Whenever there's an attack by muslims - like the one in London recently - hell even after 9/11 - howcome we NEVER hear Muslim leaders from around the world come out and publicly comdemn those acts?
About all I ever hear is a few regular muslims call into talk radio shows and say that those bombers don't represent the mainstream muslims. Why the HELL don't the leaders of that faith do the same? EVERY other religious leader does (the pope etc), but folks who are being "misrepresented" by those freaks sit silent, that really pisses me off.. .
About all I ever hear is a few regular muslims call into talk radio shows and say that those bombers don't represent the mainstream muslims. Why the HELL don't the leaders of that faith do the same? EVERY other religious leader does (the pope etc), but folks who are being "misrepresented" by those freaks sit silent, that really pisses me off.. .