"A lot of people are going to lose homes,cars...

Health insurance industry, medical industry, and pharma industry brought it on themselves.

They are being regulated because they could not control their greed and hurt many millions in the process.

Actually, I have to disagree with part of that. Greedy doctors, yes, they have been a big part of the problem.

But when it comes to pharma there is a lot that people do not see. Most do not seen the hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of free medicines the companies give away through their patient assistance programs. I have had them to drop ship a year's supply of meds to patients. And they would drop off $60,000 + per month worth of meds at the clinics where I worked for indigent patients. They also fund most of the research done in this country. The NIH only funds about 10% of the medical research in the US today. I see no evidence that stockholders who have pharma stock get any better return on their money than those of other successful companies. My experience with an indigent population and the drug companies who helped them when no one else would has been nothing but positive. I was in practice as an NP in the 90's the 'Decade of the Brain.' Never saw so many new psych meds come out in so short a time before or since. I went into it when the meds available were effective, but had horrible side effects, so much so that patients were often noncompliant.
The left did not have enough support to pass a single payer bill.
They passed this one to purposely fail so that they can then get the single payer one.
Sen. Harry Reid got up on the Senate floor and just admitted it not to long ago.
They did this on purpose and it has and will continually harm the people of this nation.
This is the lowest of the low with Progressive Democrats.

First they blocked any bills out of the housing committee to regulate the illegal housing going on. Proof was given to them that Freddy Mac was doing illegal hedge funds but they waited till they got into power to do anything about it. Then it was too late.
This selfish move harmed millions of home owners, took away their savings and cost them their jobs.

Then they are closing down the coal mines and stopping the pipeline from Canada.
Now the Health Care Bill, all of which is causing people to lose their jobs and all they have worked for all their lives.

BS- THEY WERE SURE they'd get PUB votes- it's their style bill, the hypocrites...

F AND F were 1/4 of the meltdown, and LATE. W's BANKING PALS AND REGULATORS DID THAT...
"I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program" Which means Obama want to put the 1,300 health insurance companies out of business ...

single payer simply means everyone self insures rather than there be individual or company policies - it has nothing to do with the providers ... and will be the best alternative after October.

WTF are you talking about? Do you even know? "Single payer" means just that. There is one payer for health care services. That one payer is the U.S. Government. i.e. socialized medicine. It has failed in every other country, delivering sub standard care and exploding costs. Tell me why it's gonna be different this time.
Single-payer health care - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That is not true. You are repeating misinformation.
Health insurance industry, medical industry, and pharma industry brought it on themselves.

They are being regulated because they could not control their greed and hurt many millions in the process.

Actually, I have to disagree with part of that. Greedy doctors, yes, they have been a big part of the problem.

But when it comes to pharma there is a lot that people do not see. Most do not seen the hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of free medicines the companies give away through their patient assistance programs. I have had them to drop ship a year's supply of meds to patients. And they would drop off $60,000 + per month worth of meds at the clinics where I worked for indigent patients. They also fund most of the research done in this country. The NIH only funds about 10% of the medical research in the US today. I see no evidence that stockholders who have pharma stock get any better return on their money than those of other successful companies. My experience with an indigent population and the drug companies who helped them when no one else would has been nothing but positive. I was in practice as an NP in the 90's the 'Decade of the Brain.' Never saw so many new psych meds come out in so short a time before or since. I went into it when the meds available were effective, but had horrible side effects, so much so that patients were often noncompliant.

Nice anecdote, but they're screwing everybody- next year, O-care will fix- people won't need charity only a few get, there'll be more and more regulation of profits....
single payer simply means everyone self insures rather than there be individual or company policies - it has nothing to do with the providers ... and will be the best alternative after October.

WTF are you talking about? Do you even know? "Single payer" means just that. There is one payer for health care services. That one payer is the U.S. Government. i.e. socialized medicine. It has failed in every other country, delivering sub standard care and exploding costs. Tell me why it's gonna be different this time.
Single-payer health care - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That is not true. You are repeating misinformation.

I provided a link, dumbshit. What do you think "single payer" means?
WTF are you talking about? Do you even know? "Single payer" means just that. There is one payer for health care services. That one payer is the U.S. Government. i.e. socialized medicine. It has failed in every other country, delivering sub standard care and exploding costs. Tell me why it's gonna be different this time.
Single-payer health care - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That is not true. You are repeating misinformation.

I provided a link, dumbshit. What do you think "single payer" means?

Idiot. Your untruth is the part about it failing in every other country. You really are lacking communication skills.
That is not true. You are repeating misinformation.

I provided a link, dumbshit. What do you think "single payer" means?

Idiot. Your untruth is the part about it failing in every other country. You really are lacking communication skills.

OK it is failing everywhere else. The british have problems. The Germans have problems. IN every system they find the same thing: exploding costs. Especially now that all those countries have aging populations.

If you aren't clear that isn't my problem, shmuck.
I provided a link, dumbshit. What do you think "single payer" means?

Idiot. Your untruth is the part about it failing in every other country. You really are lacking communication skills.

OK it is failing everywhere else. The british have problems. The Germans have problems. IN every system they find the same thing: exploding costs. Especially now that all those countries have aging populations.

If you aren't clear that isn't my problem, shmuck.

It is not failing everywhere else. You are lying.
Idiot. Your untruth is the part about it failing in every other country. You really are lacking communication skills.

OK it is failing everywhere else. The british have problems. The Germans have problems. IN every system they find the same thing: exploding costs. Especially now that all those countries have aging populations.

If you aren't clear that isn't my problem, shmuck.

It is not failing everywhere else. You are lying.

Of course it is, Dumbo. Post a link where it is working just fine.

This insurer based thing can work fine if well regulated, like in SWITZ and Holland, two other bastions of capitalism.

How many times have you posted that bullshit?


Well phrased. I disagree....having seen single payer first hand in Japan..and knowing that the way Medicare is handled is efficient. The Japanese government is quite a bit "noisier" than ours, by the way. And they never once intruded into the discussion between me and medical professionals.

I appreciate your measured comments, though. It means we can have a discussion.

What bullshit? Can you NOT subtract 18 million that DON"T WANT Insurance so why are they forced to BUY it???

Can you NOT subtract 14 million that didn't know they were eligible for Medicaid and yet you want to phonily count them as uninsured? All they need do is register!

Finally why are you counting 10 million non-citizens unless you as Obama does count them as Americans?
Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
These are the FACTS! Check them out before calling it "bullshit"! Dumb f..k!

That's 42 million NOT 46 million! Leaving 4 million that truly want and need health insurance dummy!
And because of that YOU are obviously a shill for lawyers that cause the truly abomination known as "Defensive Medicine" that costs $850 billion a year!
Why are you ignoring that?
I don't understand dummies like you that can't see you've been fooled!
There never were 46 million that wanted or were legal or not eligible for health insurance!
Prove differently that the above sources were wrong!
Health insurance industry, medical industry, and pharma industry brought it on themselves.

They are being regulated because they could not control their greed and hurt many millions in the process.

You realize that insurance companies love this, they are picking up policy holders and are guaranteed a 15% profit.the medical industry will now be able to bill and bill and bill, government will help pay coverage, the only ones getting hurt will be the taxpayers.

Congrats, the insurance, hospitals and pharma are guaranteed their money. government will pay and so will taxpayers.
single payer simply means everyone self insures rather than there be individual or company policies - it has nothing to do with the providers ... and will be the best alternative after October.

Single payer means that there is only one single pay source for all healthcare. I have no idea what you mean by ‘self insures’ as that has nothing to do with single payer as far as I can tell. There really is only one way to do single payer and that is the government takes over all healthcare payments and to be quite frank that is NEVER a good option let alone one after October.

I have an individual policy - most people are covered by their employer group policies.

Group policies are less expensive -

Single payer eliminates group policies and everyone chooses their own individual policy.


OK.. YOU have an individual policy right?
Do the claims your doctor files AFTER HE SEES YOU For an Office call go to you to be paid?
NO you dumb FU>>K!
The insurance company PAYS the claims... HENCE they are the PAYER!
YOU pay a premium that is FAR less then the claims The insurance company HOPES that don't have to pay BUT because the state you live in requires the company YOU pay your premium to must PAY claims that makes the company the PAYER!
There are 1,300 health insurance companies THAT PAY THE CLAIMS filed by the people that pay the premiums be that the individual LIKE dumb shits like YOU or the company that the employee works for that PAYS the premiums so that the insurance company can pay the CLAIMS!

DO YOU NOW understand the distinction???
Here let me make it simpler!
You write a check for your insurance premium!
You go to the hospital and the bill is $10,000. Do you pay the bill? NO! Dummy that what you paid your premiums to the
insurance company so THEY PAYER i.e. PAYER!!! Pay the claims!

Geez/... you people are so f...king dense!
Uncle Ferd says it gonna break him `cause he don't make enough money till he gets his job back atta dry cleanery wringin' farts outta shirt-tails...

Is the Affordable Care Act's Impact Over-hyped?
September 13, 2013 — Obamacare is coming, and you probably won't feel a thing.
That's the result of a set of studies recently conducted by the RAND Corporation and Kaiser Foundation, two think tanks dedicating considerable resources to asking just how this sweeping piece of legislation will change the American health care marketplace. With the Affordable Care Act's (ACA) state insurance exchanges starting next month, now is the right time to ask the question.

The somewhat surprising answer is that, for most consumers, it won't. "In general, there won't be a big spike in premiums because of the Affordable Care Act, so there shouldn't be a big rate shock," said Dr. Carter Price, a mathematician with the RAND Corporation. "Some states will see an increase in premiums, some states will see a decrease in premiums... But across the system, premiums won't be higher."

Price's team looked at data from ten different states to model how the law will change the health insurance marketplace, both in its impact on premiums and enrollment. The team's first finding was that the law should largely work as intended, reducing the predicted number of uninsured Americans by more than half over the next two years. As far as prices go, however, the team found that Americans just won't see many changes.

It's an issue of demographics. "It's going to depend a lot upon the demographics of the population in each different area," Price said, "and particularly it will depend on what the uninsured population looks like. So in some states where you have a large uninsured population, and that uninsured population is relatively healthy, you're likely to see a big increase in the number of people who are enrolled in the non-group market but not a huge response in premiums."

Single payer means that there is only one single pay source for all healthcare. I have no idea what you mean by ‘self insures’ as that has nothing to do with single payer as far as I can tell. There really is only one way to do single payer and that is the government takes over all healthcare payments and to be quite frank that is NEVER a good option let alone one after October.

I have an individual policy - most people are covered by their employer group policies.

Group policies are less expensive -

Single payer eliminates group policies and everyone chooses their own individual policy.


OK.. YOU have an individual policy right?
Do the claims your doctor files AFTER HE SEES YOU For an Office call go to you to be paid?
NO you dumb FU>>K!
The insurance company PAYS the claims... HENCE they are the PAYER!
YOU pay a premium that is FAR less then the claims The insurance company HOPES that don't have to pay BUT because the state you live in requires the company YOU pay your premium to must PAY claims that makes the company the PAYER!
There are 1,300 health insurance companies THAT PAY THE CLAIMS filed by the people that pay the premiums be that the individual LIKE dumb shits like YOU or the company that the employee works for that PAYS the premiums so that the insurance company can pay the CLAIMS!

DO YOU NOW understand the distinction???
Here let me make it simpler!
You write a check for your insurance premium!
You go to the hospital and the bill is $10,000. Do you pay the bill? NO! Dummy that what you paid your premiums to the
insurance company so THEY PAYER i.e. PAYER!!! Pay the claims!

Geez/... you people are so f...king dense!

What we have here is a prime example of the nutter inferiority complex.

HM knows the meaning of "single payer". It is not a particularly difficult concept. Upon realizing that someone else has misunderstood the meaning of the term, he found it necessary to lay into tht person with an insult-filled lesson. Carrying on too long and with overdone emphasis.

FAQ2, who is not a nutter with an inferiority complex, also made note of the error....but did so with class. A simple explaination is all tht ws needed.

Why did HM do this? Because that fucking idiot is so caught off guard when he is better informed than someone else.....he must put on a show about it. He completely disregarded the fact that Breezewood is his intellectual superior many times over. His impulse took over. The loser impulse.
Single payer means that there is only one single pay source for all healthcare. I have no idea what you mean by ‘self insures’ as that has nothing to do with single payer as far as I can tell. There really is only one way to do single payer and that is the government takes over all healthcare payments and to be quite frank that is NEVER a good option let alone one after October.

I have an individual policy - most people are covered by their employer group policies.

Group policies are less expensive -

Single payer eliminates group policies and everyone chooses their own individual policy.



Think Medicare. Medicare is single payer. See?

Not everyone is on Medicare.

BTW, Medicare is one of the biggest contributors to the deficit.

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