A real conservative speaks

Which is very odd. You would accept someone who would do a worse job to spite them both for doing a bad job. This is the "everything sucks, therefore i can never be wrong" rabbit hole.
This assumes there is no value in a vote placed elsewhere. That is false.

Politicians act based on votes. They do whatever they think will gain them more votes in order to ensure that they can continue to be employed and wield the power they do. A vote for them confirms that you support their stance and actions.

A vote with another shows support the other way. Voting for failure guarantees that failure is going to continue. At least putting my vote elsewhere has the incentive for change. The more that do so the more likely one of the 2 parties will adjust the platform and goals to re-attract those voters.
The ignorant tards obviously have not read the articles by George Will I posted links to. :lol:


Jesus, it does not get more stupid than that.
George Will is no Conservative.

He writes regular columns for The Washington Post and provides commentary for NBC News and MSNBC.

Will is a Leftist Hack!!

Another Leftist thread based on a LIE.

What a shocker.
trump is no conservative; just a crook.
A extremely well educated and reasonable conservative speaks, as opposed to the fruitloop "Conservatives".

We need more Rand Paul's and Marjories


2 hours later —

“Account Suspended. Shitter suspends accounts that violate our terms & conditions.”
George Will is no Conservative.

He writes regular columns for The Washington Post and provides commentary for NBC News and MSNBC.

Will is a Leftist Hack!!

Another Leftist thread based on a LIE.

What a shocker.
NO NO NO!! GEORGE WILL IS NO LEFTIST HACK!!!!I totally disagree. Leftists will protect their hacks to the death and Will is NOT in that category.

He is, however, a bloody DemoKKKrat USEFUL IDIOT!!!!

Just sayin'!!!

The ignorant tards obviously have not read the articles by George Will I posted links to. :lol:
Jesus, it does not get more stupid than that.
I don't look at Trumpism as an element of the traditional Left vs. Right paradigm. Trumpism is its own toxic organism, a third wheel.

Yes, this organism has consumed the party of the Right, but that's only because it was closer ideologically and it needed the infrastructure.

The traditional Left vs. Right paradigm was challenging enough, but this third wheel is like pouring sand into a gas tank. Which, I guess, is the goal.
You obviously have not ever read any of George Will's columns. I've been following him since Reagan.
My condolences. Such a bore. Describes himself as a former Paul Ryan lover, yet Ryan also happens to be dumping on Trump now. So-called "conservative intellectuals", LOL! Watch punch drunk Muhammed Ali rope-a-dope conservative hero, Willy Buckley, as he incessantly attempts his little gotchas, which is all they ever seem capable of in actual, face to face debate. Buckley at least had a quick sense of humor, no doubt developed from constantly having to laugh at himself. Will, otoh, apparently never got the hint, and just continues taking himself along with "conservative intellectualism" far too seriously. Like "liberal intellectualism," it simply doesn't exist, liberal and conservative being the extremes of empathy and selflessness vs. disdain for "others" and selfishness. We're all both because simply staying alive requires us to be.
First, I'll admit that I thought the above sentence contained a webpage link to "real Conservatives". It doesn't.
Instead, it's just the poster underlining a point he wanted to emphasize stronger than his ALL CAPS tactic is able.
So be it.

But, more importantly, the poster's claim above about 'not allowing real Conservatives' ..... well, it begs the question: Who does the good poster JTFord believe are the 'real Conservatives' whose voices would clarify for Americans just what is useful about conservativism?

In short, poster JT, who do you recommend forum members read or listen to when doing their due diligence in determining the value of Conservativism?
Hey Dumbass .....

WTF do you think I would even consider "recommending forum members read or listen to when doing their due diligence in determining the value of Conservativism"?

You think I'm your fucking babysitter ....?

Think for yourself or go find your Safe Space and get some crayons.

If you disagree with my point prove me wrong by showing what you think is a real Conservative doing commentary on one of these Marxist Propaganda Networks !!!!

George Will is NOT one of them !!!!
My condolences. Such a bore. Describes himself as a former Paul Ryan lover, yet Ryan also happens to be dumping on Trump now. So-called "conservative intellectuals", LOL! Watch punch drunk Muhammed Ali rope-a-dope conservative hero, Willy Buckley, as he incessantly attempts his little gotchas, which is all they ever seem capable of in actual, face to face debate. Buckley at least had a quick sense of humor, no doubt developed from constantly having to laugh at himself. Will, otoh, apparently never got the hint, and just continues taking himself along with "conservative intellectualism" far too seriously. Like "liberal intellectualism," it simply doesn't exist, liberal and conservative being the extremes of empathy and selflessness vs. disdain for "others" and selfishness. We're all both because simply staying alive requires us to be.

Isn't interesting how the "traditional" cons, like Buckley and will, all are pompous, arrogant, blow hards, whose views are so closely aligned with the progressive left as to almost indiscernible.

I met Buckley once in DC and he was doing his typical gotcha jibes in the hotel bar.

I don't even remember what he was trying to say any longer, I do remember when he zeroed in on me I led him down the Primrose Path until he suddenly shut up lest he be proved a fool.
NO NO NO!! GEORGE WILL IS NO LEFTIST HACK!!!!I totally disagree. Leftists will protect their hacks to the death and Will is NOT in that category.

He is, however, a bloody DemoKKKrat USEFUL IDIOT!!!!

Just sayin'!!!

You are free to label this POS exactly how YOU see him ......

But, allow me to point this out .....

Will is protected by The Washington Post, NBC, and MSNBC.

And, an Useful Idiot does not know any better.

With the experience on George Will's resume, one simply cannot claim that to be true about him.

George Will is a traitor ..... with decades of experience.

He is indeed a hack.
A extremely well educated and reasonable conservative speaks, as opposed to the fruitloop "Conservatives".

There haven’t been real, true, or actual conservatives for at least 50 years, if not longer.

What exist today are authoritarian, reactionary ideologues, not conservatives.

This is particularly true with regard to the most fundamental principle of conservative dogma: limited government.

A real, true, actual conservative will be consistent in the application of limited government dogma – ‘limited government’ is far much mare than just reckless, irresponsible deregulation and unwarranted tax cuts that explode the debt.
You fucking dumbass Leftist.

Even most Leftist know that The Washington Post, NBC, and MSNBC do not allow real Conservatives to comment on their outlets.

Damn your a special kind of dumbass Leftist.
correction: they don't bring in Teumpian nutbags masquerading as conservatives.
“I really miss those traditional ‘conservatives’, the ones who didn’t conserve, preserve or protect anything, the ones with no ball-sack, the one’s that would thump their Bibles, polish the AR-15’s they’d never have the balls to use and ignore us disgusting degenerates while we run amok, trashing and transforming their nation into the no borders, no boundaries anything goes socialist shithole we seek.”

”Conservatives“ are the most nutless pukes in this nation…they never conserved a damn thing. They have had their asses handed to them for decades...the Left has owned them, told them how and what to think, what to say by way of PC programming and they've rolled over and complied with a smile....The nutless fucks didn't have the balls to keep God, white man and heterosexuality cool in a nation founded by, funded by and run by white Christian, heterosexual men.
Remind me....what are you so called conservatives protecting other than racism, bigotry, endless wars, and a rollback of voting rights?
You held out pretty long. Jr convinced me in his second term that the Republicans had no intention of actually adhering to the tenants they claimed to support.

But Jo, nope could not vote for her either tbh. I think she was representing the wrong direction for the libertarian party to go. Had to leave my top spot open, never done that and did not like it.

Well then don't complain with who you got.

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