A few question's for atheists ?

You're gonna have to be a little more specific please ?

I will say if a being was capable of creating the universe and life as we know it, i would say that being is indeed a God.

And if wishes were ponies we all would ride.

You still have not proven the existence of such a being.

If you have then please introduce me

Oh i have made you stop and ponder if God really exists or not,

No you haven't.
that alone should make you more open to whats written in the scriptures.

Scriptures are nothing more than a fairy tale. In fact we have tales even older than the bible.

I really thought most of you would catch on to what the bible said ten times in genesis alone.
'kinds produce after their kinds"

God's appearance will convince many in due time.

And what will you do when god doesn't show up?
And if wishes were ponies we all would ride.

You still have not proven the existence of such a being.

If you have then please introduce me

Oh i have made you stop and ponder if God really exists or not,

No you haven't.
that alone should make you more open to whats written in the scriptures.

Scriptures are nothing more than a fairy tale. In fact we have tales even older than the bible.

I really thought most of you would catch on to what the bible said ten times in genesis alone.
'kinds produce after their kinds"

God's appearance will convince many in due time.

And what will you do when god doesn't show up?

I'm not worried, but what will you do if he does show up ?

The bible gives us an answer.

Rev 6:15 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every freeman, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains.
Rev 6:16 And they said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him sitting on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb;
Rev 6:17 for the great day of His wrath has come, and who will be able to stand?

Well these fairytale scriptures have made some here look pretty foolish.
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Psa 53:1 A special psalm by David for the music leader. To the tune "Mahalath.") Only a fool would say, "There is no God!" People like that are worthless! They are heartless and cruel and never do right.
Oh i have made you stop and ponder if God really exists or not,

No you haven't.

Scriptures are nothing more than a fairy tale. In fact we have tales even older than the bible.

I really thought most of you would catch on to what the bible said ten times in genesis alone.
'kinds produce after their kinds"

God's appearance will convince many in due time.

And what will you do when god doesn't show up?

I'm not worried, but what will you do if he does show up ?

The bible gives us an answer.

Rev 6:15 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every freeman, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains.
Rev 6:16 And they said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him sitting on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb;
Rev 6:17 for the great day of His wrath has come, and who will be able to stand?

Well these fairytale scriptures have made some here look pretty foolish.

I've always said that if someone can give me proof that god exists then, being an empiricist I would have to believe.

But you cannot give me proof. You can quote some crap out of a book that has been translated and rewritten countless times but that wouldn't qualify as evidence in a court of law and certainly does not meet any scientific standards of proof.
No you haven't.

Scriptures are nothing more than a fairy tale. In fact we have tales even older than the bible.

And what will you do when god doesn't show up?

I'm not worried, but what will you do if he does show up ?

The bible gives us an answer.

Rev 6:15 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every freeman, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains.
Rev 6:16 And they said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him sitting on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb;
Rev 6:17 for the great day of His wrath has come, and who will be able to stand?

Well these fairytale scriptures have made some here look pretty foolish.

I've always said that if someone can give me proof that god exists then, being an empiricist I would have to believe.

But you cannot give me proof. You can quote some crap out of a book that has been translated and rewritten countless times but that wouldn't qualify as evidence in a court of law and certainly does not meet any scientific standards of proof.

The choice has been made a long time ago.

Joh 10:27 My sheep know my voice, and I know them. They follow me,
I don't think this thread is about atheism, or what they believe. It's about the author's need to convince himself there is a god. Well, good luck with that. Really.
I could not find the other website this one will have to do.

101 Scientific Facts & Foreknowledge

Ill dwell on these quotes later because, quite frankly, they are reaching. I looked up about 20 of them and they dont say what this guy is claiming.

JScott may i suggest using a dictionary and reasoning to try and understand what God was trying to say through a man over 3,000 years ago.

Man did not have the ability to know what was on the floors of the oceans.

Man did not have the ability to know if the earth was flat or round like the scriptures suggest.

Man did not have the ability to know there were underground springs in the oceans.

Man did not have the ability to know how the hydrologic system worked.

Man did not have the ability to know the universe was expanding.

So on and so on the bible declares these things long before man confirmed them. If this is not evidence of a divine being inspiring the bible then how did these men know these things ?

Says you and all the other creationists.
The human eye can see 2.9 miles on flat land and the distance around the earth roughly is 24,000 miles. You would have to be in a airplane at best to see the curvature of the earth. You definately won't see it from a mountain top on an island :lol:

Some people only think they're intelligent.

I'll try to make this easy for you. Looking out onto a clam sea one may not see an island 100 miles away. As one ascends up a mountain and periodically looks out the top of an island 100 miles away comes into view. the higher one climbs the more of the island comes into view. At 5,000 feet the whole island is in full view and the water right up to it. If the earth was flat the island would be in full view from a perch 100 feet up at the top of a tree. I don't know how to make this more easy to understand. The "island coming up over the horizon" is proof that the earth is curved.

You made it easy the first time around.

How did humans discover that the earth is round and not flat ?

well the earth is round known to the scientists but flat to some people as they can believe. humans discovered that the world is round and not flat from the astronauts and scientist as you think of the man who first went to the moon!
While it is true that men were not able to observe the complete globe until they traveled to space, a Greek astronomer calculated that the earth was actually round about 200 B.C.E. However, the fact of it's spherical shape was not generally accepted until almost a 1000 years later.
More fascinating than that though, is the knowledge that the shape of the earth was recorded in the Bible book of Isaiah about 750 B.C.E. He wrote at Isaiah 40:22 "There is One who is dwelling above the circle of the earth." The Hebrew word translated "circle" carries the meaning of a complete, or spherical circle.
Even before that, around 1500 B.C.E. Moses (who recorded the account of Job's trails) quoted Job's observation that God was "Hanging the earth upon nothing." (Job 26:7) This is clearly contrary to the common belief of the time that the earth was not only flat, but had to be supported by something, be it the god Atlas, giant elephants, or what have you.

Read more: Answers.com - How did humans discover that the earth is round and not flat

You give credit for humans discovering the earth is a sphere to THE BIBLE? What an idiot. There is nothing that can't be explained in your little comic book is there. Well ya can't have it both ways Sport. You claim people were smart in the time of Christ yet they were too stupid to see that the earth is curved for themselves and they needed a book full of gobbly gook to figure everything out. Christians and Muslims are all the same. You pride yourselves on your ignorance. How self serving of your vile religions.

There is a big difference between smart people and dumb people that you, being stupid, don't understand. People that never "get it" don't know what that is. People that do "get it" respect others that "get it" faster and with more clarity than they do because they know what it feels like to learn something new. They have learned the value of the ability to reason. They use these smarter people as a resource because they know that the group is stronger the less time it takes to figure things out. Stupid people will ask anyone for opinion on fact because they really believe that everyone is just as stupid and no more qualified to solve problems than they are. You are not only not smart...you have no clue what smart is. I'm satisfied that you are doing the best you can. Please don't bother me with your opinion. If I need help I will ask someone that has the abilities I lack.
Yeah The truth drives the atheist mad, it's really clear who the idiots are.

I will allow you the last words goodluck to you all.
Yeah The truth drives the atheist mad, it's really clear who the idiots are.

I will allow you the last words goodluck to you all.

He who knows nothing is closer to the truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods and errors.
Thomas Jefferson
Why do most atheists defend Neo-darwinism when Neo-darwinism can't give a logical explanation supported by evidence as to the origins of life ?

Why do they reject the possibility of creation ?

So, Adam fucked Eve...and we are all the incestuous offspring?
Why do most atheists defend Neo-darwinism when Neo-darwinism can't give a logical explanation supported by evidence as to the origins of life ?

Why do they reject the possibility of creation ?

So, Adam fucked Eve...and we are all the incestuous offspring?

Hate to break it to ya ,Which ever side you are on we are here because of incest.

Wow, the Sean Hannity formum had many more intelligent posters.
Yeah The truth drives the atheist mad, it's really clear who the idiots are.

I will allow you the last words goodluck to you all.

He who knows nothing is closer to the truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods and errors.
Thomas Jefferson

Now if you only understood what he meant. :razz:

Well, and I think many will agree, you fit that bill. You have filled your mind with the bible so much youve pushed reality right out. You think that people who have spent their whole lives seeking the truth are misfits. I find that irresponsible on your part. Ignorant.

You come here every day by computer, a thing developed by scientists and try to destroy what they do. Thats just dumb.
He who knows nothing is closer to the truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods and errors.
Thomas Jefferson

Now if you only understood what he meant. :razz:

Well, and I think many will agree, you fit that bill. You have filled your mind with the bible so much youve pushed reality right out. You think that people who have spent their whole lives seeking the truth are misfits. I find that irresponsible on your part. Ignorant.

You come here every day by computer, a thing developed by scientists and try to destroy what they do. Thats just dumb.

Hey J, i don't knock real scientist where did you ever get that idea ?

Only the ones not out for truth and are driven by an agenda. On a daily basis i make decisions that affect other people. This bible makes sure that i am fair and i do whats right. Am i perfect no way,but i try to be the best i can be and i think my friends and family benefit from me being a Christian as i also benefit from them being a Christian.

Notice that people in this thread did not get personal until things from the bible were being revealed and since i presented a strong argument with lots of evidence and some people felt so threatened by what was presented they go on the attack. I am inside your heads that is the reason for the attacks.

A poster earlier said it looks like i am trying prove God exists if he or she didn't see the evidence he or she would have not said what he or she said. He or she is just trying to convince himself i did a poor job. The mind is a powerful thing and absorbs information if it sends out a negative attack it's because the information caused the person to feel fear and that person gets in a defensive position. If there is no threat by my posts you guys wouldn't be getting in that attack mode.

The moral of this post if you want to appear to be winning the debate don't lash out with silly attacks,it just shows your argument has been weakened. Which is the case usually when i debate atheistic evolutionist,they act out of emotions and not out of rationale.
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Now if you only understood what he meant. :razz:

Well, and I think many will agree, you fit that bill. You have filled your mind with the bible so much youve pushed reality right out. You think that people who have spent their whole lives seeking the truth are misfits. I find that irresponsible on your part. Ignorant.

You come here every day by computer, a thing developed by scientists and try to destroy what they do. Thats just dumb.

Hey J, i don't knock real scientist where did you ever get that idea ?

Only the ones not out for truth and are driven by an agenda. On a daily basis i make decisions that affect other people. This bible makes sure that i am fair and i do whats right. Am i perfect no way,but i try to be the best i can be and i think my friends and family benefit from me being a Christian as i also benefit from them being a Christian.

Notice that people in this thread did not get personal until things from the bible were being revealed and since i presented a strong argument with lots of evidence and some people felt so threatened by what was presented they go on the attack. I am inside your heads that is the reason for the attacks.

A poster earlier said it looks like i am trying prove God exists if he or she didn't see the evidence he or she would have not said what he or she said. He or she is just trying to convince himself i did a poor job. The mind is a powerful thing and absorbs information if it sends out a negative attack it's because the information caused the person to feel fear and that person gets in a defensive position. If there is no threat by my posts you guys wouldn't be getting in that attack mode.

The moral of this post if you want to appear to be winning the debate don't lash out with silly attacks,it just shows your argument has been weakened. Which is the case usually when i debate atheistic evolutionist,they act out of emotions and not out of rationale.

On a daily basis i make decisions that affect other people.

That is a very disturbing thought. :eek:
Well, and I think many will agree, you fit that bill. You have filled your mind with the bible so much youve pushed reality right out. You think that people who have spent their whole lives seeking the truth are misfits. I find that irresponsible on your part. Ignorant.

You come here every day by computer, a thing developed by scientists and try to destroy what they do. Thats just dumb.

Hey J, i don't knock real scientist where did you ever get that idea ?

Only the ones not out for truth and are driven by an agenda. On a daily basis i make decisions that affect other people. This bible makes sure that i am fair and i do whats right. Am i perfect no way,but i try to be the best i can be and i think my friends and family benefit from me being a Christian as i also benefit from them being a Christian.

Notice that people in this thread did not get personal until things from the bible were being revealed and since i presented a strong argument with lots of evidence and some people felt so threatened by what was presented they go on the attack. I am inside your heads that is the reason for the attacks.

A poster earlier said it looks like i am trying prove God exists if he or she didn't see the evidence he or she would have not said what he or she said. He or she is just trying to convince himself i did a poor job. The mind is a powerful thing and absorbs information if it sends out a negative attack it's because the information caused the person to feel fear and that person gets in a defensive position. If there is no threat by my posts you guys wouldn't be getting in that attack mode.

The moral of this post if you want to appear to be winning the debate don't lash out with silly attacks,it just shows your argument has been weakened. Which is the case usually when i debate atheistic evolutionist,they act out of emotions and not out of rationale.

On a daily basis i make decisions that affect other people.

That is a very disturbing thought. :eek:

No Thats a good thought Huggy,i see there is a lot of you posters in need of my therapy as well.
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I'm not worried, but what will you do if he does show up ?

The bible gives us an answer.

Rev 6:15 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every freeman, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains.
Rev 6:16 And they said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him sitting on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb;
Rev 6:17 for the great day of His wrath has come, and who will be able to stand?

Well these fairytale scriptures have made some here look pretty foolish.

I've always said that if someone can give me proof that god exists then, being an empiricist I would have to believe.

But you cannot give me proof. You can quote some crap out of a book that has been translated and rewritten countless times but that wouldn't qualify as evidence in a court of law and certainly does not meet any scientific standards of proof.

The choice has been made a long time ago.

Joh 10:27 My sheep know my voice, and I know them. They follow me,

You can be a sheep if you want.

I refuse to be one.
I've always said that if someone can give me proof that god exists then, being an empiricist I would have to believe.

But you cannot give me proof. You can quote some crap out of a book that has been translated and rewritten countless times but that wouldn't qualify as evidence in a court of law and certainly does not meet any scientific standards of proof.

The choice has been made a long time ago.

Joh 10:27 My sheep know my voice, and I know them. They follow me,

You can be a sheep if you want.

I refuse to be one.

Skull you're making my point for me. I can't say if you have the right heart condition God only knows the answer to that question. The apostle Paul was a Jew and he hated and persecuted Christians,then one day the lord appeared to him and he went from killing Christians to being one. He even went to his fellow Jews with the message of Jesus and they thought he was nuts but he stood firm until death. So do you think Paul would have ever thought he would be a Christian ?
Since the bible "discovered" all these things so long ago, whats for the future? What technologies or discoveries are we yet to uncover?

What does the bible say about dark matter?

How about DNA sequencing? What will happen in the future with that?

When will man travel beyond our solar system?

It should all be there. I mean its the bible....inspired by God.....

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