A Freedom of Speech Test

Anyone want to take bets on how quickly the OP gets banned?


I'll go with a week.

I would hate to see that.

Why are so many people afraid of words?

Nothing is improved without open, honest, communication.

The "ignore" function works just fine for those who are somehow traumatized by this guy.


It's not fear. But anyone who joins a political message board with a Hitler avi is just trolling. Seriously. This dork is just looking for undeserved attention. You know it's true.
I'll go with a week.

I would hate to see that.

Why are so many people afraid of words?

Nothing is improved without open, honest, communication.

The "ignore" function works just fine for those who are somehow traumatized by this guy.


It's not fear. But anyone who joins a political message board with a Hitler avi is just trolling. Seriously. This dork is just looking for undeserved attention. You know it's true.

No, it's looking for like "thinking" people, to get it's "message" out and to try and goad those who disagree with it. Typical sociopath.
I would hate to see that.

Why are so many people afraid of words?

Nothing is improved without open, honest, communication.

The "ignore" function works just fine for those who are somehow traumatized by this guy.


It's not fear. But anyone who joins a political message board with a Hitler avi is just trolling. Seriously. This dork is just looking for undeserved attention. You know it's true.

No, it's looking for like "thinking" people, to get it's "message" out and to try and goad those who disagree with it. Typical sociopath.

or that.
Anyone want to take bets on how quickly the OP gets banned?


I'll go with a week.

I would hate to see that.

Why are so many people afraid of words?

Nothing is improved without open, honest, communication.

The "ignore" function works just fine for those who are somehow traumatized by this guy.

Because intellectual and meaningful discourse can easily be drowned out by inane trolling.

I am all for free speech but I am also for freedom of association and have no problem when inane trolls are ejected from this site so that we can actually get real discussions going.

I challenge that assessment though - I don't think he is going to get banned. Offensive views are not the problem nor the what gets people banned - it is pointless trolling and this site has a HUGE amount of patience for that as well...
It's not fear. But anyone who joins a political message board with a Hitler avi is just trolling. Seriously. This dork is just looking for undeserved attention. You know it's true.

No, it's looking for like "thinking" people, to get it's "message" out and to try and goad those who disagree with it. Typical sociopath.

or that.

Sure, the guy's a loon.

I'm just beyond sick of the way Americans want to "ban" everything that annoys them.

We can ignore him or play with him. Whatever. But "banning" is cowardly.

Anyone want to take bets on how quickly the OP gets banned?


I'll go with a week.

I would hate to see that.

Why are so many people afraid of words?

Nothing is improved without open, honest, communication.

The "ignore" function works just fine for those who are somehow traumatized by this guy.


Banning his ass works well, too.

Did you see his avatar? He's either a serious racist or a serious troll. Maybe both.
You may not like what I have to say. But I have a right to say it. Now this is how I would like things to go. If you think I am wrong about a particular point that I make, tell me what it is and why you think it is wrong. I will tell you it isn't wrong. And so on. To keep things simple, please send a separate reply for each point that you disagree with.
First of all, I have heard some religious people basically say that they wouldn't mind seeing the world destroyed. Because that would mean that they would get to go to heaven and be with Jesus. For most other people, they operate by a similar principal. Which is not really caring what happens. As long as it happens to someone else. It's no wonder that people like lies so much. But get ready for some truth.
The rock bottom basis for true patriotism lies in what you are. Just as it is in the animal kingdom. Like it or not, there is no better species of human than the White species of human. (You know, like what Michael Jackson tried to make himself look like) Also, I am far from caring what other species of human may think about this. Just as a dog would likely be unconcerned with what a flea's feelings about things are. You may not believe it, but Whites can get along just fine without non-Whites around. And no doubt, much better. Despite what your Jewish slavemasters have brainwashed you to believe. Or their Christian lap dogs who believe that a good way to demonstrate the power of their god is to support the Jewish people. For all you White people out there, stick up for yourselves and support each other!
For example, look at the illegal invaders flooding over our southern border. I think the U.S. should start sending the ones they catch back over the border with catapults! (Land mines would be helpful also) That would slow down the invasion. This may sound harsh. But you'll likely find it difficult to stop desperate overbreeders without desperate measures. And the White species, along with the land that we occupy, are worth fighting for. No matter what the cost! Besides, the U.S. should be more than a dumping ground for illegal lowlifes who don't believe in population control. (If they've even heard of the term) I'm glad that we don't share a land border with places like China, India, Pakistan or Rwanda. Also, ever hear of a Mexican group called, "La Raza?" It means, "The Race." You can't get much more racist than that. Yet between Bill Gates and the U.S. government, that group has received over ten million dollars!
It's bad enough that so many traitorous companies started sending jobs overseas. Which caused so many more of the less traitorous companies to do the same, just to compete. We don't need these illegal scabs coming here to take what jobs are left. For you White people out there, (As well as other Americans) you should be concerned that these invaders are ultimately taking food out of your children's mouths. But if sticking up for what you are doesn't hold much interest for you, I don't suppose that sticking up for your children would hold much interest for you either. Which is the ultimate in pathetic. Unfortunately, the ruling elite capitalist scum who run this country just loves the shit out of scabs and wage slaves.
I have another example of racism for you. I was watching a news program once. (For as much as you can believe those) They were saying that when Obama was first running for president, blacks were registering to vote in larger than normal numbers. Both times Obama ran, he received over ninety five percent of the black vote. I would have to assume that the main reason for that was just because he was black. That sounds pretty racist to me.
For anybody who wants to respond to this post, I don't even want to hear from you unless you're White. Why? Because a bottle nose dolphins have no business telling spotted dolphins anything that has to do with what spotted dolphins do. Lynx have no business telling bobcats anything that has to do with what bobcats do. Mule deer have no business telling white tail deer anything that has to do with what white tail deer do. Etc. times millions. So non-Whites have no business telling Whites anything that has to do with what Whites do. Also, I know that insults come easier than reason. But please save any insults you have for somebody who cares. Another thing is that for those who disagree with me, it would be helpful for those with a doctorate degree to respond to me. Or anybody who has a high level of status quo entrenched, "Bo Peep" education. Because cutting the head off any political cult is a good place to start.
I read your post in full, I am white, so entitled to respond. Your statement that whites are the best is only an opinion, and I have no problem with it. most of what else you say seems to be true to me. I don't know what to respond to, so I'm not sure if it will be on track, but as far as white people, in todays world what is your suggestion? You seem to be one of the vast majority who would fiercely oppose my idea of new world government, for fear of free loaders coming into America and feeding off the hard labor of the intelligent white man. I am a hard working intelligent white man who understands that if you throw these criminals out of your country today, they will regroup and be back here on the next flight tomorrow morning, they will not need a sail boat. and they will begin to bribe your officials again, not with your new money, but with unlimited goodies that they will be able to get for their unlimited supply of money in other nations they control, and the history will very soon repeat itself. Or they will simply destroy your nation from within other nations as history has shown. That is why our agreement ends here, and I will never back down on my firm belief that a new world government must be established. And if you ask how do we prevent free loaders from completely overtaking America under such one new world government, the answer is we eliminate the welfare state that we have today to begin with, and then the lazy people will have nothing to come here to, and we liberate their nations so that they have the same opportunity. At the moment vast majority disagree with me, but this does not matter to me:

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Oh boy indeed. I have been on many political forums. Most of which I got banned from. I guess they got tired of not being able to defeat me in debate. But PaintMyHouse shut down one of my statements to a pretty good degree. Though since nobody else has ever managed to do so, I don't think it will happen again. But you too are welcome to try.
I got banned from most forums too, this is the ONLY forum I remain on. did you get banned from storm front? if so, we may have something in common, if you have NOT gotten banned from storm front, then you still have things to learn.
90% does sound very high, until you look at this:

Not so racist now is it?

Nope not racists, just stupid and blind.

Your opinion is noted, and rejected. However I am only too happy to acknowledge that you believe the ******* are too stupid to vote for the people who actually care about them, the party of whitey, AKA, the GOP. That is the dogma here...

Your words bro. I have never used that word to describe black people in my life.
You may not like what I have to say. But I have a right to say it. Now this is how I would like things to go. If you think I am wrong about a particular point that I make, tell me what it is and why you think it is wrong. I will tell you it isn't wrong. And so on. To keep things simple, please send a separate reply for each point that you disagree with.
First of all, I have heard some religious people basically say that they wouldn't mind seeing the world destroyed. Because that would mean that they would get to go to heaven and be with Jesus. For most other people, they operate by a similar principal. Which is not really caring what happens. As long as it happens to someone else. It's no wonder that people like lies so much. But get ready for some truth.
The rock bottom basis for true patriotism lies in what you are. Just as it is in the animal kingdom. Like it or not, there is no better species of human than the White species of human. (You know, like what Michael Jackson tried to make himself look like) Also, I am far from caring what other species of human may think about this. Just as a dog would likely be unconcerned with what a flea's feelings about things are. You may not believe it, but Whites can get along just fine without non-Whites around. And no doubt, much better. Despite what your Jewish slavemasters have brainwashed you to believe. Or their Christian lap dogs who believe that a good way to demonstrate the power of their god is to support the Jewish people. For all you White people out there, stick up for yourselves and support each other!
For example, look at the illegal invaders flooding over our southern border. I think the U.S. should start sending the ones they catch back over the border with catapults! (Land mines would be helpful also) That would slow down the invasion. This may sound harsh. But you'll likely find it difficult to stop desperate overbreeders without desperate measures. And the White species, along with the land that we occupy, are worth fighting for. No matter what the cost! Besides, the U.S. should be more than a dumping ground for illegal lowlifes who don't believe in population control. (If they've even heard of the term) I'm glad that we don't share a land border with places like China, India, Pakistan or Rwanda. Also, ever hear of a Mexican group called, "La Raza?" It means, "The Race." You can't get much more racist than that. Yet between Bill Gates and the U.S. government, that group has received over ten million dollars!
It's bad enough that so many traitorous companies started sending jobs overseas. Which caused so many more of the less traitorous companies to do the same, just to compete. We don't need these illegal scabs coming here to take what jobs are left. For you White people out there, (As well as other Americans) you should be concerned that these invaders are ultimately taking food out of your children's mouths. But if sticking up for what you are doesn't hold much interest for you, I don't suppose that sticking up for your children would hold much interest for you either. Which is the ultimate in pathetic. Unfortunately, the ruling elite capitalist scum who run this country just loves the shit out of scabs and wage slaves.
I have another example of racism for you. I was watching a news program once. (For as much as you can believe those) They were saying that when Obama was first running for president, blacks were registering to vote in larger than normal numbers. Both times Obama ran, he received over ninety five percent of the black vote. I would have to assume that the main reason for that was just because he was black. That sounds pretty racist to me.
For anybody who wants to respond to this post, I don't even want to hear from you unless you're White. Why? Because a bottle nose dolphins have no business telling spotted dolphins anything that has to do with what spotted dolphins do. Lynx have no business telling bobcats anything that has to do with what bobcats do. Mule deer have no business telling white tail deer anything that has to do with what white tail deer do. Etc. times millions. So non-Whites have no business telling Whites anything that has to do with what Whites do. Also, I know that insults come easier than reason. But please save any insults you have for somebody who cares. Another thing is that for those who disagree with me, it would be helpful for those with a doctorate degree to respond to me. Or anybody who has a high level of status quo entrenched, "Bo Peep" education. Because cutting the head off any political cult is a good place to start.


I'm skipping all the race stuff, since it bores me.

so the treason stuff

If it was treason, and knowing how obama wants to take over companies, then the Fed would have moved in on most of them by now and not just GE.
Nope not racists, just stupid and blind.

Your opinion is noted, and rejected. However I am only too happy to acknowledge that you believe the ******* are too stupid to vote for the people who actually care about them, the party of whitey, AKA, the GOP. That is the dogma here...

Your words bro. I have never used that word to describe black people in my life.

Then I owe you a cookie. Good boy, people consider it to be a rude word but what's worse is meaning just that but being too PC to say it, like most, not all, here.
I don't even want to hear from you unless you're White.

The thread is titled "freedom of Speech Test" and the OP dictates a limit on freedom of speech.

But it gets funnier even further down!

The OP claims that he was banned from other forums because no one could refute his drivel!

The OP's avi is Adolf Hitler but the OP denies knowing about the Elders of Zion!

The OP claims that he has "heard of Stormfront" but doesn't want to post there because everyone agrees with him.

At this point it is patently obvious that we are dealing with a low IQ racist POS that doesn't deserve anything beyond outright mockery. Furthermore it won't last any longer than the rest of it's ilk does in this forum so definitely going to pull the chain and flush this turd!

What's so bad about finding people to disagree with me. The solution to that is simple enough. Prove me wrong. Take any point from my original post and tell me what you disagree with. But I guess you can't handle that part of it. You are a retard. I am ignoring you from here on out. Maybe you can convince others of your diseased views.
No, it's looking for like "thinking" people, to get it's "message" out and to try and goad those who disagree with it. Typical sociopath.

or that.

Sure, the guy's a loon.

I'm just beyond sick of the way Americans want to "ban" everything that annoys them.

We can ignore him or play with him. Whatever. But "banning" is cowardly.

Your avatar says that you are observing the decay. You're not observing it. You're part of it! How can you call anybody a loon who makes statements you can't make a logical argument against. I have thrown down a challange. Is that all you can do is throw down insults?
Your original post was spot on about LaRaza. Terrorist organization. Also, Jewish faith does have tremendous influence in the media. True.
You wrote quite a bit. I'll try to give a good response. First, you asked me what my solution is. That is a question that would probably take quite a thick book to answer. Also, anything I said on that point would just give non-Whites something specific to guard against. Another thing is that any suggestion that I made that was bennifical, the scum who favor integration would probably use it to support their own diseased points of view. Despite that, I do have some suggestions to make. Though they will be diffucult. Seeing how we're all basically glued together with money. Even if that money is basically worthless and increasingly becoming more so.
First, Whites should shun all non-Whites and everything they do. For example, even though I still disliked blacks, years ago I used to watch football. I asked this one White guy I knew why he didn't watch it. His response was that they were just a bunch of *******. And that he had theree different members of his family killed by *******. That got me to thinking, "Why in the hell am I watching it." I quit watching foorball. For those out there who like football, this may be hard to believe. But I don't miss it in the slightest.
Though it's been years, I may still eat a taco. But that is about as far as I am willing to take anything like that. As for such things, the cost to the White man for anything they have gained from having non-Whites around far outweighs the worth of those things.
You said in your response that I would probably disagree with your ideas on a new world government. Whatever they are. You're right. I probably would. I know the right way is through separation. Not intergration under some world government. Let the blacks do whatever in black land. Let the "Latinos" do whatever in 'Latino" land. etc. The White people should be allowed to do whatever in our own land.
Another thing you brought up is eliminating the welfare state. But I am not opposed to White people having a safety net for White people. You see, I used to be on welfare. What else is an unemployed person supposed to do. Sell himself into slavery? That may be the filthy, stinking bible's solution. But not mine.
As for being on welfare, they sure didn't make it easy for me. Even though I hardly got anything, the state at times made me work for my welfare. That meant that I had to take what little I had and use it to wash my clothes and myself more often, get lunches, etc. What a bunch of assholes! If the state wants to put me to work, put me to work! Don't just make me poorer! But what if you had a bunch of state employees doing something. Then the capitalist scum who make a living doing that thing would be driven out of business. Now as things turned out, the then govenor Engler ended welfare and I became homeless. I don't have the statistics to prove it. But almost cretainly the state ended up paying more by ending welfare. Because no doubt many of the over hundred thousand people who were thrown out on the street ended up going to jail. And it costs way more to keep somebody in jail than it does to give them welfare. I hope all this has been a reasonable reply.
What is this "test question" stuff. I'm not testing anybody. All I am doing is looking for logical debate. If you don't to voice a negative opinion about any point that I made, that's fine. But it would have been fun otherwise.

You wouldn't know logic or reason if it bit you in the ass.

You're trolling for a fight.

Go back to Stormfront, Adolf.
I am aware of stormfront. But I'm not a member. If anything, stormfront needs to join me. You then bring up me having something to learn. I am not a scientist. But in a philosophical sense, I know everything. That is why most of the people on this site insult me rather than debate me.
I don't even want to hear from you unless you're White.

The thread is titled "freedom of Speech Test" and the OP dictates a limit on freedom of speech.

But it gets funnier even further down!

The OP claims that he was banned from other forums because no one could refute his drivel!

The OP's avi is Adolf Hitler but the OP denies knowing about the Elders of Zion!

The OP claims that he has "heard of Stormfront" but doesn't want to post there because everyone agrees with him.

At this point it is patently obvious that we are dealing with a low IQ racist POS that doesn't deserve anything beyond outright mockery. Furthermore it won't last any longer than the rest of it's ilk does in this forum so definitely going to pull the chain and flush this turd!


one does not have to have a LOW IQ to be a racist pig.

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