A VERY VERY VERY good question!!!

Do 1% of Christians fly planes into buildings?

Have you heard of Timothy McVeigh?
Have you heard of Hamas, Hezbollah, al Qaeda, Taliban, ISIS? You really don't want to go there.

Simply because no one has heard about all the domestic anti government armed militia groups in America doesn't make them any less of a terrorist threat.

Record number of anti-government militias in USA

Record number of anti-government militias in USA

March 5, 2013

The rhetoric and threat of domestic terrorist plots mirror the mood observed in the six months before the Oklahoma City bombing, the Southern Poverty Law Center says.

Radical anti-government "patriot" groups and militias, galvanized against gun control, will continue to grow even as the number of groups operating in the USAreached an all-time high in 2012, a report Tuesday by the Southern Poverty Law Center finds.

The center tracked 1,360 radical militias and anti-government groups in 2012, an eightfold increase over 2008, when it recorded 149 such groups. The explosive growth began four years ago, sparked by the election of President Obama and anger about the poor economy, the center says. That growth is likely to continue as the groups recruit more members with a pro-gun message, the center's senior fellow Mark Potok said.
You really should read what you post before you post it. Not one of those scary groups you cite have carried out any acts of violence. Your desperate attempt to compare legitimate Americans with legititmate concerns to murdering fanatical terrorists has failed. Care to try again?
Political Chic -

Have you ever been to a Muslim country?
LOL She believes a huge percentage of the world wide Muslim population are homicidal maniacs. No, she has not directly experienced the Muslim world.

"...she has not directly experienced the Muslim world."
I live in NYC.
Clearly, I have "directly experienced the Muslim world."

I believe that the more intensely one follows the Q'ran, the more one closely one can be defined as a homicidal maniac.

History, both recent and past, provide proof for my thesis.

"The extermination of the Jews of Medina represents the iconic moment in Islam, just as the Sermon on the Mount is the iconic moment of Christianity, or the parting of the Red Sea is for the Jews."
Edwin Black in his book, “ The Farhud: The Roots of the Arab-Nazi Alliance in the Holocaust.”

I believe that the more intensely one follows the Q'ran, the more one closely one can be defined as a homicidal maniac.

Eric Rudolph and the Army of God "intensely follow" your Bible and he can definitely be defined as a "homicidal maniac".

I see you prefer not to think before posting....so as to be just as surprised as everyone else.

Your example is that of a speck of dust being equated with an avalanche.

Congrats...you've managed to get three gallons of stupid in a two gallon bucket.

Boringly predictable ad hom attack response from PoliticalSpice because she cannot refute the facts regarding Eric Rudolph and the Army of God.

On the plus side it was a de facto tacit conceding of her Islamophobic position.
Do 1% of Christians fly planes into buildings?

Have you heard of Timothy McVeigh?
Have you heard of Hamas, Hezbollah, al Qaeda, Taliban, ISIS? You really don't want to go there.

Simply because no one has heard about all the domestic anti government armed militia groups in America doesn't make them any less of a terrorist threat.

Record number of anti-government militias in USA

Record number of anti-government militias in USA

March 5, 2013

The rhetoric and threat of domestic terrorist plots mirror the mood observed in the six months before the Oklahoma City bombing, the Southern Poverty Law Center says.

Radical anti-government "patriot" groups and militias, galvanized against gun control, will continue to grow even as the number of groups operating in the USAreached an all-time high in 2012, a report Tuesday by the Southern Poverty Law Center finds.

The center tracked 1,360 radical militias and anti-government groups in 2012, an eightfold increase over 2008, when it recorded 149 such groups. The explosive growth began four years ago, sparked by the election of President Obama and anger about the poor economy, the center says. That growth is likely to continue as the groups recruit more members with a pro-gun message, the center's senior fellow Mark Potok said.
You really should read what you post before you post it. Not one of those scary groups you cite have carried out any acts of violence. Your desperate attempt to compare legitimate Americans with legititmate concerns to murdering fanatical terrorists has failed. Care to try again?

Not one of those scary groups you cite have carried out any acts of violence.

Are you denying that this was an act of domestic terrorism violence?

BREAKING Couple Fatally Shoots Two Cops and Civilian 8216 This is the Start of a Revolution 8217 Americans Against the Tea Party

Multiple shootings and at least one death has been reported after two people (a man and a woman) shot two Law Vegas police officers, stole their gear, and entered a nearby Wal-Mart. As KLAS-TV reports, police say witnesses told them the suspects took the police officers' gear and, as they were walking out of the restaurant after the shooting, they said,"tell the police the revolution has begun."
Do 1% of Christians fly planes into buildings?

Have you heard of Timothy McVeigh?
Have you heard of Hamas, Hezbollah, al Qaeda, Taliban, ISIS? You really don't want to go there.

Simply because no one has heard about all the domestic anti government armed militia groups in America doesn't make them any less of a terrorist threat.

Record number of anti-government militias in USA

Record number of anti-government militias in USA

March 5, 2013

The rhetoric and threat of domestic terrorist plots mirror the mood observed in the six months before the Oklahoma City bombing, the Southern Poverty Law Center says.

Radical anti-government "patriot" groups and militias, galvanized against gun control, will continue to grow even as the number of groups operating in the USAreached an all-time high in 2012, a report Tuesday by the Southern Poverty Law Center finds.

The center tracked 1,360 radical militias and anti-government groups in 2012, an eightfold increase over 2008, when it recorded 149 such groups. The explosive growth began four years ago, sparked by the election of President Obama and anger about the poor economy, the center says. That growth is likely to continue as the groups recruit more members with a pro-gun message, the center's senior fellow Mark Potok said.
You really should read what you post before you post it. Not one of those scary groups you cite have carried out any acts of violence. Your desperate attempt to compare legitimate Americans with legititmate concerns to murdering fanatical terrorists has failed. Care to try again?

The two cop killers in Nevada not that long ago were followers of the Sovereign Citizen movement.
Do 1% of Christians fly planes into buildings?

Have you heard of Timothy McVeigh?
Have you heard of Hamas, Hezbollah, al Qaeda, Taliban, ISIS? You really don't want to go there.

Simply because no one has heard about all the domestic anti government armed militia groups in America doesn't make them any less of a terrorist threat.

Record number of anti-government militias in USA

Record number of anti-government militias in USA

March 5, 2013

The rhetoric and threat of domestic terrorist plots mirror the mood observed in the six months before the Oklahoma City bombing, the Southern Poverty Law Center says.

Radical anti-government "patriot" groups and militias, galvanized against gun control, will continue to grow even as the number of groups operating in the USAreached an all-time high in 2012, a report Tuesday by the Southern Poverty Law Center finds.

The center tracked 1,360 radical militias and anti-government groups in 2012, an eightfold increase over 2008, when it recorded 149 such groups. The explosive growth began four years ago, sparked by the election of President Obama and anger about the poor economy, the center says. That growth is likely to continue as the groups recruit more members with a pro-gun message, the center's senior fellow Mark Potok said.
You really should read what you post before you post it. Not one of those scary groups you cite have carried out any acts of violence. Your desperate attempt to compare legitimate Americans with legititmate concerns to murdering fanatical terrorists has failed. Care to try again?

Not one of those scary groups you cite have carried out any acts of violence.

Are you denying that this was an act of domestic terrorism violence?

BREAKING Couple Fatally Shoots Two Cops and Civilian 8216 This is the Start of a Revolution 8217 Americans Against the Tea Party

Multiple shootings and at least one death has been reported after two people (a man and a woman) shot two Law Vegas police officers, stole their gear, and entered a nearby Wal-Mart. As KLAS-TV reports, police say witnesses told them the suspects took the police officers' gear and, as they were walking out of the restaurant after the shooting, they said,"tell the police the revolution has begun."
"Americans Against The Tea Party" is a questionable source at best, but I see nothing that indicates they are anything other than a couple of nut jobs. And your quote "tell the police the revolution has begun." is also questionable, considering the source. I doubt if that was even said.
Political Chic -

Have you ever been to a Muslim country?
LOL She believes a huge percentage of the world wide Muslim population are homicidal maniacs. No, she has not directly experienced the Muslim world.

"...she has not directly experienced the Muslim world."
I live in NYC.
Clearly, I have "directly experienced the Muslim world."

I believe that the more intensely one follows the Q'ran, the more one closely one can be defined as a homicidal maniac.

History, both recent and past, provide proof for my thesis.

"The extermination of the Jews of Medina represents the iconic moment in Islam, just as the Sermon on the Mount is the iconic moment of Christianity, or the parting of the Red Sea is for the Jews."
Edwin Black in his book, “ The Farhud: The Roots of the Arab-Nazi Alliance in the Holocaust.”

I believe that the more intensely one follows the Q'ran, the more one closely one can be defined as a homicidal maniac.

Eric Rudolph and the Army of God "intensely follow" your Bible and he can definitely be defined as a "homicidal maniac".

I see you prefer not to think before posting....so as to be just as surprised as everyone else.

Your example is that of a speck of dust being equated with an avalanche.

Congrats...you've managed to get three gallons of stupid in a two gallon bucket.

Boringly predictable ad hom attack response from PoliticalSpice because she cannot refute the facts regarding Eric Rudolph and the Army of God.

On the plus side it was a de facto tacit conceding of her Islamophobic position.

I did better than refute it, you moron.....

I schooled you on how to put it in perspective.

Watch me school you again: you will not answer this question-

Which is a threat to word peace today, the examples that you tried to foist off as comparable....or Islamofascism?

Double dog dare ya.'

Otherwise, I may feel the need to identify your inadequacies once again.....

The clock is ticking.
Have you heard of Timothy McVeigh?
Have you heard of Hamas, Hezbollah, al Qaeda, Taliban, ISIS? You really don't want to go there.

Simply because no one has heard about all the domestic anti government armed militia groups in America doesn't make them any less of a terrorist threat.

Record number of anti-government militias in USA

Record number of anti-government militias in USA

March 5, 2013

The rhetoric and threat of domestic terrorist plots mirror the mood observed in the six months before the Oklahoma City bombing, the Southern Poverty Law Center says.

Radical anti-government "patriot" groups and militias, galvanized against gun control, will continue to grow even as the number of groups operating in the USAreached an all-time high in 2012, a report Tuesday by the Southern Poverty Law Center finds.

The center tracked 1,360 radical militias and anti-government groups in 2012, an eightfold increase over 2008, when it recorded 149 such groups. The explosive growth began four years ago, sparked by the election of President Obama and anger about the poor economy, the center says. That growth is likely to continue as the groups recruit more members with a pro-gun message, the center's senior fellow Mark Potok said.
You really should read what you post before you post it. Not one of those scary groups you cite have carried out any acts of violence. Your desperate attempt to compare legitimate Americans with legititmate concerns to murdering fanatical terrorists has failed. Care to try again?

Not one of those scary groups you cite have carried out any acts of violence.

Are you denying that this was an act of domestic terrorism violence?

BREAKING Couple Fatally Shoots Two Cops and Civilian 8216 This is the Start of a Revolution 8217 Americans Against the Tea Party

Multiple shootings and at least one death has been reported after two people (a man and a woman) shot two Law Vegas police officers, stole their gear, and entered a nearby Wal-Mart. As KLAS-TV reports, police say witnesses told them the suspects took the police officers' gear and, as they were walking out of the restaurant after the shooting, they said,"tell the police the revolution has begun."
"Americans Against The Tea Party" is a questionable source at best, but I see nothing that indicates they are anything other than a couple of nut jobs. And your quote "tell the police the revolution has begun." is also questionable, considering the source. I doubt if that was even said.

You can check it out on FoxNews if you prefer.

Police say couple who fatally shot 2 Vegas police officers and civilian believed law enforcement the oppressor Fox News

The pair who fatally shot two Las Vegas police officers and one civilian before taking their own lives Sunday have “some apparent ideology that is along the lines of militia and white supremacists,” according to authorities.

Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Assistant Sheriff Kevin McMahill said at a press conference Monday that one of the suspects, 31-year-old Jerad Miller, left a swastika and a Gadsden flag -- which features a coiled snake with the words "Don't Tread on Me” -- on top of the body of Officer Alyn Beck, 41.

Jerad Miller also laid a note on the body of officer Igor Soldo, 31, that said “this is the beginning of the revolution,” McMahill said. Both officers were gunned down inside Cici’s Pizza Sunday during their lunch break.
LOL She believes a huge percentage of the world wide Muslim population are homicidal maniacs. No, she has not directly experienced the Muslim world.

"...she has not directly experienced the Muslim world."
I live in NYC.
Clearly, I have "directly experienced the Muslim world."

I believe that the more intensely one follows the Q'ran, the more one closely one can be defined as a homicidal maniac.

History, both recent and past, provide proof for my thesis.

"The extermination of the Jews of Medina represents the iconic moment in Islam, just as the Sermon on the Mount is the iconic moment of Christianity, or the parting of the Red Sea is for the Jews."
Edwin Black in his book, “ The Farhud: The Roots of the Arab-Nazi Alliance in the Holocaust.”

I believe that the more intensely one follows the Q'ran, the more one closely one can be defined as a homicidal maniac.

Eric Rudolph and the Army of God "intensely follow" your Bible and he can definitely be defined as a "homicidal maniac".

I see you prefer not to think before posting....so as to be just as surprised as everyone else.

Your example is that of a speck of dust being equated with an avalanche.

Congrats...you've managed to get three gallons of stupid in a two gallon bucket.

Boringly predictable ad hom attack response from PoliticalSpice because she cannot refute the facts regarding Eric Rudolph and the Army of God.

On the plus side it was a de facto tacit conceding of her Islamophobic position.

I did better than refute it, you moron.....

I schooled you on how to put it in perspective.

Watch me school you again: you will not answer this question-

Which is a threat to word peace today, the examples that you tried to foist off as comparable....or Islamofascism?

Double dog dare ya.'

Otherwise, I may feel the need to identify your inadequacies once again.....

The clock is ticking.

Moving the goal posts again, PoliticalSpice?

This was your original allegation;

I believe that the more intensely one follows the Q'ran, the more one closely one can be defined as a homicidal maniac.

These were the facts that I provided in response;

Eric Rudolph and the Army of God "intensely follow" your Bible and he can definitely be defined as a "homicidal maniac".

The onus is on you to refute that Eric Rudolph is a "homicidal maniac".

You have utterly failed to do anything more than spout mindless ad hom attacks.

Needless to say not even a Vegas bookie would give me odds that you will refrain from doing so yet again.
"...she has not directly experienced the Muslim world."
I live in NYC.
Clearly, I have "directly experienced the Muslim world."

I believe that the more intensely one follows the Q'ran, the more one closely one can be defined as a homicidal maniac.

History, both recent and past, provide proof for my thesis.

"The extermination of the Jews of Medina represents the iconic moment in Islam, just as the Sermon on the Mount is the iconic moment of Christianity, or the parting of the Red Sea is for the Jews."
Edwin Black in his book, “ The Farhud: The Roots of the Arab-Nazi Alliance in the Holocaust.”

I believe that the more intensely one follows the Q'ran, the more one closely one can be defined as a homicidal maniac.

Eric Rudolph and the Army of God "intensely follow" your Bible and he can definitely be defined as a "homicidal maniac".

I see you prefer not to think before posting....so as to be just as surprised as everyone else.

Your example is that of a speck of dust being equated with an avalanche.

Congrats...you've managed to get three gallons of stupid in a two gallon bucket.

Boringly predictable ad hom attack response from PoliticalSpice because she cannot refute the facts regarding Eric Rudolph and the Army of God.

On the plus side it was a de facto tacit conceding of her Islamophobic position.

I did better than refute it, you moron.....

I schooled you on how to put it in perspective.

Watch me school you again: you will not answer this question-

Which is a threat to word peace today, the examples that you tried to foist off as comparable....or Islamofascism?

Double dog dare ya.'

Otherwise, I may feel the need to identify your inadequacies once again.....

The clock is ticking.

Moving the goal posts again, PoliticalSpice?

This was your original allegation;

I believe that the more intensely one follows the Q'ran, the more one closely one can be defined as a homicidal maniac.

These were the facts that I provided in response;

Eric Rudolph and the Army of God "intensely follow" your Bible and he can definitely be defined as a "homicidal maniac".

The onus is on you to refute that Eric Rudolph is a "homicidal maniac".

You have utterly failed to do anything more than spout mindless ad hom attacks.

Needless to say not even a Vegas bookie would give me odds that you will refrain from doing so yet again.

1. Did I predict that you wouldn't answer the question????

Am I great or what!

Of course,you being afraid to respond to the question, is itself an affirmation of my premise.

2. I said nothing about intensely following the Bible.
Of course, if one did, they would love their enemies.

3. As the Q'ran is an instruction manual on how to make war on non-believers, my statement ..."I believe that the more intensely one follows the Q'ran, the more one closely one can be defined as a homicidal maniac" is absolutely, totally, and infinitely correct.

4. And, speaking of absolutely, totally, and infinitely correct statements, I believe I identified you as a moron.

Eric Rudolph and the Army of God "intensely follow" your Bible and he can definitely be defined as a "homicidal maniac".

I see you prefer not to think before posting....so as to be just as surprised as everyone else.

Your example is that of a speck of dust being equated with an avalanche.

Congrats...you've managed to get three gallons of stupid in a two gallon bucket.

Boringly predictable ad hom attack response from PoliticalSpice because she cannot refute the facts regarding Eric Rudolph and the Army of God.

On the plus side it was a de facto tacit conceding of her Islamophobic position.

I did better than refute it, you moron.....

I schooled you on how to put it in perspective.

Watch me school you again: you will not answer this question-

Which is a threat to word peace today, the examples that you tried to foist off as comparable....or Islamofascism?

Double dog dare ya.'

Otherwise, I may feel the need to identify your inadequacies once again.....

The clock is ticking.

Moving the goal posts again, PoliticalSpice?

This was your original allegation;

I believe that the more intensely one follows the Q'ran, the more one closely one can be defined as a homicidal maniac.

These were the facts that I provided in response;

Eric Rudolph and the Army of God "intensely follow" your Bible and he can definitely be defined as a "homicidal maniac".

The onus is on you to refute that Eric Rudolph is a "homicidal maniac".

You have utterly failed to do anything more than spout mindless ad hom attacks.

Needless to say not even a Vegas bookie would give me odds that you will refrain from doing so yet again.

1. Did I predict that you wouldn't answer the question????

Am I great or what!

Of course,you being afraid to respond to the question, is itself an affirmation of my premise.

2. I said nothing about intensely following the Bible.
Of course, if one did, they would love their enemies.

3. As the Q'ran is an instruction manual on how to make war on non-believers, my statement ..."I believe that the more intensely one follows the Q'ran, the more one closely one can be defined as a homicidal maniac" is absolutely, totally, and infinitely correct.

4. And, speaking of absolutely, totally, and infinitely correct statements, I believe I identified you as a moron.

Needless to say I would have won that bet!

Your mindless Islamaphobic bigotry has been placed in context. In essence you are alleging that Eric Rudolph murdered people in cold blood because he "loved his enemies". Do you have any idea just how mentally deranged that makes you appear?

FBI mdash Domestic Terrorism Focus on Militia Extremism

Domestic Terrorism
Focus on Militia Extremism

Last March, nine members of an extremist militia group were charged in Michigan with seditious conspiracy and attempted use of weapons of mass destruction in connection with an alleged plot to attack law enforcement and spark an uprising against the government.

According to the federal indictment, the nine individuals planned to kill a law enforcement officer and then use bombs to attack the caravan of cars taking part in the subsequent funeral procession, hoping that this violence would incite a larger armed conflict with authorities. Fortunately, the FBI and the Michigan State Police intervened and took the subjects into custody before they could carry out their alleged plot.

It’s just one example of the dangers posed by so-called militia extremists—the latest topic in our series to educate the nation on domestic terror threats that the FBI investigates today. Previous stories have focused on anarchist extremists, eco-terrorists/animal rights extremists, lone offenders, and sovereign citizen extremists.

Who they are. Like many domestic terrorism groups, militia extremists are anti-government. What sets them apart is that they’re often organized into paramilitary groups that follow a military-style rank hierarchy. They tend to stockpile illegal weapons and ammunition, trying illegally to get their hands on fully automatic firearms or attempting to convert weapons to fully automatic. They also try to buy or manufacture improvised explosive devices and typically engage in wilderness, survival, or other paramilitary training.

Who and what they target. They usually go after the government itself—including law enforcement personnel, representatives of the courts, and other public officials, along with government buildings. When caught, most militia extremists are charged with weapons, explosives, and/or conspiracy violations.

FBI mdash Domestic Terrorism Focus on Militia Extremism

Domestic Terrorism
Focus on Militia Extremism

Last March, nine members of an extremist militia group were charged in Michigan with seditious conspiracy and attempted use of weapons of mass destruction in connection with an alleged plot to attack law enforcement and spark an uprising against the government.

According to the federal indictment, the nine individuals planned to kill a law enforcement officer and then use bombs to attack the caravan of cars taking part in the subsequent funeral procession, hoping that this violence would incite a larger armed conflict with authorities. Fortunately, the FBI and the Michigan State Police intervened and took the subjects into custody before they could carry out their alleged plot.

It’s just one example of the dangers posed by so-called militia extremists—the latest topic in our series to educate the nation on domestic terror threats that the FBI investigates today. Previous stories have focused on anarchist extremists, eco-terrorists/animal rights extremists, lone offenders, and sovereign citizen extremists.

Who they are. Like many domestic terrorism groups, militia extremists are anti-government. What sets them apart is that they’re often organized into paramilitary groups that follow a military-style rank hierarchy. They tend to stockpile illegal weapons and ammunition, trying illegally to get their hands on fully automatic firearms or attempting to convert weapons to fully automatic. They also try to buy or manufacture improvised explosive devices and typically engage in wilderness, survival, or other paramilitary training.

Who and what they target. They usually go after the government itself—including law enforcement personnel, representatives of the courts, and other public officials, along with government buildings. When caught, most militia extremists are charged with weapons, explosives, and/or conspiracy violations.
Ooh, look out for those American citizens who are against the Obama administration for trying to strip us of our rights. How many innocent people have these groups killed?

FBI mdash Domestic Terrorism Focus on Militia Extremism

Domestic Terrorism
Focus on Militia Extremism

Last March, nine members of an extremist militia group were charged in Michigan with seditious conspiracy and attempted use of weapons of mass destruction in connection with an alleged plot to attack law enforcement and spark an uprising against the government.

According to the federal indictment, the nine individuals planned to kill a law enforcement officer and then use bombs to attack the caravan of cars taking part in the subsequent funeral procession, hoping that this violence would incite a larger armed conflict with authorities. Fortunately, the FBI and the Michigan State Police intervened and took the subjects into custody before they could carry out their alleged plot.

It’s just one example of the dangers posed by so-called militia extremists—the latest topic in our series to educate the nation on domestic terror threats that the FBI investigates today. Previous stories have focused on anarchist extremists, eco-terrorists/animal rights extremists, lone offenders, and sovereign citizen extremists.

Who they are. Like many domestic terrorism groups, militia extremists are anti-government. What sets them apart is that they’re often organized into paramilitary groups that follow a military-style rank hierarchy. They tend to stockpile illegal weapons and ammunition, trying illegally to get their hands on fully automatic firearms or attempting to convert weapons to fully automatic. They also try to buy or manufacture improvised explosive devices and typically engage in wilderness, survival, or other paramilitary training.

Who and what they target. They usually go after the government itself—including law enforcement personnel, representatives of the courts, and other public officials, along with government buildings. When caught, most militia extremists are charged with weapons, explosives, and/or conspiracy violations.
Ooh, look out for those American citizens who are against the Obama administration for trying to strip us of our rights. How many innocent people have these groups killed?

We can thank the FBI for preventing them from killing innocent Americans. The link provided clearly shows that had the 9 domestic terrorists succeeded they would have been quite happy to murder the hundreds of people who would have been in that funeral procession.

That you side with these domestic terrorists says volumes.

FBI mdash Domestic Terrorism Focus on Militia Extremism

Domestic Terrorism
Focus on Militia Extremism

Last March, nine members of an extremist militia group were charged in Michigan with seditious conspiracy and attempted use of weapons of mass destruction in connection with an alleged plot to attack law enforcement and spark an uprising against the government.

According to the federal indictment, the nine individuals planned to kill a law enforcement officer and then use bombs to attack the caravan of cars taking part in the subsequent funeral procession, hoping that this violence would incite a larger armed conflict with authorities. Fortunately, the FBI and the Michigan State Police intervened and took the subjects into custody before they could carry out their alleged plot.

It’s just one example of the dangers posed by so-called militia extremists—the latest topic in our series to educate the nation on domestic terror threats that the FBI investigates today. Previous stories have focused on anarchist extremists, eco-terrorists/animal rights extremists, lone offenders, and sovereign citizen extremists.

Who they are. Like many domestic terrorism groups, militia extremists are anti-government. What sets them apart is that they’re often organized into paramilitary groups that follow a military-style rank hierarchy. They tend to stockpile illegal weapons and ammunition, trying illegally to get their hands on fully automatic firearms or attempting to convert weapons to fully automatic. They also try to buy or manufacture improvised explosive devices and typically engage in wilderness, survival, or other paramilitary training.

Who and what they target. They usually go after the government itself—including law enforcement personnel, representatives of the courts, and other public officials, along with government buildings. When caught, most militia extremists are charged with weapons, explosives, and/or conspiracy violations.
Ooh, look out for those American citizens who are against the Obama administration for trying to strip us of our rights. How many innocent people have these groups killed?

We can thank the FBI for preventing them from killing innocent Americans. The link provided clearly shows that had the 9 domestic terrorists succeeded they would have been quite happy to murder the hundreds of people who would have been in that funeral procession.

That you side with these domestic terrorists says volumes.
I noticed you didn't comment on this, which speaks volumes about you.

Christians don't make their Wives wear a Nun's Habit.

Premise FAIL!
Neither do most Muslims. Your ignorance is comprehensive.
Millions of Muslims do in fact require the ha-bib and or a scarf and body coverings on pain of death or rape. Further a lot of Muslim Countries forbid women to own stuff to drive or to be in public alone. MILLIONS. You not a shit ton?
A Nun chooses to become a Nun. A Nun chooses to wear a habit. It is all free will. In Islamic Countries and cultures women are FORCED to wear body coverings, not by choice but by order. Failure to comply ends in beatings murder and arrest or rape.
By far, women are not "forced" to cover. It depends on the family and how conservative they are. They are not beaten into submission, not murdered or arrested or raped if they don't cover. It all has to do with specific cultures and then, within that culture, how fundamental and conservative the family is. You are very ignorant about this issue.

In addition, I have spoken to many Muslim young women who are still in school, but when they graduate and look forward to adult life, are eager to adopt a traditional dress for their culture: to cover, essentially. They want to cover and look forward to covering. Others have different ideas. It is their choice, it has to do with themselves and the conservativism of their families.

This is a subject we'd all be more than happy to remain ignorant of altogether.

The idea behind your wanting to share this info with us suggests how important this step in the process of Islamifying America must be to you as well as to the Muslim Brotherhood leaders in America and abroad. Acceptance of Muslims by American non-Muslims is an important step in the process and it will benefit Muslims greatly.

Us, not so much.

I see it as islam's attempt at conditioning us to accept larger numbers of you in this country in the future.

As Muslims have stated, and demonstrated, they intend to raise the flag of Islam over the White House some day. So, I don't feel the least bit inclined to facilitate your religion's attempt to undermine my nation's government or take away my freedoms.

Nothing personal but I'd make it as unpleasant and difficult as possible for Muslims in America in order to keep their numbers from reaching critical mass when the typical Muslim disruptions such as, protests, making demands of government for special treatment and social upheavals begin.

Maybe they will try Canada instead.
This post represents a terrific amount of ignorance. And you seem to revel in that ignorance. Only a tiny, miniscule number of the 1.6 billion Muslims on this planet are extremists. And, though I am American, I do not live there and have no interest one way or the other about your unfounded fear of Muslims and Islam. Muslims are not taking over America: they represent about 2% of the population. You are hysterical.

whats a "tiny" amount of 1.6 BILLION- OH thats right A TON OF PEOPLE.
You people seem totally miss the point. First, you make a broad, sweeping generalization about all Muslims, then when I point out that within the 1.6 billion Muslims on the planet, only a minority wear the Abaya, and most of those do it by choice, you say how it is still a lot of people. It may be a lot of people, but it is not most Muslims. So, stop believing and saying that Muslim women are forced to wear the abaya and hajab. It is simply not true.
Most do NOT wear it by choice. It is forced on them by the Country or the men in their community.
Do 1% of Christians fly planes into buildings?

Have you heard of Timothy McVeigh?
Have you heard of Hamas, Hezbollah, al Qaeda, Taliban, ISIS? You really don't want to go there.

Simply because no one has heard about all the domestic anti government armed militia groups in America doesn't make them any less of a terrorist threat.

Record number of anti-government militias in USA

Record number of anti-government militias in USA

March 5, 2013

The rhetoric and threat of domestic terrorist plots mirror the mood observed in the six months before the Oklahoma City bombing, the Southern Poverty Law Center says.

Radical anti-government "patriot" groups and militias, galvanized against gun control, will continue to grow even as the number of groups operating in the USAreached an all-time high in 2012, a report Tuesday by the Southern Poverty Law Center finds.

The center tracked 1,360 radical militias and anti-government groups in 2012, an eightfold increase over 2008, when it recorded 149 such groups. The explosive growth began four years ago, sparked by the election of President Obama and anger about the poor economy, the center says. That growth is likely to continue as the groups recruit more members with a pro-gun message, the center's senior fellow Mark Potok said.
You really should read what you post before you post it. Not one of those scary groups you cite have carried out any acts of violence. Your desperate attempt to compare legitimate Americans with legititmate concerns to murdering fanatical terrorists has failed. Care to try again?

The two cop killers in Nevada not that long ago were followers of the Sovereign Citizen movement.
firm believers of the anti-government religion........

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