A Perfect Storm ... IMHO


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
With ISIS drawing more attention from both the Arab World and the international community and significantly diminished oil revenue throughout the Mideast, economic support for the Palestinians may take a back seat. Meanwhile Egypt has responded to brazen attacks in the Sinai by tightening the noose on Gaza.
Best case scenario: Palestinians may toss Hamas which will be increasingly pressed to provide butter to the masses at the expense of their guns ... something Hamas would not likely do.
Worst case: Gazans will feel so isolated and abandoned that they toss another generation of their kids onto the fire.
Actually, quite the opposite will occur. The West. especially Europe, knows that if the growing number of young Muslims in their countries are not going to rise in open revolt, they will have to begin, among other things, showing a more even handed approach to the I/P conflict.
montelatici, et al,

Maximilien Robespierre thought that Terror is nothing other than justice, prompt, severe, inflexible; it is therefore an emanation of virtue. In dealing with internal and external enemies of the Republic --- the government must take action to smother opposition --- or --- perish with it; Robespierre believed that in such situations:

"The first maxim of your policy ought to be to lead the people by reason and the people's enemies by terror."
---- Maximilien Robespierre

Today, one of the many faces of Arab Palestinian terrorism is the use of violent acts intended to create and instill fear in the mind of non-combatants (civilians), perpetrated for a religious, political, or ideological goal; which deliberately target of non-combatants.

Actually, quite the opposite will occur. The West. especially Europe, knows that if the growing number of young Muslims in their countries are not going to rise in open revolt, they will have to begin, among other things, showing a more even handed approach to the I/P conflict.

What we are talking about here is the ability for the Arab Palestinian to coerce material and political support out of the EU population or face radical consequences. Whether it be the Charlie Hebdo Attack (2015) or the events of Salman Rushdie and the fatwa of death over The Satanic Verses (1988); the message is clear to the European --- comply or face the consequences. Our friend "montelatici" eludes to a shadowy and murky inference here (now around for more than a quarter century) that if the European does not come around to the Arab Palestinian way of thinking, more can be expected.

It may work in Europe. But it won't work in the US.

Most Respectfully,
With ISIS drawing more attention from both the Arab World and the international community and significantly diminished oil revenue throughout the Mideast, economic support for the Palestinians may take a back seat. Meanwhile Egypt has responded to brazen attacks in the Sinai by tightening the noose on Gaza.
Best case scenario: Palestinians may toss Hamas which will be increasingly pressed to provide butter to the masses at the expense of their guns ... something Hamas would not likely do.
Worst case: Gazans will feel so isolated and abandoned that they toss another generation of their kids onto the fire.
I see the opposite happening between the Palestinians and Hamas. When the situation is relatively stable there might be grumbling about guns and butter but when things hits a certain low leaders look for a scapegoat and everyone bands together and there is violence, which is the worst case scenario you stated. This also goes to montelatici's comment about Europe developing a more even handed approach. The questionable terminology aside Muslim and non-Muslims are going to separate and there will be great animosity between the two. This same dynamic is what is happening with the Russia and the Ukraine as I stated in another post somewhere. Hardships are going to make the current problems much worse over the next few months and going forward. Crackdowns in Egypt and Saudi Arabia are also power kegs likely lit during this time frame.
Actually, quite the opposite will occur. The West. especially Europe, knows that if the growing number of young Muslims in their countries are not going to rise in open revolt, they will have to begin, among other things, showing a more even handed approach to the I/P conflict.

Considering the pro-Pal sentiment in Europe, a more "even handed approach" would be a crushing blow to those already hapless Palestinians and a boon to Israel.
montelatici, et al,

Maximilien Robespierre thought that Terror is nothing other than justice, prompt, severe, inflexible; it is therefore an emanation of virtue. In dealing with internal and external enemies of the Republic --- the government must take action to smother opposition --- or --- perish with it; Robespierre believed that in such situations:

"The first maxim of your policy ought to be to lead the people by reason and the people's enemies by terror."
---- Maximilien Robespierre

Today, one of the many faces of Arab Palestinian terrorism is the use of violent acts intended to create and instill fear in the mind of non-combatants (civilians), perpetrated for a religious, political, or ideological goal; which deliberately target of non-combatants.

Actually, quite the opposite will occur. The West. especially Europe, knows that if the growing number of young Muslims in their countries are not going to rise in open revolt, they will have to begin, among other things, showing a more even handed approach to the I/P conflict.

What we are talking about here is the ability for the Arab Palestinian to coerce material and political support out of the EU population or face radical consequences. Whether it be the Charlie Hebdo Attack (2015) or the events of Salman Rushdie and the fatwa of death over The Satanic Verses (1988); the message is clear to the European --- comply or face the consequences. Our friend "montelatici" eludes to a shadowy and murky inference here (now around for more than a quarter century) that if the European does not come around to the Arab Palestinian way of thinking, more can be expected.

It may work in Europe. But it won't work in the US.

Most Respectfully,

Facts are facts. Israel has millions of people corralled into two small areas and controls their land, borders (directly or by proxy), territorial sea and air space. On a regular basis Israel kills thousands of their civilians, for the most part women and children. Many of them had their ancestors evicted from their homes because of their religion (the Arab Jews also Palestinians were not evicted). And, you believe that their seeking freedom is a negative "way of thinking"? Palestinians had nothing to do with Charlie Hebdo or the Satanic Verses. The fact the the young Muslims in Europe use the treatment of the Palestinians, by the Israelis supported by the West as a rallying cry, is just a fact. The whole I/P problem stems from the fact that the West, misguidedly believed that it was perfectly ok to settle Jewish Europeans in Palestine. There would be no I/P conflict between Jews and non-Jews in Palestine had the European Jews remained in Europe. What should the non-Jews have done? Should they have meekly accepted being ruled by Europeans Jews after being promised independence by the British in return for support against their Ottoman rulers? What would you have done Rocco, had you been a Christian or Muslim in Palestine? Answer truthfully.
Facts are facts. Israel has millions of people corralled into two small areas and controls their land, borders (directly or by proxy)...

That is not factual but rather self-serving camel crap.

...On a regular basis Israel kills thousands of their civilians, for the most part women and children...

Again, not factual but rather self-serving camel crap.

Many of them had their ancestors evicted from their homes because of their religion (the Arab Jews also Palestinians were not evicted)...

Again, not factual but at least you are consistent.
With ISIS drawing more attention from both the Arab World and the international community and significantly diminished oil revenue throughout the Mideast, economic support for the Palestinians may take a back seat. Meanwhile Egypt has responded to brazen attacks in the Sinai by tightening the noose on Gaza.
Best case scenario: Palestinians may toss Hamas which will be increasingly pressed to provide butter to the masses at the expense of their guns ... something Hamas would not likely do.
Worst case: Gazans will feel so isolated and abandoned that they toss another generation of their kids onto the fire.

I don't think that the Palestinians will take a back a seat. I have found that if anything is going down that the media does not want people to pay attention to then this issue takes a back seat but only in the media. We are just now getting to the good part. The EU and the NGOs have notoriously created propaganda and or are instigating crap and NOW the demand is on for information on who is financing the crap. I'm sure that there will be a move along nothing to see here folks.
I am looking forward to the downfall of the NGOs that have been exploiting the Palestinian children and putting them in the line of fire.
montelatici, et al,

Hummm, this is not the same line of thought; but, I'll respond anyway.

Facts are facts. Israel has millions of people corralled into two small areas and controls their land, borders (directly or by proxy), territorial sea and air space.

Both the Gaza Strip and the West Bank have common borders with other member nations of the Arab League (Egypt and Jordan --- respectively).

From an Israeli standpoint, and under the mutual recognition of the borders, Israel maintains the demarcation between Gaza and the West Bank as generally agreed upon in the Oslo Accords.

On a regular basis Israel kills thousands of their civilians, for the most part women and children. Many of them had their ancestors evicted from their homes because of their religion (the Arab Jews also Palestinians were not evicted).

In the context of recent engagements, the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) has take extraordinary steps, almost unprecedented in the history of Middle East warfare; and in some cases globally. How a nation responds when attacked by another hostile nation is a matter for executive decision (beyond my pay grade and outside the my criticism of their self defense measures). The Israel has to look at the entire threat and historic past in Palestinian behavior and determine their course of action. It is their country, their blood, their decision. There is nothing in the UN Charter that limits or restricts the inherent right of Israel to defense against an armed attack from a non-member observer State (Palestine) in the United Nations.

The inadvertent and unintentional deaths do to combat engagements initiated by the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) is very unfortunate but a very real aspect of cost (in human life) when the decision to engage in an act of war is contemplated. Between January and August 2014, the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) launched over 4000 rockets or mortars into Israel Sovereign territory. A top Hamas official (Saleh al-Arouri) said members of his militant group (Qassam Brigades) kidnapped three Israeli teenagers whose deaths in June provoked a spiral of violence that led to the war in Gaza, the first acknowledgement of the movement's involvement. Several dozen infiltration tunnels from Gaza, crossing the demarcation line into Israel have been discovered. AND, even now:

[URL='http://www.algemeiner.com/2015/02/05/gaza-terrorist-groups-rebuilding-militaries-training-recruits-for-war/' said:
Gaza Terrorist Groups Rebuilding Militaries, Training Recruits for War[/URL]]
Hamas and other Gaza-based terrorist organizations are intensifying efforts to rebuild military capabilities damaged during last summer’s war with Israel, the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center reports. In light of ongoing delays in civilian reconstruction, Hamas is clearly prioritizing re-arming its terrorist forces over its population’s well-being.
SOURCE: The Algemeiner 5 FEB 2015

And, you believe that their seeking freedom is a negative "way of thinking"?

No. I did not say that. I don't believe that the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) is really a "freedom fighting group." I believe that they are radical insurgents that engages in violent acts intended to create fear (terror), perpetrated for a religious, political, or ideological goal.

Palestinians had nothing to do with Charlie Hebdo or the Satanic Verses.

It is the connect of intimidation. The Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) may not have had a hand in these attacks, but they are connect ideologically.

The fact the the young Muslims in Europe use the treatment of the Palestinians, by the Israelis supported by the West as a rallying cry, is just a fact.

The mantra is "Jihad" and the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) is nothing more than an opportunistic sounding board that engages in all forms of propaganda, which is either designed or likely to provoke, encourage, incite and threaten the peace, or act of terror or aggression.

The Arab Palestinians agreed to abide by the Declaration of Principle for Friendly Nations, in that:

The State of Palestine would accept the duty to refrain from the use of force to violate the existing international lines of demarcation, such as armistice lines, of Israel as a means of solving international disputes, including territorial disputes and problems concerning frontiers of States.

The State of Palestine would accept the duty to refrain from organizing or encouraging the organization of irregular forces or armed bands including mercenaries, for incursion into the territory of Israel.

The State of Palestine would seek early and just settlement of their international disputes by negotiation, inquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement, resort to regional agencies or arrangements or other peaceful means of their choice. In seeking such a settlement the parties shall agree upon such peaceful means as may be appropriate to the circumstances and nature of the dispute.

The State of Palestine agreed not to organize, assist, foment, finance, incite or tolerate subversive, terrorist or armed activities directed towards the violent overthrow of the regime of Israel.​

When the Unity Government for the State of Palestine publicly proclaims this as policy, then maybe the Arab Palestinian will be viewed in a different light.

The whole I/P problem stems from the fact that the West, misguidedly believed that it was perfectly ok to settle Jewish Europeans in Palestine. There would be no I/P conflict between Jews and non-Jews in Palestine had the European Jews remained in Europe.

That was not the decision that the Allied Powers came to in 1920.

Most Respectfully,
Last edited:
montelatici, et al,

Hummm, this is not the same line of thought; but, I'll respond anyway.

Facts are facts. Israel has millions of people corralled into two small areas and controls their land, borders (directly or by proxy), territorial sea and air space.

Both the Gaza Strip and the West Bank have common borders with other member nations of the Arab League (Egypt and Jordan --- respectively).

From an Israeli standpoint, and under the mutual recognition of the borders, Israel maintains the demarcation between Gaza and the West Bank as generally agreed upon in the Oslo Accords.

On a regular basis Israel kills thousands of their civilians, for the most part women and children. Many of them had their ancestors evicted from their homes because of their religion (the Arab Jews also Palestinians were not evicted).

In the context of recent engagements, the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) has take extraordinary steps, almost unprecedented in the history of Middle East warfare; and in some cases globally. How a nation responds when attacked by another hostile nation is a matter for executive decision (beyond my pay grade and outside the my criticism of their self defense measures). The Israel has to look at the entire threat and historic past in Palestinian behavior and determine their course of action. It is their country, their blood, their decision. There is nothing in the UN Charter that limits or restricts the inherent right of Israel to defense against an armed attack from a non-member observer State (Palestine) in the United Nations.

The inadvertent and unintentional deaths do to combat engagements initiated by the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) is very unfortunate but a very real aspect of cost (in human life) when the decision to engage in an act of war is contemplated. Between January and August 2014, the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) launched over 4000 rockets or mortars into Israel Sovereign territory. A top Hamas official (Saleh al-Arouri) said members of his militant group (Qassam Brigades) kidnapped three Israeli teenagers whose deaths in June provoked a spiral of violence that led to the war in Gaza, the first acknowledgement of the movement's involvement. Several dozen infiltration tunnels from Gaza, crossing the demarcation line into Israel have been discovered. AND, even now:

[URL='http://www.algemeiner.com/2015/02/05/gaza-terrorist-groups-rebuilding-militaries-training-recruits-for-war/' said:
Gaza Terrorist Groups Rebuilding Militaries, Training Recruits for War[/URL]]
Hamas and other Gaza-based terrorist organizations are intensifying efforts to rebuild military capabilities damaged during last summer’s war with Israel, the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center reports. In light of ongoing delays in civilian reconstruction, Hamas is clearly prioritizing re-arming its terrorist forces over its population’s well-being.
SOURCE: The Algemeiner 5 FEB 2015

And, you believe that their seeking freedom is a negative "way of thinking"?

No. I did not say that. I don't believe that the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) is really a "freedom fighting group." I believe that they are radical insurgents that engages in violent acts intended to create fear (terror), perpetrated for a religious, political, or ideological goal.

Palestinians had nothing to do with Charlie Hebdo or the Satanic Verses.

It is the connect of intimidation. The Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) may not have had a hand in these attacks, but they are connect ideologically.

The fact the the young Muslims in Europe use the treatment of the Palestinians, by the Israelis supported by the West as a rallying cry, is just a fact.

The mantra is "Jihad" and the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) is nothing more than an opportunistic sounding board that engages in all forms of propaganda, which is either designed or likely to provoke, encourage, incite and threaten the peace, or act of terror or aggression.

The Arab Palestinians agreed to abide by the Declaration of Principle for Friendly Nations, in that:

The State of Palestine would accept the duty to refrain from the use of force to violate the existing international lines of demarcation, such as armistice lines, of Israel as a means of solving international disputes, including territorial disputes and problems concerning frontiers of States.

The State of Palestine would accept the duty to refrain from organizing or encouraging the organization of irregular forces or armed bands including mercenaries, for incursion into the territory of Israel.

The State of Palestine would seek early and just settlement of their international disputes by negotiation, inquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement, resort to regional agencies or arrangements or other peaceful means of their choice. In seeking such a settlement the parties shall agree upon such peaceful means as may be appropriate to the circumstances and nature of the dispute.

The State of Palestine agreed not to organize, assist, foment, finance, incite or tolerate subversive, terrorist or armed activities directed towards the violent overthrow of the regime of Israel.​

When the Unity Government for the State of Palestine publicly proclaims this as policy, then maybe the Arab Palestinian will be viewed in a different light.

The whole I/P problem stems from the fact that the West, misguidedly believed that it was perfectly ok to settle Jewish Europeans in Palestine. There would be no I/P conflict between Jews and non-Jews in Palestine had the European Jews remained in Europe.

That was not the decision that the Allied Powers came to in 1920.

Most Respectfully,
Do you believe that the Palestinians have the right to defend themselves?
P F Tinmore, et al,

This is a trick question.

Do you believe that the Palestinians have the right to defend themselves?

The State of Palestine was never invaded by Israel.
  • In 1967, the West Bank was sovereign Jordanian territory. Thus, Jordan was partially occupied; resolved by treaty.
  • In 1967, the Gaza Strip was an Egyptian Military Governorship. Thus, Egypt was partially occupied; resolved by treaty.
  • In 1988, the State of Palestine was declared, on the basis of the pre-1967 borders.
The State of Palestine was born under occupation and not self-rule. Since it is recognized as Occupied Territory, then the Palestinian Right of self-defense is limited by Article 68 of the Geneva Convention IV, wherein Protected persons who commit offense which are solely intended to harm the Occupying Power, or in cases of espionage, of serious acts of sabotage against the military installations of the Occupying Power; or intentional offenses which caused the death of one or more persons, are dealt with appropriately. The Arab Palestinian may not conduct their own Jihad against the Israeli Occupation Force without accepting the consequences for their actions.

The Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States, is quite clear and in line with the Charter. The guiding principle is: "settle its international disputes with other States by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security and justice are not endangered."

Most Respectfully,
P F Tinmore, et al,

This is a trick question.

Do you believe that the Palestinians have the right to defend themselves?

The State of Palestine was never invaded by Israel.
  • In 1967, the West Bank was sovereign Jordanian territory. Thus, Jordan was partially occupied; resolved by treaty.
  • In 1967, the Gaza Strip was an Egyptian Military Governorship. Thus, Egypt was partially occupied; resolved by treaty.
  • In 1988, the State of Palestine was declared, on the basis of the pre-1967 borders.
The State of Palestine was born under occupation and not self-rule. Since it is recognized as Occupied Territory, then the Palestinian Right of self-defense is limited by Article 68 of the Geneva Convention IV, wherein Protected persons who commit offense which are solely intended to harm the Occupying Power, or in cases of espionage, of serious acts of sabotage against the military installations of the Occupying Power; or intentional offenses which caused the death of one or more persons, are dealt with appropriately. The Arab Palestinian may not conduct their own Jihad against the Israeli Occupation Force without accepting the consequences for their actions.

The Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States, is quite clear and in line with the Charter. The guiding principle is: "settle its international disputes with other States by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security and justice are not endangered."

Most Respectfully,
You are way after the fact.
montelatici, et al,

Hummm, this is not the same line of thought; but, I'll respond anyway.

Facts are facts. Israel has millions of people corralled into two small areas and controls their land, borders (directly or by proxy), territorial sea and air space.

Both the Gaza Strip and the West Bank have common borders with other member nations of the Arab League (Egypt and Jordan --- respectively).

From an Israeli standpoint, and under the mutual recognition of the borders, Israel maintains the demarcation between Gaza and the West Bank as generally agreed upon in the Oslo Accords.

On a regular basis Israel kills thousands of their civilians, for the most part women and children. Many of them had their ancestors evicted from their homes because of their religion (the Arab Jews also Palestinians were not evicted).

In the context of recent engagements, the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) has take extraordinary steps, almost unprecedented in the history of Middle East warfare; and in some cases globally. How a nation responds when attacked by another hostile nation is a matter for executive decision (beyond my pay grade and outside the my criticism of their self defense measures). The Israel has to look at the entire threat and historic past in Palestinian behavior and determine their course of action. It is their country, their blood, their decision. There is nothing in the UN Charter that limits or restricts the inherent right of Israel to defense against an armed attack from a non-member observer State (Palestine) in the United Nations.

The inadvertent and unintentional deaths do to combat engagements initiated by the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) is very unfortunate but a very real aspect of cost (in human life) when the decision to engage in an act of war is contemplated. Between January and August 2014, the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) launched over 4000 rockets or mortars into Israel Sovereign territory. A top Hamas official (Saleh al-Arouri) said members of his militant group (Qassam Brigades) kidnapped three Israeli teenagers whose deaths in June provoked a spiral of violence that led to the war in Gaza, the first acknowledgement of the movement's involvement. Several dozen infiltration tunnels from Gaza, crossing the demarcation line into Israel have been discovered. AND, even now:

[URL='http://www.algemeiner.com/2015/02/05/gaza-terrorist-groups-rebuilding-militaries-training-recruits-for-war/' said:
Gaza Terrorist Groups Rebuilding Militaries, Training Recruits for War[/URL]]
Hamas and other Gaza-based terrorist organizations are intensifying efforts to rebuild military capabilities damaged during last summer’s war with Israel, the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center reports. In light of ongoing delays in civilian reconstruction, Hamas is clearly prioritizing re-arming its terrorist forces over its population’s well-being.
SOURCE: The Algemeiner 5 FEB 2015

And, you believe that their seeking freedom is a negative "way of thinking"?

No. I did not say that. I don't believe that the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) is really a "freedom fighting group." I believe that they are radical insurgents that engages in violent acts intended to create fear (terror), perpetrated for a religious, political, or ideological goal.

Palestinians had nothing to do with Charlie Hebdo or the Satanic Verses.

It is the connect of intimidation. The Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) may not have had a hand in these attacks, but they are connect ideologically.

The fact the the young Muslims in Europe use the treatment of the Palestinians, by the Israelis supported by the West as a rallying cry, is just a fact.

The mantra is "Jihad" and the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) is nothing more than an opportunistic sounding board that engages in all forms of propaganda, which is either designed or likely to provoke, encourage, incite and threaten the peace, or act of terror or aggression.

The Arab Palestinians agreed to abide by the Declaration of Principle for Friendly Nations, in that:

The State of Palestine would accept the duty to refrain from the use of force to violate the existing international lines of demarcation, such as armistice lines, of Israel as a means of solving international disputes, including territorial disputes and problems concerning frontiers of States.

The State of Palestine would accept the duty to refrain from organizing or encouraging the organization of irregular forces or armed bands including mercenaries, for incursion into the territory of Israel.

The State of Palestine would seek early and just settlement of their international disputes by negotiation, inquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement, resort to regional agencies or arrangements or other peaceful means of their choice. In seeking such a settlement the parties shall agree upon such peaceful means as may be appropriate to the circumstances and nature of the dispute.

The State of Palestine agreed not to organize, assist, foment, finance, incite or tolerate subversive, terrorist or armed activities directed towards the violent overthrow of the regime of Israel.​

When the Unity Government for the State of Palestine publicly proclaims this as policy, then maybe the Arab Palestinian will be viewed in a different light.

The whole I/P problem stems from the fact that the West, misguidedly believed that it was perfectly ok to settle Jewish Europeans in Palestine. There would be no I/P conflict between Jews and non-Jews in Palestine had the European Jews remained in Europe.

That was not the decision that the Allied Powers came to in 1920.

Most Respectfully,
Do you believe that the Palestinians have the right to defend themselves?

The problem is that what the Palestinians do/have done dos not constitute as self defense.
Actually, quite the opposite will occur. The West. especially Europe, knows that if the growing number of young Muslims in their countries are not going to rise in open revolt, they will have to begin, among other things, showing a more even handed approach to the I/P conflict.

What a fantasist you are, I don't know where you get your ideas about Europe from as they are far from the truth. The people of Europe, those that vote the politicians into power, are telling the Palestinians to go to hell. They have stopped paying them aid money because it was being spent on terrorism, the European MSM is reporting the real facts about hamas and its war crimes. The people are seeing the same violence and barbarity in the Palestinians as they see in IS and AQ, and they are demanding action be taken to rid Europe of all muslims. We in Europe have faced ISLAMONAZI TERRORISM on a daily basis and my Government has issued a SEVERE threat level in regards to ISLAMONAZI TERRORISM. The only people that are not afraid of the EXTREMIST MUSLIMS living in Europe are the muslims themselves, and don't rule out a very strong chance of the demographically superior indigenous taking matters into their own hands and evicting the muslims. So the ISLAMONAZIS had better learn to swim very fast when they start getting pushed back into the sea as they are fond of threatening the Jews. 2.5 million muslims against 60 million non muslims, now who do you think will come out on top ?
montelatici, et al,

Maximilien Robespierre thought that Terror is nothing other than justice, prompt, severe, inflexible; it is therefore an emanation of virtue. In dealing with internal and external enemies of the Republic --- the government must take action to smother opposition --- or --- perish with it; Robespierre believed that in such situations:

"The first maxim of your policy ought to be to lead the people by reason and the people's enemies by terror."
---- Maximilien Robespierre

Today, one of the many faces of Arab Palestinian terrorism is the use of violent acts intended to create and instill fear in the mind of non-combatants (civilians), perpetrated for a religious, political, or ideological goal; which deliberately target of non-combatants.

Actually, quite the opposite will occur. The West. especially Europe, knows that if the growing number of young Muslims in their countries are not going to rise in open revolt, they will have to begin, among other things, showing a more even handed approach to the I/P conflict.

What we are talking about here is the ability for the Arab Palestinian to coerce material and political support out of the EU population or face radical consequences. Whether it be the Charlie Hebdo Attack (2015) or the events of Salman Rushdie and the fatwa of death over The Satanic Verses (1988); the message is clear to the European --- comply or face the consequences. Our friend "montelatici" eludes to a shadowy and murky inference here (now around for more than a quarter century) that if the European does not come around to the Arab Palestinian way of thinking, more can be expected.

It may work in Europe. But it won't work in the US.

Most Respectfully,

It wont work in Europe either as nationalism is on the rise, which means that neo Marxism and pinko liberalism are on the wane. The next few years will see much violence on the streets as the indigenous take to them to control ISLAMONAZI TERRORISM and VIOLENCE. Expect to see mosques set alight, Islamic centres defaced and many muslims leaving to return home. This is what we saw in the UK after 7/7 as the muslims ran for cover.
montelatici, et al,

Maximilien Robespierre thought that Terror is nothing other than justice, prompt, severe, inflexible; it is therefore an emanation of virtue. In dealing with internal and external enemies of the Republic --- the government must take action to smother opposition --- or --- perish with it; Robespierre believed that in such situations:

"The first maxim of your policy ought to be to lead the people by reason and the people's enemies by terror."
---- Maximilien Robespierre

Today, one of the many faces of Arab Palestinian terrorism is the use of violent acts intended to create and instill fear in the mind of non-combatants (civilians), perpetrated for a religious, political, or ideological goal; which deliberately target of non-combatants.

Actually, quite the opposite will occur. The West. especially Europe, knows that if the growing number of young Muslims in their countries are not going to rise in open revolt, they will have to begin, among other things, showing a more even handed approach to the I/P conflict.

What we are talking about here is the ability for the Arab Palestinian to coerce material and political support out of the EU population or face radical consequences. Whether it be the Charlie Hebdo Attack (2015) or the events of Salman Rushdie and the fatwa of death over The Satanic Verses (1988); the message is clear to the European --- comply or face the consequences. Our friend "montelatici" eludes to a shadowy and murky inference here (now around for more than a quarter century) that if the European does not come around to the Arab Palestinian way of thinking, more can be expected.

It may work in Europe. But it won't work in the US.

Most Respectfully,

Facts are facts. Israel has millions of people corralled into two small areas and controls their land, borders (directly or by proxy), territorial sea and air space. On a regular basis Israel kills thousands of their civilians, for the most part women and children. Many of them had their ancestors evicted from their homes because of their religion (the Arab Jews also Palestinians were not evicted). And, you believe that their seeking freedom is a negative "way of thinking"? Palestinians had nothing to do with Charlie Hebdo or the Satanic Verses. The fact the the young Muslims in Europe use the treatment of the Palestinians, by the Israelis supported by the West as a rallying cry, is just a fact. The whole I/P problem stems from the fact that the West, misguidedly believed that it was perfectly ok to settle Jewish Europeans in Palestine. There would be no I/P conflict between Jews and non-Jews in Palestine had the European Jews remained in Europe. What should the non-Jews have done? Should they have meekly accepted being ruled by Europeans Jews after being promised independence by the British in return for support against their Ottoman rulers? What would you have done Rocco, had you been a Christian or Muslim in Palestine? Answer truthfully.

They had everything to do with Charlie Hebdo and Salman Rushdie because they defended and supported both actions. Just as they defend and support the many thousands of ISLAMONAZI terrorists and their actions. They are the first to have a party or celebration when ever a kuufar is murdered in a TERRORIST action. They got their independence as promised so stop LYING, it is just that they did not get all the land to rule over and start the next caliphate from. Read the British terms again Abdul, they are all source documents and show that Palestine was never promised to the arab muslims. They got 70% of Palestine as a sweetner in the form of Jordan and they should be thankful that the British did not invade in force and evict all the arab muslims from Palestine as originally stated in the LoN treaties. Maybe if they had then none of the present day problems would be in evidence.
Facts are facts. Israel has millions of people corralled into two small areas and controls their land, borders (directly or by proxy)...

That is not factual but rather self-serving camel crap.

...On a regular basis Israel kills thousands of their civilians, for the most part women and children...

Again, not factual but rather self-serving camel crap.

Many of them had their ancestors evicted from their homes because of their religion (the Arab Jews also Palestinians were not evicted)...

Again, not factual but at least you are consistent.

Yep he/she writes 4th rate camel crap all the time that is lifted from ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDA sites
P F Tinmore, et al,

This is a trick question.

Do you believe that the Palestinians have the right to defend themselves?

The State of Palestine was never invaded by Israel.
  • In 1967, the West Bank was sovereign Jordanian territory. Thus, Jordan was partially occupied; resolved by treaty.
  • In 1967, the Gaza Strip was an Egyptian Military Governorship. Thus, Egypt was partially occupied; resolved by treaty.
  • In 1988, the State of Palestine was declared, on the basis of the pre-1967 borders.
The State of Palestine was born under occupation and not self-rule. Since it is recognized as Occupied Territory, then the Palestinian Right of self-defense is limited by Article 68 of the Geneva Convention IV, wherein Protected persons who commit offense which are solely intended to harm the Occupying Power, or in cases of espionage, of serious acts of sabotage against the military installations of the Occupying Power; or intentional offenses which caused the death of one or more persons, are dealt with appropriately. The Arab Palestinian may not conduct their own Jihad against the Israeli Occupation Force without accepting the consequences for their actions.

The Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States, is quite clear and in line with the Charter. The guiding principle is: "settle its international disputes with other States by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security and justice are not endangered."

Most Respectfully,
You are way after the fact.

Because once again INTERNATIONAL LAW shows the Palestinians to be in the wrong, time for the UN to man up and tell the muslim nations they will pull the plug if they don't sort out Palestine and its internal problems themselves.
With ISIS drawing more attention from both the Arab World and the international community and significantly diminished oil revenue throughout the Mideast, economic support for the Palestinians may take a back seat. Meanwhile Egypt has responded to brazen attacks in the Sinai by tightening the noose on Gaza.
Best case scenario: Palestinians may toss Hamas which will be increasingly pressed to provide butter to the masses at the expense of their guns ... something Hamas would not likely do.
Worst case: Gazans will feel so isolated and abandoned that they toss another generation of their kids onto the fire.

I don't think that the Palestinians will take a back a seat. I have found that if anything is going down that the media does not want people to pay attention to then this issue takes a back seat but only in the media...

I didn't say the Pals would take a back seat - they are skilled at stoking the fire and throwing their kids into it - but rather that with all that is happening, economic support for their "cause" from the international community may be in shorter supply.

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