A Picture of the Milky Way's Supermassive Black Hole

I told a friend I was with at walmart that I saw a black hole and this black woman who was near by went Will Smith on me.
it is 27000 light years away from us
light being bent over the event horizon
millions of degrees of temperature
atoms being ripped apart
it's a level of physics that we will never fully understand
it is 27000 light years away from us
light being bent over the event horizon
millions of degrees of temperature
atoms being ripped apart
it's a level of physics that we will never fully understand

Masse, Drehimpuls, elektrische Ladung ... ah sorry: mass, angular momentum, electric charge - that's it. What is more simple than a black hole?

If Saggitarius A* had made this then you would see many frustrated scientists now.
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Before Disney bought the Star Wars franchise, they tried to make their own to compete against Star Wars, Alien, Star Trek and Moonraker lol.

it is 27000 light years away from us
light being bent over the event horizon
millions of degrees of temperature
atoms being ripped apart
it's a level of physics that we will never fully understand
Not in this life anyway. But, if we stay on the straight and narrow path to the tree of life, we will eventually understand all God does... If that's important to you, then seek first the kingdom of God...

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