A majority of voters believe Joe Biden is mentally and physically incapable of being president

A majority of voters in multiple polls found Trump to be mentally unfit to be president. Biden is a far less dangerous choice than an incompetent authoritarian.

"Biden is a far less dangerous choice than an incompetent authoritarian."

Redundant much? Jesus, skyrocketing inflation, an uncontrollable situation at the southern border, and one of the worst foreign policy blunders since Vietnam, while at the same time instructing the CDC to supersede private contracts governed by state law in direct violation of a Supreme Court decision, and instructing his DOJ to override state governments and impose mandates and forced medical treatments on all American citizens...

And you don't consider that incompetency or authoritarian in nature. Might I interest you in this neat little invention called a dictionary - you can use it to look up the definition of those terms that you clearly don't understand:

When Biden humiliated our troops and ignored the military brass by making them come home leaving tens of thousands of American citizens working in Afghanistan subjecting to Talibani beheadings, torture, and more
Left? "Tens of thousands"? Behaded? Tortured?

Are you hopped up on valium? None of that happened except maybe in your fantasies.
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We are still suffering from what Trump did to this country. The constant lies, the hatred he had towards half of all Americans. The tyranny and cronyism he tried to rule with like a dictator. The absolute worst president ever.

Somebody get this poster a coloring book and crayons STAT!

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