A High School Cheerleader’s F-Bombs on Snapchat Could Blow Up Free Speech for U.S. Students

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
LMFAO from the link I think it's hilarious a judge wrote this...

Recognizing that students use social media constantly, for conversations ranging from the “high-minded” all the way to the “plain silly,” U.S. Circuit Judge Cheryl Ann Krause wrote for the Third Circuit

Yanno, I think she should be allowed to say what she wants if she's not in school (they have rules) or not at a school sanctioned activity like sports or cheerleading. If she was dissatisfied with what happened to her, she should be able to say so. Me? I had my 1st Amendment rights curtailed for over 20 years while serving in the Navy, but I understood that I was a military member 24/7. Now that I'm retired and no longer under military rules? I speak my mind and tell others what I think. I couldn't do that or post on social media what I really thought when I was active duty, but now I can (which is why I piss off Republicans on a repeated basis on here).
LMFAO from the link I think it's hilarious a judge wrote this...

Recognizing that students use social media constantly, for conversations ranging from the “high-minded” all the way to the “plain silly,” U.S. Circuit Judge Cheryl Ann Krause wrote for the Third Circuit

What is this free speech?
Now that I'm retired and no longer under military rules?
And I presume you still have your guns, and you want strict gun control laws against us civilians you were so gracious to “serve.”
why I piss off Republicans on a repeated basis on here
All I know is that you never fought for me if you don't want me to possess or carry firearms on my own.
There's an important lesson here of course.

A girl's got to have something to do she can be proud of herself without appeasing the desires of boys and older men.

Life isn't sex, sex, sex all the time.

Too many guys do stuff with other guys they don't let girls participate unless they’re willing to have sex.
LMFAO A High School Cheerleader’s F-Bombs on Snapchat
Fuck is another word for rape. What if she were at the police station screaming rape instead of fuck?

Actually, it's not.

My hot Puerto Rican girlfriend and I fuck all the time, but it's consensual and we both enjoy the... well, we enjoy the fuck out of it.

Equating the two words only further proves how big a fucking retard you are...
Poor judgement on her part but it's still a First Amendment right
I usually agree with you but free speech is not necessarily obscene speech.
We all have a right to spew obscenities but not everywhere and whenever we please.

Evidently she wasn't on school property. She has the right granted to her by the US Constitution.

My guess is she caused extreme butt hurt to some asshole educator
Now that I'm retired and no longer under military rules?
And I presume you still have your guns, and you want strict gun control laws against us civilians you were so gracious to “serve.”
why I piss off Republicans on a repeated basis on here
All I know is that you never fought for me if you don't want me to possess or carry firearms on my own.

Interestingly enough, I don't own any guns right now. Why? I don't really have a need for them. I live in a nice part of town, and am confident enough in my ability to defend myself if the need arises. The only time I had guns (actually rifles, never a handgun) is when I lived in Montana and hunted for deer and other things to eat. And, I never had a semi automatic, as I preferred bolt action (they're more accurate). If you want to carry a firearm, be my guest, and do that if it makes you feel safe. I'm not that much of a pussy. However, I do believe that the only reason for a weapon to carry more than 10 rounds is when you're in a war zone. Even when I was on the Security Force and going through weapons training, I was taught something called ammo control, which means throw a couple of rounds downrange, stop, reassess the situation, and send a couple of more if required. Shooting 15 to 30 rounds at a target was never required. If we did that (Security Force members), the Gunny would have had our ass.
LMFAO from the link I think it's hilarious a judge wrote this...

Recognizing that students use social media constantly, for conversations ranging from the “high-minded” all the way to the “plain silly,” U.S. Circuit Judge Cheryl Ann Krause wrote for the Third Circuit

and yet also in the news this week a black student held onto a video of a 15 year old white cheerleader saying ****** when she got her drivers license as she copied some rap songs. While the courts ruled in the this case that a student could flip the birdie at others out of school and not be penalized by the school, the second cheerleader lost her opportunity to be a college cheerleader over her word choice YEARS EARLIER.

Double standards should not be tolerate.

Oh btw I did say the N word because it IS just another stupid word-one of many.
Poor judgement on her part but it's still a First Amendment right
I usually agree with you but free speech is not necessarily obscene speech.
We all have a right to spew obscenities but not everywhere and whenever we please.

You're right, free speech isn't necessarily obscene speech, but obscene speech is part of free speech. I flipped off my neighbor once (he'd done something to piss me off), and he called the cops. The police officer said that while I was using obscene gestures, it was still protected under free speech and he couldn't arrest me for using my rights to express my displeasure.

Later, my neighbor and I had a beer, and he said that he was sorry for pissing me off, and I apologized to him for flipping him off in front of his wife.
Poor judgement on her part but it's still a First Amendment right
I usually agree with you but free speech is not necessarily obscene speech.
We all have a right to spew obscenities but not everywhere and whenever we please.

Evidently she wasn't on school property. She has the right granted to her by the US Constitution.

My guess is she caused extreme butt hurt to some asshole educator

Sassy, we gotta quit agreeing on things. Like I said, that is one of the signs of the End Times. I mean, there are several Horsemen riding around right now, especially Pestilence (i.e. COVID 19). If you keep posting things that I agree with, the world just might end.
Me? I had my 1st Amendment rights curtailed for over 20 years while serving in the Navy, but I understood that I was a military member 24/7.
Interestingly enough, I don't own any guns right now. Why? I don't really have a need for them. I live in a nice part of town, and am confident enough in my ability to defend myself if the need arises.
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