A Freedom of Speech Test

You ever say something and wish that you could suck the words back into your mouth and pretend that nobody ever heard them? Well such a thing happened with me when I said that negroes voting for obama just because he was black turned the tide of the election. I in fact don't actually know if that is the case. How many blacks would have voted for the democratic ticket if obama wasn't running. Who knows. From your reply, it seems that 1964, around ninety three percent of blacks voted for the democratic ticket. I don't know why. Maybe they were promised their forty acres and a mule again. Or maybe they were told that Northerners would be helping to reimburse all the black people alive today for Southerners having made their ancestors slaves.
As I told PaintMyHouse, There is no telling how many blacks would have voted the democratic ticket if obama wasn't running. As I also said, maybe in 1964 they voted the democratic ticket in such large numbers because they were pronised their forty acres and a mule again. Or maybe they were told that Northerners would be helping to repay all the living blacks for the Southerners having made their ancestors slaves. Whatever the case, there must have been some sort of negro butt kissing going on. Would you care to keep harping on this topic, ot would you care to put your money where your mouth is and find another point from my original post to disagree with.
Quantum Windbag,
You weren't kidding with the handle you chose. As I said in my original post, insults come easier than reason. Especially when you aren't capable of reason. Thanks for letting me know where you stand. Now I can justt pass by anything I see written by Quantum Douchebag.

If you were half as smart as you think I am you would get the joke in my name. Since you didn't, I have no need to say anything in response to your childish attempt to insult me for pointing out your intellectual inferiority, which is common to all racist fuckwads.
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Excuse me for butting into your conversation. But in your discussion of race and racism, I see the word "belief" being thrown around a lot. But there things having to do with race and racism that have nothing to do with "belief." It is cold hard fact.
For example, negroes have longer arms and legs than Whites. They also have narrower hips. Negroes also have more of what are called quick reflex muscle cells. Apart from the painfully obvious general appearance of them, their are also slight differences in how the bodies in general are shaped. Negroes also suffer from some diseases that don't effect Whites. There are also some drugs that work on Whites that don't have the same effect on blacks. etc. No doubt there are some differences that even I don't know about. But it would be politically incorrect for most college professors to talk about.
The topic of superiority also came up. Show me one negro populated and run country in Africa that isn't screwed up. Also in the point of superiority, as I said in my post, Michael Jackson apparently made his choice. Even though he was black. Also, Geshas paint their face white. Actors used to often wear white makeup to hightlight their facial features. As you probably know, it used to be fashionable for people in Europe to wear white powered wigs. Also, blond is the most popular hair dye color.
Non-Whites also often do everything they can to look White. One example is negro women who straighten their hair. Or wear wigh with straightened hair. Also, there is something I have seen with my own eyes. Over ninety percent of the time, every time I see a negro male out anywhere with a female, it is a White female. Another thing is that my cousin is a musician. He told me of a black guy he knew that often went to see the band he was in play. This black guy was always with White girls. My cousin asked him once why he never saw him with a black girl. His response was, "What would I want one of those ugly things for." Do we need to speak more of White superiority?
When I brought up the freedom of speech test thing, I was referring to the likelyhood that I would get banned from this site. Like I have from many others. Or the site would close down the thread that I started. Which is also likely to happen here. With these people throwing around the N..... word. So to that degree, there is no such thing as freedom of speech. At least not on any of these types of web sites. Though "Freedom of Speech Forum" appears to be different. Problem is, that place is a ghost town.
Also on the topic of freedom of speech, let's look at the difference between displaying a Confederate flag vs. a Nazi flag. You know why you can display a Confederate flag without much problem? Because it may as well be a white banner with the words Negro (you know what I mean) Lovers printed on it in bold black letters. Because the ideology that was to come to be represented by the Confererate flag is what brought negroes to this country to begin with. And there were many brave but stupid people who fought under the confederate flag to keep negroes here. But display a Nazi flag, that's a whole different can of worms. It would seem that in that respect at least, you can judge how truthful something is by people's opposition to it.
As to what I can tolerate, there is a lot that I have no choice but to tolerate. As a "For example," out of zillions, look at the Jewish propaganda White bashing film "Pleasantville." According to it, without the negro influence in society, White people would be living in a bland, boring, repressed, balck and white world. Screw them! Boy do I wish I could fly a Nazi flag without being arrested or shot at. That is why I am a White separatist. And I don't mean separate but equal. I mean complete separation. There's something for non-Whites to try and tolerate.
I haven't been following the feud you and LordBrownTrout have been having too closely. But could you town it down a little. Using the word "******" is likely to get the whold thread closed.
Do wou think you could discuss things a little more calmly with PaintMyHouse? You're both throwing around the ****** word. This is likely to get the whole thread shut down.
The whole skin disease thing about Michael Jackson was likely just a cover story. If you weren't obviously a moron, you would know that. Also, what disease did his chin, nose, etc. have that they needed to be changed too. As to the rest, if it had been asked by a rational person and not one who gets a sick emotional thrill out of supporting a different species of human, (If you're even White) I would have answered you beyond your expecitations. But as it is, I'll just ignore you from here on out. F U too.
I'm not lonely. I just like poking a stick into the cage that holds the brainwashed monkeys and seeing them howl. Also, I can usually tell to some degree if somebody is White by how they respond to me. Though I know that there are non-Whites who ignored my request and responded to me anyway. Because being the parasites that they are, they can't help themselves. This is to be expected. Because parasites are the most common form of life on the planet. To some degree, we are all parasites. And living in a capitalist system, to some degree we are all whores too. But we have the mental ability to decide to what degree we decide to be those things.
I haven't been following the feud you and LordBrownTrout have been having too closely. But could you town it down a little. Using the word "******" is likely to get the whold thread closed.

I use it all the time, people here think the ******* are stupid. Not to worry.
You may not like what I have to say. But I have a right to say it. Now this is how I would like things to go. If you think I am wrong about a particular point that I make, tell me what it is and why you think it is wrong. I will tell you it isn't wrong. And so on. To keep things simple, please send a separate reply for each point that you disagree with.
First of all, I have heard some religious people basically say that they wouldn't mind seeing the world destroyed. Because that would mean that they would get to go to heaven and be with Jesus. For most other people, they operate by a similar principal. Which is not really caring what happens. As long as it happens to someone else. It's no wonder that people like lies so much. But get ready for some truth.
The rock bottom basis for true patriotism lies in what you are. Just as it is in the animal kingdom. Like it or not, there is no better species of human than the White species of human. (You know, like what Michael Jackson tried to make himself look like) Also, I am far from caring what other species of human may think about this. Just as a dog would likely be unconcerned with what a flea's feelings about things are. You may not believe it, but Whites can get along just fine without non-Whites around. And no doubt, much better. Despite what your Jewish slavemasters have brainwashed you to believe. Or their Christian lap dogs who believe that a good way to demonstrate the power of their god is to support the Jewish people. For all you White people out there, stick up for yourselves and support each other!
For example, look at the illegal invaders flooding over our southern border. I think the U.S. should start sending the ones they catch back over the border with catapults! (Land mines would be helpful also) That would slow down the invasion. This may sound harsh. But you'll likely find it difficult to stop desperate overbreeders without desperate measures. And the White species, along with the land that we occupy, are worth fighting for. No matter what the cost! Besides, the U.S. should be more than a dumping ground for illegal lowlifes who don't believe in population control. (If they've even heard of the term) I'm glad that we don't share a land border with places like China, India, Pakistan or Rwanda. Also, ever hear of a Mexican group called, "La Raza?" It means, "The Race." You can't get much more racist than that. Yet between Bill Gates and the U.S. government, that group has received over ten million dollars!
It's bad enough that so many traitorous companies started sending jobs overseas. Which caused so many more of the less traitorous companies to do the same, just to compete. We don't need these illegal scabs coming here to take what jobs are left. For you White people out there, (As well as other Americans) you should be concerned that these invaders are ultimately taking food out of your children's mouths. But if sticking up for what you are doesn't hold much interest for you, I don't suppose that sticking up for your children would hold much interest for you either. Which is the ultimate in pathetic. Unfortunately, the ruling elite capitalist scum who run this country just loves the shit out of scabs and wage slaves.
I have another example of racism for you. I was watching a news program once. (For as much as you can believe those) They were saying that when Obama was first running for president, blacks were registering to vote in larger than normal numbers. Both times Obama ran, he received over ninety five percent of the black vote. I would have to assume that the main reason for that was just because he was black. That sounds pretty racist to me.
For anybody who wants to respond to this post, I don't even want to hear from you unless you're White. Why? Because a bottle nose dolphins have no business telling spotted dolphins anything that has to do with what spotted dolphins do. Lynx have no business telling bobcats anything that has to do with what bobcats do. Mule deer have no business telling white tail deer anything that has to do with what white tail deer do. Etc. times millions. So non-Whites have no business telling Whites anything that has to do with what Whites do. Also, I know that insults come easier than reason. But please save any insults you have for somebody who cares. Another thing is that for those who disagree with me, it would be helpful for those with a doctorate degree to respond to me. Or anybody who has a high level of status quo entrenched, "Bo Peep" education. Because cutting the head off any political cult is a good place to start.

Proof positive that even the clinically insane has the right to free speech. And access to the internet....... From whichever asylum they're confined to....... :thup:
(Oh and that's not an insult, just an observation.)
What is it when White women are having sexual intercourse with members of the subspecies Homo Africanus? The words "Beastality" and "Abomination" come to mind.
From your avatar photo, I take it you're an native american. Or somebody who identifies with them. Guess what. I have a little injin blood in me too. I wish I could cut the filth out of me. No doubt you object to my idea about the use of catapults to help central american indians back across the border. But native inhabitants of the western hemisphere didn't treat each other much better. Some tribes would have wiped each other out if they could. And they were basically the same kind of people. I have heard of native americans skinning alive others that they captured with sharpened clam shells. Staking somebody out on an ant hill to slowly be eaten alive was another good one. It was also interesting how the Aztecs and probably others used to sacrifice their victims to their gods and cannibalize the leftovers. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.
So you can come down off your high horse. Maybe you don't know it, but White people aren't a part of the world population growth. Could it be that only White people know that there are already too many people on the planet for it to sustainably support? Given that and other things, do you really think White people are deserving to be bred out of existance? Also, in Canada, their native peoples are the fastest growing segment of their population. In the U.S., "Latinos" are the fastest growing part of our population. Is it any wonder why I would use a catapult to send the ones from south of the border back over the border. Though I might spare the children part of the catapult trip and use them as skeet!
Anyone want to take bets on how quickly the OP gets banned?


I'll go with a week.

I would hate to see that.

Why are so many people afraid of words?

Nothing is improved without open, honest, communication.

The "ignore" function works just fine for those who are somehow traumatized by this guy.

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From your avatar photo, I take it you're an native american. Or somebody who identifies with them. Guess what. I have a little injin blood in me too. I wish I could cut the filth out of me. No doubt you object to my idea about the use of catapults to help central american indians back across the border. But native inhabitants of the western hemisphere didn't treat each other much better. Some tribes would have wiped each other out if they could. And they were basically the same kind of people. I have heard of native americans skinning alive others that they captured with sharpened clam shells. Staking somebody out on an ant hill to slowly be eaten alive was another good one. It was also interesting how the Aztecs and probably others used to sacrifice their victims to their gods and cannibalize the leftovers. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.
So you can come down off your high horse. Maybe you don't know it, but White people aren't a part of the world population growth. Could it be that only White people know that there are already too many people on the planet for it to sustainably support? Given that and other things, do you really think White people are deserving to be bred out of existance? Also, in Canada, their native peoples are the fastest growing segment of their population. In the U.S., "Latinos" are the fastest growing part of our population. Is it any wonder why I would use a catapult to send the ones from south of the border back over the border. Though I might spare the children part of the catapult trip and use them as skeet!

Thank you for confirming my assessment. :thup:

The evening nurse should be around soon with your meds. Of course you could fix the problem and cut out the filth by giving yourself a copper jacketed lead brain probe, doing humanity a favor. Aim for your buttock.

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