A Question for Liberals


Diamond Member
Jun 3, 2014
This question is just for liberals and other non Trump supporters

Every right winger I have discussed this with says that the reason the left opposes Trump so much is because we are still mad that he beat Hillary and all the opposition he has seen is just an effort to either remove him from office and install Hillary, or at least punish him for beating Hillary in the election. I was angry about the way Trump won as well, but that is not the reason I dislike him so much. Since his inauguration, he has shown his incompetence, ignorance, and total lack of interest in doing anything for anyone but himself and others who are as rich as he is. He accepts conspiracy theories, and the word of enemy dictators over the facts as presented by his own investigative agencies, and a host of other things that make him unqualified to hold the position of POTUS.

My question is this Is your opposition to Trump an effort to remove a duly elected president and install Hillary in his place, or are there other reasons for your dislike of him? Be specific.
Sure Trump is annoying, like how he said it was simple to fix health care, then later said, "who knew health care could be so complicated?"
It is not that Trump was wrong or lying when he said he had a simple fix, but that health care really is simple to fix, and I don't think he wants to admit that.
The solution to health care is to end the 1957 bill that allowed employers to give employees tax free benefits, like health insurance.

But other than being obnoxious, Trump has done much better than all the presidents who started wars or refused to end them.

By the way, I am an extreme left winger, but am totally against gun control.
The left is not mad that Trump beat Hillary, because Hillary if not very left, and most leftists did not like Hillary very much.
The left is not mad that Trump beat Hillary, because Hillary if not very left, and most leftists did not like Hillary very much.

Yet revenge for Hillary is the reason every right winger I saw claimed to be the reason for so much opposition to Trump.
The left is not mad hey are with the Donald that Trump beat Hillary, because Hillary if not very left, and most leftists did not like Hillary very much.

Yet revenge for Hillary is the reason every right winger I saw claimed to be the reason for so much opposition to Trump.
It's easy to understand.

For a political ideology that depends on fear, suspicion and hatred, an enemy is absolutely necessary. Trump's political enemy, and by extemsion the political enemy of his base, must be in the first row of any rationale to support him. And, likewise, those who do not support him must have been as fully in the tank of Hillary as they are with the Donald.

And deflecting all evidence of Trump's corruption and immorality is a crutch for his supporters. Why not blame criticism on something they see as legitimate while ignoring what everyone else sees as impeachable behavior? Citing any of Trump's less than virtuous behavior would lend legitimacy to the calls for his impeachment and removal.

Sure Trump is deliberately cruel in policy, corrupt in deeds, lying in words, and boorishly immature in actions. But saying so makes them real. And the last things Trumpians are interested in is reality. They like the bright, shiny things more than the intangibles of truth, nobility and character.
The left is not mad hey are with the Donald that Trump beat Hillary, because Hillary if not very left, and most leftists did not like Hillary very much.

Yet revenge for Hillary is the reason every right winger I saw claimed to be the reason for so much opposition to Trump.
It's easy to understand.

For a political ideology that depends on fear, suspicion and hatred, an enemy is absolutely necessary. Trump's political enemy, and by extemsion the political enemy of his base, must be in the first row of any rationale to support him. And, likewise, those who do not support him must have been as fully in the tank of Hillary as they are with the Donald.

And deflecting all evidence of Trump's corruption and immorality is a crutch for his supporters. Why not blame criticism on something they see as legitimate while ignoring what everyone else sees as impeachable behavior? Citing any of Trump's less than virtuous behavior would lend legitimacy to the calls for his impeachment and removal.

Sure Trump is deliberately cruel in policy, corrupt in deeds, lying in words, and boorishly immature in actions. But saying so makes them real. And the last things Trumpians are interested in is reality. They like the bright, shiny things more than the intangibles of truth, nobility and character.
This question is just for liberals and other non Trump supporters

Every right winger I have discussed this with says that the a reason the left opposes Trump so much is because we are still mad that he beat Hillary ...(blah..blah...
Corrected that for you.

There are multiple reasons for TDS. Not just one.
This question is just for liberals and other non Trump supporters

Every right winger I have discussed this with says that the reason the left opposes Trump so much is because we are still mad that he beat Hillary and all the opposition he has seen is just an effort to either remove him from office and install Hillary, or at least punish him for beating Hillary in the election. I was angry about the way Trump won as well, but that is not the reason I dislike him so much. Since his inauguration, he has shown his incompetence, ignorance, and total lack of interest in doing anything for anyone but himself and others who are as rich as he is. He accepts conspiracy theories, and the word of enemy dictators over the facts as presented by his own investigative agencies, and a host of other things that make him unqualified to hold the position of POTUS.

My question is this Is your opposition to Trump an effort to remove a duly elected president and install Hillary in his place, or are there other reasons for your dislike of him? Be specific.
Donny is most certainly a narcissistic, arrogant, and egotistical blowhard. These traits are common in our presidents, but with Donny they are considerably more pronounced.

I suspect much of the animosity toward him is manufactured by the big corporate media, who clearly hates him and he hates them. When have we ever had a president so willing to attack the corporate media? In kind, the corporate media attacks him ruthlessly and consistently. It’s a ratings bonanza for the MSM.

Any American who gets all their news from the corporate media, HATES Donny. We see their posts on this forum every day. They are out of their minds with hate.
This question is just for liberals and other non Trump supporters

Every right winger I have discussed this with says that the reason the left opposes Trump so much is because we are still mad that he beat Hillary and all the opposition he has seen is just an effort to either remove him from office and install Hillary, or at least punish him for beating Hillary in the election. I was angry about the way Trump won as well, but that is not the reason I dislike him so much. Since his inauguration, he has shown his incompetence, ignorance, and total lack of interest in doing anything for anyone but himself and others who are as rich as he is. He accepts conspiracy theories, and the word of enemy dictators over the facts as presented by his own investigative agencies, and a host of other things that make him unqualified to hold the position of POTUS.

My question is this Is your opposition to Trump an effort to remove a duly elected president and install Hillary in his place, or are there other reasons for your dislike of him? Be specific.
My question is this Is your opposition to Trump an effort to remove a duly elected president and install Hillary in his place, or are there other reasons for your dislike of him? Be specific
If there is one common denominator to Trump's criminal incompetence, I would nominate his inability to distinguish when the words coming out of his mouth reflect the "thoughts" going through his head:
Trump has told 13,435 lies while in office
Even most republicans had to hold their nose when voting for tramp.

I was devastated when he won, anyone but him, and yes I voted for Hillary. I knew of him since the early 90 and all his corruptness and he brought it into the WH.
Even most republicans had to hold their nose when voting for tramp.

I was devastated when he won, anyone but him, and yes I voted for Hillary. I knew of him since the early 90 and all his corruptness and he brought it into the WH.
We hold our noses with every election. Choosing between two assholes can be difficult but in 2016, the choice was easier. We knew she was a lying warmongering psychopath.
This question is just for liberals and other non Trump supporters

Every right winger I have discussed this with says that the reason the left opposes Trump so much is because we are still mad that he beat Hillary and all the opposition he has seen is just an effort to either remove him from office and install Hillary, or at least punish him for beating Hillary in the election. I was angry about the way Trump won as well, but that is not the reason I dislike him so much. Since his inauguration, he has shown his incompetence, ignorance, and total lack of interest in doing anything for anyone but himself and others who are as rich as he is. He accepts conspiracy theories, and the word of enemy dictators over the facts as presented by his own investigative agencies, and a host of other things that make him unqualified to hold the position of POTUS.

My question is this Is your opposition to Trump an effort to remove a duly elected president and install Hillary in his place, or are there other reasons for your dislike of him? Be specific.
I disagree with Trump on most of the issues, and I'm absolutely horrified, embarrassed and ashamed by his behaviors.

I do think there is another element here though, as it pertains to the behaviors of many on the Left after Trump won.

Regarding the crazed, hardcore Left (yes, both ends have 'em), they thought it was over, that Obama's wins were the end of everything they didn't like about the country. They figured the country was headed in the new direction they've been waiting & hoping for, and that the change would be fueled/turbocharged by demographics. They may be right in the long run, but they spoke too soon.

So, when Trump won (the Electoral College vote), they pretty much lost their shit. Making it worse was the fact that Hillary won the popular vote. Making it far worse was the man who won and behaviors of the man. So I don't think there's any doubt that their reaction to his win was significantly radicalized by the circumstances.
This question is just for liberals and other non Trump supporters

Every right winger I have discussed this with says that the reason the left opposes Trump so much is because we are still mad that he beat Hillary and all the opposition he has seen is just an effort to either remove him from office and install Hillary, or at least punish him for beating Hillary in the election. I was angry about the way Trump won as well, but that is not the reason I dislike him so much. Since his inauguration, he has shown his incompetence, ignorance, and total lack of interest in doing anything for anyone but himself and others who are as rich as he is. He accepts conspiracy theories, and the word of enemy dictators over the facts as presented by his own investigative agencies, and a host of other things that make him unqualified to hold the position of POTUS.

My question is this Is your opposition to Trump an effort to remove a duly elected president and install Hillary in his place, or are there other reasons for your dislike of him? Be specific.

I've never liked Hillary, all the way back to when she was First Lady. It' was the the height of hubris for the Democrats to nominate her.

If the GOP had put up a sensible guy like Rubio or Kasich I might have even voted Republican. if the put up a guy like Bush, I'd have voted third party figuring that well, the establishment was going to be the establishment.

Trump, on the other hand, is a dangerous person, clearly mentally unstable. He promotes racial discord on a level not seen since the Klan days.
This question is just for liberals and other non Trump supporters

Every right winger I have discussed this with says that the reason the left opposes Trump so much is because we are still mad that he beat Hillary and all the opposition he has seen is just an effort to either remove him from office and install Hillary, or at least punish him for beating Hillary in the election. I was angry about the way Trump won as well, but that is not the reason I dislike him so much. Since his inauguration, he has shown his incompetence, ignorance, and total lack of interest in doing anything for anyone but himself and others who are as rich as he is. He accepts conspiracy theories, and the word of enemy dictators over the facts as presented by his own investigative agencies, and a host of other things that make him unqualified to hold the position of POTUS.

My question is this Is your opposition to Trump an effort to remove a duly elected president and install Hillary in his place, or are there other reasons for your dislike of him? Be specific.

Haven’t liked him (or can imagine why anyone could) since he made fun of the reporter with birth defects.
As for the opposition to policy…little of what has transpired since his was elected has been positive.
Regarding the crazed, hardcore Left (yes, both ends have 'em), they thought it was over, that Obama's wins were the end of everything they didn't like about the country. They figured the country was headed in the new direction they've been waiting & hoping for, and that the change would be fueled/turbocharged by demographics. They may be right in the long run, but they spoke too soon.

Who actually ever said this, Vichy Mac?

So, when Trump won (the Electoral College vote), they pretty much lost their shit. Making it worse was the fact that Hillary won the popular vote. Making it far worse was the man who won and behaviors of the man. So I don't think there's any doubt that their reaction to his win was significantly radicalized by the circumstances.

Yeah, what a fucking crazy idea, that the person who got the most votes should win. That's just nuts, Vichy Mac.
This question is just for liberals and other non Trump supporters

Every right winger I have discussed this with says that the reason the left opposes Trump so much is because we are still mad that he beat Hillary and all the opposition he has seen is just an effort to either remove him from office and install Hillary, or at least punish him for beating Hillary in the election. I was angry about the way Trump won as well, but that is not the reason I dislike him so much. Since his inauguration, he has shown his incompetence, ignorance, and total lack of interest in doing anything for anyone but himself and others who are as rich as he is. He accepts conspiracy theories, and the word of enemy dictators over the facts as presented by his own investigative agencies, and a host of other things that make him unqualified to hold the position of POTUS.

My question is this Is your opposition to Trump an effort to remove a duly elected president and install Hillary in his place, or are there other reasons for your dislike of him? Be specific.
My opposition to Trump has nothing to do with Trump – it has to do with the fact that Trump is comprehensively wrong on the issues; opposition to a president wrong on the issues regardless who he is or what party he belongs to.

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