A history lesson for those who don't know the KKK

The KKK is a cultural artifact left over from the CSA.

While it is true that in the 19th century the CSA holdouts were democrats, that is really no longer the case.

Thje vast majority of Klanners stand today in agreement with everything the GOP seems to stand for.

The KLan, the NAZI party, the White supremicists and all race obsessed organization are now unoffical auxillary organizations of the GOP,

The GOP has nothing do with them officially, but their members stand for very much the same thing the GOP stands for AS CAN BE SO EASILY SEEN in the nature of posting and posters right HERE on this very board.

The GOP is NOT a racist party, per se, it is merely the PARTY THAT RACISTS LOVE TO SUPPORT.

didn't know that the NBPP UL, NAACP, La Raza and NOI supported the GOP.

Guess you learn something new every day :confused:
Gawd, you people are a fucking JOKE!!

5,000 Neanderthals define for you the 'politics' of 100 million citizens?

Do you even SEE your stupidity?

That means we can safely assume the statements made by the NBPP about "killing crackers" and "killing white babies" defines the politics of the Democrats, right?

Thats one Klan. How can you leave out Nathan B Forrest? He was the originator of the Klan for Pete's sake!

A closer look at your history may prove enlightening to you.


After all this caterwauling about the KKK the fact remains that they amount to about 5,000 Neanderthal racists who don't get any traction with ANYONE.

Stop buying the swill Morris Dees and the rest of the race pimps are peddling, you're only making them RICHER.
I'm not white, if that's what you were thinking. I do read my history. How do you know one way or the other? You lived back then and were in the room when they all decided to kill us for fun? Some document proving this? Nathan B Forrest started the Klan according to most historians, so I think I'm fine with the history I know about them through them. I'm always open to more info though, I always cross reference and fact check, so if its revisionist crap that is written to save face for the Dems hand in their formation like it seems you're doing.... I won't fall for it. Too much proof to the contrary at this point in time.

They damn sure wasn't killing for for fake.

All those lyncings and murders for just being black? take your fucking blinders off dude!

fuck nathan b. forrest. that's just bullshit writen to cover the true meaning behind the klan's formation. their whole damn goal is to KILL....KILL....KILL...
A closer look at your history may prove enlightening to you.


After all this caterwauling about the KKK the fact remains that they amount to about 5,000 Neanderthal racists who don't get any traction with ANYONE.

Stop buying the swill Morris Dees and the rest of the race pimps are peddling, you're only making them RICHER.
I'm not white, if that's what you were thinking. I do read my history. How do you know one way or the other? You lived back then and were in the room when they all decided to kill us for fun? Some document proving this? Nathan B Forrest started the Klan according to most historians, so I think I'm fine with the history I know about them through them. I'm always open to more info though, I always cross reference and fact check, so if its revisionist crap that is written to save face for the Dems hand in their formation like it seems you're doing.... I won't fall for it. Too much proof to the contrary at this point in time.

They damn sure wasn't killing for for fake.

All those lyncings and murders for just being black? take your fucking blinders off dude!

fuck nathan b. forrest. that's just bullshit writen to cover the true meaning behind the klan's formation. their whole damn goal is to KILL....KILL....KILL...

You also might want to visit the other thread I cited, and get yourself a little knowledge that you don't currently possess. I realize 75 pages is a lot to read, but there is a lot of accurate information there that you are CLEARLY lacking.

And for the record I'll say it again, the KKK is a group of about 5,000 people (according to the ADL) who get NO TRACTION from 99.9% of Americans.
I'm not white, if that's what you were thinking. I do read my history. How do you know one way or the other? You lived back then and were in the room when they all decided to kill us for fun? Some document proving this? Nathan B Forrest started the Klan according to most historians, so I think I'm fine with the history I know about them through them. I'm always open to more info though, I always cross reference and fact check, so if its revisionist crap that is written to save face for the Dems hand in their formation like it seems you're doing.... I won't fall for it. Too much proof to the contrary at this point in time.

They damn sure wasn't killing for for fake.

All those lyncings and murders for just being black? take your fucking blinders off dude!

fuck nathan b. forrest. that's just bullshit writen to cover the true meaning behind the klan's formation. their whole damn goal is to KILL....KILL....KILL...

You also might want to visit the other thread I cited, and get yourself a little knowledge that you don't currently possess. I realize 75 pages is a lot to read, but there is a lot of accurate information there that you are CLEARLY lacking.

And for the record I'll say it again, the KKK is a group of about 5,000 people (according to the ADL) who get NO TRACTION from 99.9% of Americans.

I'll tell you right now I'm not interested in the ADL's propaganda. I KNOW it's KKK woven into this society through every fiber from your basic mechanic to the halls of high justice. the KKK is the heart and soul of America.

You let a Civil War jump off and see how many rally to the KKK as their base of support.

No other race in America nas a legion and deep and as thorough. How else you think the country is run ? by Civil and just and honest white men? HELL NO. Criminals and loan sharks and cuttthraots AND KKK.....

KKK is just another name for "the good ole boys club"
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They damn sure wasn't killing for for fake.

All those lyncings and murders for just being black? take your fucking blinders off dude!

fuck nathan b. forrest. that's just bullshit writen to cover the true meaning behind the klan's formation. their whole damn goal is to KILL....KILL....KILL...

You also might want to visit the other thread I cited, and get yourself a little knowledge that you don't currently possess. I realize 75 pages is a lot to read, but there is a lot of accurate information there that you are CLEARLY lacking.

And for the record I'll say it again, the KKK is a group of about 5,000 people (according to the ADL) who get NO TRACTION from 99.9% of Americans.

I'll tell you righ tnow I'm not interested in the ADL's proganda. I KNOW it's KKK woven into thise society through every fiber from your basic mechanic to the halls of high justice. the KKK is the heart and soul of America.

You lst a Civil War jump off and see how many rally to the KKK as their base of support.

No other race in America nas a legion and deep and as thorough. How else you think the country is run ? by Civil and just and honest white men? HELL NO. Criminals and loan sharks and cuttthraots AND KKK.....

KKK is jus tanother name for "the good ole boys club"

The delusion is strong in this one.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95aQshvaAII]THE KKK FORMED BY FORMER DEMOCRATS WHO OPPOSED EQUALITY FOR BLACKS - YouTube[/ame]
You also might want to visit the other thread I cited, and get yourself a little knowledge that you don't currently possess. I realize 75 pages is a lot to read, but there is a lot of accurate information there that you are CLEARLY lacking.

And for the record I'll say it again, the KKK is a group of about 5,000 people (according to the ADL) who get NO TRACTION from 99.9% of Americans.

I'll tell you righ tnow I'm not interested in the ADL's proganda. I KNOW it's KKK woven into thise society through every fiber from your basic mechanic to the halls of high justice. the KKK is the heart and soul of America.

You lst a Civil War jump off and see how many rally to the KKK as their base of support.

No other race in America nas a legion and deep and as thorough. How else you think the country is run ? by Civil and just and honest white men? HELL NO. Criminals and loan sharks and cuttthraots AND KKK.....

KKK is jus tanother name for "the good ole boys club"

The delusion is strong in this one.

And it's vital that you break from that delusion asap
I'll tell you righ tnow I'm not interested in the ADL's proganda. I KNOW it's KKK woven into thise society through every fiber from your basic mechanic to the halls of high justice. the KKK is the heart and soul of America.

You lst a Civil War jump off and see how many rally to the KKK as their base of support.

No other race in America nas a legion and deep and as thorough. How else you think the country is run ? by Civil and just and honest white men? HELL NO. Criminals and loan sharks and cuttthraots AND KKK.....

KKK is jus tanother name for "the good ole boys club"

The delusion is strong in this one.

And it's vital that you break from that delusion asap

Please point out my delusion. Give me facts and figures that bolster your argument, not hyperbolic opinion.

My great Uncle was a KKK member and was part of the State congress in Kansas. He was also the only one to take his hood off at some meeting.
I guess because he was in the KKK and racist, that means I am in the KKK and racists.
Well I am racist, but against the human race.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8T8L3xcsA3w&feature=related]White Is Right - YouTube[/ame]
The Council of Conservative Citizens appears to be the second coming of the KKK.

Council of Conservative Citizens | Southern Poverty Law Center

Council of Conservative Citizens

Associated Profiles
Gordon Baum
Related Articles
Using Hate Group Materials, Dobbs Slams Illegal Immigration (2006)
Extremist Leads New Arkansas Anti-Immigration Group
Mississippi Senator Trent Lott and Georgia Congressman Bob Barr Have Connections to White Supremacist Group Council of Conservative Citizens (2004)
Racist Council of Conservative Citizens Finds Home in Mainstream Politics (1999)
Founded: 1985
Location: St. Louis, MO
Profiled Leadership: Gordon Baum
Ideology: White Nationalist
The Council of Conservative Citizens (CCC) is the modern reincarnation of the old White Citizens Councils, which were formed in the 1950s and 1960s to battle school desegregation in the South. Created in 1985 from the mailing lists of its predecessor organization, the CCC, which initially tried to project a "mainstream" image, has evolved into a crudely white supremacist group whose website has run pictures comparing pop singer Michael Jackson to an ape and referred to blacks as "a retrograde species of humanity." The group's newspaper, Citizens Informer, regularly publishes articles condemning "race mixing," decrying the evils of illegal immigration, and lamenting the decline of white, European civilization.

In Its Own Words
"God is the author of racism. God is the One who divided mankind into different types. ... Mixing the races is rebelliousness against God."

— Council of Conservative Citizens website, 2001

"We believe the United States is a European country and that Americans are part of the European people. … We therefore oppose the massive immigration of non-European and non-Western peoples into the United States that threatens to transform our nation into a non-European majority in our lifetime. We believe that illegal immigration must be stopped, if necessary by military force and placing troops on our national borders; that illegal aliens must be returned to their own countries; and that legal immigration must be severely restricted or halted through appropriate changes in our laws and policies. We also oppose all efforts to mix the races of mankind, to promote non-white races over the European-American people through so-called ‘affirmative action' and similar measures, to destroy or denigrate the European-American heritage, including the heritage of the Southern people, and to force the integration of the races."
—Statement of Principles, Citizens Informer, 2007

"Controlling immigration is about the security of this republic [terrorists illegally crossing the borders] and making sure countries like Mexico stop dumping their murderers, rapists, those carrying AIDS and other communicable diseases and gang members on America's door step."
—Devvy Kidd, Citizens Informer, 2006
The Council of Conservative Citizens appears to be the second coming of the KKK.

Council of Conservative Citizens | Southern Poverty Law Center

Council of Conservative Citizens

Associated Profiles
Gordon Baum
Related Articles
Using Hate Group Materials, Dobbs Slams Illegal Immigration (2006)
Extremist Leads New Arkansas Anti-Immigration Group
Mississippi Senator Trent Lott and Georgia Congressman Bob Barr Have Connections to White Supremacist Group Council of Conservative Citizens (2004)
Racist Council of Conservative Citizens Finds Home in Mainstream Politics (1999)
Founded: 1985
Location: St. Louis, MO
Profiled Leadership: Gordon Baum
Ideology: White Nationalist
The Council of Conservative Citizens (CCC) is the modern reincarnation of the old White Citizens Councils, which were formed in the 1950s and 1960s to battle school desegregation in the South. Created in 1985 from the mailing lists of its predecessor organization, the CCC, which initially tried to project a "mainstream" image, has evolved into a crudely white supremacist group whose website has run pictures comparing pop singer Michael Jackson to an ape and referred to blacks as "a retrograde species of humanity." The group's newspaper, Citizens Informer, regularly publishes articles condemning "race mixing," decrying the evils of illegal immigration, and lamenting the decline of white, European civilization.

In Its Own Words
"God is the author of racism. God is the One who divided mankind into different types. ... Mixing the races is rebelliousness against God."

&#8212; Council of Conservative Citizens website, 2001

"We believe the United States is a European country and that Americans are part of the European people. &#8230; We therefore oppose the massive immigration of non-European and non-Western peoples into the United States that threatens to transform our nation into a non-European majority in our lifetime. We believe that illegal immigration must be stopped, if necessary by military force and placing troops on our national borders; that illegal aliens must be returned to their own countries; and that legal immigration must be severely restricted or halted through appropriate changes in our laws and policies. We also oppose all efforts to mix the races of mankind, to promote non-white races over the European-American people through so-called &#8216;affirmative action' and similar measures, to destroy or denigrate the European-American heritage, including the heritage of the Southern people, and to force the integration of the races."
&#8212;Statement of Principles, Citizens Informer, 2007

"Controlling immigration is about the security of this republic [terrorists illegally crossing the borders] and making sure countries like Mexico stop dumping their murderers, rapists, those carrying AIDS and other communicable diseases and gang members on America's door step."
&#8212;Devvy Kidd, Citizens Informer, 2006

You didn't listen to the video now did you? What you have posted sounds very much like what you will hear from many Democrats in reverse. So your attempt at trying to prove a point is a big fail. This group and the military arm of the Democrat Party, the KKK, have little in common, watch the video, learn.
The delusion is strong in this one.

And it's vital that you break from that delusion asap

Please point out my delusion. Give me facts and figures that bolster your argument, not hyperbolic opinion.


Your delusion is you think the KKK is only comprised of a mere 5,000 members. which couldn't be further from the truth.

99% of the White population in prisons today are KKK/Aryans. and you best believe it's more than 5,000 white inmates in the prison system today.

Not even counting the memebers on the outside woven into our society.
My great Uncle was a KKK member and was part of the State congress in Kansas. He was also the only one to take his hood off at some meeting.
I guess because he was in the KKK and racist, that means I am in the KKK and racists.
Well I am racist, but against the human race.

If you follow his blueprint that he left behind you damn right you're a racist.

What is his blueprint you ask?

You tell us, he was in the KKK, surely that have tenants to uphold regarding Black people.

1. Are you quick to judge a Black person?
2. Are all Black people monkeys and savages?
3. Have you ever helped a Black person
4. Have you ever wanted injustice to happen to a Black person but in your mind you thought it's justice?
5. Do you think Black people are the major leech on Welfare
6. Do you think America is the White Man's land?

^just to name a few. not that you'll answer honestly on the web, but It would be nice to see your responses.
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