A key inflation measure rose to a 39-year high to 6.8 percent last month under Biden, as Republicans pounce on the bad economic news

You can blame Tip O'Neil for the deficits. Reagan made a deal with him to raise taxes if Tip would agree to cut spending. Once he got the tax hike, Tip reneged on the deal.

Reagan never had a Republican Congress.

Learn history.
Yes, you need to learn history.

Can you post the "Reagan never had a republican Congress" again. Ya know, just for shits and giggles before you're proven wrong.
Well, lets see what it is when Joe leaves office then.
Yeah, the Trumpanzees look for partisan
"blame," it's what they do.

But while the inflation we have is due to supply not getting here because of the pandemic, and really not the "fault" of either Biden or Trump, or anyone else, BOTH parties but especially the dems have goosed up demand so much that consumer Demand continues to buy anything out there despite Consumer Confidence falling as fast as inflation rises.

In 1972 Nixon catastrophically manipulated the Fed to preserve full employment despite inflation. But at least he did it on purpose. Imo the Progs don't understand market economics enough to really have a plan beyond "we have opportunity to force wages higher with paying people to not work and cause employer to raise wages."
Yes, you need to learn history.

Can you post the "Reagan never had a republican Congress" again. Ya know, just for shits and giggles before you're proven wrong.
Or at least a link that the dems promised to cut spending ... even as Reagan raised taxes to cover soc sec. LOL
It's incredibility naïve to think people have quit working because they received one or two $1,400 checks almost a year ago

Did you even bother to read my post about the money many are receiving on a monthly basis? And the last two stimulus checks were sent out in Dec. 2020 and March 2021 with another coming this month. Did you know the stimulus was much higher on this two? In the example I gave for a family of 5, they would have received $3000 in Dec. 2020, $9800 in March of 2021 and will receive $4300 this month. So in the last year, this family would receive $17,100 in stimulus checks alone, NOT including the monthly child tax credit and any other subsidies they may receive. And all of it is tax-free. Remember, this family also likely doesn't pay any rent. Why on earth would they work to unload shipping containers? In order to account for the money and subsidies they receive and considering taxes, they would need to make at least 50k per year just to break even. To incentivize them you would likely need to pay them closer to 70k. Remember, we are not talking about skilled labor here.

If you actually took the time to do some research and put some thought into it you would come to understand the problem. I fear you are too steeped in your ideology to do either.
Yeah, the Trumpanzees look for partisan
"blame," it's what they do.

But while the inflation we have is due to supply not getting here because of the pandemic, and really not the "fault" of either Biden or Trump, or anyone else, BOTH parties but especially the dems have goosed up demand so much that consumer Demand continues to buy anything out there despite Consumer Confidence falling as fast as inflation rises.

In 1972 Nixon catastrophically manipulated the Fed to preserve full employment despite inflation. But at least he did it on purpose. Imo the Progs don't understand market economics enough to really have a plan beyond "we have opportunity to force wages higher with paying people to not work and cause employer to raise wages."
Your whole post is dumb.

Who has pushed supply side economic since the 1980's? An economic plan which just produces tax breaks for the wealthy and deficits and debt for the rest of us.

The top two drivers of our current transitory inflation are new cars 58% and used cars 33% because of a chip shortage.

Not some conservative bullshit about stimulus checks from a year ago.

BTW Nixon did wage and price controls.
Did you even bother to read my post about the money many are receiving on a monthly basis? And the last two stimulus checks were sent out in Dec. 2020 and March 2021 with another coming this month. Did you know the stimulus was much higher on this two? In the example I gave for a family of 5, they would have received $3000 in Dec. 2020, $9800 in March of 2021 and will receive $4300 this month. So in the last year, this family would receive $17,100 in stimulus checks alone, NOT including the monthly child tax credit and any other subsidies they may receive. And all of it is tax-free. Remember, this family also likely doesn't pay any rent. Why on earth would they work to unload shipping containers? In order to account for the money and subsidies they receive and considering taxes, they would need to make at least 50k per year just to break even. To incentivize them you would likely need to pay them closer to 70k. Remember, we are not talking about skilled labor here.

If you actually took the time to do some research and put some thought into it you would come to understand the problem. I fear you are too steeped in your ideology to do either.
Again, your post isn't reality based. It's a dream presented to you from some conservative bullshit site.

Also, I assume that you have owned computers, so answer the question. I could ask about TV's too
Now 40% of those people think the vaccine is dangerous because an orange fuckup lost.

Your VP said she wouldn't take it if Trump told her to but we are all supposed to take it because Biden tells us to?

But while the inflation we have is due to supply not getting here because of the pandemic, and really not the "fault" of either Biden or Trump, or anyone else, BOTH parties but especially the dems have goosed up demand so much that consumer Demand continues to buy anything out there despite Consumer Confidence falling as fast as inflation rises.

Cheez. The supply is not getting places and/or is not getting produced primarily due to the labor shortage, not the pandemic. Every single thinking person on the planet knows this is the case. You can argue why we have a labor shortage, but stop with all the other ridiculous excuses the left-wing keeps throwing out there. It is ridiciulous. I can't believe people have been dumbed down so much that they would believe all the nonsense.
Or at least a link that the dems promised to cut spending ... even as Reagan raised taxes to cover soc sec. LOL
Dude, Reagan had a republic senate from 1982-6 and largely signed budgets that reflected his tax and spending wishes. Do you know how many times he raised taxes to pay for his military wishes and tax cuts for corporations and wealthy people?

Also, Reagan did hike SS taxes because the program works and it's political suicide to mess with the program. That made him a smart.
Again, your post isn't reality based. It's a dream presented to you from some conservative bullshit site.

Also, I assume that you have owned computers, so answer the question. I could ask about TV's too

No, that is reality. Run the numbers yourself. They won't tell you such things on MSNBC.

Sure, prices on electronics tend to fall as technology advances. Care to make the same price comparison over the years on commodities, minus gas/oil?
Your VP said she wouldn't take it if Trump told her to but we are all supposed to take it because Biden tells us to?

Cheez. The supply is not getting places and/or is not getting produced primarily due to the labor shortage, not the pandemic. Every single thinking person on the planet knows this is the case. You can argue why we have a labor shortage, but stop with all the other ridiculous excuses the left-wing keeps throwing out there. It is ridiciulous. I can't believe people have been dumbed down so much that they would believe all the nonsense.
VP Kamala Harris said that she would not take a vaccine without CDC/FDA approval. She rightly pointed out that widespread public acceptance of them depended on it, not a presidential announcement.
The stock market is only strong because there is essentially no other place to invest that provides a yield and potential appreciation rate equal too or greater than bonds, excluding junk bonds.
Back before most of you were born, or out of dippers, bond yields, municipal(s), and TBills, exceeded, equaled, or were just shy of the prime rate. Stock prices were depressed due to stagflation. The stock market lags the economy, always has.
VP Kamala Harris said that she would not take a vaccine without CDC/FDA approval. She rightly pointed out that widespread public acceptance of them depended on it, not a presidential announcement.

Actually, she said she would take it if Fauci ask her to. LOL, now that is funny considering his track record.
No, that is reality. Run the numbers yourself. They won't tell you such things on MSNBC.

Sure, prices on electronics tend to fall as technology advances. Care to make the same price comparison over the years on commodities, minus gas/oil?
There aren't anymore stimulus checks going out dude. A family of 5 not paying rent and getting all the money....that sounds a lot like a previous republic story about people going broke from estate taxes.

You stated that NO products ever come back from a price increase.

In 2011 the price of a barrel of corn was about $6,50. Currently, it's about $5.50.
The stock market is only strong because there is essentially no other place to invest that provides a yield and potential appreciation rate equal too or greater than bonds, excluding junk bonds.
Back before most of you were born, or out of dippers, bond yields, municipal(s), and TBills, exceeded, equaled, or were just shy of the prime rate. Stock prices were depressed due to stagflation. The stock market lags the economy, always has.
You never heard of bitcoin?

When has stagflation happened in America? Also, the stock market is a forward looking vehicle not a backwards one. It trades on potential not past results.
Yes, a year ago people were upbeat about the vaccines just being approved.

Now 40% of those people think the vaccine is dangerous because an orange fuckup lost.
That is not why. There is a slight uptick because several believe an increase in min wage will help their disposable income. The reason people are doubting the vaccines is because COVID keeps spreading and Fauci has lost a lot of credibility. Trump is pro vaccine. Blaming him is crazy.

The inflation adjusted number of the price of a gallon of milk.

In 1995 the price was $4.09 while currently it's about $3.25.
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That is not why. There is a slight uptick because several believe an increase in min wage will help their disposable income. The reason people are doubting the vaccines is because COVID keeps spreading and Fauci has lost a lot of credibility. Trump is pro vaccine. Blaming him is crazy.
Sure, the former president and probably his family took the jab, but his sycophant followers haven't and won't.
There aren't anymore stimulus checks going out dude. A family of 5 not paying rent and getting all the money....that sounds a lot like a previous republic story about people going broke from estate taxes.

You are ignorant. Nothing can be done. Democrats want more people to be gullible and naive. You fit the bill.

You stated that NO products ever come back from a price increase.

In 2011 the price of a barrel of corn was about $6,50. Currently, it's about $5.50.

The overall point here is that the overwhelming majority of prices do not retreat from inflation. You are simply being obtuse and making no salient point.
You are ignorant. Nothing can be done. Democrats want more people to be gullible and naive. You fit the bill.

The overall point here is that the overwhelming majority of prices do not retreat from inflation. You are simply being obtuse and making no salient point.
I have proven you wrong and instead of moderating your prices never come down canard you run away from the reality.

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