A simple statement:

Voting is too easy already.

There’s no such thing as voting being ‘too easy.’

Indeed, it’s the role and responsibility of government to facilitate voting and ensure that everyone who wants to participate is able to do so – not create bad-faith, unnecessary, undue, and un-Constitutional burdens to the right to vote.

If you leftists didn’t want voter ID you shouldn’t have flooded the country with illegals the past 50 years.
I should be able to do it from home on my computer just like when I buy stuff.
You will. I will predict that within 10 years, you'll be able to vote online. There are hybrid systems in place now. In my county, voters with disabilities can get a "remote accessible vote by mail" ballot. The voter makes their choices on a computer screen then prints and mails their ballot.

In my county
What country would that be?

Voting should be easier than shooting someone.

Yes or no?
One needs an ID to register to vote; one needs an ID to purchase a firearm.

Thereafter, when going to the shooting range or other such venue, however, no further ID is required – the same should be true of voting after one has registered to vote.

Well that's really not true for hunters, they have to provide ID every year to get a hunting license. Also the range I go to issues their own ID and to get it you have to provide your drivers license. After that you only need show your range ID. You're not much of a thinker, are ya commie.

I will predict that within 10 years, you'll be able to vote online.
Perhaps in a few states – but Republicans will aggressively oppose online voting; the last thing they want is comprehensive voter participation.

Any time a commie uses the word "comprehensive", you know what ever they're talking about isn't good for the country. Carry on commie.

Voting is too easy already.

There’s no such thing as voting being ‘too easy.’

Indeed, it’s the role and responsibility of government to facilitate voting and ensure that everyone who wants to participate is able to do so – not create bad-faith, unnecessary, undue, and un-Constitutional burdens to the right to vote.

I noticed you said nothing about the eligibility to vote. We've probably have close to 60 million in this country that aren't eligible to vote. Of course you want them voting as well, RIGHT?!

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