a war movie that defines the enemy...correctly?

We have had endless numbers of movies about this fight against evil savages who kill and torture innocent men, women, and children, where the United States and our soldiers are the problem, not the solution....perhaps this movie will change that trend....in defiance of left wing critics....

American Sniper Review A Patriotic Pro-War On Terror Masterpiece - Breitbart

I saw the great Chris Kyle (a true patriot)!movie Friday night in a 100% packed full theater of patriotic Americans watching a story about a true patriot who served four tours in Iraq dedicated to saving the lives of all his brothers in arms. He served no other purpose than saving American's lives after initially joining the war for the false pretense of avenging the 9/11 attacks on US soil. ,

The movie early on made the strong and legitimate point that there were no "war on terror" terrorists inside Iraq when the war was started. In fact Kyle's arch enemy (an enemy sniper not killed until the fourth tour) Mustafa was noted to be a Syrian not an Iraqi.

Kyle's younger brother also a patriot who served in Iraq gave an adequate anti-war view point when on his way home tells his hero brother on the Tarmac that the whole place sucks.

But this quote "American Sniper” is refreshingly told only from Kyle’s point of view. He reminds a doubting comrade that we’re fighting these “evil fucking savages” (terrorists) in Iraq so we don’t have to fight them in San Diego."

Breitbart thus shows the infantile simplicity of the conservative's underdeveloped mind and lack of ability to deal with the real world (it's why they need daddy figures to help them survive in life) because the "doubting comrade" is the grownup in the room (also a patriot) but one that came to recognize the futility of sending patriots to die to stop terrorist savages from invading San Diego.

Breitbart is a clueless idiot.

The end of the movie brings home the futility of the war in Iraq in a major way.

My patriotic take on the movie as a patriotic American was that Chris Kyle's heroism and talent as a Navy Seal and sniper should have been utilized in Afghanistan and never in the meaningless quagmire and dumb war that was Iraq.
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Lest there be any doubt:


"I was against going into the war in Iraq since I figured we would probably trip over ourselves in some way," Clint Eastwood revealed after screening his new film American Sniper on Saturday at the Academy of Motion Picture Artists and Sciences' Goldwyn Theater in Beverly Hills.

Clint Eastwood: "I Was Against Going Into the War in Iraq"

Clint Eastwood I Was Against Going Into the War in Iraq
We have had endless numbers of movies about this fight against evil savages who kill and torture innocent men, women, and children, where the United States and our soldiers are the problem, not the solution....perhaps this movie will change that trend....in defiance of left wing critics....

American Sniper Review A Patriotic Pro-War On Terror Masterpiece - Breitbart

I saw the great Chris Kyle (a true patriot)!movie Friday night in a 100% packed full theater of patriotic Americans watching a story about a true patriot who served four tours in Iraq dedicated to saving the lives of all his brothers in arms. He served no other purpose than saving American's lives after initially joining the war for the false pretense of avenging the 9/11 attacks on US soil. ,

The movie early on made the strong and legitimate point that there were no "war on terror" terrorists inside Iraq when the war was started. In fact Kyle's arch enemy (an enemy sniper not killed until the fourth tour) Mustafa was noted to be a Syrian not an Iraqi.

Kyle's younger brother also a patriot who served in Iraq gave an adequate anti-war view point when on his way home tells his hero brother on the Tarmac that the whole place sucks.

But this quote "American Sniper” is refreshingly told only from Kyle’s point of view. He reminds a doubting comrade that we’re fighting these “evil fucking savages” (terrorists) in Iraq so we don’t have to fight them in San Diego."

Breitbart thus shows the infantile simplicity of the conservative's underdeveloped mind and lack of ability to deal with the real world (it's why they need daddy figures to help them survive in life) because the "doubting comrade" is the grownup in the room (also a patriot) but one that came to recognize the futility of sending patriots to die to stop terrorist savages from invading San Diego.

Breitbart is a clueless idiot.

The end of the movie brings home the futility of the war in Iraq in a major way.

My patriotic take on the movie as a patriotic American was that Chris Kyle's heroism and talent as a Navy Seal and sniper should have been utilized in Afghanistan and never in the meaningless quagmire and dumb war that was Iraq.
I won't comment on the movie because I haven't seen it. However, keep in mind movies are made to sell tickets and Clint Eastwood has been very successful at doing that. I have no doubt Chris Kyle was a fine solder that we should all be proud of, however movies always over dramatist and I suspect this movie is no exception.
Flopper 10577993
I won't comment on the movie because I haven't seen it. However, keep in mind movies are made to sell tickets and Clint Eastwood has been very successful at doing that. I have no doubt Chris Kyle was a fine solder that we should all be proud of, however movies always over dramatist and I suspect this movie is no exception.

I saw the movie and do not agree that Eastwood over-dramatized the needless bloodshed that destroyed so many lives in Iraq for no just cause. Eastwood a Republican who admits he opposed invading Iraq may be naively mistaken over how all the remaining warmonger Republicans have latched onto this war movie and use it's popularity to define the war as a great cause and rise to new freaky levels of liberal-bashing including calling opposition to their dumb war as unpatriotic . Eastwood intended no such right wing insanity. The messages was the futility of the violence in Iraq.
Taxing war crimes?
Particularly the supreme international war crime:
"The International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, which followed World War II, called the waging of aggressive war 'essentially an evil thing...to initiate a war of aggression...is not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime, differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole.'"
War of aggression - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Go peddle your bullshit to the fucking sand monkeys. As soon as they are willing to swallow your BS and sit down and work out a permanent peace with the 'Infidels' let us know.
You are stupid and 'you can't fix stupid'.
Go peddle your bullshit to the fucking sand monkeys. As soon as they are willing to swallow your BS and sit down and work out a permanent peace with the 'Infidels' let us know.
When the infidels stop murdering sand monkeys for their oil and gas resources, brain-dead racists in the US can go back to lynching ******* instead of wasting bandwidth.:alirulz:
Go peddle your bullshit to the fucking sand monkeys. As soon as they are willing to swallow your BS and sit down and work out a permanent peace with the 'Infidels' let us know.
When the infidels stop murdering sand monkeys for their oil and gas resources, brain-dead racists in the US can go back to lynching ******* instead of wasting bandwidth.:alirulz:
And now you are going to list when and where the "Infidels" have murdered any Sand Monkey in order to 'steal' the oil/gas resources right?
Just one case please.
You're a lying piece of shit. You can't name one.
Flopper 10577993
I won't comment on the movie because I haven't seen it. However, keep in mind movies are made to sell tickets and Clint Eastwood has been very successful at doing that. I have no doubt Chris Kyle was a fine solder that we should all be proud of, however movies always over dramatist and I suspect this movie is no exception.

I saw the movie and do not agree that Eastwood over-dramatized the needless bloodshed that destroyed so many lives in Iraq for no just cause. Eastwood a Republican who admits he opposed invading Iraq may be naively mistaken over how all the remaining warmonger Republicans have latched onto this war movie and use it's popularity to define the war as a great cause and rise to new freaky levels of liberal-bashing including calling opposition to their dumb war as unpatriotic . Eastwood intended no such right wing insanity. The messages was the futility of the violence in Iraq.
As I said, I haven't seen the movie so I don't how much the movie was dramatized. In general, all movies are over dramatized in comparison to the real events.
We take soldiers, teach them to kill and then get outraged because they kill? Go figure.

Nobody is upset with the soldiers for doing their jobs.

they are upset that we attacked a country that wasn't our enemy over weapons that didnt' exist.
I think our troops deserve a lot credit for performing so well in what most people came to realize was a stupid useless war. Fighting a war that most people back home don't believe in has got be be pretty demoralizing.
We take soldiers, teach them to kill and then get outraged because they kill? Go figure.
Maybe the real enemy is war itself, or at least the profits war generates without any taxation on collateral damage?
The real enemy is Islam. A barbaric ideology that has been leading the world in rape, enslavement, ransoms, and murders for well over a thousand years.
We take soldiers, teach them to kill and then get outraged because they kill? Go figure.
Maybe the real enemy is war itself, or at least the profits war generates without any taxation on collateral damage?
The real enemy is Islam. A barbaric ideology that has been leading the world in rape, enslavement, ransoms, and murders for well over a thousand years.
Yet Obubba cannot bring himself to denigrate the Muslim Brotherhood. He is one of them.
Go peddle your bullshit to the fucking sand monkeys. As soon as they are willing to swallow your BS and sit down and work out a permanent peace with the 'Infidels' let us know.
When the infidels stop murdering sand monkeys for their oil and gas resources, brain-dead racists in the US can go back to lynching ******* instead of wasting bandwidth.:alirulz:
And now you are going to list when and where the "Infidels" have murdered any Sand Monkey in order to 'steal' the oil/gas resources right?
Just one case please.
You're a lying piece of shit. You can't name one.

He's too busy creating another sob story thread about how the Jews just won't roll over and let the Muslims murder them all.
And now you are going to list when and where the "Infidels" have murdered any Sand Monkey in order to 'steal' the oil/gas resources right?
Just one case please.
You're a lying piece of shit. You can't name one.
"The Haditha incident (also called the Haditha killings or the Haditha massacre) refers to the incident in which 24 unarmed Iraqi men, women and children, allcivilians,[1][2] were killed by a group of United States Marines on November 19, 2005 in Haditha, a city in the western Iraqi province of Al Anbar."
What's a "sand monkey", Gomer?
Haditha killings - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
We take soldiers, teach them to kill and then get outraged because they kill? Go figure.
Maybe the real enemy is war itself, or at least the profits war generates without any taxation on collateral damage?
The real enemy is Islam. A barbaric ideology that has been leading the world in rape, enslavement, ransoms, and murders for well over a thousand years.
Yet Obubba cannot bring himself to denigrate the Muslim Brotherhood. He is one of them.

Until we get a President that has the balls to call out Islam for what it is, we're just going to see more of the same. John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison knew what they were dealing with.
The real enemy is Islam. A barbaric ideology that has been leading the world in rape, enslavement, ransoms, and murders for well over a thousand years.
And now you are going to list when and where the "Infidels" have murdered any Sand Monkey in order to 'steal' the oil/gas resources right?
Just one case please.
You're a lying piece of shit. You can't name one.
"The Haditha incident (also called the Haditha killings or the Haditha massacre) refers to the incident in which 24 unarmed Iraqi men, women and children, allcivilians,[1][2] were killed by a group of United States Marines on November 19, 2005 in Haditha, a city in the western Iraqi province of Al Anbar."
What's a "sand monkey", Gomer?
Haditha killings - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
So what did they do with the stolen oil/gas resources?

ISIS killed 13 young boys for watching a soccer game. What do you say about that, George?
This is a review of the American Sniper movie...and if the review is accurate it just goes to show that Americans want to see a war movie where American soldiers are heroes...because they are...and not war criminals, mental cases or victims......

We have had endless numbers of movies about this fight against evil savages who kill and torture innocent men, women, and children, where the United States and our soldiers are the problem, not the solution....perhaps this movie will change that trend....in defiance of left wing critics....

American Sniper Review A Patriotic Pro-War On Terror Masterpiece - Breitbart

“American Sniper” is refreshingly told only from Kyle’s point of view. He reminds a doubting comrade that we’re fighting these “evil fucking savages” (terrorists) in Iraq so we don’t have to fight them in San Diego. And Eastwood doesn’t flinch from showing these evil fucking savages for the evil fucking savages they are. You won’t soon forget watching terrorist mastermind Zarqawi’s chief enforcer, a monster nicknamed The Butcher, slowly torture and murder a young boy with a power drill.

War is ugly and it’s not pretty watching our guys kick in doors. But there are bad guys behind those doors, and no matter how bad those guys might be, Eastwood makes sure the audience knows Americans don’t carry power drills or take lives out of any motive other than self-defense.

There is nothing even close to moral equivalence in “America Sniper,” only the truth: that there is no equivalence between the barbarians who target the innocent and the American heroes who target those who target the innocent.

Last night I saw this movie in a packed theatre. For 140 minutes no one moved; they barely breathed. Everyone remained exactly in place even throughout the incredible end credits. When everyone left, it was in total silence.

“American Sniper” is not only a cinematic masterpiece. It is proof of what Big Hollywood has been arguing for more than 6 years: That you can tell the truth about America and the terrorists and the War On Terror and the incredible men who fight and die for us, in a way that is both emotionally complex, patriotic, heartbreaking, and rousing.
they were motionless because the movie was a bore. way too long and not impressed at all. did he really shoot a kid first in real life? I did like how they showed him crying to go home once it got real for him and he was the under dog and under gunned. shows you how war is fun till you are the one dying then it's not that cool anymore.

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