A key inflation measure rose to a 39-year high to 6.8 percent last month under Biden, as Republicans pounce on the bad economic news

I am old enough to know that once prices go up... they rarely ever go back down to what they were before they went up. Gasoline exception.
If something is $22 and inflation this year causes that to go to $24.50... it MIGHT go back to say $23.75... but never $22 again

Exactly, gas excluded, higher prices are here to stay and they will go higher as inflation will continue until we can get Biden and his traitorous administration out of the office or at least limit their ability to do anything by electing opposition in 2022.
I am old enough to know that once prices go up... they rarely ever go back down to what they were before they went up. Gasoline exception.
If something is $22 and inflation this year causes that to go to $24.50... it MIGHT go back to say $23.75... but never $22 again
Well, if you old enough to understand that riddle me this old man. Why do personal computers which cost $2,500 for a basic unit with limited memory in the 1990's only cost $799.00 now with 50X the performance.
Wow, a simpleton just Googled Econ 101?

The middle class has more money because they were at home most of last year. The stimulus check where late in 2019 and early in 2020. While people used them on home renovations driving stocks and profit at companies like Home Depot. They increased their savings from the lock downs and are spending them now.

Your fixation on conservative talking points is juvenile.

Labor shortage? Maybe decreased immigration from the previous administration has had an impact. Additionally, people are sick off putting up with low wage, shitty hours and maskholes in retail and food service jobs.

People aren't working because they don't have too? Damn...why don't people like 12K/yr jobs?

I don't need to Google anything. This is a very simple concept, but one you are incapable of grasping.

Yes, people aren't working because they don't have to. They didn't just have an epiphany that they weren't making good money and decided to stay home. Staying home just happened to coincide with the extra money though, right? Don't be so naive.

“Our experts believe and the data show that most of the price increases we’ve seen were expected and are expected to be temporary. The reality is you can’t flip the global economics light back and not expect this to happen,” Biden said.

Biden also claims that a pair of massive bills that he hopes to ram through Congress this year — costing a combined $4.7 trillion — would actually reduce inflation. At least in theory, the bills would be offset by tax hikes and other new revenue sources, though the details remain in flux.

“If your primary concern right now is inflation, you should be even more enthusiastic about this plan,” Biden said in remarks from the White House State Dining Room. “These steps will enhance our productivity, raising wages without raising prices, and won’t increase inflation. It will take the pressure off of inflation.”

:hyper: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301:

You commie faggot twinks ACTUALLY believed this BULLSHIT.....or were you in on the LIE?


Take your pick....it is only 1 of those 2.
Well, if you old enough to understand that riddle me this old man. Why do personal computers which cost $2,500 for a basic unit with limited memory in the 1990's only cost $799.00 now with 50X the performance.

Good Lord. Ok, I get it now. You are a 19-year-old college kid who idolizes his tree-hugging, leather satchel carrying Econ. professor who is a self-proclaimed genius but couldn't manage the budget of a lemonade stand.
I don't need to Google anything. This is a very simple concept, but one you are incapable of grasping.

Yes, people aren't working because they don't have to. They didn't just have an epiphany that they weren't making good money and decided to stay home. Staying home just happened to coincide with the extra money though, right? Don't be so naive.
Have you heard of the Great Retirement?

Have you heard of people sick of being exposed to the virus by unmasked unvaccinated assholes?

It's incredibility naïve to think people have quit working because they received one or two $1,400 checks almost a year ago.
Good Lord. Ok, I get it now. You are a 19-year-old college kid who idolizes his tree-hugging, leather satchel carrying Econ. professor who is a self-proclaimed genius but couldn't manage the budget of a lemonade stand.
So, you can't answer the question and just pulled out the old conservative gripe notebook...
Do you only post in republic canards?

Just using the common sense the good Lord gave me. It just so happens that common sense aligns with many of the Republican economic policies.
Just using the common sense the good Lord gave me. It just so happens that common sense aligns with many of the Republican economic policies.
When do they get posted?

You can't even answer a question about the price of computers.

So, using your "lord given conservative common sense" can you explain the difference between transitory and permanent drivers of inflation?
Have you heard of the Great Retirement?

Have you heard of people sick of being exposed to the virus by unmasked unvaccinated assholes?

It's incredibility naïve to think people have quit working because they received one or two $1,400 checks almost a year ago.
Dimtards have claimed those two $1400 checks have raised millions out of poverty.
Inflation rate was 13.5% when Reagan took office, 4.1% when he left, you fucking moron.
Did Reagan ever thank Jimmy Carter for his appointment of Paul Volcker to the Fed?

Also, the recession of 1981-3 helped cure inflation.

Ronnie's problem was turning America from a creditor nation to a debtor one and running massive deficits at that time.
Did Reagan ever thank Jimmy Carter for his appointment of Paul Volcker to the Fed?

Also, the recession of 1981-3 helped cure inflation.

Ronnie's problem was turning America from a creditor nation to a debtor one and running massive deficits at that time.
You can blame Tip O'Neil for the deficits. Reagan made a deal with him to raise taxes if Tip would agree to cut spending. Once he got the tax hike, Tip reneged on the deal.

Reagan never had a Republican Congress.

Learn history.
They said so far so good but the forecast is iffy at best. Look at year over year data.
Yes, a year ago people were upbeat about the vaccines just being approved.

Now 40% of those people think the vaccine is dangerous because an orange fuckup lost.

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