particular fable was refuted way back in post 154 -- TWO WEEKS ago. Read much?

And when challenged to come up with a quote or link, he trotted out the same thing he always does ---

look kids! It's Mister Zero!


-- then he runs away and hides because that's what he's made of. :gay:
Yeah you tell us all about "dishonest", bitch.
Palestinians have no interest in peace; I shed not one tear for them (other than the truly actual innocent victims and not your made up ones). We didn't kill half a million Iraqis; you're an idiot. And what is the magic number of terrorist attacks that we must endure before we're allowed to take a hard stand? In you're world, that bull shit is a natural response; talk about nonsense!

There are no military solutions to Terrorism. Eventually people just get fed up with and give up.

Just ask the British in Ireland.

Why should the Palestinians want "peace". They want the Jews the fuck off their land. And eventually, they'll get it. Half of Young Israelis say they'd immigrate if they could.
If we could just get rid of those damn Christians...all would be wonderful....right lil' joey?

Christians strike again...US Special Forces storm hotel in Mali following jihadi hostage crisis
good point-----a story in the NICEA COUNCIL compiled book aka the NT that is not
at all consistent with jurisprudence or custom of the jews of Judea/Israel during the
putative life-time of Jesus-------gets NO CIGAR.

Don't give me credit for your gibberish.......which I noticed you didn't even link. Yep, the situation in Israel/Judea during the lifetime of Jesus is well documented.....and yet some still choose to pick and choose which "documented" versions they will believe. The Pharisees were probably not looking to actually execute the woman but merely looking for a way to trap Jesus and there is no reason to doubt that it actually happened.

In the third century, the writer of the church order the Didascalia Apostolorum invoked Jesus’s treatment of the adulteress to illustrate God’s exceptional mercy. This writer did not know the passage from John, but that did not stop him from perceiving it as an authentic story about Jesus. Similar attitudes can be found among other ancient Christians. The Egyptian theologian Didymus the Blind (circa 313–398 C.E.), for example, cited Jesus’s response to the adulteress to exhort bishops to be compassionate when judging sinners, even as he acknowledged that the story was found only in “certain Gospels.” Similarly, Jerome (circa 347–420 C.E.) cited the passage and included it in the Vulgate, while also openly admitting that it was missing from some copies of John. Augustine of Hippo (354–430 C.E.) developed a novel solution to the story’s odd history: he was of the opinion that a man should not divorce his wife, even on account of adultery, and he accused those who disagreed with him of maliciously editing the story out. Nevertheless, all of these writers viewed this story as fully part of the Christian tradition, worrying less about its absence from an accepted Gospel book than about the meanings they found in it.
The Woman Caught in Adultery

There is more evidence for the Bible’s authenticity than for any literature of antiquity. Textual analysis begins with historical investigation, beginning with the latest documents and working backward. As evidence develops, the data is evaluated against other sources. The record is then checked for consistency of information, and the claims are analyzed as if it were a legal case, looking for credible testimony with cross-examination. There is an enormous amount of evidence for authenticity of the biblical manuscripts.
The Manuscripts | The Institute for Creation Research

You are citing the "OPINIONS" of people who had nothing to do with the events and knew nothing about the practices of the day------something like me trying to
interpret the ODYSSEY. -------- More than 200 years after an event vaguely described
by writers that never met jesus. Use your head. I have no doubt that the bible of today compares favorably with that which was put together by the NICEAN COUNCIL so what? Your allusion to 'biblical manuscripts" are just
that--------nothing more. You got something written by Jesus or Mary or John the Baptist?

Your statement just shows how ignorant you truly are and that you really don't know enough about the Bible to be arguing over it. The NT wasn't written at the exact time that Jesus was on earth, but the authors of many of the NT books did walk with Jesus and did know about the events and practices of the day because they were alive and lived there during that time. Also, it wasn't written 200 years after.....another indication that you really don't know what you are talking about. Scholars who know and understand a lot more than you do have placed the writing of the New Testament at no later than 62 AD.

Here, acquaint yourself with the authors....so you don't repeat your inane comment that the writers never met Jesus.


1. Matthew: Mathew, also known as Levi, was a publican or tax collector who was chosen by Jesus to be one of the twelve Apostles. As a tax collector Matthew would have been a literate person well suited to author one of the gospel records. Early church tradition credits Matthew with the authorship of the gospel bearing his name.

2. Mark: This disciple is given credit by the early church as the author of the Gospel bearing his name. Mark was the Latin surname given to this young man who's Jewish name was John. John Mark was cousin to Barnabas a prominent figure in the early church. Mark traveled with his cousin Barnabas in ministry and later in years ministered to the Apostles Peter and Paul. Mark is not identified as one who walked with Jesus yet his association with the Apostles makes him more than qualified to produce a gospel record.
The Authors of the New Testament

If Acts was written in 62 or before, and Luke was written before Acts (say 60), then Luke was written less than thirty years of the death of Jesus. This is contemporary to the generation who witnessed the events of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection. This is precisely what Luke claims in the prologue to his Gospel:

Many have undertaken to draw up a record of the things that have been fulfilled among us, just as they were handed down to us by those who were eye-witnesses and servants of the word. Therefore, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, it seemed good also to me to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught. [5uke 1:1-4]

Luke presents the same information about who Jesus is, what he taught, and his death and resurrection as do the other Gospels. Thus, there is not a reason to reject their historical accuracy either.

The Dating of the New Testament

Go peddle your nonsense elsewhere.

While it wasn't written down, it was being transmitted orally before that, as was the norm for much of Jewish theology; the first Christians were mostly Jewish, after all, and in the beginnings they preached from the Jewish Temple, until the persecutions began anyway.

The 'orthodox' version won out because they were by far the most extant and accepted; the claims that the Romans and Constantine rewrote it all and excluded some vast amount of Gospels is just nonsense, based on finding a few scrolls and expanding their importance in typical conspiracy theory fashion into some sort of fiction of a huge majority of Xians, when in fact they were very minor and scattered offshoots of no importance. The Gnostics weren't Christians, in any case, just sophists and in many cases liars and forgers, as were the 'Arianists' and others.

while not as confused as is Mertex regarding jewish theology and ethos----
You are still confused, Picaro. What jewish "theology" was transmitted orally?
I am not suggesting that there was no unwritten stuff that eventually got
put in books------but just to what do YOU refer? The psalms? Genesis?

No, dummy, the only one confused here is you. Psalms and Genesis were already part of the Torah. Although some refer to the Torah as only the first five books of the Bible, (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy), it can also be used to refer to the entire Jewish Bible....which includes Psalms, and they were around before Jesus.

for the record-----the story of jesus and the adulteress about to be stoned
by "Pharisees"--------does not make any sense at all unless the event can
be described as an ILLEGAL LYNCHING-----something like southern Christians
did to blacks they accused of "touching a white woman" Ie---the NT is describing that which would be a crime in the Jurisprudence of the day----not

Who made you the authority on what the story of Jesus and the adulteress should be called when you don't even know who wrote the books of the NT? You are so delusional.

neither do you-----none of those "original writings' by people who KNEW and walked with Jesus has survived-------not even a single scribble. Just about
all of the "biographies" you presented are pure conjecture. BUT most of all---
the story of the adulteress is an OBVIOUS BS job designed specifically to smear
Pharisees. Pharisees had no interest in forming a lynch gang in order to lynch
putative adulteresses. Christian scholars INSIST that jews had no power at that
time to execute anyone----ROME SAID SO-------Christian scholars also insist that Pharisees were NIT PICKERS about law-------but somehow in the adulteress story they all get together and SPIT AND SHIT on the absolute requirements of law and lynch a putative adulteress despite the fact that ONLY THE SANHEDREN IN JERUSALEM could issue an order of execution. The story makes no sense.
The only part that makes sense is Jesus---the Pharisee who councils
AGAINST the concept of executing a casual adulteress-------<<<< that was a Pharisee POV of at that time. The people Pharisees were out to kill were people
like your other 'god' SAINT PONTIUS PILATE
good point-----a story in the NICEA COUNCIL compiled book aka the NT that is not
at all consistent with jurisprudence or custom of the jews of Judea/Israel during the
putative life-time of Jesus-------gets NO CIGAR.


what is DRIVEL about fact? You know something about jewish jurisprudence
during the life-time of Jesus? . According to the idiot story-----the TEACHERS OF
THE LAW were involved-------the teachers of the law went out of their way to
violate the law? -----and having gone out of their way to violate the law they
caved for an itinerant impoverished powerless "preacher".
good point-----a story in the NICEA COUNCIL compiled book aka the NT that is not
at all consistent with jurisprudence or custom of the jews of Judea/Israel during the
putative life-time of Jesus-------gets NO CIGAR.


Sorry I wasted time trying to educate someone so uninformed acting like she knows anything about anything........:rolleyes:

Doesn't give any links......she must have made up all that crap she spews......
Mertex-------I do not buy into the silly sophistry of your priest------I do reality-----your comment about jewish scriptures is jibberish and you are very vulgar. Your priest and or catetchism whore do not get to define that which jewish scriptural writings are or are not---------no one actually knows who matthew was------and luke never met

The "reality" is that you know nothing and are very proud to display it. I don't waste my time trying to educate someone who enjoys their ignorant state.....;)
If we could just get rid of those damn Christians...all would be wonderful....right lil' joey?

Christians strike again...US Special Forces storm hotel in Mali following jihadi hostage crisis

why can't you stay on the subject?

You see, here's the thing. During the Cold War, our argument with the Middle East wasn't about "religion". We were all worried about all these secularist, socialist strongmen like Nasser and Assad and Qaddafi and Arafat who were happy to throw in with the USSR.

Then Reagan and the CIA and the Mossad had the wacky idea that we needed to encourage religious fervor to beat the bad old commies before they taught girls how to read or something.

Even Hamas was encouraged by the Mossad to counter the influence of the largely secular Arafat.

How Israel Helped to Spawn Hamas

"Hamas, to my great regret, is Israel's creation," says Mr. Cohen, a Tunisian-born Jew who worked in Gaza for more than two decades. Responsible for religious affairs in the region until 1994, Mr. Cohen watched the Islamist movement take shape, muscle aside secular Palestinian rivals and then morph into what is today Hamas, a militant group that is sworn to Israel's destruction.

Instead of trying to curb Gaza's Islamists from the outset, says Mr. Cohen, Israel for years tolerated and, in some cases, encouraged them as a counterweight to the secular nationalists of the Palestine Liberation Organization and its dominant faction, Yasser Arafat's Fatah. Israel cooperated with a crippled, half-blind cleric named Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, even as he was laying the foundations for what would become Hamas. Sheikh Yassin continues to inspire militants today; during the recent war in Gaza, Hamas fighters confronted Israeli troops with "Yassins," primitive rocket-propelled grenades named in honor of the cleric.

Afghan officials said Rokhsahana (her image pixelated) was stoned to death about a week ago in a Taliban-controlled area just outside Firozkoh (AFP Photo/)​

The story of a young woman who was married against her will and then stoned to death after she was caught eloping with a man her own age is heart wrenching.

What would Jesus do?

It is written:

....he lifted himself up and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. And again he stooped down, and wrote on the ground. And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst. When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee? She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.
John 8:7-11

Perhaps there is no greater picture of the love, mercy and forgiveness of God than in this particular story. Many theologians have speculated about what Jesus was writing on the ground. Was it the names of the men who were ready to stone her to death? Perhaps they had slept with her!

The Scriptures do not tell us. What we do know is that Jesus said to them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. Not one of those men cast that first stone. Jesus spoke the truth and the truth set them free. In an instant they knew they had no grounds to do what they were about to do.

What has happened to this young girl in Afghanistan is wrong. The motive for her execution was religious yet not of God. This is not God condemning a young woman to death for her sins but rather a group of misguided, religious zealots who are blind to their own wretched, naked, sinful condition.

My Pastor has a saying, "God fix me first". I believe if these men were to examine their own hearts and listen to their own conscience, they might realize they need God's help. I believe if they would remove the timber from their own eye they would be able to see clearly to remove the speck in someone else's eye.

I believe what this world needs more than anything right now, is the attitude of "God fix me first". Jesus said, Love your enemies, do good to them that hate you, and pray for those who despitefully use you, and persecute you.

As the conscience was the catalyst in each man dropping their stones and leaving the adulterous woman to obtain mercy from God, today the conscience is still our guide to doing what is right and obtaining mercy from God.

God alone is the judge of men. Our assistance is not required. What is required of us?

He hath showed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?
Micah 6:8

The best prayer?
Begins with...... God fix me first.

Article based on news report from Yahoo News 11/3/2015
Afghan woman stoned to death for 'adultery'
If there is a GOD, he dosn't seem to care
I am betting Obama isn't using this instance as a example of cultural diversity. Because, it is just that, an example of what is wrong with diversity. Stoning, genital mutilations.Suicide bombers. Not so positive for diversity, Mr. President. Listen to Us.

Afghan officials said Rokhsahana (her image pixelated) was stoned to death about a week ago in a Taliban-controlled area just outside Firozkoh (AFP Photo/)​

The story of a young woman who was married against her will and then stoned to death after she was caught eloping with a man her own age is heart wrenching.

What would Jesus do?

It is written:

....he lifted himself up and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. And again he stooped down, and wrote on the ground. And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst. When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee? She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.
John 8:7-11

Perhaps there is no greater picture of the love, mercy and forgiveness of God than in this particular story. Many theologians have speculated about what Jesus was writing on the ground. Was it the names of the men who were ready to stone her to death? Perhaps they had slept with her!

The Scriptures do not tell us. What we do know is that Jesus said to them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. Not one of those men cast that first stone. Jesus spoke the truth and the truth set them free. In an instant they knew they had no grounds to do what they were about to do.

What has happened to this young girl in Afghanistan is wrong. The motive for her execution was religious yet not of God. This is not God condemning a young woman to death for her sins but rather a group of misguided, religious zealots who are blind to their own wretched, naked, sinful condition.

My Pastor has a saying, "God fix me first". I believe if these men were to examine their own hearts and listen to their own conscience, they might realize they need God's help. I believe if they would remove the timber from their own eye they would be able to see clearly to remove the speck in someone else's eye.

I believe what this world needs more than anything right now, is the attitude of "God fix me first". Jesus said, Love your enemies, do good to them that hate you, and pray for those who despitefully use you, and persecute you.

As the conscience was the catalyst in each man dropping their stones and leaving the adulterous woman to obtain mercy from God, today the conscience is still our guide to doing what is right and obtaining mercy from God.

God alone is the judge of men. Our assistance is not required. What is required of us?

He hath showed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?
Micah 6:8

The best prayer?
Begins with...... God fix me first.

Article based on news report from Yahoo News 11/3/2015
Afghan woman stoned to death for 'adultery'

Afghan officials said Rokhsahana (her image pixelated) was stoned to death about a week ago in a Taliban-controlled area just outside Firozkoh (AFP Photo/)​

The story of a young woman who was married against her will and then stoned to death after she was caught eloping with a man her own age is heart wrenching.

What would Jesus do?

It is written:

....he lifted himself up and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. And again he stooped down, and wrote on the ground. And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst. When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee? She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.
John 8:7-11

Perhaps there is no greater picture of the love, mercy and forgiveness of God than in this particular story. Many theologians have speculated about what Jesus was writing on the ground. Was it the names of the men who were ready to stone her to death? Perhaps they had slept with her!

The Scriptures do not tell us. What we do know is that Jesus said to them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. Not one of those men cast that first stone. Jesus spoke the truth and the truth set them free. In an instant they knew they had no grounds to do what they were about to do.

What has happened to this young girl in Afghanistan is wrong. The motive for her execution was religious yet not of God. This is not God condemning a young woman to death for her sins but rather a group of misguided, religious zealots who are blind to their own wretched, naked, sinful condition.

My Pastor has a saying, "God fix me first". I believe if these men were to examine their own hearts and listen to their own conscience, they might realize they need God's help. I believe if they would remove the timber from their own eye they would be able to see clearly to remove the speck in someone else's eye.

I believe what this world needs more than anything right now, is the attitude of "God fix me first". Jesus said, Love your enemies, do good to them that hate you, and pray for those who despitefully use you, and persecute you.

As the conscience was the catalyst in each man dropping their stones and leaving the adulterous woman to obtain mercy from God, today the conscience is still our guide to doing what is right and obtaining mercy from God.

God alone is the judge of men. Our assistance is not required. What is required of us?

He hath showed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?
Micah 6:8

The best prayer?
Begins with...... God fix me first.

Article based on news report from Yahoo News 11/3/2015
Afghan woman stoned to death for 'adultery'
If there is a GOD, he dosn't seem to care

There is a God and He does care.........it's some of those that call themselves His children that don't seem to care....we're supposed to be His representatives but so many on the right that call themselves His children choose to ignore what he demands of us and instead rely on their guns to protect them and don't care about loving their neighbor or being kind to strangers.....Sad....:([/QUOTE]
God cares? After living through both my mom and dad's deaths from cancer, And seeing people die in random and horrible accidents, God does NOT care in the slightest. Islam presumes to know the mind of God, and these other Muslim idiots presume to know what rules (sharia law) "Allah" wants, and strap on bombs to kill infidels to get into heaven, drink the purple kool-aid. Enough!
Palestinians have no interest in peace; I shed not one tear for them (other than the truly actual innocent victims and not your made up ones). We didn't kill half a million Iraqis; you're an idiot. And what is the magic number of terrorist attacks that we must endure before we're allowed to take a hard stand? In you're world, that bull shit is a natural response; talk about nonsense!

There are no military solutions to Terrorism. Eventually people just get fed up with and give up.

Just ask the British in Ireland.

Why should the Palestinians want "peace". They want the Jews the fuck off their land. And eventually, they'll get it. Half of Young Israelis say they'd immigrate if they could.

Then, the Israelis should just kick the Arabs out of their lands.

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