A VERY VERY VERY good question!!!

Stop calling those freaks conservatives. There's nothing conservative about them and it's a cheap shot on your part. You should be ashamed of yourself, have you no dignity?

Wassamatta? Truth hurts? Of course they're conservative. I'm afraid no one made you ayatollah of the dictionary.
the truth doesn't hurt,. but your ignorance is painful.....
Eric Rudolph and the Army of God "intensely follow" your Bible and he can definitely be defined as a "homicidal maniac".

I'm curious....were you serious or was that sarcasm.....because obviously neither "intensely follow" our bible......
Political Chic -

Have you ever been to a Muslim country?
LOL She believes a huge percentage of the world wide Muslim population are homicidal maniacs. No, she has not directly experienced the Muslim world.

"...she has not directly experienced the Muslim world."
I live in NYC.
Clearly, I have "directly experienced the Muslim world."

I believe that the more intensely one follows the Q'ran, the more one closely one can be defined as a homicidal maniac.

History, both recent and past, provide proof for my thesis.

"The extermination of the Jews of Medina represents the iconic moment in Islam, just as the Sermon on the Mount is the iconic moment of Christianity, or the parting of the Red Sea is for the Jews."
Edwin Black in his book, “ The Farhud: The Roots of the Arab-Nazi Alliance in the Holocaust.”

That's laughable. A thousand Jews, at most, killed at Medina 1400 years ago is supposed to be 'iconic' to Islam?

Would that make the massacre of about the same number of Muslims in the Philippines by the US Army in 1906 an iconic moment in American Christianity?

Moro Crater massacre - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Christian's like Irish Ram love to misuse this bible verse about Abraham's son Ishmael.

Genesis 16:12 "And he shall be as a wild ass among men; his hand shall be against every man, and every man's hand against him"

The verse only refers to Ishmael.

But haters like Irish Ram claim that the verse applies to all descendants of Ishmael.......even those living today.

Grow up Sunni. Labeling anyone who disagrees with you a hater, is a bit immature.

Some times when God spoke of Israel, He was talking about Jacob. Sometimes it was the Nation of Israel and sometimes the descendants of Jacob.

No doubt God was correct about Ishmael, and about his descendants, who still have their hand against each other and everyone else. Like how you feel about Assad.... Isn't that your hand against your brother? And doesn't that qualify you as a hater? It sure does.

If you were correct, the problem would have ended with Ishmael. Instead, you appear to be a chip off the old block.
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That's "know nothing", stupid. And I don't have to go into a sewer to know it stinks. I know that muslims are responsible for almost 100% of terrorism throughout the world and people of low moral values (like you) think that's fine. You will defend the murdering bastards no matter what. I have no desire to visit any muslim country, I've known enough of them to know how disgusting they are. You claim to have lived in some of them but we really have no way of knowing if you are telling the truth, and given your rabid defense of terrorists and abuse of women, it's clear you have little or no integrity and lying is something we can expect from you.

SJ -

Where do I defend terrorists? Where do I defend the abuse of women?

Try and post with a little honesty and self-respect - it makes for much better discussion of you can be honest.

As for your point - no one is going to learn what the US is like by refusing to go there, nor by only listening to other people who have never been there. If you want to understand the US, you have to go there and spend time with ordinary, everyday Americans.
Most do NOT wear it by choice. It is forced on them by the Country or the men in their community.

And how do you know this, RGS?

Can you tell us exactly how many Muslim women you spoke to about this, and in what countries?

Certainly the Islamic women I have spoken to about this have said EXACTLY the opposite, and so have their husbands, fathers etc.

Of course in countries like Qatar and Saudi Arabia there is a societal force, but obviously there generally is not in Indonesia, Malaysia or a good 20 other Islamic countries.

I have to say, man, if you haven't got extensive experience in the Islamic world, I think you have made an absolutely extraordinary claim.


since when does the church or the United States require all women to be nuns

go back and try again

first of all, they do not dress the same, nuns don't cover their faces and most do not dress like the one in the picture.

secondly Nuns have a choice to become nuns and even most nuns have a choice as to what they wear.

They are not beaten into submission nor afraid to show their faces lest some mongrel can't control himself.

I have a better question.

When are you going to come out of the closet?

see it is posts like that

that should have had the old rating system for positive reps

They are both oppressed by the same patriarchal bullshit inherent upon all religion.

The only way to stop this institutionalized sexism is to ban religion and force everyone to become atheist.

How do you force people to become athiest? It worked so well in which country before? Hey well in Cambodia at least they did nt have institutionalized sexism .

Cambodian Genocide World Without Genocide - Working to create a World Without Genocide

The problem with ultra Liberal Progressives like yourself is you believe something is right and you want to force everyone else to believe it to, because you cant possibly imagine another reality. Pol Pot banned Religion, so would you. Pol Pot went to school in France and was a progressive just like you. He really believed in change and getting things done! congress be dammned those guys slow everything down, yep. Hey but your way is thre right way so who could complain?
That's "know nothing", stupid. And I don't have to go into a sewer to know it stinks. I know that muslims are responsible for almost 100% of terrorism throughout the world and people of low moral values (like you) think that's fine. You will defend the murdering bastards no matter what. I have no desire to visit any muslim country, I've known enough of them to know how disgusting they are. You claim to have lived in some of them but we really have no way of knowing if you are telling the truth, and given your rabid defense of terrorists and abuse of women, it's clear you have little or no integrity and lying is something we can expect from you.

SJ -

Where do I defend terrorists? Where do I defend the abuse of women?

Try and post with a little honesty and self-respect - it makes for much better discussion of you can be honest.

As for your point - no one is going to learn what the US is like by refusing to go there, nor by only listening to other people who have never been there. If you want to understand the US, you have to go there and spend time with ordinary, everyday Americans.
I didn't say you did. I was addressing Esmeralda. But now that you mention it, I don't recall you expressing any condemnation of them either.
S.J -

I think we can take condemnation of terror as a given. I really don't believe that there is a (sane) person on this board who thinks that it is ok to attack or hurt innocent people for any reason. Certainly I don't recall ever seeing a poster actually back or support a terrorist attack of any kind.

Cetainly, stomping around screaming "You support terror!" or "You support attacks against women!" without a shred of evidence is about as childish a form of posting as I can imagine. I think you'd do better to stick to the topic than try and reduce the topic to five-year-olds in a sandpit.
S.J -

I think we can take condemnation of terror as a given. I really don't believe that there is a (sane) person on this board who thinks that it is ok to attack or hurt innocent people for any reason. Certainly I don't recall ever seeing a poster actually back or support a terrorist attack of any kind.

Cetainly, stomping around screaming "You support terror!" or "You support attacks against women!" without a shred of evidence is about as childish a form of posting as I can imagine. I think you'd do better to stick to the topic than try and reduce the topic to five-year-olds in a sandpit.
It's not a given. If you defend those who are doing it, you are defending the act itself. I'm sick of the left saying "I don't support terrorism but...". If you don't support the bastards, you need to stop making excuses for them, and all I've heard from you is "You don't understand muslims" Bullshit, stop tiptoeing through the tulips and grow some balls.

FBI mdash Domestic Terrorism Focus on Militia Extremism

Domestic Terrorism
Focus on Militia Extremism

Last March, nine members of an extremist militia group were charged in Michigan with seditious conspiracy and attempted use of weapons of mass destruction in connection with an alleged plot to attack law enforcement and spark an uprising against the government.

According to the federal indictment, the nine individuals planned to kill a law enforcement officer and then use bombs to attack the caravan of cars taking part in the subsequent funeral procession, hoping that this violence would incite a larger armed conflict with authorities. Fortunately, the FBI and the Michigan State Police intervened and took the subjects into custody before they could carry out their alleged plot.

It’s just one example of the dangers posed by so-called militia extremists—the latest topic in our series to educate the nation on domestic terror threats that the FBI investigates today. Previous stories have focused on anarchist extremists, eco-terrorists/animal rights extremists, lone offenders, and sovereign citizen extremists.

Who they are. Like many domestic terrorism groups, militia extremists are anti-government. What sets them apart is that they’re often organized into paramilitary groups that follow a military-style rank hierarchy. They tend to stockpile illegal weapons and ammunition, trying illegally to get their hands on fully automatic firearms or attempting to convert weapons to fully automatic. They also try to buy or manufacture improvised explosive devices and typically engage in wilderness, survival, or other paramilitary training.

Who and what they target. They usually go after the government itself—including law enforcement personnel, representatives of the courts, and other public officials, along with government buildings. When caught, most militia extremists are charged with weapons, explosives, and/or conspiracy violations.
Ooh, look out for those American citizens who are against the Obama administration for trying to strip us of our rights. How many innocent people have these groups killed?

We can thank the FBI for preventing them from killing innocent Americans. The link provided clearly shows that had the 9 domestic terrorists succeeded they would have been quite happy to murder the hundreds of people who would have been in that funeral procession.

That you side with these domestic terrorists says volumes.
I noticed you didn't comment on this, which speaks volumes about you.


The FBI is doing a great job going after both domestic and foreign terrorists.

The fact that you support domestic terrorists that want to kill FBI agents makes you an accomplice in my opinion.
S.J -

I think we can take condemnation of terror as a given. I really don't believe that there is a (sane) person on this board who thinks that it is ok to attack or hurt innocent people for any reason. Certainly I don't recall ever seeing a poster actually back or support a terrorist attack of any kind.

Cetainly, stomping around screaming "You support terror!" or "You support attacks against women!" without a shred of evidence is about as childish a form of posting as I can imagine. I think you'd do better to stick to the topic than try and reduce the topic to five-year-olds in a sandpit.
It's not a given. If you defend those who are doing it, you are defending the act itself. I'm sick of the left saying "I don't support terrorism but...". If you don't support the bastards, you need to stop making excuses for them, and all I've heard from you is "You don't understand muslims" Bullshit, stop tiptoeing through the tulips and grow some balls.

If you don't support the bastards, you need to stop making excuses for them, and all I've heard from you is "You don't understand muslims"

Only a fool believes that all 1.6 billion Muslims are terrorists.
A Nun chooses to become a Nun. A Nun chooses to wear a habit. It is all free will. In Islamic Countries and cultures women are FORCED to wear body coverings, not by choice but by order. Failure to comply ends in beatings murder and arrest or rape.
By far, women are not "forced" to cover. It depends on the family and how conservative they are. They are not beaten into submission, not murdered or arrested or raped if they don't cover. It all has to do with specific cultures and then, within that culture, how fundamental and conservative the family is. You are very ignorant about this issue.

In addition, I have spoken to many Muslim young women who are still in school, but when they graduate and look forward to adult life, are eager to adopt a traditional dress for their culture: to cover, essentially. They want to cover and look forward to covering. Others have different ideas. It is their choice, it has to do with themselves and the conservativism of their families.
Bitch, stop calling those freaks conservatives. There's nothing conservative about them and it's a cheap shot on your part. You should be ashamed of yourself, have you no dignity?
I know these people, you don't.
Oh brother, more I have a friend who is a Muslim. To listen to you you're the only one who ever met a Muslim. You're anecdotal experiences are not really evidence of anything outside you're closed world view. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad you found good, but give it a rest already.
I believe I am then only one on this board who has spent 7 years living and working in Muslim countries where my co-workers, bosses, clientele, neighbors, acquaintances and friends were Muslims. I can tell from the rantings and postings of others, such as yourself, that what you think you know about this issue is based on a narrow view you have gotten for the very most part from the media, not from actually living it.
Christians don't make their Wives wear a Nun's Habit.

Premise FAIL!
Neither do most Muslims. Your ignorance is comprehensive.
Millions of Muslims do in fact require the ha-bib and or a scarf and body coverings on pain of death or rape. Further a lot of Muslim Countries forbid women to own stuff to drive or to be in public alone. MILLIONS. You not a shit ton?
There is only one country that doesn't allow women to drive, Saudi Arabia. It is also the only Muslim country that functions under full Sharia law. The vast majority of Muslim women are not forced to cover and it is extremely rare that in any place a woman is killed because she doesn't cover. Your ignorance of this issue is monumental.
It's not a given. If you defend those who are doing it, you are defending the act itself. I'm sick of the left saying "I don't support terrorism but...". If you don't support the bastards, you need to stop making excuses for them, and all I've heard from you is "You don't understand muslims" Bullshit, stop tiptoeing through the tulips and grow some balls.

You don't understand Muslims.

That's a fact, and it's evident in every post you make on the topic. Discussing Islam with you is like discussing golf with a person who believes the sport is played with tennis rackets.

I have never supported terror of any kind, by any organisation or group, for any reason. Nor have I ever made excuses for any terrorist organisation. You just can't make up this and expect it to stick, dude.
A Nun chooses to become a Nun. A Nun chooses to wear a habit. It is all free will. In Islamic Countries and cultures women are FORCED to wear body coverings, not by choice but by order. Failure to comply ends in beatings murder and arrest or rape.
By far, women are not "forced" to cover. It depends on the family and how conservative they are. They are not beaten into submission, not murdered or arrested or raped if they don't cover. It all has to do with specific cultures and then, within that culture, how fundamental and conservative the family is. You are very ignorant about this issue.

In addition, I have spoken to many Muslim young women who are still in school, but when they graduate and look forward to adult life, are eager to adopt a traditional dress for their culture: to cover, essentially. They want to cover and look forward to covering. Others have different ideas. It is their choice, it has to do with themselves and the conservativism of their families.
Bitch, stop calling those freaks conservatives. There's nothing conservative about them and it's a cheap shot on your part. You should be ashamed of yourself, have you no dignity?
I know these people, you don't.
Oh brother, more I have a friend who is a Muslim. To listen to you you're the only one who ever met a Muslim. You're anecdotal experiences are not really evidence of anything outside you're closed world view. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad you found good, but give it a rest already.
I believe I am then only one on this board who has spent 7 years living and working in Muslim countries where my co-workers, bosses, clientele, neighbors, acquaintances and friends were Muslims. I can tell from the rantings and postings of others, such as yourself, that what you think you know about this issue is based on a narrow view you have gotten for the very most part from the media, not from actually living it.
You're simply a pompous ass. No where to go from here. Have a good day.
By far, women are not "forced" to cover. It depends on the family and how conservative they are. They are not beaten into submission, not murdered or arrested or raped if they don't cover. It all has to do with specific cultures and then, within that culture, how fundamental and conservative the family is. You are very ignorant about this issue.

In addition, I have spoken to many Muslim young women who are still in school, but when they graduate and look forward to adult life, are eager to adopt a traditional dress for their culture: to cover, essentially. They want to cover and look forward to covering. Others have different ideas. It is their choice, it has to do with themselves and the conservativism of their families.
Bitch, stop calling those freaks conservatives. There's nothing conservative about them and it's a cheap shot on your part. You should be ashamed of yourself, have you no dignity?
I know these people, you don't.
Oh brother, more I have a friend who is a Muslim. To listen to you you're the only one who ever met a Muslim. You're anecdotal experiences are not really evidence of anything outside you're closed world view. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad you found good, but give it a rest already.
I believe I am then only one on this board who has spent 7 years living and working in Muslim countries where my co-workers, bosses, clientele, neighbors, acquaintances and friends were Muslims. I can tell from the rantings and postings of others, such as yourself, that what you think you know about this issue is based on a narrow view you have gotten for the very most part from the media, not from actually living it.
You're simply a pompous ass. No where to go from here. Have a good day.
Well, it's better than being an ignorant buffoon such as you are. And you have a good day. :biggrin:

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