The Left’s Undying Faith in Computer Models


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
You’re keenly aware of the abject failure of the Covid-19 models. Now there’s a new model that is warming the hearts of Leftists everywhere: this model predicts that Trump will lose in a landslide. And all because of the economy. You know, the economy that the Democrat governors of New York, Michigan, Illinois, and California are trying their best to damage to the greatest extent further. Yet somehow this model predicts that Trump will get blamed for the terrible missteps of these governors.
You’re keenly aware of the abject failure of the Covid-19 models. Now there’s a new model that is warming the hearts of Leftists everywhere: this model predicts that Trump will lose in a landslide. And all because of the economy. You know, the economy that the Democrat governors of New York, Michigan, Illinois, and California are trying their best to damage to the greatest extent further. Yet somehow this model predicts that Trump will get blamed for the terrible missteps of these governors.

Computer models are not influenced by politics - just like COVID-19 doesn't have a political axe to grind.

Might I suggest you go look up what Prof George Box had to say on the subject of models? It would probably be illuminating for you.
Never underestimate a computer model ...

Computer models are the Libs' golden calf that they bow down and worship. Whether its the election, the pestilence, Gorebal warming or socialism, they think its all "science" instead of just their own hopeful thinking.
You’re keenly aware of the abject failure of the Covid-19 models. Now there’s a new model that is warming the hearts of Leftists everywhere: this model predicts that Trump will lose in a landslide. And all because of the economy. You know, the economy that the Democrat governors of New York, Michigan, Illinois, and California are trying their best to damage to the greatest extent further. Yet somehow this model predicts that Trump will get blamed for the terrible missteps of these governors.

Computer models are not influenced by politics - just like COVID-19 doesn't have a political axe to grind.

Might I suggest you go look up what Prof George Box had to say on the subject of models? It would probably be illuminating for you.
So the computer model written by Trump is identical to the computer model written by Biden?

That’s an extra dose of stupid.
Computer models are the Libs' golden calf that they bow down and worship. Whether its the election, the pestilence, Gorebal warming or socialism, they think its all "science" instead of just their own hopeful thinking.
The only support they have is to create software that gives them the results they want.
You’re keenly aware of the abject failure of the Covid-19 models. Now there’s a new model that is warming the hearts of Leftists everywhere: this model predicts that Trump will lose in a landslide. And all because of the economy. You know, the economy that the Democrat governors of New York, Michigan, Illinois, and California are trying their best to damage to the greatest extent further. Yet somehow this model predicts that Trump will get blamed for the terrible missteps of these governors.

Computer models are not influenced by politics - just like COVID-19 doesn't have a political axe to grind.

Might I suggest you go look up what Prof George Box had to say on the subject of models? It would probably be illuminating for you.

Are you saying computer models can't be manipulated?
You’re keenly aware of the abject failure of the Covid-19 models. Now there’s a new model that is warming the hearts of Leftists everywhere: this model predicts that Trump will lose in a landslide. And all because of the economy. You know, the economy that the Democrat governors of New York, Michigan, Illinois, and California are trying their best to damage to the greatest extent further. Yet somehow this model predicts that Trump will get blamed for the terrible missteps of these governors.

As a former computer programmer/data analyst, I am well familiar with the acronym/cliché GIGO, which stands for “garbage in, garbage out”.

Any computer analysis, any computer model, any predictions made based thereon, are only as good as the assumptions programmed into it, and the data given to it.

Computer modelling is not the hard, objective science that too many people assume it to be. It is, in fact, much easier to create a credible-appearing model, that supports a preconceived conclusion, than to create a truly objective, unbiased model that is likely to produce a conclusion that will turn out to be correct.
You’re keenly aware of the abject failure of the Covid-19 models. Now there’s a new model that is warming the hearts of Leftists everywhere: this model predicts that Trump will lose in a landslide. And all because of the economy. You know, the economy that the Democrat governors of New York, Michigan, Illinois, and California are trying their best to damage to the greatest extent further. Yet somehow this model predicts that Trump will get blamed for the terrible missteps of these governors.

They love computer models so much because they can say whatever they want them to say - very much like CNN, MSNBC, DNC, and every leftist I know.
republicans are willing to fly in aircraft.

they don’t understand that Aircraft are tested with computational fluid dynamics among other software.

they can create a computer simulation and run through 1 million crash scenarios to design an aircraft with maximum survivability.

they can run through a million different scenarios of storms and bad weather so an aircraft can be built to survive all that.

here Republicans are, depending so much on computer models and at the same time making fun of them.

and when you try to point that out they give you that Gomer Pyle look like you’re the stupid one. What do computers have to do with airplanes?

I give up. They’re just not worth it.
republicans are willing to fly in aircraft.

they don’t understand that Aircraft are tested with computational fluid dynamics among other software.

they can create a computer simulation and run through 1 million crash scenarios to design an aircraft with maximum survivability.

they can run through a million different scenarios of storms and bad weather so an aircraft can be built to survive all that.

here Republicans are, depending so much on computer models and at the same time making fun of them.

and when you try to point that out they give you that Gomer Pyle look like you’re the stupid one. What do computers have to do with airplanes?

I give up. They’re just not worth it.
Damn I thought we had finally gotten rid of the dumbest poster on here but here you pop up again.
You do understand that a computer model built on fluid dynamics is totally diffrent then those built on humans since one is a constant and one is ever changing? I really doubt that you are anywhere able to understand that so forget I asked.
You’re keenly aware of the abject failure of the Covid-19 models. Now there’s a new model that is warming the hearts of Leftists everywhere: this model predicts that Trump will lose in a landslide. And all because of the economy. You know, the economy that the Democrat governors of New York, Michigan, Illinois, and California are trying their best to damage to the greatest extent further. Yet somehow this model predicts that Trump will get blamed for the terrible missteps of these governors.

As a former computer programmer/data analyst, I am well familiar with the acronym/cliché GIGO, which stands for “garbage in, garbage out”.

Any computer analysis, any computer model, any predictions made based thereon, are only as good as the assumptions programmed into it, and the data given to it.

Computer modelling is not the hard, objective science that too many people assume it to be. It is, in fact, much easier to create a credible-appearing model, that supports a preconceived conclusion, than to create a truly objective, unbiased model that is likely to produce a conclusion that will turn out to be correct.
Yep. I was good at statistics in my career and I can make any dismal failure look like everything is grand. Easier with software because nobody looks at the code.
republicans are willing to fly in aircraft.

they don’t understand that Aircraft are tested with computational fluid dynamics among other software.

they can create a computer simulation and run through 1 million crash scenarios to design an aircraft with maximum survivability.

they can run through a million different scenarios of storms and bad weather so an aircraft can be built to survive all that.

here Republicans are, depending so much on computer models and at the same time making fun of them.

and when you try to point that out they give you that Gomer Pyle look like you’re the stupid one. What do computers have to do with airplanes?

I give up. They’re just not worth it.
And then after computer models 2 people get in the aircraft and do real life verification. And until computer models it was math done by hand.
Yep. I was good at statistics in my career and I can make any dismal failure look like everything is grand. Easier with software because nobody looks at the code.

When I was in that line of work, most of the code was written in-house, the vast majority of it written and maintained by me. There was lots of back and forth between me and my boss, to make sure we were clear on what data was going into any process, and what the code was doing to it, and what the results were that we were getting out, to make sure that what he wrote in the reports matched what was actually being done.

In the time since I left that profession, computers have become orders of magnitude more complex and sophisticated than they were then, along with the software and any processes done on them. I doubt if it is possible, any more, to give the kind of direct personal attention to every detail that we did back then.
You’re keenly aware of the abject failure of the Covid-19 models. Now there’s a new model that is warming the hearts of Leftists everywhere: this model predicts that Trump will lose in a landslide. And all because of the economy. You know, the economy that the Democrat governors of New York, Michigan, Illinois, and California are trying their best to damage to the greatest extent further. Yet somehow this model predicts that Trump will get blamed for the terrible missteps of these governors.
The underlying false assumption of the model is that voters are all amnesiacs who don't know that Trump had the economy purring along beautifully until a pandemic temporarily hit the brakes on every economy on Earth.

The model also doesn't take into account the fact that there are millions of poor people out there who've never even seen $1000 in real life who just got a free no-strings-attached $1200 check in the mail signed by Donald J Trump.

All computer models follow the garbage in/garbage out law.

CNN is very desperate.
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Damn I thought we had finally gotten rid of the dumbest poster on here but here you pop up again.
You do understand that a computer model built on fluid dynamics is totally diffrent then those built on humans since one is a constant and one is ever changing? I really doubt that you are anywhere able to understand that so forget I asked.
He also ignores that man built the first flying machines without computer models.
Yep. I was good at statistics in my career and I can make any dismal failure look like everything is grand. Easier with software because nobody looks at the code.

When I was in that line of work, most of the code was written in-house, the vast majority of it written and maintained by me. There was lots of back and forth between me and my boss, to make sure we were clear on what data was going into any process, and what the code was doing to it, and what the results were that we were getting out, to make sure that what he wrote in the reports matched what was actually being done.

In the time since I left that profession, computers have become orders of magnitude more complex and sophisticated than they were then, along with the software and any processes done on them. I doubt if it is possible, any more, to give the kind of direct personal attention to every detail that we did back then.
I'm still in that business. I lead a team of data analysts as well as having created and run the training program for our incoming data analysts. I do this 5 days a week and I can assure you that models start with a predetermined expected outcome based on what the humans think the data is going to say or want the data to say.
You’re keenly aware of the abject failure of the Covid-19 models. Now there’s a new model that is warming the hearts of Leftists everywhere: this model predicts that Trump will lose in a landslide. And all because of the economy. You know, the economy that the Democrat governors of New York, Michigan, Illinois, and California are trying their best to damage to the greatest extent further. Yet somehow this model predicts that Trump will get blamed for the terrible missteps of these governors.

You are very spot-on with this thread. This isn't about computer models...this is about people...39 million that are out of
work. Those people are being told by Governors that they can not earn a paycheck. They are not allowed a chnce to
feed their family. The Governors are gonna get blamed and their party is gonna get blamed.

The President is pushing for States to reopen. He's pushing for people to get back to work. Only the Governors are
stopping them. The People will know who to blame. In addition, once Biden walks on a debate stage against the President
and stutters and stammers thru 4 sentrences, the people will know who they want to lead the economy back to where
it was.

What we need to watch for is coming in September. If the Swedish-American company Astra-Whatever can have 100
million does of a vaccine ready for use in October, we will see how hard the dems fight against that hitting the market
and if they try to prevent the President from having the Govt foot the bill for the shot.

If a vaccine is on the market in October because of Operation Warp Speed, Donald Trump is reelected in a bigger
Electoral Landslide than he won in 2016.

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