*I knew It!!!*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. How is it Bush attacked a different Arab Country, should they want a settlement, should American's want a settlement?
2. What the Arabs of Saudi Arabia did was unthinkable.
3. A whole new level of terror they did birth, and those bastards need to pay!
4. So bumble nuts attacks Iraq, other Arabs that had nothing to do with it.
5. Anyway Saddam wasn't well liked, lets kill his ass they thought.
6. What Shurb did was real bad, his legacy will always be, "A good natured country boy who kicked ass on the wrong, Arabs.
7. Lets fuck them up now, those who did 911, or they pay us not too.
8. I'm for dropping bombs on structures.
9. Make rubble of whole cities.
10. Capture the oil fields, and sell their oil, for what they did, take it from them, and promise to give it back in two hundred years.

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Sorry bout that,

1. How is it Bush attacked a different Arab Country, should they want a settlement, should American's want a settlement?
2. What the Arabs of Saudi Arabia did was unthinkable.
3. A whole new level of terror they did birth, and those bastards need to pay!
4. So bumble nuts attacks Iraq, other Arabs that had nothing to do with it.
5. Anyway Saddam wasn't well liked, lets kill his ass they thought.
6. What Shurb did was real bad, his legacy will always be, "A good natured country boy who kicked ass on the wrong, Arabs.
7. Lets fuck them up now, those who did 911, or they pay us not too.
8. I'm for dropping bombs on structures.
9. Make rubble of whole cities.

Well, I have always known the money to finance came from mostly Saudi Royals, many hijackers were Saudi, and well as Osama bin Laden being from Saudi. I have always thought them responsible.
5. Anyway Saddam wasn't well liked, lets kill his ass they thought.
I served in the Middle East. What I saw there left me with no doubt we were going to have to deal with Saddam Hussein again. It was just a matter of time.

It was better we took out Hussein when we did rather than wait for him to get stronger.

That does not mean I think Bush went about it the right way. He didn't.

In my opinion, the incompetent handling of the war was far worse than the invasion itself. Bush was deluded, and it was a huge mistake to demobilize the Iraqi army after the invasion. Most of the insurgents were former Iraqi army soldiers who had lost their sustenance.

The people of Iraq were living in very dire circumstances because Hussein had raped the country's economy and resources for himself.

In situations like that all throughout history, joining the military is oftentimes the only way to put food on the table. And that was certainly the case in Iraq.

I will tell you, chesswars, I actually pitied the Iraqi soldiers. They knew they didn't stand a chance against us and that they were going to die.

That's why they surrendered by the thousands in the first Gulf War. Some even surrendered to reporters! Any American they could find.

When Bush demobilized them, he was literally taking food out of their mouths.

After the surrender of Germany, we kept the German soldiers mobilized. They worked side-by-side with their conquerors to keep order.

We should have done that in Iraq.
I served in the Middle East. What I saw there left me with no doubt we were going to have to deal with Saddam Hussein again. It was just a matter of time.

It was better we took out Hussein when we did rather than wait for him to get stronger.

That does not mean I think Bush went about it the right way. He didn't.

In my opinion, the incompetent handling of the war was far worse than the invasion itself. Bush was deluded, and it was a huge mistake to demobilize the Iraqi army after the invasion. Most of the insurgents were former Iraqi army soldiers who had lost their sustenance.

The people of Iraq were living in very dire circumstances because Hussein had raped the country's economy and resources for himself.

In situations like that all throughout history, joining the military is oftentimes the only way to put food on the table. And that was certainly the case in Iraq.

I will tell you, chesswars, I actually pitied the Iraqi soldiers. They knew they didn't stand a chance against us and that they were going to die.

That's why they surrendered by the thousands in the first Gulf War. Some even surrendered to reporters! Any American they could find.

When Bush demobilized them, he was literally taking food out of their mouths.

After the surrender of Germany, we kept the German soldiers mobilized. They worked side-by-side with their conquerors to keep order.

We should have done that in Iraq.
Sorry bout that,

1. The Arabs are not our friends.
2. And they never will be.
3. They are not friends to each other, they are at each others throats all the time.
4. Those backward fucks, will always be an enemy to the world, and each other, each other country.
5. There is really nothing anyone can do about that.
6. Why they are being allowed in here, is beyond reason.
7. Sometimes you just ask for trouble, and of course, trouble will show its face because of them, you watch.

Sorry bout that,

1. The Arabs are not our friends.
2. And they never will be.
3. They are not friends to each other, they are at each others throats all the time.
4. Those backward fucks, will always be an enemy to the world, and each other, each other country.
5. There is really nothing anyone can do about that.
6. Why they are being allowed in here, is beyond reason.
7. Sometimes you just ask for trouble, and of course, trouble will show its face because of them, you watch.

It's not about making friends.

It's about alliances. Denying their resources to Russia. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend."

Sometimes necessity forces us to make alliances with some bad people. This was especially true during the Cold War, and is still true in this new Cold War.

Eventually those bad people are overthrown and their subjects come after the US with a vengeance for backing their oppressors.

It's unfortunate, but there just is no way around it.

This isn't just happening in the Middle East. China is making moves in Africa, which is where we get resources we simply can't live without.

So...we are in a race of holding and winning over Africa to keep China from cutting off those resources we need.

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