A President Who Encourages Dependency?


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. "While spending on the food stamp program has increased 100 percent under President Barack Obama, the government continues to push more Americans to enroll in the welfare program.

2. A pamphlet currently posted at the USDA website encourages local SNAP offices to throw parties as one way to get potentially eligible seniors to enroll in the program.

3. “Throw a Great Party. Host social events where people mix and mingle,” the agency advises. “Make it fun by having activities, games, food, and entertainment, and provide information about SNAP. Putting SNAP information in a game format like BINGO, crossword puzzles, or even a ‘true/false’ quiz is fun and helps get your message across in a memorable way.”

4. ...radio ads.... — at a cost of $2.5 million — $3 million, CNN Money reported Monday."
USDA suggests food stamp parties to increase participation | The Daily Caller

5. "But a minor tempest hit Ohio’s Warren County after a woman drove to the food stamp office in a Mercedes-Benz and word spread that she owned a $300,000 home loan-free. Since Ohio ignores the value of houses and cars, she qualified.

6. “As soon as people figure out they can vote representatives in to give them benefits, that’s the end of democracy,” Mr. Young said. “More and more people will be taking, and fewer will be producing.”

7. “I’m sort of a foodie, and I’m not going to do the ‘living off ramen’ thing,” he said, fondly remembering a recent meal he’d prepared of roasted rabbit with butter, tarragon and sweet potatoes. “I used to think that you could only get processed food and government cheese on food stamps, but it’s great that you can get anything.”

8. But they also note that recent changes made to the program as part of last year’s stimulus package, which relaxed the restrictions on able-bodied adults without dependents to collect food stamps, have made some young singles around the country eligible for the first time.

9. And in cities that are magnets for 20- and 30-something creatives and young professionals, the kinds of food markets that specialize in delectables like artisanal bread, heirloom tomatoes and grass-fed beef have seen significant upticks in food stamp payments among their typical shoppers."
Hipsters on food stamps - Salon.com

10. "….the dramatically larger increase also suggests that part
of the program’s growth is due to conscious
policy choices by this administration to ease
eligibility rules and expand caseloads….income limits for eligibility have
risen twice as fast as inflation
since 2007
and are now roughly 10 percent higher than
they were when Obama took office. Casey Mulligan, “The Sharp Increase in
the Food Stamps Program,” Economix,
Casey B. Mulligan: The Sharp Increase in the Food Stamps Program - NYTimes.com
Study: More Than Half a Trillion Dollars Spent on Welfare But Poverty Levels Unaffected | CNSNews.com

Why the heck would the nation's leader endorse dependency????

These are his values.

These are his words:
"If you've got a business.....you didn't build that!"

"A recent video from 2005 has surfaced in which Obama claims that Americans in the private sector who have achieved financial success is so due to “blind luck” and a “generation of women doing someone else’s laundry and looking after someone else’s children to get you here.”

"We don’t believe that anybody is entitled to success in this country," said Obama.

Yeah, he did.


July the 4th is an important day to Americans.
It's Independence Day.

What's the opposite of 'independent'?
So, it's NOT "pull the plug on grandma", it's starve her to death. NICE!!!

I'm pretty careful.....and I read lots of stuff, konny......

....but I must have missed the spate of articles about folks passing out on the streets...and starving....

Could you hook me up?

Or, hey.....do you live in another country?
Or are you simply stupid?

"How many people starve to death in America every year?
Through the inability to afford food, none found.
Basically, starvation is so infrequent for any reason that it does not statistically register."

How many people starve to death in America every year

That's what I love about arguing with folks on the Left....their arguments are
largely made up as they go along.....
A President Who Encourages Dependency?
Wouldn't giving foreign aid encourage dependency???

When I read your risible response, I had mixed feelings- sort of a combination of unbridled joy and hysterical elation.

But...based on the limitations you so clearly evidence every time you post, one can easily see why you don't understand that the issue under discussion is the relationship between the American people and their government.

Don't let me keep you....I'm sure that there are lots of soap bubbles you need to slap out of the air.
A President Who Encourages Dependency?
Wouldn't giving foreign aid encourage dependency???

When I read your risible response, I had mixed feelings- sort of a combination of unbridled joy and hysterical elation.

But...based on the limitations you so clearly evidence every time you post, one can easily see why you don't understand that the issue under discussion is the relationship between the American people and their government.

Don't let me keep you....I'm sure that there are lots of soap bubbles you need to slap out of the air.
Why am I not surprised that you are too gutless to answer. The American people are paying for foreign aid, are their tax dollars simply encouraging dependency?
No, now shut up

Frequently I write about the desire of the Left to silence, censor, "shut up" opposing voices.

Of course, it is easier to write that than to document it.

That's where you come in.
Enter, stage Left.

In addition to the lack of civility....as in "now shut up," there is the anti-American theme of restricting the unalienable rights of other citizens.

For obvious reasons, I never, ever call on opponent to "now shut up"....one reason being that I am articulate.
You....well the evidence: "now shut up."

'If you spend word for word with me, I shall make your wit bankrupt.'

Being as sharp as you are, you may have noticed that I haven't followed your instructions.

No one does, do they.
Wouldn't giving foreign aid encourage dependency???

When I read your risible response, I had mixed feelings- sort of a combination of unbridled joy and hysterical elation.

But...based on the limitations you so clearly evidence every time you post, one can easily see why you don't understand that the issue under discussion is the relationship between the American people and their government.

Don't let me keep you....I'm sure that there are lots of soap bubbles you need to slap out of the air.
Why am I not surprised that you are too gutless to answer. The American people are paying for foreign aid, are their tax dollars simply encouraging dependency?

You didn't notice that I did answer?
Go back and re-read.

The shorter version is that you're a dunce.
When I read your risible response, I had mixed feelings- sort of a combination of unbridled joy and hysterical elation.

But...based on the limitations you so clearly evidence every time you post, one can easily see why you don't understand that the issue under discussion is the relationship between the American people and their government.

Don't let me keep you....I'm sure that there are lots of soap bubbles you need to slap out of the air.
Why am I not surprised that you are too gutless to answer. The American people are paying for foreign aid, are their tax dollars simply encouraging dependency?

You didn't notice that I did answer?
Go back and re-read.

The shorter version is that you're a dunce.
It's a very simple question even for a buffoon like you.
Thanks for the depression, dupes. That's the ONLY reason more people are on food stamps and assistance. How dumb and brainwashed can you get...
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1. "While spending on the food stamp program has increased 100 percent under President Barack Obama, the government continues to push more Americans to enroll in the welfare program.

2. A pamphlet currently posted at the USDA website encourages local SNAP offices to throw parties as one way to get potentially eligible seniors to enroll in the program.

3. “Throw a Great Party. Host social events where people mix and mingle,” the agency advises. “Make it fun by having activities, games, food, and entertainment, and provide information about SNAP. Putting SNAP information in a game format like BINGO, crossword puzzles, or even a ‘true/false’ quiz is fun and helps get your message across in a memorable way.”

4. ...radio ads.... — at a cost of $2.5 million — $3 million, CNN Money reported Monday."
USDA suggests food stamp parties to increase participation | The Daily Caller

5. "But a minor tempest hit Ohio’s Warren County after a woman drove to the food stamp office in a Mercedes-Benz and word spread that she owned a $300,000 home loan-free. Since Ohio ignores the value of houses and cars, she qualified.

6. “As soon as people figure out they can vote representatives in to give them benefits, that’s the end of democracy,” Mr. Young said. “More and more people will be taking, and fewer will be producing.”

7. “I’m sort of a foodie, and I’m not going to do the ‘living off ramen’ thing,” he said, fondly remembering a recent meal he’d prepared of roasted rabbit with butter, tarragon and sweet potatoes. “I used to think that you could only get processed food and government cheese on food stamps, but it’s great that you can get anything.”

8. But they also note that recent changes made to the program as part of last year’s stimulus package, which relaxed the restrictions on able-bodied adults without dependents to collect food stamps, have made some young singles around the country eligible for the first time.

9. And in cities that are magnets for 20- and 30-something creatives and young professionals, the kinds of food markets that specialize in delectables like artisanal bread, heirloom tomatoes and grass-fed beef have seen significant upticks in food stamp payments among their typical shoppers."
Hipsters on food stamps - Salon.com

10. "….the dramatically larger increase also suggests that part
of the program’s growth is due to conscious
policy choices by this administration to ease
eligibility rules and expand caseloads….income limits for eligibility have
risen twice as fast as inflation
since 2007
and are now roughly 10 percent higher than
they were when Obama took office. Casey Mulligan, “The Sharp Increase in
the Food Stamps Program,” Economix,
Casey B. Mulligan: The Sharp Increase in the Food Stamps Program - NYTimes.com
Study: More Than Half a Trillion Dollars Spent on Welfare But Poverty Levels Unaffected | CNSNews.com

Why the heck would the nation's leader endorse dependency????

These are his values.

These are his words:
"If you've got a business.....you didn't build that!"

"A recent video from 2005 has surfaced in which Obama claims that Americans in the private sector who have achieved financial success is so due to “blind luck” and a “generation of women doing someone else’s laundry and looking after someone else’s children to get you here.”

"We don’t believe that anybody is entitled to success in this country," said Obama.

Yeah, he did.


July the 4th is an important day to Americans.
It's Independence Day.

What's the opposite of 'independent'?

Your writing style sucks. Do you expect people to suffer through that shit? And that disregards the fucking lies.
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Why am I not surprised that you are too gutless to answer. The American people are paying for foreign aid, are their tax dollars simply encouraging dependency?

You didn't notice that I did answer?
Go back and re-read.

The shorter version is that you're a dunce.
It's a very simple question even for a buffoon like you.

Don’t make me use my outside-in-a-hurricane voice!

American People!

Do you where one finds the American people???
You didn't notice that I did answer?
Go back and re-read.

The shorter version is that you're a dunce.
It's a very simple question even for a buffoon like you.

Don’t make me use my outside-in-a-hurricane voice!

American People!

Do you where one finds the American people???
That dumb act doesn't cut it.

The AMERICAN PEOPLE pay the taxes that go into foreign aid. Does that foreign aid encourage dependency????
No, now shut up

Frequently I write about the desire of the Left to silence, censor, "shut up" opposing voices.

Of course, it is easier to write that than to document it.

That's where you come in.
Enter, stage Left.

In addition to the lack of civility....as in "now shut up," there is the anti-American theme of restricting the unalienable rights of other citizens.

For obvious reasons, I never, ever call on opponent to "now shut up"....one reason being that I am articulate.
You....well the evidence: "now shut up."

'If you spend word for word with me, I shall make your wit bankrupt.'

Being as sharp as you are, you may have noticed that I haven't followed your instructions.

No one does, do they.

You are a retard.im not trying to silence you dipshit. Naturally you would think im trying do something to you.you have issues, seek help.
1. "While spending on the food stamp program has increased 100 percent under President Barack Obama, the government continues to push more Americans to enroll in the welfare program.

2. A pamphlet currently posted at the USDA website encourages local SNAP offices to throw parties as one way to get potentially eligible seniors to enroll in the program.

3. “Throw a Great Party. Host social events where people mix and mingle,” the agency advises. “Make it fun by having activities, games, food, and entertainment, and provide information about SNAP. Putting SNAP information in a game format like BINGO, crossword puzzles, or even a ‘true/false’ quiz is fun and helps get your message across in a memorable way.”

4. ...radio ads.... — at a cost of $2.5 million — $3 million, CNN Money reported Monday."
USDA suggests food stamp parties to increase participation | The Daily Caller

5. "But a minor tempest hit Ohio’s Warren County after a woman drove to the food stamp office in a Mercedes-Benz and word spread that she owned a $300,000 home loan-free. Since Ohio ignores the value of houses and cars, she qualified.

6. “As soon as people figure out they can vote representatives in to give them benefits, that’s the end of democracy,” Mr. Young said. “More and more people will be taking, and fewer will be producing.”

7. “I’m sort of a foodie, and I’m not going to do the ‘living off ramen’ thing,” he said, fondly remembering a recent meal he’d prepared of roasted rabbit with butter, tarragon and sweet potatoes. “I used to think that you could only get processed food and government cheese on food stamps, but it’s great that you can get anything.”

8. But they also note that recent changes made to the program as part of last year’s stimulus package, which relaxed the restrictions on able-bodied adults without dependents to collect food stamps, have made some young singles around the country eligible for the first time.

9. And in cities that are magnets for 20- and 30-something creatives and young professionals, the kinds of food markets that specialize in delectables like artisanal bread, heirloom tomatoes and grass-fed beef have seen significant upticks in food stamp payments among their typical shoppers."
Hipsters on food stamps - Salon.com

10. "….the dramatically larger increase also suggests that part
of the program’s growth is due to conscious
policy choices by this administration to ease
eligibility rules and expand caseloads….income limits for eligibility have
risen twice as fast as inflation
since 2007
and are now roughly 10 percent higher than
they were when Obama took office. Casey Mulligan, “The Sharp Increase in
the Food Stamps Program,” Economix,
Casey B. Mulligan: The Sharp Increase in the Food Stamps Program - NYTimes.com
Study: More Than Half a Trillion Dollars Spent on Welfare But Poverty Levels Unaffected | CNSNews.com

Why the heck would the nation's leader endorse dependency????

These are his values.

These are his words:
"If you've got a business.....you didn't build that!"

"A recent video from 2005 has surfaced in which Obama claims that Americans in the private sector who have achieved financial success is so due to “blind luck” and a “generation of women doing someone else’s laundry and looking after someone else’s children to get you here.”

"We don’t believe that anybody is entitled to success in this country," said Obama.

Yeah, he did.


July the 4th is an important day to Americans.
It's Independence Day.

What's the opposite of 'independent'?

Your writing style sucks. Do you expect people to suffer through that shit? And that disregards the fucking lies.

Mr. Potatohead, are you wearing your angry eyes?

The gates are down, the lights are flashing, but the train isn't coming.

That's what I love about your posts: abject stupidity.

You suggest that it's too difficult to read.....then comment on material in the post, proving that you couldn't stop reading it!!!

And the language of your post is infused with emotion....proving that it had exactly the effect on you that I planned it to have!
If you are unhappy with what I say, try putting your fingers in your ears until they meet.


OK...Calm down.
Clearly, the OP was over your head.....You should stick to the task for which you are better prepared, using silly putty to lift the comic page.
I’m sure somebody will open the egg for you.
No, now shut up

Frequently I write about the desire of the Left to silence, censor, "shut up" opposing voices.

Of course, it is easier to write that than to document it.

That's where you come in.
Enter, stage Left.

In addition to the lack of civility....as in "now shut up," there is the anti-American theme of restricting the unalienable rights of other citizens.

For obvious reasons, I never, ever call on opponent to "now shut up"....one reason being that I am articulate.
You....well the evidence: "now shut up."

'If you spend word for word with me, I shall make your wit bankrupt.'

Being as sharp as you are, you may have noticed that I haven't followed your instructions.

No one does, do they.

You are a retard.im not trying to silence you dipshit. Naturally you would think im trying do something to you.you have issues, seek help.

Nailed you, didn't I?

Did you like being used as an example of stupidity?

Come back anytime.
Just LOOK at Obama's composite WOMAN JULIA people

Not only does it show he has NO respect for women, but it shows how he thinks SHE needs to get by in life DEPENDENT ON GOVERNMENT..

So YES OBama is encouraging dependency, THINK about why they would this AND THEN VOTE HIS ASS OUT
Frequently I write about the desire of the Left to silence, censor, "shut up" opposing voices.

Of course, it is easier to write that than to document it.

That's where you come in.
Enter, stage Left.

In addition to the lack of civility....as in "now shut up," there is the anti-American theme of restricting the unalienable rights of other citizens.

For obvious reasons, I never, ever call on opponent to "now shut up"....one reason being that I am articulate.
You....well the evidence: "now shut up."

'If you spend word for word with me, I shall make your wit bankrupt.'

Being as sharp as you are, you may have noticed that I haven't followed your instructions.

No one does, do they.

You are a retard.im not trying to silence you dipshit. Naturally you would think im trying do something to you.you have issues, seek help.

Nailed you, didn't I?

Did you like being used as an example of stupidity?

Come back anytime.
No you didn't, im not going to sit here and entertain your stupidity and partisanship.

You are just another "low rent" poster.

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