A Whole New Definition of Blonde Bombshell

Good god, you lefties are stupid. She never intended it to be a Q & A session. Only a lecture.

Their questions are never dignified enough to merit answers. That you retards just cannot grasp the message of her gesture confirms to me that you're just . . . well, retards.
A lecture?

Her responses are not dignified or professional. She is a lightweight wanting to dish it out but not take it.

Want to bet she won’t wait for responses on Monday?
The lib news media will not ask obama any question he does not want to answer
I saw hands shoot up.
She grabbed her papers and ran
None of those hands belonged to people that asked those questions to the corrupt Democrat politicians.

But you know that, which is why you are so desperately trying to change the subject.

Just take the L and move on.
Those allegations have been repeatedly asked and debunked.

She was too cowardly to wait for answers she did not want to hear.
Condescending misinformation and propaganda

Notice how she didn’t wait around for answers to her “questions” and ignored those who attempted to reply?
Because the lib news media does not answer to her but rather to the American people

And they have not asked obama or his flunkies those questions yet

This is what passes for Conservative journalism

She dares them......You can’t answer these questions
After the first question, someone attempted to reply and she cut him off.
After the five questions were asked, hands went up among the press to answer and she grabbed her papers and ran off.

She is a lightweight journalistically. She asks questions she does not want answers to.
she did not ask the lib journalists to answer those questions

She demanded on my behalf that the lib journalists ask obama and his underlings those questions

The press was prepared to respond to her misinformation. She ran away.

You do not have to ask Obama questions when the answer is......that did not happen.
The press wan't ready to respond, they aren't that quick, RW.
Her point, and you must have missed it is....why haven't THEY asked those questions?
It takes a conservative woman to tell a liberal journalist how to do their job? :auiqs.jpg:
Republicans have the entire Justice Department
If those questions are legitimate, why haven’t THEY investigated and provided credible evidence?

If that is an example of Conservative women, they are weak and cowardly
the justice dept has its job and the lib news media its job

and the media is not doing its job
Good god, you lefties are stupid. She never intended it to be a Q & A session. Only a lecture.

Their questions are never dignified enough to merit answers. That you retards just cannot grasp the message of her gesture confirms to me that you're just . . . well, retards.
A lecture?

Her responses are not dignified or professional. She is a lightweight wanting to dish it out but not take it.

Want to bet she won’t wait for responses on Monday?
The lightweight got one over on those journalists.
Condescending misinformation and propaganda

Notice how she didn’t wait around for answers to her “questions” and ignored those who attempted to reply?
Because the lib news media does not answer to her but rather to the American people

And they have not asked obama or his flunkies those questions yet

This is what passes for Conservative journalism

She dares them......You can’t answer these questions
After the first question, someone attempted to reply and she cut him off.
After the five questions were asked, hands went up among the press to answer and she grabbed her papers and ran off.

She is a lightweight journalistically. She asks questions she does not want answers to.
She scolded the media for not doing their job. America is waking up to liberal lies, because liberalism is a lie.
Condescending misinformation and propaganda

Notice how she didn’t wait around for answers to her “questions” and ignored those who attempted to reply?
Because the lib news media does not answer to her but rather to the American people

And they have not asked obama or his flunkies those questions yet

This is what passes for Conservative journalism

She dares them......You can’t answer these questions
After the first question, someone attempted to reply and she cut him off.
After the five questions were asked, hands went up among the press to answer and she grabbed her papers and ran off.

She is a lightweight journalistically. She asks questions she does not want answers to.
She scolded the media for not doing their job. America is waking up to liberal lies, because liberalism is a lie.
And libs on this forum are scrambling to make excuses for obama and the media
Condescending misinformation and propaganda

Notice how she didn’t wait around for answers to her “questions” and ignored those who attempted to reply?
Because the lib news media does not answer to her but rather to the American people

And they have not asked obama or his flunkies those questions yet

This is what passes for Conservative journalism

She dares them......You can’t answer these questions
After the first question, someone attempted to reply and she cut him off.
After the five questions were asked, hands went up among the press to answer and she grabbed her papers and ran off.

She is a lightweight journalistically. She asks questions she does not want answers to.
she did not ask the lib journalists to answer those questions

She demanded on my behalf that the lib journalists ask obama and his underlings those questions
Barr and his DOJ don't even want to ask those stupid already answer known questions. The woman is a complete lackey. A pawn of Donald. She will do whatever he asks. Obamagate is a silly hoax.
Obamagate is real, his administration was the most corrupt in our history. You think Obama could survive a Muller investigation?
Condescending misinformation and propaganda

Notice how she didn’t wait around for answers to her “questions” and ignored those who attempted to reply?
Yeah, you progressives can't stand strong women. Sad and pathetic you are.
She ran away like a coward.

Watch the entire video, she asked questions, then when no one answered her questions she gave them a remedial assignment to do their jobs properly. Your statement makes no sense, she wants questions asked of theObama admin watch it again, and stop lying:
Condescending misinformation and propaganda

Notice how she didn’t wait around for answers to her “questions” and ignored those who attempted to reply?
Because the lib news media does not answer to her but rather to the American people

And they have not asked obama or his flunkies those questions yet

This is what passes for Conservative journalism

She dares them......You can’t answer these questions
After the first question, someone attempted to reply and she cut him off.
After the five questions were asked, hands went up among the press to answer and she grabbed her papers and ran off.

She is a lightweight journalistically. She asks questions she does not want answers to.
she did not ask the lib journalists to answer those questions

She demanded on my behalf that the lib journalists ask obama and his underlings those questions
Barr and his DOJ don't even want to ask those stupid already answer known questions. The woman is a complete lackey. A pawn of Donald. She will do whatever he asks. Obamagate is a silly hoax.
Obamagate is real, his administration was the most corrupt in our history. You think Obama could survive a Muller investigation?
Sorry, I think you are seriously delusional and base your opinions and beliefs on nonsense and weird unprovable conspiracy theories.
Let’s see, they’ve spent the last 30 years investigating the Clintons with nothing to show for it, maybe in another 30 they can come up with something concrete on Obama.
Condescending misinformation and propaganda

Notice how she didn’t wait around for answers to her “questions” and ignored those who attempted to reply?
Because the lib news media does not answer to her but rather to the American people

And they have not asked obama or his flunkies those questions yet

This is what passes for Conservative journalism

She dares them......You can’t answer these questions
After the first question, someone attempted to reply and she cut him off.
After the five questions were asked, hands went up among the press to answer and she grabbed her papers and ran off.

She is a lightweight journalistically. She asks questions she does not want answers to.
she did not ask the lib journalists to answer those questions

She demanded on my behalf that the lib journalists ask obama and his underlings those questions
Barr and his DOJ don't even want to ask those stupid already answer known questions. The woman is a complete lackey. A pawn of Donald. She will do whatever he asks. Obamagate is a silly hoax.
Obamagate is real, his administration was the most corrupt in our history. You think Obama could survive a Muller investigation?
Sorry, I think you are seriously delusional and base your opinions and beliefs on nonsense and weird unprovable conspiracy theories.
Nice way to deflect from the question. Do you think Obama could survive a Muller investigation? His lawyers office raided and unlimited resources and money to go after him? I don't think so, but Trump did.
Condescending misinformation and propaganda

Notice how she didn’t wait around for answers to her “questions” and ignored those who attempted to reply?
Because the lib news media does not answer to her but rather to the American people

And they have not asked obama or his flunkies those questions yet

This is what passes for Conservative journalism

She dares them......You can’t answer these questions
After the first question, someone attempted to reply and she cut him off.
After the five questions were asked, hands went up among the press to answer and she grabbed her papers and ran off.

She is a lightweight journalistically. She asks questions she does not want answers to.
she did not ask the lib journalists to answer those questions

She demanded on my behalf that the lib journalists ask obama and his underlings those questions
Barr and his DOJ don't even want to ask those stupid already answer known questions. The woman is a complete lackey. A pawn of Donald. She will do whatever he asks. Obamagate is a silly hoax.
Obamagate is real, his administration was the most corrupt in our history. You think Obama could survive a Muller investigation?
Sorry, I think you are seriously delusional and base your opinions and beliefs on nonsense and weird unprovable conspiracy theories.
Nice way to deflect from the question. Do you think Obama could survive a Muller investigation? His lawyers office raided and unlimited resources and money to go after him? I don't think so, but Trump did.
Obama has been gone and out of the Presidential office for years. Obamagate is a hoax and deflection designed for suckers.
Condescending misinformation and propaganda

Notice how she didn’t wait around for answers to her “questions” and ignored those who attempted to reply?
Because the lib news media does not answer to her but rather to the American people

And they have not asked obama or his flunkies those questions yet

This is what passes for Conservative journalism

She dares them......You can’t answer these questions
After the first question, someone attempted to reply and she cut him off.
After the five questions were asked, hands went up among the press to answer and she grabbed her papers and ran off.

She is a lightweight journalistically. She asks questions she does not want answers to.
she did not ask the lib journalists to answer those questions

She demanded on my behalf that the lib journalists ask obama and his underlings those questions
Barr and his DOJ don't even want to ask those stupid already answer known questions. The woman is a complete lackey. A pawn of Donald. She will do whatever he asks. Obamagate is a silly hoax.
Obamagate is real, his administration was the most corrupt in our history. You think Obama could survive a Muller investigation?
Sorry, I think you are seriously delusional and base your opinions and beliefs on nonsense and weird unprovable conspiracy theories.
Nice way to deflect from the question. Do you think Obama could survive a Muller investigation? His lawyers office raided and unlimited resources and money to go after him? I don't think so, but Trump did.
Obama has been gone and out of the Presidential office for years. Obamagate is a hoax and deflection designed for suckers.
Thanks I take that as a no that Obama could survive a Muller investigation. Oh and obamagate is real. The facts are coming out.
Condescending misinformation and propaganda

Notice how she didn’t wait around for answers to her “questions” and ignored those who attempted to reply?
Because the lib news media does not answer to her but rather to the American people

And they have not asked obama or his flunkies those questions yet

This is what passes for Conservative journalism

She dares them......You can’t answer these questions
After the first question, someone attempted to reply and she cut him off.
After the five questions were asked, hands went up among the press to answer and she grabbed her papers and ran off.

She is a lightweight journalistically. She asks questions she does not want answers to.
she did not ask the lib journalists to answer those questions

She demanded on my behalf that the lib journalists ask obama and his underlings those questions
Barr and his DOJ don't even want to ask those stupid already answer known questions. The woman is a complete lackey. A pawn of Donald. She will do whatever he asks. Obamagate is a silly hoax.
Obamagate is real, his administration was the most corrupt in our history. You think Obama could survive a Muller investigation?
Yeah, there’s something there alright
Condescending misinformation and propaganda

Notice how she didn’t wait around for answers to her “questions” and ignored those who attempted to reply?
Because the lib news media does not answer to her but rather to the American people

And they have not asked obama or his flunkies those questions yet

This is what passes for Conservative journalism

She dares them......You can’t answer these questions
After the first question, someone attempted to reply and she cut him off.
After the five questions were asked, hands went up among the press to answer and she grabbed her papers and ran off.

She is a lightweight journalistically. She asks questions she does not want answers to.
she did not ask the lib journalists to answer those questions

She demanded on my behalf that the lib journalists ask obama and his underlings those questions
Barr and his DOJ don't even want to ask those stupid already answer known questions. The woman is a complete lackey. A pawn of Donald. She will do whatever he asks. Obamagate is a silly hoax.
Obamagate is real, his administration was the most corrupt in our history. You think Obama could survive a Muller investigation?
Sorry, I think you are seriously delusional and base your opinions and beliefs on nonsense and weird unprovable conspiracy theories.
I look forward to the day when Obama and his corrupt henchmen are exposed and liberals are scrambling to deny the undeniable
Condescending misinformation and propaganda

Notice how she didn’t wait around for answers to her “questions” and ignored those who attempted to reply?

Yeah, you progressives can't stand strong women. Sad and pathetic you are.
A strong woman would have waited for a response rather than run away after asking her questions.

They have the whole weekend to come up with an answer.
Didn’t take a weekend, Reporters were ready to call her on her bullshit right there

Give reporters a weekend to provide proof of her bullshit and she will once again run away

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