A simple statement:

I think you’re forgetting one important consideration, you want a basic civics test, how’s administering that and validating results going to work if it all has to be done on a single day? Seems to me in order to do it, you would need to EXTEND early voting windows not eliminate them, since it would require people to physically show up at the polls, unless of course you’re up for allowing everybody to mail in their tests or rely on registration outlets to administer them.

When I talk about a test I"m talking something so short and easy that takes less than a minute to figure out and complete.

* What party is in leadership of the House.
* What party is in leadership of the Senate.
* What party does the Vice President belong to.
* What party does the Speaker of the House belong to.
* Does the United States federal government have any debs.
* If so, how much debt are we in.

Now, these are all multiple choice questions. We only need about ten questions and the minimum acceptable would be six correct answers.
voting is easier,, all you do is walk in show ID and vote,,

to shoot someone you have to first work to get money to buy a gun which takes days or weeks depending on the gun, and then you have to go and find what you want and fill out a background check if its an FFL and wait to see if you pass, sometimes it takes days or weeks,
and then you have to wait for days weeks, months or yrs for someone to put your life in danger that would require shooting them,

so yeah voting is far easier to do than shoot someone,,

And if you shoot somebody legally, it has to be determined by authorities. If you shoot somebody illegally, you will be arrested, put in jail, need to bail out, and have a trial.
voting is easier,, all you do is walk in show ID and vote,,

to shoot someone you have to first work to get money to buy a gun which takes days or weeks depending on the gun, and then you have to go and find what you want and fill out a background check if its an FFL and wait to see if you pass, sometimes it takes days or weeks,
and then you have to wait for days weeks, months or yrs for someone to put your life in danger that would require shooting them,

so yeah voting is far easier to do than shoot someone,,

And if you shoot somebody legally, it has to be determined by authorities. If you shoot somebody illegally, you will be arrested, put in jail, need to bail out, and have a trial.
yep voting is far easier,,,
I should be able to do it from home on my computer just like when I buy stuff.
You will. I will predict that within 10 years, you'll be able to vote online. There are hybrid systems in place now. In my county, voters with disabilities can get a "remote accessible vote by mail" ballot. The voter makes their choices on a computer screen then prints and mails their ballot.
Ray, why get rid of early voting if you’re going to put a civics test in place before allowing someone to vote?

I agree on the basic civics test, but do not see the need to eliminate early voting if you put one in place. Early voting not only makes it more convenient for the voter, it makes it easier for employers and poll staff to handle as well.

If it were up to me, voting would be a national holiday just like Memorial day or Independence day. People could vote morning, noon or night. I would also like to see people able to take their ballots home with them, fill them out in their car, at work, whatever. When you bring the ballot back, present ID, take the short and simple test, and then feed the ballot into the ballot reader. Then again also if it were up to me, we'd get rid of technology in voting. It's way too easy to rig the system with technology.
It already kind of is a “national holiday” given that Employers are required by law to give employees time off to go and vote.

The problem IMHO is, many employers don’t provide time off for holidays (e.g. the entire hospitality industry), so what they end up with is a massive loss of staff on voting day that represents a significant cost to compensate for. I already see this being abused (employees requesting time off that have no intention of voting). You also have the issue with overworked staffers at polling locations trying to handle the very high volumes on Election Day. Lastly you have our busy daily schedules that often prohibit being able to block out hours of time on a single day to stand in long lines in order to vote.
Not all states require employers to give time off to vote. In fact, it's about half and not all of those require PAID time off.
I think you’re forgetting one important consideration, you want a basic civics test, how’s administering that and validating results going to work if it all has to be done on a single day? Seems to me in order to do it, you would need to EXTEND early voting windows not eliminate them, since it would require people to physically show up at the polls, unless of course you’re up for allowing everybody to mail in their tests or rely on registration outlets to administer them.

When I talk about a test I"m talking something so short and easy that takes less than a minute to figure out and complete.

* What party is in leadership of the House.
* What party is in leadership of the Senate.
* What party does the Vice President belong to.
* What party does the Speaker of the House belong to.
* Does the United States federal government have any debs.
* If so, how much debt are we in.

Now, these are all multiple choice questions. We only need about ten questions and the minimum acceptable would be six correct answers.
No, we actually don't. What you propose would be grossly unconstitutional.
your link is a false premise,, it doesnt cost money to register to vote but to buy a gun you have to first work for days to weeks depending on the gun to pay for it,,
I have a dozen guns in my home...didn't buy a single one.
you do know youre not the only person in the world?
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