A second attack on your gun rights just passed the house

Earlier this week, I reported on HR 8 that passed the House, which seeks to violate not only the Second Amendment and the restrictions Congress is bound to in Article I of the US Constitution, but also your Fifth Amendment rights. However, a second unconstitutional piece of legislation has passed the Democrat-controlled House that again seeks to attack your God-given right to keep and bear arms.

A Second Attack On Your Gun Rights Just Passed The House

Oh the tard tell you hahha , hahhahaah you Obama haters think they're taking the guns ahahha tards , they're coming for the guns ewwwww, better run, lmfao. YOU freaking morons are so far gone you wouldn't know iff they were taking your brain you dumbasses are that dunce.

I just got finished reading the whole thing. It won't pass in the Senate. But it has some very good points. AFter it fails in the senate, it will have to be trimmed down and rewritten. Maybe into something that is workable. Maybe something in the lines with the various states universal background checks which are, for the most part, instant checks. The wording of the bill is confusing. I think that is done on purpose so that it will confuse people. Any law that is that confusing MUST fail.
It may be logical. But when these things start, they do not end.

Is that a sinister background music I hear behind your statement? Again, people aren't buying it anymore as a majority and universal background checks are being passed by more and more Townships, Cities, Counties and States. It's a matter of time before it becomes federal. Rather than holding your breath and stamping your feet, you might want to work on getting something common sense written into law. Otherwise, you and I might be saddled with something written by a bunch of people with absolutely no experience in the subject.

Daryl Klunt Sez???? "My beloved gubermint can peak into your home to look fore those guns due you here me due you? Oh you writewingers cause me acid reflex and its more then I can bare!!!"

LMAO! You are such a fucking joke, lil illiterate Daryl. It's none of the business of this fucking corporate entity lamely disguised as a governmental body (fully infiltrated by like-minded commie fucks such as yourself) as to what I may or may not have. I sure as hell have no intention of "registering" what I may or may not have with them because most sane thinking people know the real reason behind this facade.

It is my sincere hope that should the word be given to disarm the serfs, that your fat ass is out in front and in the lead. A fat fuck like you would be a most inviting target. I bet you would shit yourself.....


Hmm, I got you trembling in fear under your bed holding your AR in fear that I might be breaking down your front and back door coming for your guns. Wow, that sure is a medical problem you have there, cupcake. You should seek out help fast before you shoot someone that is just looking for the remote.
If Drumph vetoes this outstanding legislation that we all agree that we need, then that would be an unConstitutional veto and an investigation will have to be launched in regards to Trump obstructing this legislation which is simply justice for all Americans. Especially the little Bambi's in the Woods.


I read it completely and find that it's a bit too much and more than a bit too ambiguous. It's damned hard to read and follow. I don't know who originally authored it but they need to be sent back to the rubber room until needed once again. There are some good points but some real crackpot ideas as well. When writing a law that is trying to pull the wool over the citizens, write it like you see. When you want it to be long lasting, remember, write it using the old adage, KISS or Keep It Simple Stupid.
Earlier this week, I reported on HR 8 that passed the House, which seeks to violate not only the Second Amendment and the restrictions Congress is bound to in Article I of the US Constitution, but also your Fifth Amendment rights. However, a second unconstitutional piece of legislation has passed the Democrat-controlled House that again seeks to attack your God-given right to keep and bear arms.

A Second Attack On Your Gun Rights Just Passed The House

Oh the tard tell you hahha , hahhahaah you Obama haters think they're taking the guns ahahha tards , they're coming for the guns ewwwww, better run, lmfao. YOU freaking morons are so far gone you wouldn't know iff they were taking your brain you dumbasses are that dunce.

I just got finished reading the whole thing. It won't pass in the Senate. But it has some very good points. AFter it fails in the senate, it will have to be trimmed down and rewritten. Maybe into something that is workable. Maybe something in the lines with the various states universal background checks which are, for the most part, instant checks. The wording of the bill is confusing. I think that is done on purpose so that it will confuse people. Any law that is that confusing MUST fail.
It may be logical. But when these things start, they do not end.

Is that a sinister background music I hear behind your statement? Again, people aren't buying it anymore as a majority and universal background checks are being passed by more and more Townships, Cities, Counties and States. It's a matter of time before it becomes federal. Rather than holding your breath and stamping your feet, you might want to work on getting something common sense written into law. Otherwise, you and I might be saddled with something written by a bunch of people with absolutely no experience in the subject.

Daryl Klunt Sez???? "My beloved gubermint can peak into your home to look fore those guns due you here me due you? Oh you writewingers cause me acid reflex and its more then I can bare!!!"

LMAO! You are such a fucking joke, lil illiterate Daryl. It's none of the business of this fucking corporate entity lamely disguised as a governmental body (fully infiltrated by like-minded commie fucks such as yourself) as to what I may or may not have. I sure as hell have no intention of "registering" what I may or may not have with them because most sane thinking people know the real reason behind this facade.

It is my sincere hope that should the word be given to disarm the serfs, that your fat ass is out in front and in the lead. A fat fuck like you would be a most inviting target. I bet you would shit yourself.....


Hmm, I got you trembling in fear under your bed holding your AR in fear that I might be breaking down your front and back door coming for your guns. Wow, that sure is a medical problem you have there, cupcake. You should seek out help fast before you shoot someone that is just looking for the remote.

Yeah, dumb daryl, I "peak" out my window trembling in fear that some fat commie fuck like you is gonna come waddling up the sidewalk to (snicker) "disarm" me....the mere thought is more than I can "bare". (insert sarcasm here)

Let's be perfectly clear on one thing, you wouldn't so much as cut fart after I force fed you a box of Ex-Lax unless I gave you permission to do so and I wouldn't need a firearm to make you comply. It is simply my hope that you one day volunteer for the "door to door" confiscation attempt the commie left really desires. Watching you get your ass blown off the porch on a youtube video would go viral and the audience would cheer with great gusto. The gist of this response and the message I am sending is that I perceive you as nothing more than a gutless and cowardly sack of illiterate shit. You are more than welcome to take umbrage with my contentions. I don't hide behind a keyboard and I am not hard to find....just keeping it real.

Hope this helps!!!!
I just got finished reading the whole thing. It won't pass in the Senate. But it has some very good points. AFter it fails in the senate, it will have to be trimmed down and rewritten. Maybe into something that is workable. Maybe something in the lines with the various states universal background checks which are, for the most part, instant checks. The wording of the bill is confusing. I think that is done on purpose so that it will confuse people. Any law that is that confusing MUST fail.
It may be logical. But when these things start, they do not end.

Is that a sinister background music I hear behind your statement? Again, people aren't buying it anymore as a majority and universal background checks are being passed by more and more Townships, Cities, Counties and States. It's a matter of time before it becomes federal. Rather than holding your breath and stamping your feet, you might want to work on getting something common sense written into law. Otherwise, you and I might be saddled with something written by a bunch of people with absolutely no experience in the subject.

Daryl Klunt Sez???? "My beloved gubermint can peak into your home to look fore those guns due you here me due you? Oh you writewingers cause me acid reflex and its more then I can bare!!!"

LMAO! You are such a fucking joke, lil illiterate Daryl. It's none of the business of this fucking corporate entity lamely disguised as a governmental body (fully infiltrated by like-minded commie fucks such as yourself) as to what I may or may not have. I sure as hell have no intention of "registering" what I may or may not have with them because most sane thinking people know the real reason behind this facade.

It is my sincere hope that should the word be given to disarm the serfs, that your fat ass is out in front and in the lead. A fat fuck like you would be a most inviting target. I bet you would shit yourself.....


Hmm, I got you trembling in fear under your bed holding your AR in fear that I might be breaking down your front and back door coming for your guns. Wow, that sure is a medical problem you have there, cupcake. You should seek out help fast before you shoot someone that is just looking for the remote.

Yeah, dumb daryl, I "peak" out my window trembling in fear that some fat commie fuck like you is gonna come waddling up the sidewalk to (snicker) "disarm" me....the mere thought is more than I can "bare". (insert sarcasm here)

Let's be perfectly clear on one thing, you wouldn't so much as cut fart after I force fed you a box of Ex-Lax unless I gave you permission to do so and I wouldn't need a firearm to make you comply. It is simply my hope that you one day volunteer for the "door to door" confiscation attempt the commie left really desires. Watching you get your ass blown off the porch on a youtube video would go viral and the audience would cheer with great gusto. The gist of this response and the message I am sending is that I perceive you as nothing more than a gutless and cowardly sack of illiterate shit. You are more than welcome to take umbrage with my contentions. I don't hide behind a keyboard and I am not hard to find....just keeping it real.

Hope this helps!!!!

We'll just wait until the mental laws pass in the gun regs. There is more than a good chance, if you keep posting like this, a bunch of ill tempered people really will kick in your front and back doors. You have no idea just how sick you sound.

So I would like to thank you in advance for making it easier for us to get the common sense gun regs passed.
It may be logical. But when these things start, they do not end.

Is that a sinister background music I hear behind your statement? Again, people aren't buying it anymore as a majority and universal background checks are being passed by more and more Townships, Cities, Counties and States. It's a matter of time before it becomes federal. Rather than holding your breath and stamping your feet, you might want to work on getting something common sense written into law. Otherwise, you and I might be saddled with something written by a bunch of people with absolutely no experience in the subject.

Daryl Klunt Sez???? "My beloved gubermint can peak into your home to look fore those guns due you here me due you? Oh you writewingers cause me acid reflex and its more then I can bare!!!"

LMAO! You are such a fucking joke, lil illiterate Daryl. It's none of the business of this fucking corporate entity lamely disguised as a governmental body (fully infiltrated by like-minded commie fucks such as yourself) as to what I may or may not have. I sure as hell have no intention of "registering" what I may or may not have with them because most sane thinking people know the real reason behind this facade.

It is my sincere hope that should the word be given to disarm the serfs, that your fat ass is out in front and in the lead. A fat fuck like you would be a most inviting target. I bet you would shit yourself.....


Hmm, I got you trembling in fear under your bed holding your AR in fear that I might be breaking down your front and back door coming for your guns. Wow, that sure is a medical problem you have there, cupcake. You should seek out help fast before you shoot someone that is just looking for the remote.

Yeah, dumb daryl, I "peak" out my window trembling in fear that some fat commie fuck like you is gonna come waddling up the sidewalk to (snicker) "disarm" me....the mere thought is more than I can "bare". (insert sarcasm here)

Let's be perfectly clear on one thing, you wouldn't so much as cut fart after I force fed you a box of Ex-Lax unless I gave you permission to do so and I wouldn't need a firearm to make you comply. It is simply my hope that you one day volunteer for the "door to door" confiscation attempt the commie left really desires. Watching you get your ass blown off the porch on a youtube video would go viral and the audience would cheer with great gusto. The gist of this response and the message I am sending is that I perceive you as nothing more than a gutless and cowardly sack of illiterate shit. You are more than welcome to take umbrage with my contentions. I don't hide behind a keyboard and I am not hard to find....just keeping it real.

Hope this helps!!!!

We'll just wait until the mental laws pass in the gun regs. There is more than a good chance, if you keep posting like this, a bunch of ill tempered people really will kick in your front and back doors. You have no idea just how sick you sound.

So I would like to thank you in advance for making it easier for us to get the common sense gun regs passed.

If mental well-being was part of the litmus test for owning a firearm, there isn't a single commietard (like yourself) that would qualify. That is why you should be grateful for the 2nd amendment that you are so anxious to wipe your feet on. The best part is that the opinion of an illiterate pussbag (such as yourself) doesn't have a say in what I may or may not own.

You see? I am fine with a commietard like yourself possessing weapons instead of only "da gubermint" having them in order to rule over the masses. You and your ilk don't fool anyone that is cognizant of what we are facing. The commie agenda isn't about a full frontal assault because it would never fly. It has to be done in slow, incremental steps using propaganda, false flag and staged "shootings" like Aurora, Colorado, the Sandy Hook hoax and the Orlando Pulse niteclub joke of a mass casualty event all manufactured to tug at the emotional heart strings. Go fuck yourself, lil Daryl......I stand solidly behind what I posted to you and about you.
Earlier this week, I reported on HR 8 that passed the House, which seeks to violate not only the Second Amendment and the restrictions Congress is bound to in Article I of the US Constitution, but also your Fifth Amendment rights. However, a second unconstitutional piece of legislation has passed the Democrat-controlled House that again seeks to attack your God-given right to keep and bear arms.

A Second Attack On Your Gun Rights Just Passed The House

Oh the tard tell you hahha , hahhahaah you Obama haters think they're taking the guns ahahha tards , they're coming for the guns ewwwww, better run, lmfao. YOU freaking morons are so far gone you wouldn't know iff they were taking your brain you dumbasses are that dunce.
This will be be vetoed,, did you hear dingle face cry about how her father had mental issues and owned a gun and he would argue with mommy lol

Yes let’s ban all guns because parents argue haha
Is that a sinister background music I hear behind your statement? Again, people aren't buying it anymore as a majority and universal background checks are being passed by more and more Townships, Cities, Counties and States. It's a matter of time before it becomes federal. Rather than holding your breath and stamping your feet, you might want to work on getting something common sense written into law. Otherwise, you and I might be saddled with something written by a bunch of people with absolutely no experience in the subject.
Every layer of gun control they add is just an excuse to add another layer; there is no point where they will say "this is enough, we do not need more gun control laws".
That is, they will keep adding laws until it is so hard to exercise the right to keep and bear arms, no one will try.

Thus, we give not an inch, and fight them at every step; when they come for the guns, we shoot them.

I do not understand why people beg the government to make it harder and harder to exercise their rights.
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Is that a sinister background music I hear behind your statement? Again, people aren't buying it anymore as a majority and universal background checks are being passed by more and more Townships, Cities, Counties and States. It's a matter of time before it becomes federal. Rather than holding your breath and stamping your feet, you might want to work on getting something common sense written into law. Otherwise, you and I might be saddled with something written by a bunch of people with absolutely no experience in the subject.

Daryl Klunt Sez???? "My beloved gubermint can peak into your home to look fore those guns due you here me due you? Oh you writewingers cause me acid reflex and its more then I can bare!!!"

LMAO! You are such a fucking joke, lil illiterate Daryl. It's none of the business of this fucking corporate entity lamely disguised as a governmental body (fully infiltrated by like-minded commie fucks such as yourself) as to what I may or may not have. I sure as hell have no intention of "registering" what I may or may not have with them because most sane thinking people know the real reason behind this facade.

It is my sincere hope that should the word be given to disarm the serfs, that your fat ass is out in front and in the lead. A fat fuck like you would be a most inviting target. I bet you would shit yourself.....


Hmm, I got you trembling in fear under your bed holding your AR in fear that I might be breaking down your front and back door coming for your guns. Wow, that sure is a medical problem you have there, cupcake. You should seek out help fast before you shoot someone that is just looking for the remote.

Yeah, dumb daryl, I "peak" out my window trembling in fear that some fat commie fuck like you is gonna come waddling up the sidewalk to (snicker) "disarm" me....the mere thought is more than I can "bare". (insert sarcasm here)

Let's be perfectly clear on one thing, you wouldn't so much as cut fart after I force fed you a box of Ex-Lax unless I gave you permission to do so and I wouldn't need a firearm to make you comply. It is simply my hope that you one day volunteer for the "door to door" confiscation attempt the commie left really desires. Watching you get your ass blown off the porch on a youtube video would go viral and the audience would cheer with great gusto. The gist of this response and the message I am sending is that I perceive you as nothing more than a gutless and cowardly sack of illiterate shit. You are more than welcome to take umbrage with my contentions. I don't hide behind a keyboard and I am not hard to find....just keeping it real.

Hope this helps!!!!

We'll just wait until the mental laws pass in the gun regs. There is more than a good chance, if you keep posting like this, a bunch of ill tempered people really will kick in your front and back doors. You have no idea just how sick you sound.

So I would like to thank you in advance for making it easier for us to get the common sense gun regs passed.

If mental well-being was part of the litmus test for owning a firearm, there isn't a single commietard (like yourself) that would qualify. That is why you should be grateful for the 2nd amendment that you are so anxious to wipe your feet on. The best part is that the opinion of an illiterate pussbag (such as yourself) doesn't have a say in what I may or may not own.

You see? I am fine with a commietard like yourself possessing weapons instead of only "da gubermint" having them in order to rule over the masses. You and your ilk don't fool anyone that is cognizant of what we are facing. The commie agenda isn't about a full frontal assault because it would never fly. It has to be done in slow, incremental steps using propaganda, false flag and staged "shootings" like Aurora, Colorado, the Sandy Hook hoax and the Orlando Pulse niteclub joke of a mass casualty event all manufactured to tug at the emotional heart strings. Go fuck yourself, lil Daryl......I stand solidly behind what I posted to you and about you.

Then keep watch for those black clad ninjas flying around in those flat black choppers. They are coming for your guns.
Is that a sinister background music I hear behind your statement? Again, people aren't buying it anymore as a majority and universal background checks are being passed by more and more Townships, Cities, Counties and States. It's a matter of time before it becomes federal. Rather than holding your breath and stamping your feet, you might want to work on getting something common sense written into law. Otherwise, you and I might be saddled with something written by a bunch of people with absolutely no experience in the subject.
Every layer of gun control they add is just an excuse to add another layer; there is no point where they will say "this is enough, we do not need more gun control laws".
That is, they will keep adding laws until it is so hard to exercise the right to keep and bear arms, no one will try.

Thus, we give not an inch, and fight them at every step; when they come for the guns, we shoot them.

I do not understand why people beg the government to make it harder and harder to exercise their rights.

I believe the right of living takes precedence over any other right.
Every layer of gun control they add is just an excuse to add another layer; there is no point where they will say "this is enough, we do not need more gun control laws".
That is, they will keep adding laws until it is so hard to exercise the right to keep and bear arms, no one will try.
Thus, we give not an inch, and fight them at every step; when they come for the guns, we shoot them.
I do not understand why people beg the government to make it harder and harder to exercise their rights.
I believe the right of living takes precedence over any other right.
Ah. You do not have a meaningful response to my post.

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